Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 308: Tomb Sweeping

Brother An Chongqian and Yan Wei hadn't thought about the valley for a while, and they were shocked when they saw the weeds covering the road.

"The rumors are true!" An Zhongqian stood at the entrance - he thought it should be the entrance, because he could no longer recognize the place where he had lived for several years.

"It's not common, but it's not unusual. Remember? A senior brother once said that a few years ago, a small yellow flower suddenly bloomed on a nearby hillside and spread all over the mountain. However, the next year it disappeared completely, almost all of them disappeared. Duo didn't stay either." Yan Wei refused to admit the weirdness.

"However, it happened the first summer after my husband passed away. It's somewhat..."

"When Mr. Wang was alive, he was silent and his strength was chaotic." Yan Wei reminded.

An Zhongqian smiled awkwardly, "Being silent is not denying it."

One after the other, the two of them parted ways through the grass and entered the valley. Not far away, a man suddenly jumped out from the grass and blocked their way.

An Zhongqian walked in front and was so frightened that he almost knelt down. When he saw that the man looked familiar, he managed to stand still and suppressed his anger: "Why are you blocking the road?"

Chang Yan looked up and down, then glanced behind the guests. After confirming that there were only two of them, he said, "What are you doing by trespassing in Si Guo Valley?"

"Trespassing? Haha, the two of us were taught by the master in Siguo Valley and lived there for three to five years. Now that we came to visit our ancestor's grave, it turned out to be trespassing!" An Chongqian became even more angry.

"You can sweep the grave, but this place is owned by my son. It's like selling a house. No matter how long the original owner lives, once it is sold, he will be a guest again, and he will break in without notification."

An Zhongqian is an average eloquent person. When provoked, he can only sneer and cannot think of a suitable rebuttal.

Yan Wei behind him said, and recognized Chang Yan, "General Chang is right. The original owner of a sold house will be a guest when he comes back. But if the house is taken away by someone with an unjust name, it will be another time." It’s over.”

Chang Yan did not argue with him, but stepped aside and said, "Go and sweep the grave. If you want to argue about right and wrong, go find my young master."

The two of them walked in, and Chang Yan followed closely behind.

When they arrived in the valley, the two brothers recognized some of the past. They saw traces of fire everywhere and ravines around them. They couldn't help but feel heartache. They looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed.

The two of them walked quickly towards the tomb in the valley without stopping. An Zhongqian looked around as if he was looking for something along the way.

Chang Yan, who was still following behind, said: "Mrs. Feng has entered the city a long time ago, doesn't Mr. An know?"

An Chongqian snorted. Of course he had heard about Feng Juniang's whereabouts, but he just had a glimmer of hope that he would meet her here by chance.

When Chang Yan saw them heading straight to the cemetery, he stopped following them and turned around to do his own thing.

The area around the grave mound was also overrun by weeds, but it was actually quite clean. Apparently someone was weeding it frequently. The tombstones erected by the disciples of the Fan Sect were hidden by the grass, and you had to walk closer to find them.

The two took out the sacrificial objects, burned incense and kowtowed, then stood up and sighed together.

An Chongqian said: "Mr. should not have been buried here in the first place. I suspect...I suspect that Song Quezhu falsely conveyed his ancestor's will just to save himself trouble."

"Sir, before he died, only Junior Brother Song was left by his side, so he shouldn't have misjudged the person."

"It's hard to say, although it's a bit disrespectful, but I still have to say that Mr. was... a little confused before he died." An Chongqian lowered his voice, fearing that the ghost in the grave would hear him, "Song Qizhu is not even a real scholar. He came The purpose of becoming a disciple is to avoid disaster and to seek fame. Now that the goal has been achieved and I return to my hometown in Jingzhou, I will definitely use my husband as a banner to gain benefits for myself. Otherwise, how can I leave without even saying goodbye to my classmates? If there is an abnormality, there must be something strange.”

"Junior brother Song... is not very gregarious to begin with." Yan Wei is not familiar with Song Qizhu and is unwilling to defend him. "Whatever he does, it's just a weed here - after we go back, we have to have an explanation." ”

News of the unexpectedly lush weeds in Siguo Valley had reached the city and was aroused by everyone. The two of them came here just for this reason, and sweeping the grave was an excuse.

An Zhongqian looked around and saw no one else, so he whispered: "If you ask me, it must be Xu Chu who performed the magic."

Yan Wei frowned slightly, not believing this kind of thing. He couldn't directly refute it and asked, "Even if it's magic, why?"

"Uh...just like those monsters recorded in books. After occupying a lair, they always throw leftover bones nearby to add some bloody monster energy to drive away the pure Yang energy." An Zhongqian shuddered. , afraid that there is a monster jumping out of the grass.

"It's inappropriate. Not many people may believe such a statement. It also insults Mr.'s reputation - it is said that the daughter of the King of Jibei also lives here. It is even more inappropriate to spread such rumors."

The last reason was particularly powerful. An Zhongqian nodded, "It's indeed inappropriate, so what should I say? You can't say that it's just a coincidence that weeds grow randomly, right?"

Yan Wei also looked around, not looking for monsters, but observing the terrain, "I have an idea."

"You must have a good idea, let's talk about it."

"Celestial phenomena, humanities, and geography are all interconnected. Every move of emperors, generals, and ministers can affect the celestial phenomena. The influence of ordinary people is smaller, which often leads to monsters on the earth. For example, if an evil son is unfilial, young animals will be killed around him. A strange thing like a mother.”

"Hey, aren't you silent and powerful?" An Zhongqian mocked.

Yan Wei said with a serious expression, "This is not a supernatural theory. Heaven, man and earth are three elements. They are discussed by sages and recorded in classics. The court has officials dedicated to observing celestial phenomena. If there are strange things in a place, they must be reported to the emperor. The history books clearly record them for future generations to learn from. This is a serious and profound knowledge. When you were alive, you also did some in-depth research."

An Zhongqian bowed, "Junior Brother Yan is right. Then, the strange phenomena in this valley correspond to the evil deeds of ordinary people?"

"It must be so."

An Zhongqian got the hint and immediately realized, "Yes, Junior Brother Yan is right. The wild grass "occupies" the Siguo Valley. Isn't it corresponding to... him?"

An Zhongqian looked at the house in the distance. Although he didn't see anything, he knew that Xu Chu's residence was over there.

Yan Wei nodded, "Let's go back to the city, there is no need to say more, people with insight will understand the meaning."

"Yes, if Xu Chu is orthodox, the valley should be growing Ganoderma lucidum and fairy grass, not these wormwood. Hey, Xu Chu is smart, but he can argue with everyone, but he can't argue with the righteousness of heaven and earth. After we go back to the city, should we go to see Senior Brother Kou or Senior Brother Yin?"

"It must be Senior Brother Yin, his opinion is more important."

"But Senior Brother Yin seems... not to care about Xu Chu occupying the valley."

Yan Wei pulled out a wild grass that was nearly one person tall, "Let's urge Senior Brother Yin to come. Seeing this strange phenomenon, he can't help but believe it."

An Zhongqian nodded repeatedly, pulled out a grass, and went straight out of the valley without saying goodbye to the people in the valley.

Not long after the two left, Xu Chu came back from the back mountain carrying two buckets of water. Seeing the incense sticks that had not yet been extinguished in front of the tomb, he said, "Someone has been here."

Zhang Shiqing walked out from behind him, "It's neither Qingming nor Ghost Festival, who would come to sweep the tomb?"

"Mr. Fan has many disciples and friends all over the world, so anyone could come."

Xu Chu continued to move forward. Now he could carry all the way back without stopping to rest.

Zhang Shiqing had nothing in his hands, tied his hair tightly, no jewelry, and wore tight clothes and long pants for easy walking. If it weren't for the innocent arrogance on his face, he would have looked like a little maid doing hard work.

"So what? When he just passed away, there was a lot of pomp and circumstance, but it's been less than a year, and almost no one cares anymore. I've lived here for so long, and I only saw this tomb sweeping."

Xu Chu smiled but said nothing.

Zhang Shiqing didn't care about Fan Bi and continued, "The military reports of the past two days are dull. I guess the progress in Qinzhou has become smooth again. Although the bandit army occupied Xijing, they were short of food and horses, and the people were not attached. They certainly couldn't hold it, but gave the officers and soldiers the opportunity to catch them all. In my opinion, your wife was very confused to return to Qinzhou, and it was even more stupid to capture Xijing."

"I suggested that she attack Xijing directly." Xu Chu said.

"You are also confused sometimes." Zhang Shiqing didn't think Xu Chu was right in everything, "For example, you didn't want to be the King of Wu, but you had to come here to fetch water and chop wood. You were extremely confused."

"Haha." Xu Chu didn't want to argue.

"If the officers and soldiers can put down the rebellion, and the incident you mentioned happens again in Jiangdong, will Yecheng no longer need the cavalry of He Rong's army? Can my family send the little girl back to the frontier?" Zhang Shiqing only cares about this matter now. It is with this idea that she can live in this remote valley with peace of mind, reading the military reports with Xu Chu every day, and calculating the even more boring situation in the world from the boring text.

"This is the general trend, and we need to observe it further."

"Hey, that's not what you said before...what are you observing?"

"Bingzhou and Huaizhou."

"What's wrong with these two states? Didn't the Shen family and the Sheng family already surrender to Yecheng?"

"The surrender of the two families is a stopgap measure. The reason they are willing to suspend the war is all for their own benefit. The Shen family and the Xi family benefited from the suppression of the Jiangshi Army. The Sheng family was the happiest because of the chaos in Jiangdong. These three families can take advantage of the situation to expand their territory. Yecheng only gets a throne."

"Just a throne? Aren't you too ambitious?"

"If the world is unified, the throne is the highest. Now that there is unrest in all directions, the territory and the people are the most important. Those who get it will benefit."

"According to you, Huanyan is confused?"

"Not entirely. She must have a deeper plan, but it has not yet been revealed."

"Don't let it be that she needs to rely on He Rong's cavalry." Zhang Shiqing was most afraid of hearing this news.

"If we really want to fight for the world, nothing is impossible."

"How can Yecheng completely ignore He Rong's army?"

"If we can get one of the two states of Bing and Huai, Yecheng will have no worries and will be stable, and will not be restricted by He Rong's army."

"So troublesome? Huanyan has the ability to do this, right?"

"Things are unpredictable."

"Humph, you just won't tell me the truth."

Chang Yanzhi ran from a distance, and Zhang Shiqing shouted: "Who came to visit the grave just now?"

"An Zhongqian and Yan Wei."

Zhang Shiqing didn't know who these two people were, and didn't care, "Why did General Chang run so fast?"

"Big news." Chang Yanzhi panted, "The emperor of Jiangdong... the emperor..."

"Did the emperor die?" Zhang Shiqing asked happily, because it meant that his brother could ascend the throne.

Chang Yanzhi shook his head, "The emperor didn't die, but appointed Ning Baoguan as the general, gave him an army, and let him take back the East Capital!"

Xu Chu raised his eyebrows, and was also a little surprised by the news.

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