Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 305: Running Away

The new wife of the prince of Jibei was just fifteen years old and had just begun to speak the language of the Central Plains. Her favorite saying was: "My brother is about to become the Great Khan. When will you become the emperor?"

The person being asked was of course Zhang Shiyu. He would answer with a joke at first, but soon found that his wife was really asking about this matter. He had to use "It's hard to say" and "Don't talk nonsense" to prevaricate. In the end, he simply claimed that he was busy with military affairs and lived outside to avoid seeing the new wife.

The prince's wife felt that she was being ignored, so she asked her parents-in-law: "Why doesn't the prince always come home? Why hasn't he become the emperor yet? My brother is about to become the Great Khan. The person I marry must be the emperor. The prince is far from being an emperor."

The king of Jibei couldn't answer, and he didn't dare to offend his daughter-in-law, so he followed his son's example and fled the mansion and didn't return for several days.

The princess was alone and helpless, so she asked her daughter for help, which caused trouble.

Zhang Shiqing and her sister-in-law are of similar age and have similar temperaments. Her mother repeatedly told her daughter to be more tolerant and just stay by her side without even saying anything. She agreed verbally and knew in her heart that her sister-in-law had an extraordinary background and should not be offended. However, after meeting, she only tolerated her sister-in-law's first sentence, and then she couldn't help but retort.

"Your brother hasn't become the Great Khan yet. Even if he does, he is just a barbarian king outside the Great Wall. He can't be compared with the emperor. He is barely a match for our family. If my brother really becomes the emperor, he doesn't necessarily want you to be the queen."

Zhang Shiqing spoke quickly, and the prince's wife didn't hear it clearly, but she heard the last sentence clearly, and her face changed, "I married here to be the queen. My brother said..."

"What does your brother say? My brother also said that the new daughter-in-law should be gentle and virtuous, filial to her parents-in-law, generous and decent. I think you don't meet any of them."

The prince's wife was anxious and spoke a lot of native language, then turned around and left with a red face.

Zhang Shiqing was very proud, but the princess knew that she had caused trouble. "I was crazy, so I came to you. What did she say just now?"

"How should I know? It must not be a good thing. Since you don't understand, forget it."

No one present understood what the prince's wife said, but soon the news came that the prince's wife called the entourage and went straight to the stable to ride back to the frontier.

The mansion was in a mess. The princess personally persuaded her daughter-in-law to stay. The father and son of the King of Jibei also rushed back one after another, comforted, promised, swore, and even guaranteed with their lives.

The prince's wife finally calmed down a little and believed again that the prince would ascend the throne and become the emperor, and she would be the only queen. She finally put forward a condition: the little princess must come to apologize to her.

The prince's wife didn't know where she learned it from, and also called Zhang Shiqing the little princess.

The princess had asked her daughter to come and apologize, but Zhang Shiqing simply refused and said, "Let her go. Our family will not be bullied by the barbarian women outside the Great Wall."

The King of Jibei was eager to end this farce, so he ordered his daughter to come and apologize in the name of the king's father.

The entourage went and came back quickly, but Princess Fangde was not behind them.

The prince's wife did not run away, but the King of Jibei's daughter ran away.

Zhang Shiqing had never been so angry. She couldn't understand why her parents and brothers were afraid of an outsider, willing to be humiliated, and wanted her to bow her head and submit.

She didn't know the importance of this marriage, but she felt that there was no need to be humble. It was obviously a marriage that was beneficial to both parties, so why should her family appear inferior?

Zhang Shiqing ran to the house of her closest friend and stayed there for only one night. Her friend and her mother knelt down and begged her to go home. They didn't dare to take in the princess anymore.

Zhang Shiqing was even more angry. After thinking about it, there was only one person in the city who dared to take him in, so he ran to see Princess Huanyan.

Princess Huanyan did let her in, but her words after meeting were exactly the same as those of the Jibei Wang family, "You have to go back and apologize to the prince's wife and ask for her forgiveness."

"Why? Once the Emperor of All Things dies, will our Zhang family immediately fall to the point of relying on the barbarians?"

"That's right." Princess Huanyan had no intention of hiding her current predicament, "Even if you are still a child, you must understand that the days before will not come again. Our Zhang family will have to endure a few years or even longer of suffering. Even if we restore the world one day, we must remember the lesson and never act recklessly again."

Zhang Shiqing looked at her aunt in surprise, as if she was a stranger, "You have changed, everyone has changed."

"You have to change too. The He Rong tribe is extremely important to Yecheng. If we don't win them over, the Bingzhou Shen family will win them over, and then the Zhang family will lose even this only foothold."

"Okay, I'll go home and apologize to that little barbarian girl."

"When it comes to being unruly, who can compare to you?" Princess Huanyan said with a smile.

Zhang Shiqing said unconvincedly: "I am not unruly, I act in a reasonable way, if you don't believe me, go and ask."

"Well, in that case, you should pretend to be good, go home and comfort your sister-in-law, and let her stay happily."

"But she is really disgusting."

"I understand, that is why the Zhang family needs your help. I will send someone to send you back."

"No, it will seem like I am being escorted back, I will go by myself."

"Eat something before you go. Alas, it is hard for you, you have to endure these things at such a young age."

"How many years older are you than me? Anyway, I am used to it. Didn't my family force me to get married? I was younger then." Zhang Shiqing burst into tears.

Princess Huanyan ordered people to bring various snacks and comforted her niece in a soft voice.

"It's all his fault." Zhang Shiqing said while eating, tears still on his face.

"Who do you blame?"

"It's him. If he hadn't killed the Emperor of All Things, nothing would have changed now." Zhang Shiqing said angrily.

"He's your husband."

"So what? He married me with bad intentions. Humph, sooner or later I will cancel this marriage."

Princess Huanyan said seriously: "Remember Prince Duan?"

"How could I forget? I will never forget him in my life. He is the best. Unfortunately..." Zhang Shiqing couldn't continue. Prince Duan was the most loved by the Emperor of All Things, but he died at the hands of the Emperor of All Things.

"So you should understand that nothing is constant. If he hadn't stabbed me, the Emperor of All Things might not have died, but our situation would not necessarily be better than it is now."

Zhang Shiqing had nothing to say, and said when he said goodbye: "I want to see Sister Feng."

"I'll ask her to take you out of the house."

Feng Ju Niang took Zhang Shiqing's hand and sent her out. Along the way, she said the same thing as Princess Huanyan, but more tactful, and even made the little princess laugh.

After getting on the carriage, Zhang Shiqing asked through the window: "Sister Feng said before that Xu Chu would come to the city, why hasn't he come yet?"

"The young master is too stubborn and refuses to come to the city."

"He still refuses? Does he not want to see me?"

"Of course not, the young master is worried that he will cause trouble for the little princess."

"Anyway, we have been married and reunited as husband and wife, what's the trouble?"

Feng Ju Niang smiled and said: "The young master once rebelled, and he is afraid that this reputation will damage the reputation of the little princess's family."

"So that's the case. Seeing that he is timid and fearful of doing things, he can't rebel. Okay, I'm leaving. Sister Feng, come to me often when you are free."


The carriage drove out of the Xiangdong Palace, and Zhang Shiqing was silent. Not long after, the carriage suddenly stopped, and there was a faint noise outside.

The maid Binfen poked her head out to check the situation, but quickly pulled it back, "The road is blocked."

"By whom?"

"It looks like it's a soldier."

"Most of the Jizhou army is fighting in Qinzhou - and it's broad daylight, how dare the soldiers block the road in the street?"

Binfen poked her head out again and looked for a while, "They are not our Jizhou soldiers, but soldiers from outside the Great Wall. They are probably buying things, and they have many horses with them, so they blocked the road."

Zhang Shiqing's anger, which he had suppressed with great difficulty, jumped up again, "What's wrong with Huanyan? She is harsh to her family, but indulges outsiders?"

The street was not blocked for long, and the carriage continued to move forward. Zhang Shiqing changed his mind and said to Binfen, "Tell the driver, let's go out of the city."

"Out of the city? Where to?"

"Siguo Valley."

"Oh." Binfen obeyed her master's orders, neither persuading nor asking more questions, and immediately poked her head out again to tell the driver the new location.

The driver was a little vague, but he didn't dare to disobey the princess's order. Fortunately, there was another companion following the car. The two of them discussed in a low voice. The companion quietly jumped off the car halfway and ran to the Jibei Palace, while the driver drove the car slowly.

It was already far out of the city when someone caught up with them. However, they did not come to persuade Princess Fangde to go home, but to convey the order of the King of Jibei, asking her to "reflect on her mistakes" and bring several boxes of items hastily prepared by the princess.

Zhang Shiqing burst into tears in the car.

It was impossible to turn back, so he had to keep going. When he was about to reach the valley entrance, Zhang Shiqing stopped crying, wiped the tears from his face, and said to Binfen: "In order to please the barbarian girl, my family drove me out. I will make them regret it, and everyone will regret it."

"Your Highness, the Princess and the Prince will definitely regret it. Maybe they will send someone to invite the princess home tomorrow."

"I'm not talking about this kind of regret." Zhang Shiqing looked serious, but he didn't think about what kind of "regret" he was talking about.

The car stopped, and the driver said outside: "You can't go forward. I'll ask the people inside to come out and pick you up."

Binfen looked outside and said in surprise: "Is this still the Siguo Valley? Why is there grass everywhere? There is no road."

"If the car can't go in, just go in. What's there to greet?"

Zhang Shiqing got off the car and walked in front with Binfen. The driver and the followers who came later each carried a bag, and the rest had to be carried by the people in the valley later.

The road was not long, but you had to be careful of the weeds on both sides. Those grasses seemed to sway in the wind and were very weak, but they were actually quite rough. It was itchy and painful when they scratched your skin.

The more Zhang Shiqing walked, the colder her heart became, but there was no way back, so she had to bite the bullet and move forward.

She finally saw a bright future in front of her eyes, and heard laughter in her ears.

Last time, her husband was still sitting on the mat, looking half dead, but now he was grilling meat with a group of people shirtless and drinking big bowls of wine, like an unrestrained robber.

Seeing the young princess and her maid, everyone was shocked. They dropped their wine and meat and ran back to the house to find clothes.

Xu Chu was also shocked. Fortunately, he was still wearing his coat. He just had to put down his sleeves and walked quickly to greet them, "You... why are you here?"

Zhang Shiqing said coldly: "Aren't you very smart? Then help me chase away that little barbarian girl."

"Little barbarian girl?"

"What kind of meat is being roasted? What kind of wine is being drunk?" Zhang Qiuqing looked around. The snacks she had eaten at Princess Huanyan's place had already been consumed. She was hungry again.

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