Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 300: Trapping and killing

Dai Pohu hid himself in the bushes, turned his head slightly, and said to the two people behind him: "Please wait here, I will go in to find Wang Pei. If he can succeed, it will save a lot of trouble."

"Old Dai, we believe in you. Don't be so mean. King Xiong is so kind to you. As long as you bring back King Wu's head, you will be the second king..."

"I know, you don't have to remind me once a day." Dai Pohu said impatiently.

"Hey, before you see the head, it's always right to remind you a few times. Go ahead and let's wait here. Did you see the moon? When it rises right above the tree, we won't wait and go straight in to get the Wu King’s head.”

"If I could get King Wu to write a letter of divorce..."

"What kind of divorce letter do you want? It's easiest to take the head back and make the Golden Saint give up."

"Yes, yes." Dai Pohu didn't want to get entangled with these two people, so he muttered a few perfunctory words and quietly went down the mountain. When he stopped in the valley, he had already figured out the path and knew how to avoid sight.

It was quiet in the valley, and there were no guards. Dai sighed lightly and muttered: "King Wu, King Wu, don't blame me for this. You handed over the throne yourself, retreated to this ghost place, indulged your subordinates, and never set up guards. , give others an opportunity - if we don't do it tonight, someone will come and kill you in the future. "

When he arrived at King Wu's residence, he saw a dim light inside and did not dare to go in. He squatted under the window and listened.

Someone spoke in the room, and it was neither King Wu nor Wang Pei.

The woman's voice was obviously that of Feng Juniang, "Hey, we live well here, why would we leave? Once again, life or death will be unpredictable."

The other voice sounded familiar to Dai Pohu, and it should have been Chang Yan, "The King of Wu is not a thing in the pond. This time he comes out of the mountain, he will surely sweep the world. How can you say life and death are unpredictable?"

When Dai Pohu heard that King Wu was actually coming out of the mountain, he was shocked and listened more seriously.

"There are always casualties in wars. King Wu is not a god. How can he guarantee that he will not encounter any danger? When he was in Dongdu, he almost died several times."

"Haha, this time is the same as the other. In the east capital, the King of Wu was isolated and helpless. He repelled one wave and another, and the dangers were endless. But it is different now. Qin and Hebei have joined forces, and the King of Wu has two With the help of his wife, who else in the world can be the rival of King Wu?”

Dai Pohu was even more surprised.

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "That's the truth. Haha, I was thinking about how surprised the people of the world would be when they found out that King Wu did not really retire, but just used this as an excuse to come to Yecheng to persuade the two kings of Eastern Hunan and Jibei to defect. ?”

"Except for the King of Wu, no one can do such a thing. If it were not for his son-in-law status, he would not be able to persuade the King of Jibei."

Dai Pohu's ears were pressed so tightly against the wall that they almost bled, but he didn't care at all.

"It's a pity that General Dai left a little early. After a day or two, he can go to Qinzhou with us." Chang Yan said.

"There is no way. The news cannot be leaked in advance. Besides, General Dai and the Wu people want to kill the Golden Saint. How can the King of Wu trust them?"

"I'm from Wu, and I don't want to harm the Golden Saint. I believe that only a very small number of people really have this intention, and it won't happen at all, so King Wu is not worried at all. I know General Dai's character better, and he has soft ears. A little bit, but he has great loyalty and is really loyal to King Wu. When King Wu comes out again, he can be summoned with just one word."

"It's hard to say, after all, you know people but don't know faces." Feng Juniang still had doubts about Dai Pohu.

"Just wait. You have also seen what happened to Wang Peile when he heard that King Wu was coming back from the mountain - what did he say to King Wu, did you hear it?"

"No, the King of Wu didn't let me stay with him. But Wang Pei must have said something important. The King of Wu is very satisfied with him, but why is the King of Wu in a hurry to go to Yecheng? Isn't he going to join the Jizhou Army tomorrow? ”

Dai Pohu didn't listen any more. He bent down and quietly left the window. He was extremely shocked by the news he just heard, and he was still a bit complaining. Wang Pei actually "betrayed" him, but he still had a chance. King Wu Since I can forgive Wang Pei, I can also forgive him, as long as he can show more loyalty.

He never thought there was anything wrong with those words coming from Feng Juniang and Chang Yan's mouths. The King of Wu was the King of Wu, and his actions were always unexpected, and he was the only one who could convince the two wives to join forces.

"No wonder King Wu ordered the Golden Saint to return to Qinzhou. It turned out that she wanted to share the things. It's awesome, it's awesome." Dai Pohu whispered to himself and quietly returned to the hiding place of Xiong Nandi's two men.

"Where is the head?" someone asked immediately.

"Wang Pei captured the King of Wu alive, and he is at the foot of the mountain."

"What are you doing? We've all been captured alive, why don't you cut off the heads and bring them up? Didn't we already agree?"

"Don't be weird, you two. King Wu is our old master after all. Wang Pei can't do anything. I'm... a little vague. Killing the master is not a good reputation. You two have never been the subordinates of King Wu. You can..."

"Okay, I understand, it's really troublesome to take us down. You still claim to be a hero in Jingzhou. You can't kill anyone for free. What about the old master? You dare to rebel, but you are afraid... Hey, what are you doing..."

Dai Pohu was holding a short knife and had already chopped down one person. The other was frightened and hurriedly reached out to draw the knife, but the bushes were too tight and he couldn't use it. As soon as he pulled out half of the knife, the short knife had already pierced his heart.

Dai Pohu killed two people in a row, spat on the ground, and cursed a few words, "Say that I'm not a good man, go and complain to the King of Hell. That's bullshit, one against ten, why don't you let me stab each one?"

Dai Pohu was originally a bandit. Once his knife was stained with blood, he no longer had any fear in his heart. He put away his short knife, picked up a waist knife from the ground, cut off the head of the person he disliked the most, grabbed the hair and held it in his hand, crossed the ridge, and went to meet up with another group of companions.

There were a total of ten people on this trip, and there were six more behind the ridge, guarding the horses and monitoring the road. They would set off immediately after seeing the head of the King of Wu and flee Jizhou overnight.

Among the six people, two were Xiong Nandi's subordinates and leaders. When they heard someone walking through the bushes, they whispered, "I will be the first Maitreya to come to the world."

Dai Pohu did not give a signal, but said directly, "I am Dai Pohu, and the head is here."

"Why are you the only one back? Where are the third and fourth brothers?"

"King Wu had some jewels, and the two of them and Wang Pei insisted on taking them, so I came back first."

"You are still greedy at this time - we all came together this time, and everyone who sees it will get a share. Let me see what King Wu looks like, and how he compares to my King Xiong. They all say he is a pretty boy...ah!"

Dai Pohu threw the head to the man, who caught it in his hand. He could see clearly in the moonlight that it was the "third brother" who came with him, and he couldn't help but scream.

When Dai Pohu threw the head, his knife had already followed up and stabbed a hole in the stomach of the person holding the head.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other person turned around and ran down the mountain. Dai Pohu said to the remaining four people: "I have always been loyal to the King of Wu and have never changed my mind. If you are like me, go and kill this man, take the head, and follow me to see the King of Wu."

Among the four people, two were originally Dai Pohu's subordinates and always obeyed his orders. The other two were Wu people who had always been hesitant about betraying the King of Wu. After hearing this, they immediately drew their swords and turned to chase the escapees.

Not long after, the four people came back with the heads, and Dai Pohu also held two heads in his hands, "Let's go, follow me to see the King of Wu."

"Will the King of Wu accept us?" A Jingzhou person asked carefully.

"We have come all the way to seek refuge, and the King of Wu will definitely accept us."

"Will we stay here in the future and never go out again?"

"Of course, this matter must be decided by the King of Wu. Whatever he says, it will be." Dai Pohu was cautious and did not tell what he heard in the valley.

Xiong Nandi's men had been killed, and the four had no choice but to leave their horses behind and follow Dai Pohu over the mountain to see the King of Wu. On the way, they chopped off another head.

Dai Pohu was righteous and did not want to sneak into the valley. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he shouted to the room in the distance: "Old general Dai Pohu, please see the King of Wu!"

Someone came out from behind the house immediately, which was earlier than Dai Pohu expected.

Chang Yanzhi was the only one who shouted, "How many heads did General Dai bring?"

Dai Pohu was stunned, and immediately understood that Wang Pei must have revealed the truth. Fortunately, he arrived not too late. "Four heads. Xiong Nandi's men were all killed. Please take me to see King Wu. I have something important to say to King Wu."

"Mr. Xu has rested. General Dai can come another day."

"Well? King Wu is not going to Yecheng... My business is very important. I have to see King Wu immediately."

"Mr. Xu knows what you are going to say. Let me tell General Dai: Thank you for killing the thieves. He still remembers General Dai's many contributions, so he will not pursue your betrayal this time."

"I didn't betray. I brought heads... Don't just listen to Wang Pei's one-sided words." Dai Pohu hurriedly argued.

"Haha, the valley is lonely. Master Xu can bear it, and we can bear it too, but General Dai may not."

"What do you mean? The King of Wu is not..."

"There is no King of Wu here, only Master Xu, and there will be no King of Wu in the future. Wang Pei has already left, General Dai, please find your own way, I'm sorry I can't see you off."

Dai Pohu finally came to his senses, surprised, ashamed, angry... mixed feelings in his heart, he shouted, turned around and ran into the mountain, and after a few steps, he threw away the head in his hand.

The four people behind him didn't understand, but they also knew that there was a trick. After a little hesitation, they ran away one after another, and after entering the mountain, they ran in different directions.

Chang Yanzhi called out his companions, "Pick up the bodies, General Dai did the dirty work, we do the hard work."

Four bodies and four heads were buried in the back mountain. Dai Pohu and others ran in a hurry, and didn't take a horse with them. Chang Yanzhi untied the reins and went back to the valley.

It was late at night, and the people in the valley were still awake, especially Feng Ji Niang, who had been waiting. As soon as she saw Chang Yanzhi, she asked, "What happened?"

"Mrs. Feng has a good plan. All four of us are gone."

"It's a pity that the young master is soft-hearted, otherwise he could have caught them all in one fell swoop. Now, let Dai Po Hu go, which may be a hidden danger in the future."

"I think Dai Po Hu will be embarrassed to come here again in the future." Chang Yanzhi smiled, and then sighed, "Who would have thought that even General Dai and Wang Pei... Wang Pei is from Wu."

"You should get used to this kind of thing. Where is Tian Jiang? Did you see him?"


Feng Ji Niang was full of doubts and still worried about Tian Jiang.

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