After not leaving the house for too long, Xu Chu was exhausted after only walking a few miles. He returned to the room and sat on the mat to rest. He really had no thoughts in his mind - it turns out that fatigue is more effective than meditation. good.

Tian Jiang came in first, "There are guests who want to see you."

"Please come in." Xu Chu stood up, left the table and put on his shoes.

Tian Jiang was slightly surprised, "Congratulations."

"Huh? Well, this, 'must work your muscles and bones and starve your body and skin first' seems to make sense."

Tian Jiang was not interested, "The guest is Dai Pohu. By the way, Mrs. Feng won a great victory, but the victory was not glorious."

"Each one has his or her own unique skills. If we compete in glory, who can be Kou Daogu's opponent?"

"It turns out that the only thing you removed was the king's title."

"Haha, it's easy to change a country, but it's hard to change one's nature."

Tian Jiang turned around and went out, and soon led Dai Pohu back.

Dai Pohu took two steps forward and called him "King Wu". He was about to kneel down, but Tian Jiang supported him and said, "I warned you before."

Dai Pohu did not kneel down, but still looked a little excited, "No matter when and where, the King of Wu will always be the King of Wu, and I will not change my mind."

"You will be very disappointed." Xu Chu said with a smile, "Let's go out for a walk."

"Yes." Dai Pohu was still as respectful as before.

There were two people outside the house. When they saw Xu Chu, they also knelt down, but they were stopped by Tian Jiang. Xu Chu still had an impression of them. He remembered that one was from Jingzhou and the other was from Wu, so he called them by name and exchanged greetings. After a few words, he took them to the next door and asked them to drink the water from the stream he picked out.

The three guests were a little embarrassed and reluctantly gave a few compliments after drinking water.

Xu Chu took them to wander in the valley without asking their purpose. On the way, he met Chang Yan and asked him to hold a banquet and welcome the guests later.

Dai Pohu wanted to speak several times, but Xu Chu interrupted him in advance. He talked about the weather and the scenery for a while. He had lived in the valley for more than a month and had never been to many places. Everything he saw was new.

"This is the tomb of the famous scholar Fan Guan."

"Ah, I heard his name in Jingzhou." Dai Pohu was originally a hero in Jingzhou, half citizen and half bandit. Although he knew Fan Guan's name, he had no respect for him. Seeing that the King of Wu did not salute, he also wanted to I didn't want to express anything, I just replied casually.

"On the day I arrived, Mr. Fan passed away. Before his death, he left me a message - just wait."

"I can't wait, if King Wu doesn't come out of the mountain..." Dai Pohu thought he was being asked to wait.

"Don't be anxious." Xu Chu said with a smile, "The banquet must be over. Let's go have a drink. I haven't drank for a long time."

Dai Pohu and others came with high hopes, but when they saw King Wu's appearance, they were somewhat disappointed.

Chang Yan and others were extremely happy. Firstly, they saw their old friends again, secondly, Feng Juniang won a great victory, and thirdly, Mr. Xu was finally willing to walk out of the room. They were all happy together. They took out the best food and wine and placed several tables in the open space. The old servant said "waste", but opened the warehouse and watched them move away the stored items.

Rain can moisturize things, and wine can moisturize the heart. After a few glasses of wine, the guests and hosts will enjoy themselves, and Dai Pohu will no longer feel coldly treated.

Chang Yan and others were very concerned about the movements of the rebels. Dai Pohu held back his words and took the opportunity to pour out his words: "It is rumored that the Golden Saint was defeated in Qinzhou. In fact, that is not the case. Who is the Golden Saint? Is she someone who will lose when she says she will lose and retreat when she says she will? In that battle, she deliberately failed to win and pretended to be defeated. In fact, there were very few casualties. The Golden Saint made a clever plan to lead troops to attack Xijing. She said that she would surrender. If the Shijun goes straight to Xijing, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of all parties. Now that we are going in the name of a defeated army, outsiders will think that we are fleeing, and there will be less vigilance. "

"So that's it. I'm just saying, how could the World Army led by the Golden Saint be defeated by the New Army? How many battles have we fought, and how many have the New Army fought?" People in Changyan still used to call "we", referring to the New Army. The World Army is called the "New Army".

"The Golden Saint was known for her bravery and fearlessness in the past, but now she can also use tricks, and she is both wise and brave!" someone praised.

"Did Xijing be captured?"

"When I left, the Avatar Army had not yet arrived at the Xijing City. It should be almost there now. Maybe while we are drinking, the Golden Saint has already led her troops into the city."

"Sure, come on, let's wish Golden Saint Girl immediate success!"

Chang Yan and others originally loved drinking, and would have a few drinks no matter what, but now that they had an excuse, they wanted to have fun even more.

Xu Chu only drank two drinks, said goodbye and went back to his room. Without him, everyone could be free from restraint.

As the sky grew dark, Xu Chu sat on the table, listening to the noise outside, and his mood became more peaceful.

Feng Juniang walked in quietly. She did not participate in the banquet, but she held a pot and cup in her hands. She sat down at the table and said with a smile: "I have to offer you a drink."

Xu Chu shook his head, "It's been too long since I drank. The few drinks I had just made me dizzy."

Feng Juniang filled two glasses and said, "This one I propose is different."

Xu Chu picked up a glass and brought it to his mouth. He didn't smell the wine and knew it was water, so he took a sip and said with a smile: "It's really different."

"This cup is to thank Young Master for saving your life?"

"Life-saving grace? The person who stopped the two evil servants for you was Tian Zhuangshi, not me."

"It's different. Those two people don't have swords in their hands. Even if they rush forward, they can't kill me for a moment. The people in the valley will save me. It's true that the field craftsman saved me from humiliation. The young master's few words of advice are all. Really saved my life.”

"Well deserved." Xu Chu didn't feel that his "advice" was so powerful.

"Kou Daogu is very capable and indeed not an ordinary person. I fell into the trap he set with his words. I panicked and was pursued by him while I was victorious. I might actually commit suicide to apologize. If I didn't commit suicide, it would be even worse. It was the Young Master who reminded me. Me, let me see that I clearly have the upper hand, why should I be afraid? In fact, I did win."

Feng Ju Niang's face was like a spring breeze and she kept talking. Xu Chu sat opposite and listened quietly, occasionally taking a sip of water.

"Actually, I also saw Kou Daogu's tricks. I always wanted to drag him into the game, but I was too cautious and didn't realize that the 'argument' itself was his game. The longer the debate went on, the less I was my opponent. I had to jump out and use The methods I am good at leave him speechless..."

Even as she kept talking, Feng Juniang could still notice that there was no water in the cup and always filled it up on time.

The noise outside became louder, but Feng Juniang turned a deaf ear and continued: "Mr. Fan is the real smart man. After arguing once, he refused to argue again. The young master is also a smart man. Looking back carefully, every answer you gave that day was actually an avoidance. It's so sharp. But I don't quite understand why Mr. Fan doesn't directly point out Kou Daogu's flaws, but would rather be said to be inferior to his apprentice in argumentation?"

Xu Chu finally had a chance to speak: "Because some people are always criticized for their actions, and some people talk only to criticize others."

"The former is Mr. Fan, and the latter is Kou Daogu?"

"Well, Mr. Fan is practicing his own way. He would rather be misunderstood than argue with words. Therefore, his advice to everyone in his later years is to 'do things', even if there are loopholes all over the body, even if he encounters thousands of accusations. , but also to ‘do things’ first.”

Feng Juniang let out a long oh, "Then Young Master...isn't this trip in vain? You were just doing things when you were King of Wu, and you were criticized a lot. You gave up the title of king and came here to ask, I hope..." Figure it out', the result..."

Feng Juniang smiled, Xu Chu gave up "doing things" and came to ask, but the answer he got was still "doing things".

Xu Chu also laughed, "It's not in vain. There is only one way, but there are thousands of things. It makes a big difference whether you do something or not. Although Mr. Fan is no longer here, I understand at least one truth from this: I am not the king. The director is not what I really want. Mr. Fan asked me to 'wait', not to wait for his answer, nor to sit here and wait for enlightenment, but to let me choose the opportunity. "

Feng Juniang laughed twice, "Young master once said that the words of fortune-tellers are often ambiguous, and it is up to the other party to think whatever they think. Mr. Fan's words of 'wait a little longer' are not just two-way, but ten or one hundred things."

"I choose the 'Yike' that suits me best."

"I also follow the example of Young Master and choose to believe that I am destined to be rich."

The two looked at each other and smiled. Feng Juniang suddenly sighed, "I understand the truth, but I am still a little disappointed. Why...why didn't Kou Daogu stick to the only way and set an example for the world? Even though he won, he still saw him clearly. But I regret it. If I really have a choice, I would rather lose to him and bow down before him willingly."

Xu Chu looked behind Feng Juniang.

Feng Juniang stood up and said with a smile: "Everyone wants to be worshiped, and they also want to worship others. No wonder everyone is confused."

Dai Pohu was confused and laughed perfunctorily, "Is King Wu free now? I have something to say to King Wu."

Feng Juniang resigned, and Dai Pohu came to the table and knelt down.

Xu Chu said: "Please take a seat."

"Your Majesty, King Wu, how can I..."

Xu Chu turned sideways and expressed that he would not accept the kneeling and would not listen to his words.

Dai Pohu had no choice but to wait for a while, so he had to take off his boots, sit in the corner, and apologize, "I was in a hurry, and I haven't washed my feet for several days."

Xu Chu straightened up and said with a smile: "It's okay. General Dai, please tell me if you have anything to say."

The door was open. Dai Pohu glanced outside, listened for a while, and after confirming that no one was eavesdropping outside, he said, "Has King Wu rested enough?"

"Please don't call me 'King Wu' again. I'm not here to rest."

Dai Pohu looked very confused, "If you want to be king, why don't you live in a small valley? I heard some things on the road, and Yecheng doesn't really accept them... Mr. Xu, if something happens, it must be eradicated. It’s not good for the young master.”

"But you're still here."

"I have to come because some things can only be solved by Mr. Xu himself."

Xu Chu did not respond. Dai Pohu took two steps forward on his knees and whispered: "The new army has a leader who is very difficult to defeat. He is highly skilled in martial arts, brave and good at fighting. He has hundreds of thousands of troops under his command. All the new armies are afraid of him. That's it. This tough man claims that as long as the Golden Saint is willing to marry him, he is willing to turn his enemies into friends and merge the old and new armies into one."

"Well, I've heard about that."

"Mr. Xu, have you heard that the Golden Saint is going to agree to the marriage?"

Xu Chu shook his head.

"Did you hear that the Wu people in the Advent Army are extremely dissatisfied with this and want to launch a mutiny to kill all the leaders of the Advent Army?"

Xu Chu still shook his head.

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