Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 30 Empty Words

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"If my guess is correct, Hong Daohui has already confessed."

Seeing Lou Chu say this with great seriousness, Ma Wei found it funny and shook his head: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. I know Hong Daohui, he may be a bit... flamboyant, but he has a very strict mouth, not to mention his family members In Jiangdong, rely on the protection of King Guangling."

"Do you really know him?" Lou Chu had to ask clearly.

The smile on Ma Wei's face gradually disappeared, "It's still impossible. If he confessed, why didn't anyone come to arrest you and me?"

"Because the emperor has a bigger plan." Although he was clearly in danger, Lou Chi was a little excited, "The emperor needed an assassination, and he just used this as an excuse to detain the Western Expeditionary Army and take away the military power of the general. With the addition of the imperial army, the emperor can hold a large number of troops."

"Well, since we have a lot of troops, why not arrest people directly? Why not remove the general?"

"Arresting people will alert the enemy. The purpose of retaining the general is to use him to attract other important ministers, such as Shen Bingzhou. He returned to Beijing to seek the protection of the general. According to my guess, Huangfu Jizhou was ordered to get rid of the general. The generals, King Guangling, Xi Jingzhou, and General Lan who are trying to quell the rebellion in Qinzhou will all be summoned back to the capital by the emperor under various pretexts - he wants to catch them all."

Ma Wei was still confused, "It's impossible for Prince Guangling to come back. If Hong Daohui really confesses, it's even less possible for Prince Guangling... So the emperor didn't arrest anyone, but this trick can't deceive Prince Guangling."

"The emperor has other ideas."

"The emperor won't kill all the important military officials at once. Who will lead the troops in war in the future?"

"One or two people may be retained, or new generals may be promoted."

Ma Wei pondered for a long time, "Brother Chu, is all this thought because the emperor values ​​you too much?"

Lou Chu nodded.

"Can't the recommendation from the eldest princess explain all this?"

"No, if even Liu Youzhong finds it strange, then it's really strange."

"What did you say to Liu Youzhong?" Ma Wei was alert.

Lou Chu shook his head, "I claimed to be confused, and then we talked for a while about the theory of name and reality."

Ma Wei couldn't help laughing, then fell into deep thought again, and said after a long time: "We have to leave, the sooner the better, to see King Guangling. Guo Shifeng probably went back there as well."

"Maybe he was caught. I have a strange idea."

"Every idea you just said is weird."

"Well, this idea is not strange at all: I think the emperor has wanted a fake assassination for a long time. Huangfujie is responsible for arranging everything. Guo Shifeng and Hong Daohui just arrived..."

"Huangfujie may be more loyal to the emperor than everyone thinks." Ma Wei began to believe Lou Chu's guess.

"We can't leave."

"Waiting to die here?"

"The emperor likes to make dangerous moves, and he really wants to come to 'catch them all' in one fell swoop to show his intelligence to the world. This just gives us a chance."

"Is this 'opportunity' better than 'waiting to die'?"

"Staying in the capital and fighting to the death with the emperor is the only chance. If the emperor is allowed to realize his plan, King Guangling will also be dead."

Ma Wei fell into thinking for the third time and finally said: "Stay here and observe the situation. If something goes wrong..."

"It's never too late to escape. No matter what, I don't think King Guangling's side is safe."

Ma Wei laughed, "How could Brother Chu... suddenly figure it out?"

"I have been trying to observe the emperor by 'according to name and responsibility for reality', but I have never been able to get in. Liu Youzhong's words made me understand."

"It sounds like Liu Youzhong's prophecy to you back then was completely nonsense, just to please the general."

"It has nothing to do with the prophecy. Liu Youzhong is a deceiver, but he is very smart. Every time he is invited, he has to inquire about the master's situation to ensure that what he says can suit his needs. Not only does he inquire, he also First, be honest with yourself: Who is Liu Youzhong? Who does the other party think he is? What is the purpose of looking for him? "

The more Lou Chu talked, the more excited he became, and he seemed not to feel the current danger at all.

"Brother Chu is really a well-known and knowledgeable disciple. He never forgets to 'honor his reputation and fulfill his duties'."

"Because 'Follow the name and be responsible for the truth' is everywhere. Liu Youzhong is using it, the general is using it, the emperor is using it, and even the old servants in my family are using it! What Wenren Xuexue taught us is not a secret knowledge. It’s a teaching that can be spread all over the world.”

Ma Wei smiled and said: "Hearing what Brother Chu said, I suddenly felt that the years I spent in Yu Xuetang were not in vain. Well, I should also think about the 'according to name and responsibility for reality'. To be honest, I have always regarded it as A pedantic truism.”

"Brother Ma has actually been using it, but he hasn't realized it yet..." Lou Chu suppressed the excitement in his heart. This was not the time to talk about knowledge, "I will persuade the general to do something."

"Do something?"

"We have to do something." Lou Chu stood up and said goodbye, "If the emperor issued an edict to the world and ordered the justice department to picket and punish crimes, we would have no choice but to surrender. However, the emperor relied on his cleverness and decisiveness and insisted on killing all the enemies in one go. A dangerous move—Brother Ma, I think we can compete with him."

Ma Wei also stood up, clasped his hands and laughed, "Brother Chu is very ambitious, and brother Yu is both ashamed and inspired. Yes, people are still alive, and their tongues and eyes are still there, and even an ordinary man can compete with the emperor. Brother Chu went home to persuade everyone. General, I want to find a way to meet Huangfu Jie and find out what is going on with him. "

"The situation is critical. If there is no progress, I will not come to see Brother Ma."

"each other."

Lou Chu went home feeling relaxed.

Ma Wei couldn't take it easy. Lou Chu's words were unbelievable when he first heard them. But when he thought about them carefully, they turned out to be reasonable. "The emperor must have known something. Brother Chu was taking a strange risk... Sigh, maybe I shouldn't have roped him in in the first place." ”

Ma Wei ordered his family to prepare a generous gift and immediately set off to Huangfu's house. He presented a name sticker and said that he was here to see Huangfu off. He was soon taken to the study room where the guests were waiting.

After Guo Shifeng succeeded in persuading Huangfu Jie, he once mentioned Yuefu Hou Mawei to Huangfu Jie. Therefore, the two knew that the other was an "associate", but they had never talked face to face.

Huangfu Jie seemed to be in good spirits and greeted Ma Wei enthusiastically. After the tea was served, he turned away from the servant and sighed: "The great thing has not been accomplished. I am ashamed of Ma Wei's wrong love."

Ma Wei said hurriedly: "Things are planned by people and accomplished by God. How can the commander-in-chief blame himself? On the contrary, I chose the person improperly, not to mention the bad things, and even implicated the commander-in-chief. I am deeply frightened and have come here to plead guilty."

The Huangfu-ranked official was the Sima of the left side of the palace, and was not considered a "palace commander". He happily accepted the title and said, "Master Mahou thinks too much. When he does big things, of course he has to be conceited. And the person Mahou Ye is looking for Very good. Killing the wrong target was all an accident. He didn't say a word in prison, so he deserves the word 'chivalrous'."

"Hong Daohui was actually found by Guo Shifeng from Jiangdong."

"Oh, where is Guo Shifeng?"

"I asked him to take shelter outside the city temporarily." Ma Wei lied casually. He had not seen Guo Shifeng since the news of the failed assassination came out.

"Well, it's time to hide. Brother Ma should have thought about it earlier. Even I have to pack my bags and go to Jizhou to take refuge."

"I heard that Your Majesty is going to recruit your Majesty, Huangfu Mushou?"

"Master Mahou is well informed. Yes, the decree has been drawn up. I will go on the road first and go home to persuade my father. The imperial messenger will arrive shortly." Huangfujie walked to the door, looked outside twice, and came back and said: "Your Majesty He told me that the purpose of recruiting my father back to the capital was to eliminate the general and King Guangling."

"His Majesty told the Lou family to use the general to eradicate Huangfu Mu Shou."

"Haha, I guess that's the case. This is something His Majesty can do." Huangfu Jie shook his head, his face suddenly darkened, "Your Majesty is sowing discord on the left and creating discord on the right. Do you want to kill all the important officials in the dynasty?"

"That must be the case. What does the Commander-in-Chief plan to say to the old Mu Shou?"

"I have made up my mind. After arriving in Jizhou, I persuaded my father to immediately raise an army and lead the army southward in the name of Qingjun. At the same time, he disclosed the emperor's secret edict and let the general know that he was also one of the prey." Huangfu stepped closer, "Guo Shifeng mentioned Mr. Lou, can you speak in front of the general? "


"The best thing is that I won't come forward and ask Mr. Ma to do it for Mr. Lou to persuade the general to make preparations early. If we can cooperate with Jizhou's soldiers internally and externally, everything can be saved, and there will never be an assassination of the wrong target. Although the Huangfu family and the Lou family have an old grudge, they should put aside their past grudges and work together to help each other. "

"With the words of the Commander-in-Chief, the gloom in Ma's heart has been cleared away. I dare to ask the Commander-in-Chief if he can write something in his own hand, so that the general can believe that I am not deceiving with empty words."

"I should write something, but His Majesty is very smart. If a few words spread and are seen by him, he will be angry, which will be detrimental to the general. Well, I have a folding fan here with the famous scholar Fan Kuan writing on it. A few words to my father can be used as a token.”

Fan Guan was famous all over the world, and Ma Wei recognized his name. He took the fan and took a look at it and confirmed that it was genuine. It also had the word "Huangfu" on it, so he smiled and said: "This is enough. Please feel free to send troops to Jizhou, Commander-in-Chief." The general will definitely respond to the news."

The two held each other's arms and laughed, saying some harsh words and swearing a few more oaths before they were satisfied.

Ma Wei returned to his home and sat quietly in the study for a long time. He opened and closed the fan. Suddenly, he was shaking all over. He tried to control it, but his face turned pale.

Huangfujie was so calm and confident, as if he was not worried about the serious consequences of rebelling.

Lou Chu was right. Not only had Hong Daohui confessed, Huangfu Jie had actually been working for the emperor and had never changed...

Ma Wei slowly returned to normal and murmured: "I am the Emperor of the Liang Dynasty. I am protected by the gods above and supported by my ancestors below. My destiny is mine. I will never die like this, never."

The floor on the other side had already fallen asleep, and for the first time in days, he slept soundly.

Early the next morning, Lou Chu went to the mansion to wait for orders. Lou Ji had not returned from admiring the army outside the city. Only Lou Chu, the adult descendant of the Lou family, was still in the city.

Lou Wen came out very early, wearing a military uniform, with a belt pulled deeply into his stomach, looking quite heroic.

Lou Wen rode in a car, Lou Chu rode a horse, with drummers in the front and a large group of soldiers in the rear. The father and son made their way to the imperial city in a swaggering way.

A small house was set aside in the imperial city for the general to serve as the shogunate. Lou Wen distributed affairs here, responded, sealed, and occasionally asked, everything was in order.

Lou Chu stood aside and watched, saying that he had nothing to do. It was not until noon that the general took a short rest and prepared to have a meal. Then he said to his son beside him: "You are not young anymore. It is time to arrange a marriage. We will go there later." Meet the Queen Mother and let her see whose daughter is worthy of you."

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