Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 286 Asking for Defeat

"Don't care" obviously meant far less than "don't know". Yan Wei did not dare to make a judgment lightly, but after hearing Kou Daogu's sneer, he was convinced that Xu Chu was really going to lose.

"Don't care? He only said these three words?" Kou Daogu asked.

"Just these three words."

Kou Daogu slowly frowned, "Did I make a mistake? In this case, even the first sentence 'I don't know' was just a coincidence and had no deep meaning. I was just overthinking it?"

Although Feng Juniang had already been convinced, she still couldn't help but speak for Xu Chu, "It should be that Mr. Kou thinks too little. Those who 'don't care' don't care about the heart. What Mr. Xu that the world doesn't care. Inside and outside the heart, it is not up to him to decide who can be saved and who cannot be saved. He has to take it one step at a time. "

The more Feng Juniang talked, the less confident she became.

Kou Daogu didn't even bother to sneer, turned to Yan Wei and said, "What is he doing?"

Yan Wei glanced at the Prince of Jibei and didn't know what to say.

Zhang Shiyu said with a smile: "I know the princess is over there. They are husband and wife, so you can see and tell."

Yan Wei bowed his hands and saluted, and then said: "Master Xu and the princess are playing dice at the table. I don't know what they are betting on. Master Xu seems to lose more than he wins."

Zhang Shiyu smiled a little awkwardly. With him present, the scholars did not show any obvious disdain, they all looked disapproving.

Feng Juniang was particularly surprised, "Mr. Xu played dice? And with the princess? He is really... smart." Feng Juniang suddenly thought that she had "cheated" the princess, and Xu Chu's move at least fulfilled her lie.

Kou Daogu sneered again, "You are indeed smart."

Yan Wei couldn't keep up again, and he was used to this. He stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "Disciple still doesn't know what he means. Please give me some advice."

"I have nothing to teach you. If you ask the third question, this debate should be over."

Yan Wei didn't dare to ask any more questions, "Yes, sir, please tell me."

"Name and reality, which comes first and which comes last? Which one is more important and which one is less important?"

Yan Wei retreated, and Feng Juniang immediately said: "Why should the debate end after you asked three questions? As courtesy, Mr. Xu must ask you at least three questions, right?"

"He won't mention it." Kou Daogu said firmly, as if he had already discussed it with Xu Chu.

"I don't know whether Mr. Xu will mention it or not. Can someone else mention it? For example, me." Feng Juniang smiled.

"You want to throw the three questions I raised to me again?"

The truth was guessed before she even opened her mouth. Feng Juniang was not only impressed but also a little embarrassed, "I didn't mention those three questions. I want to ask..."

Feng Juniang searched hard and found that it was difficult to answer and even more difficult to ask questions. She was facing Kou Daogu and was surrounded by well-known scholars. If she said a wrong word, she would be laughed at. If the question asked was too simple, she would lose face.

After much deliberation, Feng Juniang decided to be more honest, "You should answer your three questions first, and then we'll talk after you answer them."

"Hey." Kou Daogu looked at the scholars and saw that they were all interested, so he replied: "Can the Tao be seen? Do you know it? Xu Chu replied 'I don't know', which is not satisfactory, so why not 'ask' - Leng Nuan Zi You know, it’s better to ask yourself than to ask others. Asking yourself is asking.”

The scholars nodded in praise whether they understood or not. Feng Juniang was a little confused, "I prefer Mr. Xu's 'I don't know', please go on and answer."

"Everyone in the world should be saved? Some should be saved and some should not be saved? Xu Chu replied 'don't care'. This is a rogue word and meaningless, but it is in line with the name of his playful behavior and is quite interesting. . If it were me, I would answer, "I am also a member of the world."

Feng Juniang understood quickly this time, "Saving others means saving yourself? Saving yourself means saving others?"

"As you understand."

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "I understand this. It is the same as the fortune teller's method. The answer must be ambiguous, so that the other party can think whatever they want and feel it is accurate."

Kou Daogu sneered: "When you see gold shining, do you think everything that shines is gold?"

Feng Juniang also sneered, but couldn't find the right words to retaliate.

Kou Daogu looked at Yan Wei who was walking back and continued: "In name and in reality, which one comes first and which one comes last? Which one is more important and which one is less important?" This was a question he raised himself. After repeating it, he shook his head, as if he felt that this question It’s not good. It’s not up to par. “I won’t answer.”

Feng Juniang also glanced at Yan Wei who was walking towards her, and said with a smile: "Are you worried that your answer is not as good as Mr. Xu? So you have to wait for a while. If you step on others, you will naturally have to be higher."

Kou Dao smiled and said nothing.

Mr. Shen, who had argued with Kou Daogu before, had already changed his mind and was willing to speak for Mr. Kou, "Mrs. Feng judges the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart. Mr. Kou's 'I won't answer' is the answer: The name and reality are originally one. If they are separated in order and importance, there will be deviations. If there is any deviation, the name and reality will be destroyed."

Feng Juniang frowned slightly, "Do you have to speak like this until the end of your mastery of debating? I won't learn anymore."

Mr. Shen shook his head, "You really shouldn't learn it. Debate is a small skill. If you don't have the intention to ask questions, learning it will be harmful and useless. It is just a waste of words."

"When you say that, I want to learn. I don't need to waste my own words." Feng Juniang smiled unconsciously, "But I need a good master. Will Mr. Kou accept female disciples?"

Half of the scholars sneered, and half of the scholars were shaken, but Kou Daogu acted as if he hadn't heard it and turned the three words "I won't answer" into action.

Yan Wei arrived and said nothing. He walked up to Kou Daogu, stretched out his arms, held his right hand with his left hand, and placed a dice in the heart of his right hand.

Feng Juniang said with a smile: "Young Master Xu answered correctly, and Mr. Kou replied 'I won't answer'. That's the mark. Young Master Xu didn't answer a word. Giving you a dice is the real 'I don't answer'."

Kou Daogu stood up, picked up the dice and looked at it for a while, then snorted coldly, "Xu Chu lost."

All the scholars, especially the Fan disciples, were all overjoyed. Only Feng Juniang was still unconvinced, "They were all 'I won't answer.' Mr. Xu answered better, so why did he lose?"

Guan Daogu threw away the dice, "Name and reality are one, but Xu Chu wants to be real. He sent the dice because he was willing to take a gamble."

"I think you are just guessing. Can you tell Mr. Xu's meaning with a dice?"

Yan Wei, who had been silent all this time, said: "This is exactly what Master Xu meant. He said it himself, but I was not allowed to reveal it in advance. He said, 'I would rather pursue the truth than the name.'"

Feng Juniang was speechless.

An Chongqian cheered, and the remaining dissatisfaction with Kou Daogu disappeared completely, "Senior Brother Kou has won a great victory, shouldn't Xu Chu give in to Si Guogu? He is not allowed to call himself Fan Sect orthodox again in the future!"

Yu Zhan, who had been defeated by Xu Chu, was even more happy, "Mr. Kou has given us this bad breath. Xu Chu will never think that Fan Clan is empty again."

Everyone praised me with every word.

Zhang Shiyu sighed softly. When Kou Daogu was talking, he was not here, and he had never been interested in metaphysics, so he was not convinced. He still found this person annoying and hoped that Xu Chu could win.

Yan Wei breathed a sigh of relief. Kou Daogu's victory at least proved that he was not the wrong person. "I will ask Mr. Xu to move."

"I'll go with you." Yu Zhan danced and returned to his previous personality.

All the Fan disciples are going, and even a few old gentlemen want to see the face of "King Wu" and prepare to follow him.

Feng Juniang said loudly: "You can't drive Mr. Xu away... It was him who buried Mr. Fan, so there must be some hard work, right?"

Zhang Shiyu said: "Master Xu can choose another residence nearby, and the house and food will be paid for by Yecheng."

Feng Juniang had nothing to say, and she couldn't stop them. Those people had already walked away. Zhang Shiyu cared about his sister and chased after them.

Soon, only Kou Daogu and Feng Juniang were left in front of the grave.

"You won, why don't you go visit the loser?" Feng Juniang felt a little sad.

"I would rather lose."

"Haha, isn't this a bit sincere?"

"I changed my name to 'Daogu' and have traveled all this way without anyone accompanying me. If I lose, it will at least prove that there are people like me in the world. It's a pity, it's a pity."

"You are arrogant person like you. One is enough. How can there be others of the same kind?"

Kou Daogu sighed, "I thought Xu Chu might be different when he became king and abdicated, but in the end he was just like a common man."

Feng Juniang didn't know what she was thinking, but suddenly said: "Can I be your companion?"

Kou Daogu looked over and didn't answer.

Feng Juniang smiled again. For her, this was much easier. Since she couldn't argue with the other party, she felt that the old method might not work.

Kou Daogu sneered and pointed at the dice in the soil, "You and it are the same kind."

"Mr. Kou is too complacent. I don't believe that you will only ask questions all your life and will never be humane. I don't believe that you feel nothing for me - unless you are not a real man."

Kou Daogu stared at Feng Juniang, just like those who take the initiative to face danger, seeing this as a test for himself, "Mrs. Feng is beautiful in nature."

Feng Juniang smiled slightly and instinctively guessed what kind of woman the other party liked, so she did not lower her eyes to show her shyness. Instead, she met Kou Daogu's gaze without giving in. "How many women has Mr. Guan seen?"

"Not much, not counting what you see on the road, early thirties."

"Then how do you know that I am more beautiful than others because of my natural beauty?"

"I know a little bit, I was discussing the Tao just now, and all the sentient beings were fascinated by it, and maybe one or two people could be led into the door. As soon as you appeared, all the sentient beings' minds were scattered, and all my previous efforts were wasted. Even those one or two people were lost, so I knew you would Extraordinary beauty."

Feng Juniang smiled and said, "I am afraid I am the first person to be so praised by Mr. Kou, right?"

"Do you think this is praise?" Kou Daogu frowned slightly, "It's just that he is the most beautiful person in the world, which is of no use in seeking the truth. It only gives rise to distracting thoughts, which is not a benefit."

"The words belong to Mr. Kou, and the understanding belongs to me. I think it's praise, and that's enough." Feng Juniang has become accustomed to Kou Daogu's way of speaking, "How about it, can I go with you?"

Kou Daogu shook his head, "You and I may be going in the same direction, but there are mountains and rivers in the middle, so we can't walk together, or even see each other."

Feng Juniang snorted and was about to say something else when Yan Wei and others came running from a distance. When they got closer, Yan Wei cupped his hands and said, "Xu Chu refused to move out and still claimed to be the orthodox Fan family. He wanted us to ask Mr. Kou and said that you are the only one." Someone who understands.”

For the first time since entering the valley, Kou Daogu nodded slightly, seeming to express appreciation. "Although we are not traveling together, we can at least say hello from a distance. Xu Chu is quite capable. Siguo Valley does belong to him. You can stay with him from now on." , ask him for advice.”

Everyone was shocked.

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