Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 281 Chrysanthemum Demon

Feng Jiuniang remembered what Saint Jin had told her.

At that time, the King of Wu had just left Dongdu. Saint Jin led the Advent Army and many of their families to meet outside the city, intending to return to Qinzhou and send people to pick up a small number of women and children who had not yet left the city, including Feng Jiuniang.

Feng Jiuniang was a little hesitant. Staying in Dongdu seemed to be a good choice. There were rumors that King Liang was interested in her. She only needed to use her skills to climb up the ladder and get rid of those vulgar leaders of the Advent Army.

But King Liang had just occupied Dongdu and was only thinking about how to protect himself. As long as he could send the Advent Army away, he could give up anyone, so he sent Feng Jiuniang and others out of the city without saying a word.

Saint Jin did not wear the silver helmet and silver armor, but ordinary iron armor. "Silver armor is not practical and easy to become a target. It is better to smash it into silver blocks and distribute it to everyone."

Feng Jiuniang could only nod her head. She was afraid of Saint Jin from the bottom of her heart.

Saint Jin was straightforward, "You go catch up with the King of Wu and stay with him from now on."

Feng Ju Niang knelt down and said in a trembling voice: "Since Saint Jin chose me as a son-in-law, I have no other thoughts. I haven't even seen the King of Wu..."

"By the way, where is your husband? What's his name?"

"Wu Shigong, he... he died."

"Hey, just in time." Xue Jin's face sank, "You stay with the King of Wu to serve and take care of him as a servant, not to sleep with him, understand?"

Feng Ju Niang breathed a sigh of relief, slowly stood up, and smiled: "I understand, I understand, I can be a maid, and I guarantee to serve the King of Wu..."

"Don't get too comfortable."

"Yes, I'll work while the King of Wu is away and not see him."

Xue Jin shook his hand, "Besides this Besides, you have a mission."

"I will do my best to do what Saint Jin has told me."

"Supervise King Wu for me."

"Supervise... King Wu?"

"Are you unwilling?"

"Yes, I mean...supervise what King Wu is doing?"

"See when he will be ambitious again and be willing to be king, see who he associates with, see if he... goes to Yecheng, see what his other wife looks like and what her character is like."

Feng Ju Niang suddenly realized, "No problem, I will keep a close eye on King Wu and prevent him from failing Saint Jin."

"If he fails me, can you stop him? Write me a letter, and don't worry about anything else."

"Yes, yes." Feng Ju Niang was a little puzzled. She was not Saint Jin's confidant, so why was she chosen to carry out such an important "mission"?

Xue Jinyao seemed to know what was on her mind, "You don't have to think too much. I used you because I thought you were smarter and a woman, so you could get close to the King of Wu's wife in Yecheng. Don't take it lightly. The world is in chaos, and the rise and fall of each family is unpredictable. I'm going to Qinzhou today, and maybe I'll go to Yecheng someday. So, you can betray me halfway, but next time you see me, don't admit your mistakes or beg me, just stick your head out and let me chop it off."

"I will never betray you, even if I die. Saint Jin is my only master."

Xue Jinyao pointed to the sky with one hand, "Buddha and my father are watching you in heaven."

Feng Ju Niang nodded and shook her head, swearing that she would never betray him. She thought to herself, if Maitreya and the King of the World could really watch mortals in heaven, why would she need to supervise the King of Wu? But she only dared to think about it, and didn't dare to say it out loud.

Xue Jinyao finally took out a dagger, "It's a gift, you keep it."

Feng Ju Niang didn't dare not to accept it, but she was terrified. The dagger in her hand seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

"You have to use it when you need it."

"Ah? For...what?"

"If the woman in Yecheng is a person of character, then forget it. If she is a little vixen like you, you kill her and come to Qinzhou to find me. I will give you a big reward and keep you safe."

Feng Ji Niang was stunned. After a long time, she said, "I, I don't know how to use it..."

"What can't you do? Hold it in your hand and stab it hard - can you be more delicate than the Queen Mother Tiancheng? She can stab the general to death, so it's not easy for you to stab a woman to death?"

"I'll try my best."

"Use all your strength."

"All your strength." Just holding the dagger, Feng Ji Niang felt the hair on her body stand up.

Feng Ji Niang was sent back to Dongdu again, just in time to catch up with a group of people chasing King Wu, so she joined them, hid the dagger, never touched it again, and never mentioned it to anyone.

Gradually, she found that this mission was very simple. The King of Wu was no longer ambitious and had no intention of meeting his other wife. He just sat in meditation every day and did not need supervision at all. The dirty and tiring work was done by the old servants and others, and she could spare time to write and practice her eloquence.

Feng Ji Niang had an idea deep in her heart that one day the Golden Saint Girl could really fight from Qinzhou to Yecheng. At that time, she would establish herself in the Advent Army as a counselor, and maybe she could get the wealth promised by Liu Youzhong.

The other wife of the King of Wu came as soon as she said, and asked to see her by name.

Feng Ji Niang immediately thought of her "mission", the dagger and blood, and how a weak woman could cross thousands of miles and flee from the east to the west...

The more she thought about it, the more she trembled.

When she arrived at the princess' tent, Feng Ju Niang calmed down because she suddenly thought of a solution: Saint Jin didn't say that the princess must be killed. She said that if the princess was a person of importance, there was no need to touch her. If she was a vixen, she had to be killed. She knew very well what a vixen was, but it was hard to say what was considered a "personality". Saint Jin might have a set of criteria, but she didn't make it clear. She could make her own judgment...

Feng Ju Niang was swaying along the way and her face was changing. The woman who was leading the way saw this and thought she was just nervous. She couldn't help but become more contemptuous and said at the door: "Wait here."

Feng Juniang waited for a while, then looked back and saw that Prince Jibei, Kou Daogu and the others did not go to see Xu Chu, but walked deep into the valley, obviously to worship Fan Guan.

"The debate has begun." Feng Juniang murmured. She saw this kind of thing clearly: Xu Chu and Kou Daogu were already building momentum before they met, and neither one wanted to show impatience.

If it's just patience, Feng Juniang is more optimistic about Xu Chu, but she still feels that once they face each other, Xu Chu will be at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

Kou Daogu is like a statue that stepped directly from the altar. He doesn't need to speak, and his momentum alone is enough to convince many people and even kneel down.

"Mrs. Feng, please come in." When the woman who led the way came out again, she was slightly polite.

Feng Juniang took her mind back and followed the woman into the tent, thinking about how to salute and how to speak. It turned out that there was not just one person in the tent, but more than a dozen women. Most of them were very young. They were all dressed in the same way. They were all in home clothes. It was impossible to tell whose status they were. Higher.

Feng Juniang had never seen such a scene, and was stunned for a moment. She didn't know who the Princess Fangde was, so she could only salute casually, then lowered her eyebrows, held the silk handkerchief with both hands, and said nothing.

The girls in the tent were very curious about her. At first they stood looking at her from a distance, but soon someone came forward to take a closer look.

"I thought the famous 'Chrysanthemum Demon' was so special, but she is just an ordinary woman." A woman said with a smile.

Feng Ju Niang often appeared in public and received many nicknames, but this was the first time she heard the name "Ju Yao" and she felt funny in her heart.

"No, I haven't seen how outstanding her appearance is. The so-called 'beautiful person in the state' is simply not worthy of the name."

"She is not shy, she dares to show her face, and she relies on the name of King Wu and a group of idle children to gain some false fame."

"Look at her hair, how is it styled? With so many combs and jewelry, does it show off all the money in the house? Isn't it tiring?"

"Look at her face. The makeup is so thick that it can block incoming arrows."

"Look at her eyes..."

"Look at her fingers..."

The girls really commented on her, inch by inch, and there wasn't a single spot that caught their eye.

Feng Juniang listened for a while, feeling more and more annoyed. She understood and saw clearly that these people were just a group of immature girls, and they only called her here to belittle them.

Because Feng Juniang had heard some of Princess Huanyan's deeds, she thought Princess Fangde was the same person, so she was in awe and regarded her as a rival. Only now did she realize that she had thought too much before.

Feng Juniang has experience in how to deal with sarcastic girls.

"Look at the way she stands, it seems she lacks tutoring..."

Feng Juniang raised her head, looked at the young girl who was speaking, smiled sweetly, and replied: "How can a daughter from a small family be as good as this young lady's tutor?"

"Hey, how dare she reply and laugh!"

Feng Juniang glanced at the girls, but still didn't recognize which one was Princess Fangde. "If you are ugly, you have to smile more. With this smile, countless men want to marry me."

"A woman who marries multiple husbands cannot live with her for the rest of her life. Are you still proud of it?"

"The men who married me are all dead. This can be regarded as a kind of 'commitment'. When any husband is alive, I will abide by the ways of a woman and never flirt with others."

Feng Juniang's greatest reputation was that she was a "conqueror". The daughters were very curious. Someone asked: "Have you really defeated more than a hundred husbands?"

"Not that much."

"How many is that?"

"It's probably more than all the husbands you can marry in your lifetime combined."

"There are twelve of us..."

"There may not be twelve husbands, it may be less than this number, or it may be more than this number." Feng Juniang said with a smile.

Someone woke up and said, "She is mocking us, saying that some of us can't get married, and some of us want to marry multiple husbands. Let's tear her mouth apart together."

Feng Juniang no longer showed any fear at this time. She put one hand on her hips and waved a handkerchief with the other, "Okay, let's play 'Twelve noble ladies tearing up the chrysanthemum demon with their hands'. People outside will definitely like to hear it. Some people have to ask why, and some people will They say, 'The Chrysanthemum Demon is so beautiful that the twelve noble girls are angry, thinking they are even more beautiful.' Others say, 'Could it be that the husband of the Twelve Noble Girls was seduced by the Chrysanthemum Demon?' Others say..."

"We haven't gotten married yet, how can we have a husband seduced by you?"

"People outside don't know, or maybe it's just the young man you like who was seduced by me."

The girls were angry and ashamed. Once Feng Juniang opened her mouth, they were no match for her twelve mouths. They would only call her maid, hoping to get her subordinates to attack her.

Feng Ju Niang stood up and said, "Whoever makes a move will be blamed on you. There are so many men outside. Congratulations to everyone, you will become famous soon. Not only one state, but nine states are not enough for you."

A woman came forward and said angrily: "I have a husband, and you have seduced me. Can I tear your mouth apart?"

Feng Juniang was slightly startled, because the other party was the youngest among the girls. She didn't look like a wife, but she was definitely Princess Fangde. Feng Juniang could tell it from the looks in the eyes of the people around her.

"Princess, you can tear my mouth apart, but I didn't seduce your husband-in-law? Mr. Xu, because of you, you don't think about tea or food. Like a ghost. Alas, I was not worthy of Mr. Xu, but today I saw him..."

"How?" Zhang Shiqing asked.

"No wonder Mr. Xu would rather give up the title of king and come to Yecheng. No wonder he doesn't think about food and tea. It's nothing to overwhelm a state with beauty. For someone like the princess, who enchants the city and the king, is the greatest disaster in the world."

Zhang Shiqing was confused, not knowing whether he should be angry or happy.

"The princess is finally here, but why don't you go see Mr. Xu? Without seeing the princess, Mr. Xu will have no intention of arguing, and he will definitely be defeated. By then, he will be exhausted mentally and physically, and may be in danger of his life."

Feng Juniang suddenly came up with an idea. She could participate in the debate, or at least go to the scene to help Xu Chu.

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