Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 278 Small Tricks

Sun Yalu walked around the screen but did not go to the table. He stared at Xu Chu for a while and said, "I'm not here to argue with you, let alone to seize the Fan family's orthodoxy. Although Mr. Fan is knowledgeable, he is not my cup of tea." ”


"So I'm very curious. Mr. Xu seems to be on the same road as me. Why did he suddenly turn to another road?"

"Are we on the same journey?"

"The road may be different, but the direction is almost the same. In short, it is different from Mr. Fan."

"The previous path didn't work, so I had to choose a new one."

"Can Mr. Xu walk on the new road to the end?"

"It's what I want, and I should do my best."

"There is a kind of person in this world who likes to 'borrow roads'. Isn't Master Xu this kind of person?"

"What kind of borrowing method?"

"For example, some people are running for glory and wealth, but they are going to study and learn, just to borrow a road. Since they are borrowing a road and their minds are not here, they will have to go back to the old road sooner or later. Before that, the world does not know , often blinded by it.”

"Deceive the world and steal fame."

"Well, 'borrowing' and 'stealing' are almost the same thing."

Xu Chu was silent for a while and replied: "I am 'borrowing a way' and also 'stealing my name'."

"Haha, Mr. Xu is quite straightforward."

"Mr. Sun is not the person I want to deceive, and there is no point in hiding it from you. But I am slightly different from other people who are 'borrowing'."


"I may borrow it for a little longer. If I don't finish this road and go back to the old road, even if I go back, I have to change my way. In short, stealing a name needs to be more thorough."

"Haha, I understand. I wish Mr. Xu success in stealing his name."

"Thank you very much. I live in this valley. Whether it succeeds or fails, Mr. Sun should see it in his eyes."

"Okay. Farewell."

"I won't send it."

Sun Yalu turned around the screen, raised her hands to Feng Juniang, who was slightly panicked, and said with a smile: "I have been the one asking the questions. I didn't have time to ask Mrs. Feng to ask questions. But today I am really too late. I will make up for it in the future."

As soon as Sun Yalu left, Feng Juniang immediately said through the screen: "Mr. Xu, I... although the Golden Saint has confessed a few words, I am willing to follow her even without her instructions."

"You are also someone who borrows roads. I am willing to lend you this section of road." Xu Chu smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Feng Juniang didn't like this statement very much, "Young master... why do you think you're 'deceiving the world and stealing your reputation'?"

"You haven't realized it yet?"

"What do you understand? Oh, I understand a little bit. Young Master admits that he is 'stealing his name', and it is actually the same method as asking Young Master Yu to 'shut up' before: both of them let the other party think about it for themselves and choose an explanation. So Able to hit with one hit.”

"That's pretty much it."

"Is this the essence of Fan School?"

"Haha, of course not. Mr. Fan doesn't disdain to play such tricks. This is Liu's school. The two are only superficially similar."

"Whose knowledge is Liu Men's learning?"

"Zhongnan Xiangshi Liu Youzhong."

"That person, did he even meet me?"


"That was when I was in Dongdu. Many people wanted to meet him. He was very arrogant and most people couldn't invite him, but I did. Of course, I came in person." Feng Juniang showed a proud smile and said to She is still a little proud of her fame.

"If you don't come to the door, he will come. Physiognomy is Liu Youzhong's path. What he really cares about..." Xu Chu couldn't go on.

"He is an old pervert." Feng Juniang did not shy away from it. She had seen this kind of thing too many times. "He was still an impatient pervert, but I didn't let him succeed."

"He is still willing to meet you?"

"Haha, just because he didn't succeed, he was willing to meet me, and he had to show his true ability, otherwise, he would never see me again."

"Play hard to get."

"Well, this is my little trick. Unfortunately, he and King Jin ran too fast, and nothing happened later."

"What did he say about you?"

"Do you want to meet me? He said that there will be great wealth and great disaster in my life. Others can easily get wealth and wealth in their life, but I have to go through many hardships in my life."

"What do you think?"

"I think...I'm still going through the ordeal now. I don't know when I will be the best, so I have to - ah, I understand. Liu Youzhong's tricks are indeed the same as Young Master's. In fact, there are many interpretations of his words. I choose it myself. The most suitable one, so I feel that he calculated it accurately. ”


Although Feng Juniang figured it out, she was not happy in her heart, "So, there is no such thing as being destined to be rich?"

"I don't know, I'd rather stay away from this kind of thing."

Feng Juniang shook her head, "Young master has seen through everything, but says 'I don't know'. In this case, what's the use of seeing through it? It's better to be confused, at least there is a head start."

"What you said makes sense. Prince Jin and Prince Ning are both people with a "running head". Because I don't have one, that's why I want to quit, and that's why I have to sit here and think about it."

"Since it's a borrowed road, why don't you borrow an easier road, Master?"

Xu Chu took a long breath and said, "I don't know."

Feng Juniang also sighed, "Can I still stay?"


"In fact, the Golden Saint didn't ask me to do anything. She just asked me to take care of the young master's daily life... and let's see what kind of person the young master's other wife is."

"Just looking?"

"I swear, just look, these are the exact words of the Golden Saint."


"It's getting late, I'm leaving."


"Can I come over tomorrow and continue tracing?"


"I am very interested in the young master's 'knowledge'. If someone comes to your door in the future, can I still fight on the young master's behalf?"


Feng Juniang smiled and said, "Young master, you think it is a small skill, and you use it to find the great road. I only recognize it. Once you learn it, you will not move forward."

"Everyone has his or her own ambitions, so don't force them."

Feng Juniang packed up the groceries and walked out of the room, feeling that the day had been quite fruitful.

The old servant had been waiting outside. When he saw Feng Juniang coming out, he asked, "Master, do you want some rice or noodles?"

"Rice noodles?"

"Yes, wasn't that person just now an official in the city? The young master said that he asked for some rice and noodles. We will have no food tomorrow. I have to go to the city to buy it. Everything is expensive now. It's a waste of money. Even ten carts of treasure won't be enough. use."

"Young master...maybe he said that." Feng Juniang wanted to try the "Xu Clan School".

"Perhaps what does it mean? Young master hinted at the other party?"


"Did the officer understand? How did he answer?"

"You should understand."

The old servant scratched his head and said, "You speak a bit strangely."

"That's right." Feng Juniang smiled.

The old servant scratched his head again and advised: "Calm me rude: Young Master is the one who builds his world by his words. Why do you want to imitate him? You should rely on your appearance and learn economics. Don't learn nonsense." "

"Appearance brings fortune and trouble, and you have no control over it. 'Speaking' brings trouble and fortune. At least you get it by yourself." Feng Juniang walked away with a smile.

The old servant looked at her back, then at the room where the young master lived, and murmured: "The young master really wants to go back. He was led away by Mahou Ye in the past, but now he has learned to lead others astray. It seems that Mi Mian's I have to worry about everything, but luckily I have some money so I don’t have to beg for food again..."

The old servant still had lingering fears about the life he lived on the street. He hurriedly went to the warehouse to check and confirmed that there was no missing box. He planned to buy some more locks tomorrow to lock the warehouse door tightly.

On the other side, Chang Yan and others did not care about what happened in Xu Chu's room, and did not care about how much food was left. They continued as before, finding a secluded place to light a bonfire, drinking wine and eating meat, bragging about their achievements and exaggerating King Wu's achievements. Ability, ambiguously guessing the relationship between King Wu and Feng Ju Niang.

In the room, Xu Chu stood up, stretched his legs and feet, walked to the other end of the mat, turned around and sat down, facing the "haunting" Fan Guan, and talked to him silently until tiredness hit him and he fell sideways on the mat. , fell asleep.

For several days, Xu Chu lived this kind of life. He really never left the mat, and his daily life was taken care of by the old servant and Feng Juniang. He seemed to be deep in thought, but when someone asked, he answered immediately, and no one asked. He just sat there blankly, his face getting paler.

The old servant bought rice noodles and a door lock, and after some calculations, he felt that he could hold on for a long time, so he did not bother the young master with this matter. He only occasionally sighed to Chang Yan and others: "Oh, the young master has obviously taken the right path, and once he became rich, he , ranked among ten thousand people, why... why did he suddenly change just by saying that he had changed? And he had to change back to what he was before, and even worse. "

Chang Yan and others like their current life, far away from the battlefield. Although they are less passionate, they are much safer. They no longer have to worry about life or death tomorrow.

They built a fence at the entrance of the valley and left a door open to prevent too many people from coming in and disturbing the young master's practice.

There was an endless stream of mourners, even more than on the first day. Some people were aggrieved, thinking that King Wu should not have seized Siguo Valley, but they did not dare to question King Wu in person, and looked at his entourage with stern looks. Make irresponsible remarks.

Feng Juniang scrutinized the characters carefully for two days, but she finally got bored, so she shortened the tracing time and walked out of the room. When she met someone with a stern look, Chang Yan would deal with it. When she encountered someone who made irresponsible remarks, she would fight back. She was very happy to win.

Even without leaving the house, Feng Ju Niang's reputation has gradually spread. She looks like a fairy, has a heart like a snake, and has killed hundreds of husbands... She soon added a sharp-tongued woman, so more people came to pay their respects, and they paid homage to her grave. , mainly to take a look at the famous Mrs. Feng, argue with her for a few words, and be willing to lose.

Fan disciples gathered their fellow disciples from all over and never stirred up trouble. However, they often came to visit the priest's tomb, especially An Chongqian, who would come every day and stay in front of the tomb for half an hour. When he went in and out of the valley, he secretly glanced at Feng Juniang.

Tianjiang, who claimed to come back early, stayed in the city for many days, and finally came to the valley one evening. Instead of visiting Xu Chu, he looked around, and then said to Changyan: "There are too many people and too few houses. Starting tomorrow, you will be responsible for hosting the guests, and I will take care of the building."

Tian Jian kept his word and took people to collect local materials. It took him more than half a month to build several wooden houses. It was only then that he thought of meeting Xu Chu.

He did not come to visit, but only said two things: "He Rong's cavalry has been sent outside the wall."


Xu Chu didn't ask for details, and Tian Jiang didn't want to say anything. He looked around and said, "Guan Dao, a disciple of the Fan sect, has arrived at Yecheng as a priest. Another disciple, Yin Fu, is on the way. The two of them are well prepared." Come, determined to win, Mr. Xu, have you thought of a countermeasure? "

"What do the two of them have to do with me as priests?"

"Haha, it's good that you forgot. I've built a few more houses. If it doesn't work, you can move there so that you won't be kicked out of the valley."

"Very good." Xu Chu said with a smile, but still couldn't remember why he should care about these two people.

Tian Jiang waited for a while and said, "Princess Huanyan will also come."

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