Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 265: Face Reading

When the news came, fortune teller Liu Youzhong was about to replenish his youth.

The woman on the bed squirmed like a fish and giggled, "Old people take off their clothes so slowly."

"Stop talking nonsense. Once you experience my skills, you won't be able to look down on even a young man in his twenties."

Liu Youzhong took off half of his clothes and was eager to pounce on him. The woman stretched out her hand to stop him, "Now you are in a hurry. Give me a face first."

Liu Youzhong frowned, "You... want to meet?"

"Yes, it's rare to meet a world-famous fortune teller. Of course you have to have a fortune teller. I won't charge you any money."

"You were given to me by someone else. I didn't plan to pay you."

The woman turned around angrily, "Yeah, I'm just a plaything. Come on, end it quickly."

Liu Youzhong smiled and said: "Just kidding, turn around and let me see."

The woman turned around and smiled broadly, "This is just right. It benefits everyone."

Liu Youtuan looked at it for a moment, "What do you want to know?"

"Do you think I will have the chance to be a wife or something in the future?"


"What's wrong with me? One of my sisters was married by a school captain named Mingzheng. She was sent back to Jinyang a few days ago to guard his home. If I marry a general, wouldn't I be his wife?"

Liu Youzhong smiled and nodded, "Yes, I understand. At this time when the world is in chaos, everyone has ambitions, and a reckless man can be the king. Why can't a woman like you be the wife?"

"Yes, that's what it means. Mr. Liu, do you think I have this face?"

"Well, he looks pretty good. He seems to be a bit lucky. It's just this mouth..."

"What's wrong with your mouth?" The woman raised her hand to touch her mouth, feeling quite worried. "Some people indeed say that my lips are too thin..."

"It's not a matter of thinness. It's because you talk too much. Master, my interest is almost gone. Only a deaf person like you would marry you."

The woman smiled charmingly and reached out to hook Liu Youzhong's neck. Just as she was about to speak, a guard came in from outside and said, "Mr. Liu..."

The woman was startled and hurriedly hid under the quilt. Although there were many women hidden in the camp and almost all the soldiers knew about it, they could not be made public after all.

Liu Youzhong was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and lost all interest. It was estimated that he would never be able to wake up again today. He stood up and turned around, getting dressed in a hurry, not forgetting to block the beauty on the bed, "Ah, what's the matter?"

The visitor was a guard of King Jin. He smiled tacitly, and then said seriously: "King Jin, please go there immediately."

"Go right now. What happened?"

"It concerns King Wu. There are rumors that King Wu abdicated and disappeared."

"Abdication... King Wu... how is this possible?" Liu Youzhong hurriedly walked out.

Jin Wang Shen Dan was pacing back and forth in the tent with a serious look on his face. When he saw Liu Youzhong come in, he was about to speak, but couldn't help laughing, "Sure enough, everyone has a love for beauty. Mr. Liu is so old. He also put makeup on his face.”

Liu Youzhong couldn't remember how he got the makeup on, so he quickly raised his hand to wipe it twice, and said with a smile: "I... sometimes like to sing a few lines of opera. This is a costume, a costume."

Shen Dan knew what was going on, but didn't say anything. "General Tan has just arrived. The news he brings will definitely surprise you."

Only then did Liu Youzhong see Tan Wuwei standing aside, and he slightly cupped his hands, "General Tan worked hard, did you escape by yourself?"

"No, the King of Wu let me go, and he doesn't want to be the King of Wu anymore and wants to give up the Eastern Capital and all his troops."

Liu Youzhong had already thought about this on the way, and immediately shook his head and said: "No way, this is King Wu's trick. He deliberately let General Tan come back, just to trick King Jin into being fooled."

Shen Dan frowned slightly, "What is he trying to lie to me? If I believed that King Wu abdicated, I would send troops south now. Is this what he wants to see? Is there an ambush on the road? But General Tan said that all Wu troops were transferred to attack The Jingzhou Army only has a small number of Liang soldiers stationed in Mengjin, north of Dongdu."

Tan Wuwei added: "When I was passing by Mengjin, King Wu's messenger arrived just in time to summon King Liang to go south to meet."

Liu Youzhong still didn't believe it and glanced at Tan Wuwei, "There must be something fishy about this matter. Why did King Wu abdicate for no reason?"

"King Wu did not want to continue killing innocent people indiscriminately, so he abdicated." Tan Wuwei said.

Liu Youzhong smiled and said, "General Tan really believes in King Wu?"

"I have heard it with my own ears, and it is absolutely unmistakable. King Wu really wants to abdicate."

"What did he say?"

"He... didn't make it too clear, but by sending thousands of people back to the Eastern Capital on the way, he gave up the opportunity to completely annihilate the Jingzhou Army, and also gave up his ambition to occupy the Eastern Capital. From this point of view, in addition to abdicating, King Wu There is no other way."

Liu Youzhong frowned again and turned to King Jin, "I still say the same thing. King Wu is doing a trick. General Tan either knew it or didn't know it, and he was deceived."

"What do you mean, Mr. Liu?" Tan Wuwei heard something was wrong.

Liu Youzhong smiled and said: "General Tan, don't worry too much. King Wu is very eloquent and good at deceiving people. Even I will be deceived if I stay with him for a long time."

"I'm not deceived. King Wu will definitely abdicate. What he did is that he can only abdicate step by step, sooner or later." Tan Wuwei argued with a red face.

Liu Youzhong smiled and said nothing. The person he wanted to convince was never Tan Wuwei, but the King of Jin.

Shen Dan thought for a long time, "The whole army is on standby, whether to advance or retreat, there must be no delay for a moment, and everything that can be given up must be given up."

Liu Youzhong chuckled, "I'm willing to give it up."

King Jin was hesitant between advancing and retreating, and Tan Wuwei wanted to argue again, "King Jin, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. No matter when King Wu abdicates, his actions at this moment will definitely disturb the morale of the army. Wu's troops come from different sources, and they are inherently The situation is unstable. Once the people are panicked, they will become scattered. The King of Jin does not need to personally attack. Let me lead 10,000 people to go south and forcefully cross the river. It will take at least three days or more to take the eastern capital of Bingzhou. South of Luozhou, the general trend of the world..."

Shen Dan raised his hand to stop Tan Wu from continuing, "The King of Wu is cunning and cunning, and his actions are often unexpected. You must be careful. It will be good if General Tan comes back. There is no need to worry. I will send more scouts to find out before sending troops."

"Just don't let the Jizhou army get the better of you." Tan Wuwei sighed and said goodbye.

As soon as Tan Wuwei disappeared, Liu Youzhong immediately said: "Tan Wuwei is either too stupid, or he has secretly turned to the King of Wu."

Shen Dan smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, when you look at General Tan's appearance, do you think he has any reverse appearance?"

"Looking at it from the perspective of physiognomy, it is meaningless if it is not reversed. If it is reversed, it will cause serious trouble."

"He has no official position now, and all he wants is ten thousand Jin soldiers. Even if he rebels against me, it won't be a big problem. Judging from this, what he said may be the truth."

Liu Youzhong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that his words would help Tan Wuwei. Then he smiled and said: "The King of Jin is born with divine eyes, and he must understand people's truth, which is comparable to ordinary physiognomy."

Shen Dan waved his hand, the smile on his face disappeared, and after a while he said: "The King of Wu is... very strange. General Tan said that he wanted to abdicate. I didn't believe it, but I felt that this was something that King Wu could do. Mr. Liu can use his physiognomy to give me some advice. Although I have ‘magic eyes’, I can’t fully trust him.”

Liu Youzhong knew very well that the King of Jin had never believed in physiognomy. This time he asked, he must have had a hard time making a decision, "I showed King Wu his fortune when he was a child. After so many years, my opinion has not changed: King Wu can set off He is a man who can calm down troubled times, but he does not have the appearance of an emperor. No matter whether he abdicates the throne now, his future struggle for the throne will not end. "The King of Jin is the only one who has the appearance of an emperor."

Although he didn't believe it, Shen Dan still felt very happy when he heard such words occasionally. He smiled and shook his head, "Mr. Liu, please go to Mengjin again."

"I'll set off right now. What does King Jin want me to ask?"

"Hmm... Mr. Liu, let's see and ask."

Liu You finally handed over and said goodbye. He didn't have time to deal with the beauty in the tent, so he called his followers, mounted his horse and left the camp. He thought about it all the way, but he felt that King Wu was cheating, and King Jin really didn't need to take it to heart.

The Jin army has been advancing slowly these days, and it is not too far away from Mengjin. It only took Liu Youzhong half a day to arrive. Looking from a distance, the north city of Mengjin was densely covered with flags, and there was no sign of chaos at all.

Liang Jun had sentries outside the city. Seeing that Liu Youzhong and his party were small, they stepped forward to stop him and asked him what his intention was.

Liu You finally reported his name, "On the order of the King of Jin, I went to see the King of Wu. If I want to borrow a road from Mengjin, please inform the King of Liang."

The leader of the sentry didn't want to think so much, "The King of Liang is not here. If you want to borrow a way, you should ask General Kan."

"No matter which general you are, please tell me. Jin, Wu, and Liang are from the same family. You should have heard of Liu Youzhong's name."

The leader of the sentry nodded and smiled: "Who hasn't heard of Liu Xiangshi's name? I heard that the first time you met the King of the World, you saw that he was not going to die soon. You didn't dare to say it in person. After you came out, you only revealed it quietly to a few people, so that Is it true that they stayed away from the coming king, and as a result, the obedient people lived, and the disobedient people died?”

Once a reputation is established, it will grow taller and bigger, and countless people are willing to add branches and leaves to it.

Liu Youzhong nodded, "It's a small matter."

The eyes of all the sentries lit up, and the leader said: "Did Mr. Liu... tell us a few things in a whisper? We will hide it in our hearts and won't leak a word."

Liu Youzhong looked a little embarrassed, and after thinking for a while, he turned to look south, "The secret must not be revealed. I can't explain it too clearly. Just know it in your mind: you can't go south within half a year. If you go south, you will suffer a big disaster." "

The sentries were so frightened that they bowed their hands and thanked them one by one. The leader said respectfully: "Please stay here, Mr. Liu. I will inform the city gate. The city gate will inform General Kan. Mr. Liu's name is also on his way to see Wu." Wang, it’s definitely no problem to borrow a way.”

Liu You ended up staying outside the city, interviewing the sentries one by one, saying some ambiguous words, and arousing admiration.

The sentry leader came back rather quickly, with a look of confusion and admiration on his face. The first thing he said after dismounting was: "Mr. Liu is indeed a living god. You have figured it out a long time ago, right?"

Liu Youzhong didn't know what the other person was talking about, so he smiled and said nothing. In short, he wanted to remain mysterious and wait for the other person to reveal his words before he answered.

The leader of the sentry did not doubt Liu Xiangshi's magic at all, and shouted to his subordinates: "Mr. Liu borrowed the road to see King Wu. Guess what? King Wu has arrived in Mengjin. He just arrived. It seems that he came specifically to see Mr. Liu."

The sentries exclaimed in unison, but Liu Youzhong was shocked.

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