Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 259 Unloading the Burden

(Thanks to the reader "nocrykyle" for the red reward.)

Tan Wuwei brought a stool, sat down slowly, looked at the King of Wu, bowed his head and thought deeply, and remained silent for a long time.

"Sorry, I disappoint General Tan." The biggest stone in Xu Chu's heart fell to the ground, and the whole person was light and fluttery, as if he had drunk too much wine, although he hadn't drunk a drop of wine all day.

"Not disappointing... a little bit, in the past few days, the King of Wu really has a bit of an emperor's demeanor, as if he will do something."

"General Tan is so focused on finding a suitable lord that he has never considered independence?"

"Haha." After laughing, Tan Wuwei's expression suddenly became serious, "In fact, I have tried, and I have been trying."


"The King of Wu didn't see it?"

Xu Chu shook his head.

"Normal, because no one noticed, everyone treated me as a joke."

"General Tan usually argues with others just to..."

"To show his talent and win people's hearts."

"I see General Tan's talent."

Tan Wuwei smiled, "King Wu didn't expect that I was also winning people's hearts?"

Xu Chu also smiled, "In this regard, I am as clumsy as General Tan."

"King Wu is too modest, you are much better than me. I am counterproductive. It's better if I don't talk. The more I talk, the more annoying I am. King Wu can be regarded as a master at winning people's hearts. At least he started from scratch, built an army, and was able to look down on the heroes, but he couldn't stick to it."

"What's the problem?"

"Me? My problem is that I have too high a vision. I hope to win a group of followers, but I look down on these people from the bottom of my heart. I always think they are insignificant chess pieces. Pawns - they are indeed pawns, and they are the same no matter who they are under, but a true hero can hide his contempt in his heart and get along with them. "

"For example, King Jin?"

"King Jin is a rare genius in this regard. I know that he does not believe in physiognomy at all, but he can get Liu Youzhong's followers. There are also several times when I saw King Jin chatting and laughing with ordinary pawns. "

"To please the soldiers, the kings of the Jiangshi Army can do it. "

"They can, but when they meet people like King Wu, Liu Youzhong and me, the kings of the Jiangshi Army are always a little uncomfortable. This is their disadvantage. King Jin is different. In terms of getting close to the soldiers, he is not as good as the kings of the Jiangshi Army. In terms of handing over princes, he is not as good as King Wu - maybe no one can compare to King Wu - but he is not weak in any aspect. Add them together, and he is the strongest among the heroes. "

Xu Chu laughed and didn't even have the energy to argue.

Tan Wuwei sighed, "It's my fault that I was weak-willed at the moment. I will not be able to see King Jin anymore."

"If King Jin is as clear-headed as you said, he will never blame you, not to mention that he left you in Dongdu."

"King Jin begged me at that time."

"What did you beg?"

"I begged me to persuade King Wu not to stop King Jin from leaving Dongdu."

"King Jin doesn't believe me?"

"King Jin... has his shortcomings." Tan Wuwei stood up, "I don't ask King Wu what he wants to do, because that has nothing to do with me, and I must tell King Jin everything truthfully."

"General Tan is leaving?"

"What's the point of staying here?"

Xu Chu also stood up, "We have known each other for a while, and I don't have anything good to give you. I have only one piece of advice for General Tan. "

"King Wu's advice is priceless, I may not be able to use it."

"Haha, it's up to me to say it or not, and it's up to General Tan whether to use it or not. Don't go to King Jin, find another wise leader."

Tan Wuwei frowned, "Is this the advice King Wu gave me?"


"What does King Wu think King Jin is not worthy of being called a wise leader?"

"Too comprehensive."

Tan Wuwei was stunned, because this was exactly the greatest advantage of King Jin in his mind. After thinking for a while, he laughed, "King Wu's advice is really expensive, I can't use it. Goodbye, see you next time, can we still call each other brothers?"

"Goodbye, second brother." Xu Chu bowed his hands, and he called each other "brothers".

Tan Wuwei smiled and nodded, did not call "fourth brother", turned around and left the tent.

Xu Chu wanted to take a good sleep, but he couldn't. The stone in his heart fell to the ground, but the burden on his shoulders did not lighten at all, and it might even be heavier.

Tan Wuwei must go to King Jin, so Xu Chu had to unload his burden smoothly before King Jin realized it.

Don't let more people die because of him, this is Xu Chu's only request.

He walked out of the tent and issued a series of orders to the guards outside: Go to Mengjin to summon King Liang; the Luozhou army was divided into several teams, and they set out one after another and headed straight to the front, with him personally leading the first team; release King Shu; summon Sun Yalu immediately...

No one understood King Wu's intention, and Tang Weitian thought that this was going to be a war, and was extremely excited.

Sun Yalu was particularly confused when he heard these orders, and trotted to King Wu's horse, "King Xiangdong caught a cold and was unwell, I hope King Wu..."

"Take him away."

"King Wu must... What did King Wu say?" Sun Yalu was shocked.

"Take the King of Xiangdong back to Yecheng."


"Now, but I won't provide guards."

"No need, I'll take some people with me... What does the King of Wu mean?" Sun Yalu was worried instead of happy, thinking that the King of Wu was playing tricks again, and he didn't understand it at all this time.

"Just treat the King of Xiangdong as a token, go back and tell Princess Huanyan: I have taken care of myself, please tell her what to do and what not to do."

"Hmm? What does this mean?"

"The princess will understand." Xu Chu smiled and rode out of the camp.

Sun Yalu stood there blankly. It was not until King Wu's figure disappeared into the night that he woke up and hurriedly ran to see King Xiangdong.

The King of Xiangdong refused to leave, "This must be a conspiracy. King Wu wanted to kill me, and he let me go just to accuse me of being a fugitive."

"I don't think King Wu is being hypocritical, and if he wants to kill His Highness, he doesn't need such an excuse."

"You promise?"

Sun Yalu had a wry smile on his face. He was not even a subordinate of King Wu and could not make any guarantee. He could only reluctantly say: "I promise, please set off on your journey immediately to avoid long nights and dreams. King Wu is a little abnormal..."

"Yes, King Wu is abnormal, so..."

"I guarantee it with my own life, please get on your way quickly, Your Highness."

King Xiangdong then got up and went out of the tent. Until he got on his horse, he was still guessing what King Wu was thinking and asked Sun Yalu to ensure his safety.

Xu Chu led thousands of people on the road overnight and did not send scouts far away to prevent the news from leaking.

At the third watch, the team stopped to rest and feed the horses. Ganzhao, the newly released King of Shu, caught up from behind.

In name, Gan Zhao was not a prisoner, but he could not leave the tent at will and was always guarded by more than ten guards.

After the guards left, Gan Zhao was confused. Like King Xiangdong, he thought this was a sign that King Wu would kill someone. He stayed in the tent for a while without daring to go out. After he finally confirmed that he was free, he immediately rode out. Chasing the King of Wu.

Gan Zhao ran in a hurry and was out of breath. He was brought to the King of Wu by the guards. He cupped his hands and said, "Can you say a few words to the King of Wu?"

Xu Chu nodded and ordered the guards to retreat, "I can't stay here for too long."

"I just said a few words." Gan Zhao said.

"Please tell me."

"The road to becoming an emperor is too difficult and dangerous. The more experiences I have, the more I feel that I am not capable of it, so... I secretly join the officers and soldiers, and just want to go to Yizhou to be a county official. I have always admired the King of Wu, Thank you very much, no malice whatsoever.”


"I don't know what King Wu wants to do, and I'm not qualified to ask. I'm just here to thank you, and at the same time, I also want to ask: What does King Wu want me to do?"

Xu Chu smiled, knowing very well that most of Gan Zhao's trusted subordinates were in Mengjin, and a few of them were under Xue Jinyao's tent. He was useless now, so he came here specially to pay a visit and insisted on asking clearly.

"Let's go to Yizhou." Xu Chu said. This was the direction he pointed out to Gan Zhao at the beginning, and it remained unchanged.

"How to get there?"

"The King of Shu has to find his own way. Don't think of fighting for the title as conquering the world. Think of it as trying to save your own life. You may feel more relaxed."

Xu Chu waved to the guards, mounted his horse and prepared to set off. He added to Gan Zhao: "The road to the emperor is certainly difficult and dangerous, and it may be even more difficult to leave this road."

Gan Zhao led his horse to the roadside and watched King Wu leading his troops away. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and finally murmured: "I am going to Yizhou. Even if I die, I will die on the way to Yizhou. If God helps me, , let the Shu army soldiers return to my tent, if not, I will accept my fate. "

After leading thousands of people, Xu Chu was still too slow, so he handed over the team to others and galloped ahead with more than a hundred guards.

In the camp ahead, Xue Jinyao had made all preparations. When she came back, she summoned the generals and announced that King Wu had led all the soldiers to support, "With more strikes and fewer strikes, we will win this battle. Even if our victory is not clean enough, we will win." We will also become a laughingstock. From now on, everyone will say, 'Not only is the commander of the World Army a woman, but the soldiers and generals are also women.' If we lose, there will be no guards in the East Capital and it will fall into the hands of others. You. The wives, children, gold and silver treasures left in the city will be taken away, and no one will be left.”

Once it was believed that King Wu had not set a trap, the fighting spirit of the World Army was aroused again, and they clamored to start a battle that night, but Xue Jinyao had to wait for King Wu's order.

She believed that this order would definitely come, and it would end the last trace of ties in her heart. She could fight happily, for herself, for King Wu, or for nothing.

Death can also bewitch people's hearts. It uses the boundless unknown and the never-ending fall to attract those living people who are tired of the things around them, tricking them into leaping and completely solving all problems.

Hearing that King Wu was coming, Xue Jinyao was more surprised than anyone else.

Xu Chu was dusty, his body was covered with a thick chill, but his expression was calmer than ever. He retreated all the generals, leaving only General Shenshi and Cao Shenxi.

"What...are you here for? Once the news spreads, the Jingzhou army will be alert." Cao Shenxi spoke first. As a veteran, he especially couldn't understand what King Wu was doing.

"Let them be alert. I have changed my mind. I want to scare away the Jingzhou people, not annihilate them."

"Scare them off? The Jingzhou army will not run too far. They will come back soon and attack the eastern capital with the armies from the north. What will King Wu do to 'scare' him again?"

"Maybe things won't reach that point." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Cao Shenxi was speechless and looked at Xue Jinyao, "Do you understand what King Wu is saying?"

"Yeah." Xue Jinyao understood. She understood it as soon as she saw King Wu.

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