Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 246: Enemies from the South and North

The Jingzhou army came as soon as they said they would, and the number of people was much larger than expected. Dai Pohu was conscientious and found out a lot of news.

The Xi family had no place to use their military power in Dongdu, and they were unwilling to work for the court here. They ran away when they had the chance. They were like fish in water when they returned to Jingzhou. Long before the arrival of the King of Jibei, they had already won the support of the subordinate counties and counties, and united with the scattered states in the south to recruit a large number of soldiers.

I don’t know what the King of Jibei promised, but Xi Yun agreed to send troops and food, first sending 50,000 people, and more later.

This is all Dai Pohu knew. He rushed back at full speed, and only learned that the officers and soldiers were defeated when he was close to Dongdu, so he didn’t know what impact this incident would have on the Jingzhou army.

Xu Chu kept Tan Wuwei by his side and immediately summoned all the generals to discuss matters. His response strategy was simple. Taking advantage of the victory, he immediately sent troops to fight the Jingzhou army and didn’t give the other side a chance to besiege the city.

The generals shouted and were willing to lead troops to meet the enemy. They were more confident than each other, and the time to defeat the enemy was quickly reduced from ten days to three days.

After much arguing, the result was still as expected. Xue Jinyao was the nominal commander of the entire army, so naturally she would lead the troops to meet the enemy. She was very willing and said to everyone: "I'm tired of defending the city, so it's a good opportunity to go out and fight!"

At the strong request of the Wu general, the Wu army acted as the vanguard.

The plan was set, the entire army was ready, and they would set out early tomorrow morning, sending out scouts to observe the enemy situation first.

Xu Chu didn't say why, but asked Xue Jinyao to send scouts in all directions, at least a hundred miles away.

The generals left, and Xu Chu turned to Tan Wuwei and said, "How about it?"

This was a formal meeting, not a casual chat. Tan Wuwei was more honest, standing beside the King of Wu with his sword, never interrupting, like a reluctant personal guard.

After the generals left, only some guards were left in the hall. Tan Wuwei then said, "No merits or demerits, a mediocre strategy."

"Haha, since General Tan said so, I guess you have an extraordinary strategy?"

"It's hard to say, whether it's extraordinary or not depends on..."

Guo Shifeng hurried in from outside. He had been here a long time ago and had been waiting for the meeting to end.

Guo Shifeng bowed his hands, and Xu Chu understood his thoughts without even giving any hints. He waved his hand and ordered the guards to withdraw, but kept Tan Wuwei to show his trust.

Guo Shifeng looked at King Wu for a second time, and after confirming that he could really speak, he said, "There is no problem with the two of you. General Cao is willing to serve as the deputy general, as long as the main general is... King Xiangdong. General Guan said he needs to consider it, but I think he is already tempted."

"King Xiangdong also needs to consider it and wait for news from Yecheng. The letter has been written and sent out. If it's fast, there will be a reply within a few days. I guess Yecheng will not refuse."

"That's great. We are still missing a real general in charge of the army..." Guo Shifeng glanced at Tan Wuwei.

Xu Chu said, "I'm still looking. There's no rush. Anyway, the three kings of Xiangdong haven't made a final decision."

Guo Shifeng nodded and took two steps forward. "The Jingzhou army has arrived. King Wu ordered General Jiangshi to go out of the city to meet the enemy?"


Guo Shifeng paused for a moment and confirmed again that King Wu would not dismiss Tan Wuwei. He asked, "Can King Wu set a deadline for defeating the enemy?"

"The news just came. We don't know where the Jingzhou army is now or what plans they have. How can we determine the deadline for defeating the enemy?"

"Are all the Jiangshi army going to battle this time?"

"Wu soldiers acted as the vanguard."

"Wu soldiers are few in number. General Jiangshi's soldiers are all our own people."

"I guess so."

Guo Shifeng took two more steps forward and was very close to King Wu. He lowered his voice slightly to prevent people outside from hearing him. "Why is King Wu so careless? The Jiangshi army is a mob. They are defeated in one battle. They will inevitably collapse. If they win in one battle, they will surely become arrogant. When the time comes, General Jiangshi will raise his arm and shout that the 100,000 troops are not the property of the King of Wu. "

"General Jiangshi will not be so..."

"Even if she is not so, what about General Jiangshi's subordinates? How can General Jiangshi suppress the soldiers and generals alone?"

"The families of the Jiangshi Army are all in the city, including the youngest son of the King of Jiangshi. At least it is a constraint."

Guo Shifeng laughed and said, "It is a constraint, but also a disaster. If someone says to the Jiangshi Army, 'The King of Wu is winning over the officers and soldiers and will eliminate the Jiangshi Army and the families in the city. If we don't go back early, I'm afraid we will never see our families again', what will they think?"

"Will anyone say such a thing?"

"The King of Wu treated the captives well, and all the 100,000 officers and soldiers were incorporated into the army..."

"In fact, there are only more than 20,000 people." Xu Chu corrected. Without outsiders present, he felt that there was no need to use exaggerated numbers.

"Rumor has it that there are 100,000 people. Those who will persuade the army to surrender will also say that there are 100,000 people, so let's just assume that there are 100,000 people."

"Well, please continue."

"The King of Wu treated the captives well and wanted to use the surrendered generals. The news will definitely spread. In addition, the backgrounds of the King of Wu and the King of Liang will make the army suspicious."

"What does the King of Liang have to do with this?"

"The kings occupied the Eastern Capital. Now some are dead, some have left, and some are imprisoned. Only the King of Liang is left. In the eyes of outsiders, it is naturally because of the backgrounds of the King of Liang and the King of Wu. They were similar and old friends, so they were spared. The King of Wu might not think it was a big deal, but the Jiangshi Army was inevitably suspicious, thinking that the King of Wu still liked the old people in the court. "

Xu Chu laughed twice, but could not refute Guo Shifeng's statement. He was silent for a while before saying: "So you want me to set a deadline to defeat the enemy and force General Jiangshi and the Jingzhou Army to fight a decisive battle as soon as possible, so that both sides will suffer losses and the Jiangshi Army will be unable to fight again, right or not?"

"The King of Wu has a good idea, this plan is very good." Guo Shifeng bowed and took a step back, attributing all the "credit" to the King of Wu.

Xu Chu didn't want this "credit", "Now is not the time to make a decision. Since the Jiangshi Army has not shown any signs of rebellion, I can't convict them in advance."

"Although there are no signs, there is an inevitable trend, King Wu..."

"No need to say more, I will soon have important things to hand over to Mr. Guo, you have to go there in person."

"What? Where to?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Guo, go to rest and come to see me tomorrow morning."

"Yes." Guo Shifeng said goodbye, and when he walked to the door of the hall, he wanted to stop several times, turned around and persuaded again, but finally held back.

After Guo Shifeng walked out, Tan Wuwei said, "Mr. Guo's words make sense. The Jiangshi Army is a faction of its own. It was incorporated into the command of King Wu because of a series of accidents. If it is instigated, it will definitely rebel."

"That is to deal with the instigator first, not the Jiangshi Army. What's the point of cutting off your arm just to prevent a possible rebellion?"

Tan Wuwei thought for a while and nodded, "King Wu also has a point."

Tan Wuwei was very knowledgeable when talking about the deployment of troops and the general situation of the world, but he had no opinion when it came to other things. It made sense to listen to anyone.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Let's continue the discussion. General Tan hasn't mentioned your extraordinary strategy yet?"

"I am not a minister of King Wu. It is reasonable that I should not give you advice."

"We are just plain, I don't need any of your 'strategies'."

"Not a single one?"

"No." Xu Chu said affirmatively.

"Well, the Jingzhou army is coming south, but the way to win is not in the south."

"Oh? Do we have to defeat the Jingzhou army in the north?"

"That's right."

"Haha, it's really 'extraordinary'. General Tan thinks there will be enemy troops in the north to respond to the Jingzhou army?"

"I don't know whether there will be any response from the north. It depends on how capable the Princess of Yecheng is and whether she can persuade the princes of all parties. I only talk about the general situation. The four warring areas of Dongdu mean that it must be blocked on all sides when defending. Tongguan, Mengjin, Hulao, Wuguan, etc. are the real walls of Dongdu. If we don't defend these four places, Dongdu can't Those who rely on others are nothing but luck. The Jingzhou army came south and occupied Wuguan. If the Xi family fled upon hearing the news, they came without knowing the truth and there is no need to be afraid. If they rush to attack the city, they will also try to seize the credit of luck and there is no need to be afraid. If they station troops dozens of miles away and defend themselves by relying on the terrain, they are waiting for something. What they are waiting for must not be Jingzhou, nor the Qin and Han armies in the west, but the north and east. There is the Ning army in the east. Even if it cannot stop the East Army, it can contain it for half a month or a month. Only the north is the biggest gap in the East Capital at present..."

Tan Wuwei suddenly shut up, his face was not very good.

"Why didn't General Tan continue?" Xu Chu said in surprise.

"If you talk too much, you will make mistakes. I'd better... say goodbye. I'd better go back and reflect on my mistakes."

Xu Chu understood and said with a smile: "General Tan is worried that King Jin will also participate in the siege of Dongdu. Will your words destroy King Jin's plan?"

Tan Wuwei was very embarrassed, "King Wu said that you will not use my "strategy". Let's see if you keep your word."

"I am a trustworthy person, but if I had sent troops to seize Mengjin earlier, it would not be considered a breach of promise, right?"

"King Wu had sent people earlier? Why didn't I hear about it?"

"Many people don't know, so you didn't hear about it. Once the siege of Dongdu was lifted, I sent an army to seize Mengjin, and also sent scouts to Tongguan and Hulao to check the situation."

"King Wu is indeed far-sighted." Tan Wuwei bowed, his expression slightly relaxed, "Anyway, Mengjin is the most important thing. If we can hold on to this, Dongdu can survive. If we can't hold on to it, depends on whether the King of Wu can still get lucky."

"One or two lucky times is enough. I don't have any extravagant hopes."

Tan Wuwei became interested again, "Mengjin is only important at this time. After repelling the Jingzhou army, Tongguan will become the most important thing. If the King of Wu can't pass through the pass and seize Qinzhou as soon as possible, Dongdu will still be in danger. Qinzhou is only one foot, and it is not stable yet. We need to seize Hanzhou. The two feet are slightly stable. If we can occupy one of the states between Nanjing and Beibing at the same time...Oh, don't occupy Bingzhou, go and occupy Jingzhou. With the three states as the rear, Dongdu will be stable and can give it a try..."

Xu Chu nodded.

Tan Wuwei talked for a long time, but the King of Wu stopped asking questions and did not respond. He felt bored and said goodbye again, "In short, Jingzhou is not a strong enemy. Whether the Princess of Yecheng can contact the heroes or not, the King of Wu must be careful of the north. I really can't say anything more. Goodbye."

Tan Wuwei left in a hurry and left the meeting room. He kept blaming himself, thinking that he had said too much today and was sorry for the King of Jin who was not sure where he was at the moment.

Xu Chu was overjoyed and immediately sent someone to find King Liang. As soon as they met, he said, "The situation is urgent. I won't say much. Please ask King Liang to lead the troops to Mengjin immediately. You must defend the two cities at all costs."

Ma Wei was very surprised, "Enemy troops are coming from the north?"

"I don't know now. I sent the King of Shu's subordinates to Mengjin to prevent them from causing trouble in the city. Now it seems that this is a mistake. They have no intention of defending the city, which will definitely ruin the situation. Therefore, I ask King Liang to go quickly. Mengjin is a matter of one person, and I dare not entrust it to anyone other than King Liang."

"In this case, I will mobilize the troops and set off now."

Ma Wei still didn't quite understand, but Xu Chu was already anxious.

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