Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 242 General Trend

Ma Wei's suggestion was too straightforward, so Guo Shifeng stepped forward and interjected: "The King of Liang is right, the King of Wu is about to fly into the sky. The Eastern Capital is like a pond and cannot be settled for a long time. The descending army is like shrimps, soldiers and crab generals, which cannot be carried to heaven."

"Ascended to heaven? I am not the king of the descended world."

In the Advent Army, the word "ascension" is both a compliment and a curse. In short, it is to hope that the other party will die soon.

Guo Shifeng smiled and said: "King Wu understands what I mean. This opportunity is once in a lifetime, I hope King Wu will cherish it."

"How come this is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence?"

"The general killed Wang Tiemei and was assassinated by the Queen Mother. The Luozhou soldiers under his command could not go to Yecheng, nor could they defect to Jiangdong. The people were panicked and did not know what to do. If the King of Wu can accept him with his heart, he will win his loyalty."

"I can do this."

Ma Wei added: "Most of the generals in Luozhou are the former subordinates of the generals. If the King of Wu is willing to let go and avenge the generals..."

"I can't do this."

Ma Wei smiled and said, "It's an expedient solution. The sacrifice is minimal and the gain is huge. King Wu..."

"If I say anything to avenge the general, I have to explain why I broke with the Lou family before, and why I sit in the Eastern Capital and refuse to accept the general. My current sacrifice is minimal, but there will be endless hidden dangers in the future."

Ma Wei glanced at Guo Shifeng and said, "The King of Wu has thought carefully. Even without this move, the King of Wu can easily win the loyalty of the Luozhou soldiers."

Guo Shifeng said: "Luozhou has the best soldiers in the world. It is the capital of the emperor. One Luozhou soldier is better than ten soldiers of the World Army. From now on, the King of Wu will no longer be constrained by the people of Qinzhou. This is one of them."

Xu Chu nodded and signaled Guo Shifeng to continue.

"The king of eastern Hunan is rushing to the east capital. The so-called rare things can be lived in. I am willing to go to Yecheng in person. With my words, even if I cannot surrender Yecheng, I can still make the princess dare not go south to peek at the east capital."

"Without her father's decision, how could an orphan girl occupy Jizhou? As soon as Mr. Guo leaves, the princess will surrender." Ma Wei did not think that Princess Huanyan would be a strong enemy.

"I will try my best to fight for it." Guo Shifeng said with a smile, not daring to say too much, "Jizhou is no longer a threat, that's the second thing. Bingzhou has too much time to take care of itself, and its life and death is still unknown, so don't worry about it for the time being, that's the third thing. When Jingzhou heard the news about the defeat of the Eastern Capital, they were bound to be frightened. The King of Wu made a few words, and the Xi family should bow down and seek peace. This is the fourth reason. "

Ma Wei asked for orders: "I have some contacts with the Xi family, and I would like to serve as an envoy to go south to persuade Jingzhou to surrender to the King of Wu."

Xu Chu smiled and shook his head, "The King of Liang is like my right and left arms. I can't leave him temporarily. When I go to Jingzhou as an envoy, I can replace him with anyone."

Ma Wei gave it up and did not insist.

Guo Shifeng hadn't finished speaking: "The three states of Ji, Bing, and Jing have been pacified, leaving the two states of Huai and Wu in the east and the three states of Qin, Han, and Yi in the west. Yizhou is remote, so let's ignore it for now. Qinzhou and Hanzhou are in chaos. , fell into the hands of the New World Army, and the King of Wu sent a general to use both kindness and power. Within half a year, he was able to put down the chaos and add countless troops. This is five of them."

Ma Wei lowered his gaze, obviously more interested in "General".

Xu Chu hummed and did not answer the question.

Guo Shifeng said: "The king of Wu wants to personally march eastward to avenge the Wu soldiers. I have thought about it carefully and it is actually a clever plan. If the Huai and Wu states accept the Ning army, then the King of Wu will be famous. If the two states do not accept it, then the army of Wu will be famous." Both the Ning army and the Ning army were defeated, and the King of Wu could take advantage of this opportunity. I could also persuade Yecheng to send troops to help. If the King of Wu could tolerate it for a while, he could temporarily surrender Huaizhou to Yecheng and take Wuzhou to the east of the Yangtze River. After the west was pacified, he could cross the line. , Conquering the south and the north with no success, and within three years, all the Nine Cauldrons will be returned to the King of Wu!"

The counselor's words were more beautiful than the opera. After Guo Shifeng said this, pursuing Ning Baoguan was no longer an impulsive move, but became a thoughtful and ambitious strategy. Xu Chu knew that there was more in reality than in reality, but he still felt more comfortable in his heart.

"The situation is indeed more favorable." Xu Chu said.

After going in a big circle, Guo Shifeng returned to the original topic, "The general trend of the world is in the hands of King Wu. King Wu has a far-sighted vision, how can he be controlled by small details?"

"Must be?"

Guo Shifeng nodded, "As long as the Golden Saint is still there, the Incarnation Army will still be the Xue family's army, not the soldiers of the King of Wu. She also openly protected Niu Tiannv and offended the Wu people. The King of Wu can take the opportunity to get rid of her, which can not only appease the morale of the army, but also go." The name of "Come into the World".

"Two questions: First, to get rid of her, you have to get rid of the new king at the same time. The Luozhou soldiers have just returned, and people's hearts are unstable. If the World Army makes trouble, no one can suppress it." Xu Chu said.

Guo Shifeng turned slightly to make way for Ma Wei, "Perhaps Prince Liang can help."

"Prince Liang?"

Ma Wei said sternly: "I have killed the King of the World, and I don't care about killing two more Xue family members. When the Army of the World came to my door, I said that the King of the World came to me in a dream to take his son and daughter to heaven. Anyway, they believed This, my descendant army hates the Xue family, so they can protect me."

"Second, the reputation of the Golden Saint Sisters and sisters is not small. The western expedition to the Qin and Han states can be used to surrender the New World Army." Xu Chu asked the second question.

Guo Shifeng said: "Weighing the pros and cons, although the Jin Shengnu sisters and brothers will help to conquer the enemies in the west, the descending army will become stronger as a result, and it will be difficult for the King of Wu to benefit. It is better to get rid of this problem early. The Western Expedition will be slightly more difficult, but what will be gained But all the benefits will go to the King of Wu."

Xu Chu thought for a while and said, "What both of you said is reasonable, but don't act too hastily. At least wait until the Luozhou soldiers are stabilized before making any plans."

Ma Wei wanted to persuade him again, but Guo Shifeng was the first to say: "Indeed, if the Luozhou soldiers are not interested, nothing can be discussed."

"Five days, at most five days." Xu Chu promised the Wu people to send troops to pursue Ningbaoguan in five days, and also gave the two men the same deadline.

Guo Shifeng cupped his hands and said, "There is no need to say more. The King of Wu knows it in his heart. I am just saying this in the hope that I can contribute a small amount of effort to the King of Wu."

Xu Chu smiled and nodded, "I just need Mr. Guo's help."

"I can leave for Yecheng now..."

"There is no need to be in such a hurry, and the situation in Yecheng is clear. There is no need for Mr. Guo to go in person. You can stay here. I have other important uses for you."

"Only the King of Wu drives him away."

The two of them said goodbye and came to a deserted place. Ma Wei said: "Has King Wu been persuaded?"

Guo Shifeng nodded, "King Wu has been moved for a long time, but he can't bear it a little. The persuasion from you and me is just in time. King Wu will naturally get rid of the 'unbearable' meaning when he sees that there are people in the world who are more cruel and ruthless than him."

Ma Wei cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Guo can understand clearly. Please don't take the past misunderstandings to heart, Mr. Guo. You and I will follow the King of Wu and work together to fulfill our responsibilities as ministers."

Guo Shifeng also held up his hand and said: "Of course, looking at the world, King Wu is in the best situation, so following King Wu is the only choice. What does this little misunderstanding between you and me mean?"

The two laughed, and at least on the surface they were reconciled as before. Ma Wei took the opportunity to say: "I have nothing else to ask for. I just want to stand alone for the King of Wu. I can conquer the west or the south. If Mr. Guo can do it in front of the King of Wu, Thank you very much for your compliments.”

"When it comes to standing alone, who else can be in the army besides King Liang? After King Wu hesitates, the person he chooses must still be King Liang."

Ma Wei felt relieved and asked, "What does Mr. Guo want?"

Guo Shifeng smiled and said, "Follow your words."

"If King Wu doesn't send Mr. Guo to Yecheng, who will he send?"

"'s better not to guess what King Wu is thinking."

The two laughed again, Ma Wei took his leave, and Guo Shifeng returned to his residence.

Xu Chu felt tired and lonely. He didn't know who he should trust completely, but he must build a reliable army as soon as possible.

After a hasty meal, he sent someone to ask Cao Shen for a wash.

Cao Shenxi was left by Xue Jinyao and was only willing to talk about war on paper. When it came time to fight, he didn't say a word and was not forced.

After arriving, Cao Shenxi sighed, "Congratulations, King Wu, for another great victory."

Xu Chu asked him to sit down and said with a smile: "The victory is inexplicable."

"If it were not inexplicable, there would be no such thing as the defeat of the many by the few and the victory by the weak against the strong in the world."

"Haha, General Cao can see clearly. Where will General Cao go from here?"

"What can I do if I am facing sin? I am just hanging on for a breath."

"General Cao is not guilty. You can rest assured that he will not be punished with murder again."

Cao Shenxi glanced at the King of Wu, "The King of Wu wants me to persuade the court soldiers to surrender, right? Sorry, I can't do it."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "The Luozhou soldiers have already surrendered. I don't have to go to General Cao to persuade him."

Cao Shenxi breathed a sigh of relief, "In that case - I have nothing to say. A defeated general and a minister who has subjugated his country can only go with the flow and not dare to have extravagant hopes."

"How about General Advent?"

"Although she is a woman, she is quite talented. With time, she will become a great weapon."

"Are there any regrets?"

"After all, she is a woman. Even if she is wise and brave, it is difficult for the world to admit her. The road ahead will be difficult."

"Where are her men?"

“There was so little contact, nothing to say.”

Xu Chu thought for a while and said, "Please arrange a banquet with General Cao. I want to entertain old friends from Luozhou."

"Where is the general who came to the world..."

"I sent someone to tell her to borrow General Cao for a few days."

Cao Shenxi suddenly understood, "The King of Wu still wants to use me to win people's hearts."

"They are all acquaintances, so it's easy to talk to them."

Cao Shenxi sighed again, "I can arrange banquets and make appearances, but I will never speak for King Wu."

"General Cao just drinks." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Cao Shenxi kept shaking his head, "When? Where is the arrangement?"

"Right here, tonight."

"Alas, a lifetime of fame...has just disappeared a little bit." Cao Shenxi couldn't help but sigh.

"General Cao, please tell the truth. What is the best choice for Luozhou soldiers?"

Cao Shenxi was silent for a while, "If you have no choice in the first place, how can you talk about good or bad? King Wu's side is definitely not the worst."

Xu Chu laughed, sent Cao Shenxi away, and sent for Sun Yalu.

Sun Yalu had no intention of surrender. After entering, he slightly cupped his hands and said: "The King of Wu wants to conquer the world, and he must have the heart of the world. When the King of Eastern Hunan was desperate, he came to ask for help. Fortunately, the King of Wu accepted him. I am very grateful. Yecheng From then on, I became a friend with the King of Wu, stopped fighting, and kept in touch with each other all the time, and everything went well every year."

"That's very good."

"The King of Eastern Hunan will bid farewell tomorrow. I won't bother the King of Wu to see him off."

"The King of Eastern Hunan has been in trouble, so why don't you stay here to recuperate for a while. Mr. Sun can go back to Yecheng and let them know. Don't let them worry."

Sun Yalu knew that it was useless to fight forcefully, so he held up his hands and said: "Please ask the King of Wu to make some conditions."

"The princess has always been able to guess my thoughts. Let her guess again."

Sun Yalu thought for a while, then turned and left.

"I also need someone like this." Xu Chu murmured, envious of Princess Huanyan's ability to win over loyal advisers.

Soon, his heart felt as cold as ice again, and he believed that all the heroes in the world envied him even more at this time.

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