(Please collect and recommend)

Seeing Lou Chu's uneasy look, the emperor laughed, "There are thousands of people who want to get close to me, and you are just one of them. What's there to be nervous about?"

Lou Chu smiled, "No one is not nervous when seeing the emperor's face for the first time."

The emperor's expression suddenly became cold, "Censor Luo died unjustly."

"Huh?" Lou Chu was caught off guard by this sentence.

"Luo Zheng was originally a censor. It is one of his duties to find fault with the emperor. It is a great crime to be cowardly and silent. Anyone who writes a letter, even if it is wrong, should be encouraged, not killed."

"Your Majesty..." Lou Chu didn't know how to respond. He knew that the most appropriate choice at this time was to thank the emperor on behalf of the censors of the Censorate, and even claimed that Luo Zheng would be grateful if he knew about it in the afterlife, but he really couldn't say it.

The emperor waited for a while and smiled again, "Although we are brothers, you and Fatty Ying are not the same kind of people."

"My brother is calm, which is beyond my reach."

"Haha, except for his body, Fatty Ying has nothing to do with calmness. But you are not a true loyal minister either."


"When I was angry at Luo's house, you were beside me, pretending to be Fatty Ying's servant. You did not dissuade me at the time, and did not advise me afterwards. Luo Zheng is a loyal minister, but you are not. You and everyone present that night are not loyal ministers."

Lou Chu was speechless.

The emperor stared at Lou Chu and said slowly: "I am in a good mood now. What do you want to say?"

Lou Chu had already agreed to give the opportunity to advise Princess Huanyan, and he had just been identified as "not a loyal minister". No matter what he said at this time, he could not escape the reputation of observing the expression of others and being cowardly and wavering.

"I... have nothing to say, I can only reflect on my mistakes and offer honest advice."

The emperor smiled with satisfaction, turned his head and said to the princess who was standing by: "I told you a long time ago."

The princess also smiled, "You put the hat of 'disloyalty' on others as soon as you open your mouth. Not to mention a commoner, even the prime minister of the dynasty dare not say a word more."

"Only after fighting a hard battle can you know who is the general. If you can't pass this test, why do you call yourself a talented person? It's a good thing to care about the world, but you have to have this ability." The emperor stood up, "Lou Chu, you are not suitable to stay here. Go to Zhumamen and wait for orders in the future. Go down."

Lou Chu thanked him, bowed and left the hall. After leaving the hall, he could still hear the laughter inside.

Zhang Shiduan caught up from behind, walked with Lou Chu for a while, and asked, "What's going on?"


"Why... Where is your usual eloquence? Thanks to us for talking so hard about you, His Majesty is a little disappointed, and the Princess is a little angry."

"The timing is not right."

"You have already met His Majesty, is there a better time?"

"His Majesty ordered me to wait at Zhumamen. I have been following him for a long time, so there will be a better time."

"Okay, you choose the timing yourself. I also know that His Majesty is not easy to deal with. But--" Zhang Shiduan took two steps ahead and turned around to stop Lou Chu, "Don't just use us, I don't care, if you offend the Princess, the ending may be worse than angering His Majesty."

"No, I don't need to."

Zhang Shiduan smiled, "Let's meet somewhere else in the future. Guiyuan is good. It's very close to me and the General's Mansion."

"I'll be there whenever you call."

It was Duan Siyong who sent Lou Chu home.

Lou Chu fell asleep and woke up in the afternoon. He felt a splitting headache and his throat was dry as if on fire. He drank a big sip of herbal tea and felt a little better. He couldn't help but sympathize with Lou Ying. His third brother had been following the emperor on night tours for years and months, and the suffering he had suffered was incalculable.

Lou Chu called the old servant and ordered him to borrow a horse from the mansion, "A good horse and a saddle."

"Ah? Will the mansion lend it to me? I won't be scolded out, will I?"

"Go and ask, and talk about it later if they don't lend it to me."

The old servant went out reluctantly.

Lou Chu found the dagger, thought about it, and put it back. He had not yet gained the emperor's trust. He was afraid that carrying a weapon with him would be searched out before he could use it.

"Is Mr. Lou at home? I know you're back in Beijing!" Someone outside shouted loudly.

As soon as Lou Chu heard it, he knew it was Zhou Lu. He walked out of the house quickly, opened the gate, and frowned, saying, "You don't even know how to knock on the door?"

"If I knock on the door, I'm afraid you will pretend not to be at home. Come in and talk. I'll welcome you." The two servants behind Zhou Lu showed the wine and food in their hands.

Lou Chu was hungry, so he let the guest in. After a big meal, he said, "You must have something to ask me. Tell me. If I can help, I will help. If I can't, I will also explain it clearly."

"Straightforward, I like dealing with people like Mr. Lou, everything is clear." Zhou Lu flattered, signaled the servants to leave, and finally got to the point, "This time it's not writing an article, it's just a small favor, asking someone to come out from the army."

Lou Chu was stunned, "We have been classmates for many years, you know me a little bit, why did you think of asking me for help?"

"Because only the general can release people, I wanted to ask others in the Lou family for help, but they all... I have to go out of the city, so I have to find you. And I heard that Mr. Lou is different from before, and he is deeply trusted by the general. You went out before, didn't you do things for the general? "

Lou Chu shook his head, "I can't help, I can't even see the general, not to mention that the army is about to lead the army to the west, how can I release the soldiers when I need people?"

"This person just received the signature and has not entered the camp yet. He has been issued before and can be exempted by paying money, but this time it's not possible. The court is urging him to come, and paying money is useless."

"Why don't you want to join the army? A hundred thousand troops are invincible. In Qinzhou, the thieves can be pacified in a year at most. There is not much danger."

"He is not afraid of danger. He is a filial son and is reluctant to leave his mother, so..."

"Who is it that makes you care so much?"

"I mentioned it to you once."

"Really?" Lou Chu was not impressed.

"This man's surname is Tian, ​​and his name only has the word craftsman, which means craftsman's craftsman, but he is not a craftsman. His ancestors worked as small officials and left some properties. The mother and son depended on this for a living. They depended on each other and lived a pretty good life. But Once he leaves, the old mother will be left without someone to take care of her. I'm afraid she won't be able to survive this winter..."

Lou Chu finally remembered, "This Tian Jiang is the 'hero' you have always wanted to win over, right?"

"Yes, that's him. I told you, you two are quite similar. You can't take soft and hard. I haven't even entered the front door of his house. It's different this time. He begged me. As long as I help him with this If you are busy, he will be of use to me in the future.”

"Can't your father be exempted from military service as a Tianjiao?"

"Originally it was possible, but after the assassination incident, the imperial court changed the generals every day, so no one dared to take care of things, and my father couldn't find anyone. And he didn't want to help." Zhou Lu said with some resentment, " He also told me to mind my own business so as not to get into trouble. But Cijia has nothing to do with me or Tian Jiang, so what trouble can I get into?"

"You really want to make friends with this field worker?"

"Of course, I have inquired carefully and found out that this field craftsman is not a simple man. He dared to use a knife at the age of twelve or thirteen, and he was invincible in fighting all over the streets and back alleys."

"A rogue boy?"

"He is a scoundrel, but he is different from other scoundrels. When he encounters children who are younger than him, or women, or old people, he cannot fight back. The more powerful the opponent is, the less he will give in, and he will continue to fight even though his body is bleeding. He He also learned skills from teachers everywhere, and he is very capable and can kill people with his bare hands - of course, I don’t know if he has killed anyone, I just heard about it.”

"Such people should be sent to the military for training."

"I haven't finished speaking yet. When Tian Jiang was twenty years old, his father died. Before he died, he told his wife that Tian Jiang loved to cause trouble and would bring trouble to his family sooner or later. If he fought with others again, he would let his wife commit suicide and be buried. It was a bitter experience. Tian Jiang was not at home that day. When he came back, he heard from his neighbor that he cried bitterly and actually changed his ways. For eight years, he refused to fight with anyone. Even when his enemies came to his door and held a knife to his neck, he refused. Will fight back."

"This is quite a strange man."

"Right, so I want to do him this favor and let him work for me wholeheartedly, and see who dares to touch me."

"He didn't fight back even when he was beaten. How can he help you?"

"I've also asked about this. The old lady is old and seriously ill. She can only live for another one or two years. This is why Tian Jiang doesn't want to join the army. Once my mother dies, he will be like the one who roamed the eastern capital again. It’s ‘endless’.”

"Want to die?"

"His nickname, just based on this, you can imagine how powerful he is."

Lou Chu smiled, and he had to give a discount to Zhou Lu's words. As for the discount, it depends on the situation.

"How's it going? Can you help me? No matter how much I want, I really can't find anyone else, so I'm asking for your help. This is the last time, and there will be no next time."

"This signing is no different than usual."

"Yes, even if you pay money, Tian Jiang wants to escape, but his mother can't walk."

"The general may be able to waive his visa."

"That's why I came to beg you. The general is your father after all."

"You have to wait until I see the general before I can speak."

"Of course, but don't be too late. In five days, Tian Jiang must report to the camp, and there will be no visa exemption by then."

"I don't guarantee that this will happen. I don't even know when I can see the general."

"I may not believe other people's oaths, but Mr. Lou's words of 'possible' will make me deeply grateful. No matter whether it is successful or not, you have done me a big favor."

Lou Chu looked at Zhou Lu in surprise, not expecting him to be so good at talking, "You don't have to come again. I will send someone to invite you when I have news."

Zhou Lu stood up and put his hand into his arms, "Thank you very much. Please accept this. It's not a gift, it's just for you to use."

"No, I can't bribe the general."

"The king of hell is easy to see, but the devil is difficult to deal with. If you want to see the general, you must give the 'little devil' some benefits." Zhou Lu put a small box on the table, not noticing that he had just compared the general to the king of hell.

Zhou Lu bowed his hands and left.

Lou Chi opened the box and saw that it was filled with pearls. He closed the lid and turned to look at the place where the dagger was hidden. After thinking for a while, he decided to do it himself. No matter whether the Tianjiang was capable or not, water from afar could not quench the thirst for nearness. .

When the old servant came back, he really led a horse with a saddle and saddle. He himself was very puzzled, "The government actually borrowed it and said that it was not in a hurry to pay it back and that if it needs anything else, it can be asked at any time. What's going on?"

Of course, it was the order left by Mrs. Lan. Lou Chu did not explain it, but ordered the old servant to serve the meal. He would go to Zhumamen before dark. He only had to follow the emperor two or three times to figure out the routine, and then he could take action.

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