Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 230 The Wind of Time

Guo Shifeng did not go to the city to see the King of Wu immediately. He walked around the camp for a while and turned into an inconspicuous tent.

The person in the tent was writing a letter. He looked up when he heard the sound, but did not speak and continued to write at his desk.

Guo Shifeng was not polite either. He walked to the man and watched silently, nodding, humming, and shaking his head.

"Does Mr. Sun really want to do this?"

Sun Yalu was the counselor brought by Wang Tiemei from Jizhou. He wrote the last few words, put down the pen, and replied: "It can only be this way. I was entrusted by the princess and cannot watch the King of Xiangdong being killed."

Guo Shifeng smiled and said: "I have known Mr. Sun for many years, and I have never seen Mr. Sun so loyal to one person - or a woman."

When Sun Yalu was traveling around the world in his early years, he worked with Guo Shifeng in the Guangling Palace for a period of time. They admired each other and became friends.

Sun Yalu said seriously: "I know what Mr. Guo is thinking, but I am not that kind of person. Besides, at this age, I no longer have that kind of thought. The princess knows talent, and I am willing to offer my talent, that's all."

"Hehe, age doesn't mean anything. There are people who are much older than Mr. Sun, who have many wives and concubines at home, and are thinking about getting more."

"General?" Sun Yalu immediately guessed who it was.

Guo Shifeng smiled and nodded.

"At the critical moment of life and death, he still has not changed his nature?"

"No, he seems to be more persistent. The loneliness in the army is especially unbearable for the general."

"Well, that's good, at least we don't have to work hard to figure out whether the general is worthy of assistance, which is one less worry."

"Mr. Sun has chosen the princess?"

The ink has dried, Sun Yalu folded the letter lightly and nodded: "Yes, I chose it when I was still in Yecheng."

"No regrets?"

"What to regret?"

"If Mr. Sun had persuaded Wang Tiemei to keep his promise and join the Jin army, there would not be so much chaos now."

"No. I have been to Jinyang and met the father and son of the Shen family. Shen Mushou is too cautious, and Shen Wugongzi is too confident. They are all difficult to understand. A happy ending."

"How can a woman like the princess have a happy ending?"

"The princess knows her weakness and doesn't force it. She will choose a suitable husband to show up for her."

"Lou Ji? He's just a playboy. It's better for the princess to show up in person than to let him show up."

"It's not him."

Guo Shifeng was slightly stunned. "Could it be... impossible? Not to mention that he has become a king, but when he was a commoner, he was unwilling to be manipulated by a woman."

"It's not him."

"Who is it? I'm really a little curious."

"The time is not right. I can't leak it casually, and the princess hasn't made a final conclusion yet. Mr. Guo will see it with his own eyes sooner or later when he goes to Yecheng."

Guo Shifeng smiled but said nothing.

Sun Yalu said, "Why? Mr. Guo doesn't want to go to Yecheng?"

"It's not that I don't want to, but... Mr. Sun has never considered King Wu?"

Sun Yalu took a deep breath and thought for a moment, "King Wu is also useless."

"What's wrong with King Wu?"

"King Wu is wise and brave, but he is too smart. He must see through everything."

"Isn't that good?"

"He sees through everything. How can his subordinates do things? As the saying goes, if the water is too clear, there will be no fish, and if the person is too careful, there will be no followers. I think King Wu will be destroyed because he has no one to use. Even if he defends the Eastern Capital, he won't be able to hold on for too long."

Guo Shifeng hummed, "It seems a bit exaggerated to say that King Wu has no one to use."

"Guo Sir, are you interested in joining the King of Wu?"

"I'm still thinking about it, and I'm hesitant, so I came to Mr. Sun to discuss it."

Sun Yalu laughed and said, "Mr. Guo, who has always been accurate in judging people and can rise and fall with the world, actually has moments of hesitation."

"Haha, so it's not easy to rise and fall with the world, it's very difficult, very difficult."

"To be a subordinate of the King of Wu, you have to tell everything in your heart. Even so, you may not be able to gain the trust of the King of Wu. Does Mr. Guo really intend to reveal everything?"

"I'm just troubled by this matter. The King of Wu has seen that some of the kings have secretly surrendered soldiers and ordered me to find out. I said I would give him a definite letter before tonight."

Sun Yalu put the letter into the letter, If Mr. Guo really wants to assist the King of Wu, he'd better tell the truth, otherwise, he will definitely see that you are lying. "

"Alas, the King of Wu is also a counselor, so it's really hard to deceive him. Isn't the princess's requirements for Mr. Sun so strict?"

"I advise the princess, and the princess listens to me. For example, now I can decide how to deal with the general without waiting for her order. Regardless of right or wrong, success or failure, I know that I will not be blamed by the princess."

"The princess is not so gullible to everyone, right?"

"The princess will give you two chances: the first time you are deceived, she will say that it is her fault, that she did not do things well, and made the wise man have two hearts. The second time you are deceived, she will say that it is the fault of both parties. The third times, she will kill you."

"Haha, two times is too little for me. How many chances has Mr. Sun used?"

"Never used it once."

"The people are united and trust each other, which is enviable." Guo Shifeng pointed at the letter in Sun Yalu's hand, "Are you really going to give up Dongdu and lead the troops back to Yecheng?"

"Dongdu has become a chicken rib. If Yecheng could be recaptured in one fell swoop a few days ago, it could still be used to spread the message to the world. Now it has no benefit at all. If you can't take it, you will lose soldiers and generals. If you take it, you will be a wedding dress for others. It's better to go back and keep the troops for the long term."

"What is the long term of Yecheng?"

"Link Huai and Wu in the south, rely on He Rong in the north, annex Bingzhou in the west, and then observe the situation in the world."

"Huaizhou has the Sheng family, and Wuzhou has Liang and Lan. They are all powerful enemies. How can Yecheng be connected to them?"

"Liang and Lan are incompetent, so there is nothing to be afraid of. The two families will inevitably fight for power. A little estrangement can break their power without a fight. When the Sheng family first rose, they had no choice but to turn to Jiangdong. They would be disappointed soon. Yecheng generously rewarded them. He will win his heart."

"Maybe the Sheng family will also become king on their own."

Sun Yalu smiled and said, "If that's true, it won't be too late to find a way."

Guo Shifeng thought for a while, "He Rong is married to the King of Jibei, so he supports Yecheng. The princess wants to 'close to He Rong in the north'. Does that mean he wants to keep the King of Jibei?"

"The King of Xiangdong and Jibei are not fire and water, they can coexist." Sun Yalu paused for a while, "At least they can coexist now."

"Yes, I understand. But after the little prince dies, who does Yecheng plan to use to inherit the throne? Do you really want to find an illegitimate prince of the Emperor of All Things?"

"The princess has thought about this problem a long time ago and has an idea. Please forgive me not to reveal it. If Mr. Guo is willing to follow me back to Yecheng, he can ask him face to face. The princess will definitely answer truthfully."

"Let me think about it for a while."

"Mr. Guo can think about it as long as he wants. There is only one thing. Your reputation is not very good. If you want to defect to Yecheng, you must be sincere and don't do it again."

"I thought I had two chances." Guo Shifeng said with a smile.

"You do have two chances, but the first chance has been used on too many people. With the princess, there is only one left."

Guo Shifeng nodded with a smile, bowed his hands and left. When he was approaching the door, he turned around and said, "The general is going to stage a mutiny. He will kill the King of Eastern Hunan first, then Wang Tiemei, and send Louji to capture Yecheng as a mourner. Mr. Sun has decided to retreat. , I don’t need to remind you, you just need to do it as soon as possible to prevent long nights and long dreams. Please also pay my respects to the princess and say that I care about this only one chance and will not use it until necessary. "

"Thank you, Mr. Guo. Please also give my regards to the King of Wu. Yecheng's attack on the Eastern Capital is in line with the current situation, and there is no personal hatred. Now that the situation has changed, Yecheng has withdrawn its troops, and the King of Wu can feel at ease. There are disturbances from all directions, and the Eastern Capital is the first to bear the brunt. , If King Wu needs help in the future, Yecheng will not refuse as long as the conditions are right. "

"Remember it. What should Wang Tiemei do? Is he willing to withdraw his troops?"

Sun Yalu let out a long hum, "He has used up all his opportunities."

Without saying anything else, Guo Shifeng went back to his tent and wrote a letter. He found a military slave he knew well and bribed him with money to leave the camp at night. He must personally deliver the letter to the King of Jin.

Guo Shifeng couldn't see which mountain was high, so he had to pay homage to each mountain.

But at the moment, he felt that King Wu was a little bit taller, at least better than others inside and outside Dongdu. He would like to observe this conclusion again.

Guo Shifeng made up his mind, left the camp in the dark, and rode to the east capital alone. He did not go to the usual west gate, but went straight to the north gate.

The north gate was originally guarded by King Ning, but now it has been guarded by King Ganzhao of Shu.

Guo Shifeng came to call the door, claiming that he was a scout sent by the rebel army and had news that he wanted to meet the King of Shu.

The city gate opened a crack, and Guo Shifeng led his horse in. He was not dressed like a scout at all. The general who opened the door did not raise any questions. He looked at him with a torch and led him to the residence of the King of Shu.

It was still early and Gan Zhao did not fall asleep. He was discussing military affairs with a group of generals. After hearing the announcement, he asked the generals to continue the discussion and left to meet the envoy in another room.

"I have been waiting for Mr. Guo. I heard during the day that you were going to see the King of Wu. I thought..." Gan Zhao smiled.

Guo Shifeng cupped his hands and said: "Meeting the King of Wu is a business matter, just a message between the two parties. Meeting the King of Shu is my original intention."

"Please sit down. I don't know what King Xiangdong thinks, but it is true. King Wu himself guessed that there was an ambush and no one leaked the secret. Moreover, it was only because of the visit of Mr. Guo and Lord Fei that King Wu became suspicious."

"The king of Wu is too smart and will reap the consequences sooner or later. The king of Shu will be content and happy, and he will live a long life."

"It is not my original intention to rebel or become king. It is a pity that the court is unethical and loyal ministers have no place to live. I am happy to see the rise of a true master in Ye City. Who in the world does not yearn for him?"

"Yecheng was defeated, and the King of Shu didn't regret it?"

Gan Zhao shook his head and said, "As the years get colder, the pines and cypresses will wither. This is why I chose to return to Yecheng at this time."

"Well, the King of Eastern Hunan appreciates the loyalty of the King of Shu very much, so he has to entrust him with a heavy responsibility and hopes that the King of Shu will spare no effort and make further achievements."

"Mr. Guo, please tell me that I feel deeply sorry for my failure the day before yesterday. I will definitely succeed this time."

"That's right, the general wants to betray Yecheng and join forces with the King of Wu."

"They are father and son." Gan Zhao nodded, not surprised at all.

"I spread the word between their father and son, and it seems that things will work out in all probability. If King Wu returns to his old name, Ye City will be in danger, and all the rebel kings will not be able to escape."

"I understand this. What does King Xiangdong want me to do?"

"Find a way to turn the Lou family's father and son against each other."

Gan Zhao thought for a while, "What a coincidence, a ready-made opportunity is right in front of me. The King of Wu somehow wanted to force a general to commit suicide. There are very few people who know about this, and I learned about it accidentally."

"What does this have to do with the General?"

"This general was originally from Wu. He hated the general so much that he was forced to commit suicide. He must be willing to do something before he dies."

"He can't reach the general."

"But he can seduce the general's wife."

Guo Shifeng smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I can go to see King Wu calmly. Once Mrs. Lan dies, there will be no possibility of reconciliation between the Lou family and his son."

"Does the General really care about Mrs. Yilan?"

"He doesn't care. What he cares about is women. There is more than one woman in the general's mansion. If you can make the general kill a few more before committing suicide, it will surely anger Lou Wen."

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