Meng Nilun was very ashamed. The kings just listened to his retelling of the same thing and concluded that the reinforcements had arrived. They even concluded that the reinforcements were the Luozhou soldiers taken away by the general. But he had seen and heard it with his own eyes. , and was actually deceived.

After listening to the words of King Shu and King Liang, all the generals believed that there were reinforcements outside the city, but they were quite controversial about the response. Some people insisted that if they left the city today, there was still a possibility of victory.

"Lou Wen is our defeated general, what will happen if he comes back? We are not afraid of him." Luo Hanqi was quite unconvinced.

Seeing that the King of Wu did not speak much, Ma Wei said for him: "Although there is a chance of victory in a head-on fight, the casualties will be heavy, so it is not the best policy. The general will turn back halfway, and he will definitely have no food. The more soldiers he brings back, the more pressure he will have on the Jizhou army." On the contrary, it is bigger, so they resort to tricks to lure the rebels out of the city in order to achieve a quick victory. The perfect strategy for the rebels is to do the opposite. The officers and soldiers are in a hurry, but we are not in a hurry. We will wait a few days, at most half a month, before the officers and soldiers have enough food. , retreat naturally, and take advantage of the chaos to pursue you, you will definitely win a great victory with few casualties. "

Although the generals all advocated an early decisive battle, they all agreed to wait a few days. No one wanted to increase the losses of their soldiers. The enthusiasm for ascending to heaven to accompany the ancestors had long since faded, and everyone wanted to live.

Having already spoken, Ma Wei didn't want to stop and said: "The biggest problem is Jingzhou. If the King of Jibei really borrows food and grass from Jingzhou, it will allow the officers and soldiers to hold on for another half month..."

The situation is very clear. The rebel army cannot last long with more food and grass than the Jizhou army. Even if the whole city is raided, it will not last more than a month or two. Once the officers and soldiers wait until spring, it is easier to transport food and call in more reinforcements, the Dongdu capital will Will be in crisis again.

"I need someone to go to Jingzhou to inquire about the situation." Xu Chu finally spoke, intending to end the discussion as soon as possible, "If the Xi family refuses to provide food, that's great. We only need to wait ten days or half a month to win a big victory. If the Xi family wants to When we enter the war, we have to wait for the opportunity and send troops out of the city to intercept the food. This battle will be the key to victory or defeat. "

Dai Pohu stood up and said with emotion: "I am from Jingzhou and I am familiar with the route. I can go back."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "The whole city is full of rebels, all relying on the power of General Dai. Early tomorrow morning, I will send troops to escort General Dai out of the city."

Dai Pohu shook his head, "No need. The officers and soldiers camp is too long and there are many gaps. I will find a few people to sneak through at night, find out more, and then come back quietly. It is better than using a large army and will wake up the officers and soldiers."

The matter was settled like this. Dai Pohu found help from the Jingzhou soldiers. Xu Chu ordered people to prepare several bags of jewelry for Dai Pohu to take with him in case of emergency.

Dai Pohu glanced at it and said with a smile: "I have been a thief in Jingzhou for many years, and the treasures I robbed are not as valuable as these few bags. King Wu can trust me, and I will not disappoint King Wu. If I go back and forth for ten days, if I am half If you encounter Jingzhou grain and grass on the road, you can come back early and report it, and it will never be later than the deadline. "

Dai Pohu went to find someone, and the generals dispersed, explaining clearly to his subordinates.

Many people still didn't believe that the general would lead his troops back, and there was a lot of discussion. They were happy to avoid a battle. Important matters were left to the superiors to consider. They only cared about how to celebrate tonight and where to find wine.

After everyone left, Xue Jinyao stayed. She admitted that she was not as clear-eyed as the kings, and she still had some doubts in her heart. When there were no outsiders, she immediately asked: "Strange, why did you suddenly think of the officers and soldiers using deception? Or should you have told me earlier?" Just thought of it and waited until today to say it so that everyone can admire you? "

Tang Weitian stayed with King Wu. He was not considered an outsider, and his eyes kept stealing glances at the stick of birth that Xue Jin was shaking at his waist.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "What is the use of such admiration? I only thought of it this morning. As for the reason-it is still Fei Zhen and Guo Shifeng."

"What happened to those two people? Didn't you say they spread rumors and arranged assassins?"

Xu Chu shook his head, with no smile on his face. "I don't know where the rumor of the reward came from, but the assassin was not arranged by them. But no matter what I think, these two people must have ulterior motives when they came to see me, including what they said. Since it's not If you want to kill me, you want to lure me out to fight as soon as possible.”

Xue Jinyao sighed, "You think about so many things every day, aren't you tired?"

"If I feel tired, I am not worthy to be the king of Wu, let alone lead the rebel army."

Xue Jin stood up and said, "Okay, at least I understand one thing. My father died unjustly. His little cleverness can't compete with you. His biggest mistake was to leave Qinzhou and get involved with the kings."

Xue Jinyao sighed again and walked out. After a few steps, he turned back and said, "Where will you rest tonight?"

"I can't rest tonight, and you have to work harder. The officers and soldiers' plan to lure the enemy will fail. They may attack the city tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so we have to be prepared."

Xue Jinyao nodded and left the meeting hall.

Tang Weitian looked at the back of the golden saint and sighed, "Really, even if the governor doesn't want it, she won't give it back. I've never seen such a shameless person."

Xu Chu actually needed to rest, but before the matter was resolved, he had no intention of sleeping. He turned to look at Tang Weitian and asked, "Do you really believe that there is divine power in that stick?"

Tang Weitian's face was filled with astonishment, "What does the Governor mean by this? The stick of birth is a treasure given by Maitreya himself. Of course it has divine power. I can clearly feel it when I wear it, but it's a pity that I can't use it."

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Why can't you use it?"

"Because I am a mortal body, unlike the King of the Incarnation and the Grand Governor, I am a disciple of Maitreya and must be recognized by the Incarnation Stick."

"The general who came to this world is the daughter of the ancestor."

Tang Weitian curled his lips, "She is a woman and should serve the Avatar, not own it. There is a huge difference."

"If you look down on women, you will suffer a big loss sooner or later."

Tang Weitian disagreed and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid. I don't have contact with women and have less contact with them. Naturally, I won't suffer."

Xu Chu also laughed, thinking that this boy was really innocent, "Go and invite General Meng."

"Yes." Tang Weitian added before leaving, "I can see clearly that people like General Meng are really inferior to the governors and kings. No wonder he started trouble in Jiangdong, but he never made a name for himself. He might as well surrender. King of the World.”

"Don't say that, let alone have such thoughts." Xu Chu said seriously, "Everyone has strengths and weaknesses..."

"Underestimating men will also make me suffer a lot, so don't underestimate anyone, right?"

"Smart." Xu Chu smiled.

"Then why do people always look down on me?"

"Sooner or later you're going to make them suffer too."

Tang Weitian smiled broadly and said, "I love hearing this. Anyone who dares to underestimate me will be noted down and I will make them suffer in the future."

Tang Weitian walked out of the meeting hall with high spirits. Xu Chu wanted to stop him and said that he had misunderstood the meaning of his words. After thinking about it, he let it go. He was not a school teacher and Tang Weitian was not a student. He would naturally understand many things in the future.

Meng Nilun was outside and came as soon as he was summoned. Still full of guilt, he stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "I was really stupid today. Please punish me."

"No, General Meng has made great achievements today. What crime is he guilty of?"

"I failed to see through the enemy's tactics and brought back wrong news. I did not overestimate my capabilities and invited troops to attack the camp..." The shame on Meng Nilun's face became more and more obvious.

"What I need is a pair of eyes and a pair of ears. General Meng did it, and did it very well. As for being deceived, the so-called authorities are deceived. Anyone who goes to the enemy camp may be deceived by Sun Yalu. It's me. No, I was misled by the officers and soldiers, and almost missed the big event."

"Why was the government misled?" Meng Nilun still didn't understand what was going on.

"The officers and soldiers sent Fei Zhen and Guo Shifeng to the city. I thought these two people were just asking for peace, so I had to leave the city for a decisive battle as soon as possible. I didn't expect that these two people were deliberately showing weakness and luring me into trouble."

"He is both wise and courageous in governing. Even if he is deceived for a moment, he can figure it out afterwards and will not fall into a trap. It is unparalleled by others, let alone me." Meng Nilun felt much more at ease, and King Wu seemed to regard him as a confidant. , the previous misunderstanding has been eliminated.

Xu Chu stared at Meng Nilun, his most loyal general and one of the people who gave him the most headaches.

Meng Nilun was stared at and felt a little panicked, "Do you have any other orders from the governor?"

Xu Chu hummed and was silent for a long time before saying: "Since nothing will happen for a while, I plan to rectify military discipline, rebuild the roster, and recruit all the rebels."

"It should have been so long ago."

"General Meng's assistance is needed in this matter."

"It is my duty to do so. When I was a general in the Wu Palace, I was in charge of the roster..."

"No, no, I mean we need General Meng's help to rectify military discipline."

"Huh? That's okay."

"This was originally done by General Song, and he was killed on the way to patrol the city."

"Alas, General Song died unjustly. Fortunately, the government avenged him. It's a pity that he was unable to sacrifice the flag in front of the battle today, which allowed the murderer to live for a few more days. In fact, everyone felt that there was no need to wait any longer and killed Tian Jiang first..."

"Everyone? Which everyone?"

"It's... the generals of the Wu army." Meng Nilun felt that King Wu was a little strange, and at the same time he understood that he seemed to be happy too early, and King Wu had not forgiven him yet.

"Well, let's not rush to kill Tianjiang. It is more important to rectify military discipline. You were originally the general protecting the country of Wu. Tomorrow I will appoint you as the general protecting the army, specializing in military discipline. Your title is smaller, but your responsibilities are heavier. "

"The previous official titles were all temporary and do not count. The appointment in power is my real official position." Meng Nilun was confused again. The status of the general guarding the army was very high. Even if he was responsible for military discipline, he was still high enough. The generals are confused. He can't figure out what King Wu thinks of him.

"The origins of the rebels are complicated. Many people have never thought about military discipline. It is difficult to control them. My request to General Meng is to advance despite the difficulties. No matter who the opponent is, even if it is the kings, including me, as long as they violate the Military discipline requires punishment and no favoritism.”

"Even if my brothers violate military discipline, I will not show mercy. I will do whatever I want. I will never be accused of favoring my family or the Wu people."

"Well, with General Meng's words, I feel relieved."

"I guarantee with my life that I will live up to the trust of governing."

"Very good, let me ask General Meng: Do you think the Wu army officers abide by military discipline more than others?"

"It's hard to say, but I dare to say that the soldiers of the Wu army are at least no better than others..." Meng Nilun was speechless halfway, finally understanding King Wu's intention, and finally understanding how daunting the difficulties ahead were.

As a general guarding the army, the first person he had to deal with was actually himself.

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