Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 217: Conferring a Title on Wife

Tan Wuwei said goodbye and whispered to himself after going out: "King Wu really cherishes talents, but it's a pity that I have surrendered to the emperor and cannot do such half-hearted things."

Tan Wuwei didn't even realize that King Wu had asked him to come here for another purpose. On the way back, he was thinking about how the rebel army defeated the officers and soldiers and how the officers and soldiers captured the eastern capital. When he arrived at his residence, he couldn't help but sigh, regretting that he could not participate in this battle.

In the meeting hall, Meng Nilun confessed his mistake to the King of Wu, "I persuaded the two kings of Yecheng to transfer Wang Dian outside the city, thinking that... it was all my fault anyway. Please give me a thousand soldiers from the King of Wu, and I will go and defeat the king." The general and the soldiers of the Wu army have all been rescued. As long as there is still one person trapped in the officer camp, I will raise my head to see the governor. "

Xu Chu looked at Meng Nilun coldly. This was his most loyal subordinate. He was once indispensable and is now very important. However, he frequently made his own decisions, which brought more and more disadvantages.

Xu Chu coldly admitted that after taking control of all the rebels, he no longer needed Meng Nilun's loyalty.

"I can't give you soldiers, not even one person." Xu Chu replied.

Meng Nilun was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that if the King of Wu sent troops, too few or too many would be untrue. If the King of Wu wanted to protect his reputation, Meng Nilun must "take it upon himself" for the last time and take all the good names and The bad reputation is all on himself.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I know what I should do." Meng Nilun handed over his hands and prepared to leave.

Xu Chu couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

"I thought Wang Dian could help..."

"No, no, let me ask you why you always think that I will not do well, so you make decisions for me and refuse to tell me in advance?"

Meng Nilun lowered his head and said after a while: "Please allow me to say something treasonous and unethical. The governor is the son of the princess. In my eyes, the governor is like... just like my son."

Seeing that King Wu showed no sign of anger, Meng Nilun continued: "The government has every plan, but occasionally... it happens..."

"Mercy and soft-hearted?"

"It's almost the same. For example, this time the government let Prince Ning go."

"The cavalry under King Ning are the elite of the rebel army. I need them."

"Others don't know the idea of ​​​​governing. They only see that they have a chance to govern, but they are not ruthless to the end."

"If Prince Ning doesn't die, will you be cruel to me?"

Meng Nilun handed over his hand and said, "I was wrong. Please give me one last chance in power so that I can do my little thing."

Xu Chu sighed softly, "You would have been of greater use. If I were to choose only one trustworthy person in the entire army, it would be General Meng. But you have abused my trust many times and made me helpless." choose."

"It's all my fault."

"You are indeed wrong. Go ahead."

Meng Nilun bowed and retreated, knowing that he would not be forgiven by King Wu this time, because King Wu wanted to prove that he was not "soft-hearted", and this was exactly what he wanted to see.

After saying goodbye, Meng Nilun went about his business as usual. In the evening of the same day, he invited familiar generals with seven surnames to have a drink. After three drinks, he announced that he would take his soldiers to rescue Wang Dian at midnight tonight.

The generals were shocked. Meng Nilun explained, and finally said: "I found General Wang without authorization. He had a chance to escape to Runan, so I must rescue him. Don't tell the governor about this, he If you know about it, I will stop it. I will be grateful to those who are willing to follow me, but there is no guarantee of success. If you don't want to, I will not complain, but you must swear to keep it secret and not say anything to the governor before dawn. "

The Wu people couldn't stand it, and the generals of the seven tribes were all related to each other. When Meng Nilun said this, everyone clamored to lead their troops out of the city and go to rescue Wang Dian together.

Meng Nilun thanked him with his hands, "This rescue is a surprise attack and does not require too many people. And we can't all leave the city. That would appear to be a lax government. You all follow my arrangements. I will take some people out of the city, and the others will leave the city." Stay in the city with General Song. If I can bring General Wang back and I need you to open the door, if things don't work out, you can assist me in governing. Please pour a glass of wine on the ground and let me know."

Song Xingcai and others were very excited, but Meng Senglun persuaded them all to stop, repeatedly emphasizing that no one was allowed to see the governor.

On the other side, Xu Chu was busy all day long, neither sleeping nor resting.

Shortly after dawn, Tang Weitian ran over, yawning and said, "The Governor got up too early, why didn't you call me? When are you going to get the stick back?"

"Go now."

Xue Jinyao had already gotten up and was wiping the dozen knives she had collected. She accidentally cut her finger. When King Wu came in, she was sucking the wound.

"Bleeding?" Xu Chu asked.

"It's okay." Xue Jinyao retracted his fingers and hid them in his sleeves.

Tang Weitian stood guard at the door, holding his arms and looking up to the sky, pretending that he was not here.

Xu Chu sat next to him, put his arms on the table, carefully avoided the row of sheathed knives, stared at his wife, and said, "I need your help."

"How can I help?" Seeing her husband's serious expression, Xue Jinyao was surprised.

"You are the best general in Dongdu."

Xue Jin shook his head and laughed, "Are you serious?"

"Well, you contributed the most to the victory of the rebels yesterday. If it were any other person, even if I personally led the troops, I might not be able to fight hard all day long and not retreat even an inch."

"First, I retreated, only to attack again later. Second, I did not retreat because the officers and soldiers once captured me, and this revenge must be avenged. Third, I cannot do it alone. I have to have the soldiers willing to go with me. Forward."

"The soldiers are indeed willing." Xu Chu smiled, grabbed his wife's injured hand, looked at it for a while, took out the silk handkerchief, and bandaged it carefully.

"You carry this kind of thing with you?" Xue Jinyao frowned slightly, she had not noticed it before.

"What? This veil? Everyone has one, right?"

"Only women can." Xue Jinyao remembered that he was also a woman and changed his words: "Only women like Feng Juniang can."

"One of us husband and wife must carry this thing." Xu Chu said with a smile.

Xue Jinyao wanted to laugh but didn't want to, and his face turned red.

Tang Weitian at the door looked up and felt dizzy. He regretted following him, but he had to come.

"You want me to lead troops to fight?" Xue Jinyao asked.

Xu Chu nodded, "I want to make you the general of the world and command all the soldiers in the city."

Tang Weitian at the door straightened his neck and looked at King Wu in surprise.

Xue Jinyao was even more surprised, "I command the army...then what are you doing?"

"I will be the ruling king of my Wu Kingdom, govern the eastern capital, and collect food and grass for you."

"Let me fight, that's fine. Anyway, I'm not afraid of death. I dare to charge forward. I can't lead troops. There are so many people. It makes me upset just thinking about it."

"How about we lead the troops together, I'll take care of the food and fodder, and you concentrate on fighting?"

Xue Jinyao became more and more confused, "Don't you blame me for making my own decisions?"

"The purpose of making you the General of the World is to let you make your own decisions, as long as you stop going behind my back."

Xue Jinyao's face turned even redder, even showing a bit of cowardice, "I don't know if I can do it..."

"Okay, just like the way you played yesterday, you will be invincible."

Xue Jinyao withdrew his bandaged hand and scolded: "That's nonsense. Are you asking me to work for you?"

"One of the generals I admire the most just told me that it was a fluke that the rebels were able to defeat yesterday, and the key lies in you."

"Get out, don't say this to me." Xue Jinyao turned around and continued to clean the knife.

Xu Chu stood up and said goodbye with a smile, "Madam, please be ready. I will announce the appointment tomorrow."

Xue Jin shook her head and said nothing. When King Wu came out of the house, she found that she could no longer clean the knife. She was so excited that she couldn't help but smile on her face, but it had nothing to do with the title of "General born into the world".

Outside the house, Tang Weitian reminded: "Grand Governor, the stick of birth is still in the house, you didn't even ask for it."

"There's no rush, Admiral Incarnation needs that stick more than you and I."

"You really don't want it?"

"It didn't fall into the hands of outsiders anyway."

"We've only been married for a few days, and she's no longer an outsider?" Tang Weitian opened his eyes wide, feeling that the Governor was wrong.

Xu Chu smiled and said nothing. After taking a few steps, he said to Tang Weitian: "You can think whatever you want, but you are never allowed to do things behind my back, even if it is for my own good. Do you understand?"

"Yeah." Tang Weitian nodded blankly, obviously not understanding.

Xu Chu smiled again, feeling that he was overreacting. Tang Weitian was not the kind of person who could make his own decisions.

He led the guards to Beicheng.

All the soldiers were overjoyed for yesterday's victory. The soldiers in Beicheng were even more uneasy. Their leader, King Ning, was arranged to rest as soon as he entered the city and never showed up again. This made them feel more and more that something was wrong.

Xu Chu came over to appease the soldiers and drank with several important generals. He did not expect to gain their support, but at least it could make them feel at ease temporarily and not cause trouble.

Luo Hanqi was one of the generals who was invited to drink, and he was also the one who led the way. After three glasses of wine, he asked directly: "King Ning is fighting bloody battles outside. There is no credit but hard work. When will King Wu return King Ning to his family?" Us?"

"Tomorrow." Xu Chu didn't hesitate and gave a clear answer directly.

Luo Hanqi was embarrassed, so he drank several more drinks as an apology.

When Xu Chu left, he took away all the more than ten cavalry officers selected by Niu Tiannu. These people were originally officers and soldiers and were forced to join the rebel army. They were not as stubborn as Luo Hanqi and Tan Wuwei about who they should be loyal to. In comparison, they were not as stubborn as Luo Hanqi and Tan Wuwei. Next, they are more willing to follow the King of Wu who was born as a noble son.

Xu Chu went to the East City and West City without stopping, and swore an oath with Ma Wei in public that they would be brothers forever, and handed over the South City to Liang Jun for guarding. Regarding Gan Zhao, Xu Chu had a private conversation and allowed the King of Shu to win over the soldiers of the North City.

He also revealed to the two kings his intention to make Xue Jinyao the general of the world, and they immediately agreed. Ma Wei and Gan Zhao each benefited, and no one wanted to oppose the king of Wu on this matter, not to mention that they had no fear of Xue Jinyao. .

After walking around, it was already dark. Xu Chu did not ask about General Wu's movements and let the guards rest. He took Tang Weitian alone to see Ning Baoguan.

Jin King Shen Danyuan fled, which was not a challenge for the time being, but Ning Baoguan who was left behind was like a thorn in the flesh and a thorn in the side. It was difficult to kill, but it was also difficult not to kill. Xu Chu had to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Ning Baoguan and Niu Tiannv were imprisoned in the same room, which was a rare time for the couple to get together in recent times. The room was clean and spacious, and there was no shortage of food and wine, but they were not allowed to go out at will.

When she saw the King of Wu, Niu Tiannu was very humble. She would rather hold the pass but sit still. She said to her wife: "There is no need to worship him. The King of Wu is very clever. You can see from his expression that he has another idea." , we are all ears. If you can agree, agree. If you can't agree, you will die early and be reborn. "

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