Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 211: Sending Death

Niu Tiannu was always paying attention to the situation outside the city. She personally went to the city to observe the battle from a distance, and sent many people out of the city to watch the battle nearby. She came back at any time to report the situation and corroborate her observations.

So far, she is very satisfied with her husband's performance. Ning Baoguan was born to be a general on horseback. He has not been training for a long time, but he has already mastered the essence of it. He led his troops to rampage on the battlefield, dealt with the officers and soldiers, and fought fiercely for a long time without losing anything. Enter an ambush.

The Jizhou Assault Cavalry had already been prepared, but if the Ning Army did not enter the predetermined location, their ambush would be meaningless, so they never showed up.

Niu Tiannu did not give up paying attention to the situation in the city. Every movement of the kings was reported to her.

"The King of Shu closed the gates of the camp and stood still."

"Wu General Song Xing was reduced to the camp of the Fourth Prince's Mansion, and there has been no movement."

Niu Tiannv sneered. It seemed that Xue Jinyao had really imprisoned King Wu to save her from a major future trouble. There was no need to rush to recruit King Ning back. King Ning needed to train his troops through a large number of battles and establish his reputation to attract more soldiers.

"All the Jin troops left the city without engaging the officers and soldiers. The city gates were wide open and they seemed to be letting the enemy into the city."

Niu Tiannu cursed in a low voice, full of contempt for these noble princes who claimed the title of king. Just as she was thinking about how to deal with it, someone came to report: "Liang Jun blocked the streets and was able to stop the officers and soldiers. King Liang is also retreating to the city. "

"I got it. Don't worry about Nancheng." Niu Tiannu felt a little relieved and admired King Wu for being well prepared.

"The ancestor king comes to this world and wants to see his wife."

"Yes." Niu Tiannv was attracted by the battle situation outside the city, "I have already said goodbye and sent him back. We are preparing to recall King Ning. The officers and soldiers cannot wait and are afraid that they will send out an ambush in advance."

"Well...the ancestor king is here in person and will be entering the city soon."

Niu Tiannu was stunned, turned around and said: "What ancestor king?"

"That's...the ancestor who ascended to heaven and came back to earth."

"Huh?" Niu Tiannu still didn't understand.

"Madam, look, the ancestor king is here."

Niu Tiannu saw King Xu Chu of Wu and a group of mages behind her from a distance. She couldn't help but became furious and scolded the leader: "Who let him into the camp? Didn't you receive my order?"

The informant also looked confused, "King Ancestor...can't stop...Madam never said..."

"Go away." Niu Tiannu said angrily. She looked around and saw that there were nearly a hundred soldiers around her, while King Wu only had less than twenty mages and a stupid boy guarding him, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

King Wu approached, his face was not as gentle and elegant as usual, it was full of arrogance, and he deliberately made a stiff posture.

Niu Tiannu secretly laughed in her heart. The King Wu imitated was really not like the King of the World. It was worse than a cat painting a tiger. If such a trick could deceive everyone, then the entire Army of the World would be blinded.

"I don't know that when King Wu arrives, he will not be welcomed from afar, but he is looking forward to the sea." Niu Tiannv said lightly and perfunctorily.

Xu Chu also knew that the King of Avatar he was imitating did not look like him, so he did not pay attention to the details, but only kept the general outline. He held a stick in his hand and said angrily: "Niu Tiannu, you yellow-faced woman is very courageous. I asked you to come." How dare you not come and fabricate lies about Huang Tieniang. When did she tell you something? Forget it, don't explain, women can do bad things. Step aside, I want to cast a spell. Give a helping hand to King Ning.”

Niu Tiannu firmly believed that the other party was the King of Wu. She was a little surprised when she was suddenly reprimanded. She blushed and was speechless for a moment. When she realized what she was doing, the King of Wu had already walked to the wall, waving a stick in his hand and talking nonsense in his mouth. say something.

Niu Tiannu was furious and no longer wanted to pretend to obey the military leader, so she shouted: "Come on, take down this fake ancestor king!"

Someone hummed, but no one came forward. Niu Tiannv was startled and turned around to look. She saw that all of her subordinates were in awe, with their knees slightly bent. It looked like they were going to kneel down and kowtow at any time. Who dared to step forward? Take down the fake ancestor king?

Niu Tiannu was shocked and angry, "Why are you so dazed? This is either King Zu or King Wu. He..."

Xu Chu turned around, raised his stick and hit Niu Tiannu on the head, "Be careful with your words, don't add more sins to yourself."

Even when the King of Avatar was still alive, Niu Tiannu had never been beaten by him. When she was suddenly attacked, she didn't dodge. She covered her head and looked at her soldiers, only to see more awe on their faces. Several people were already on their knees.

Great Master Liu Jiuzhuan said: "The magic stick taught by the Buddha can eradicate the sins of this life, Niu Tiannu, why don't you express your gratitude?"

"Thank you? Since it's a punishment, have you ever been beaten?"

"I've been through it all, I've been through it all." Liu Jiuzuan led all the mages to kneel down and recite scriptures in unison.

Xu Chu stepped forward and tapped each person's back lightly, and the masters chanted sutras even louder.

"The world is turbid and everyone has sins. Buddha sent me into the world to save one person. Only those of you who are destined to me can receive my stick to eliminate sins."

The officers and men of Ning's army begged anxiously: "King Ancestor, please forgive me!"

Xu Chu struck several people, and then cleared away the sins of more than ten or twenty people with one swing of his stick.

The soldiers on the city wall knelt down and shouted thanks. Someone stretched out his hand and pulled Niu Tiannu's sleeve to express his gratitude. Niu Tiannu hesitated for a moment, then slowly knelt down, lowered his head and said nothing, thinking about how to deal with it.

Xu Chu regarded Niu Tiannu as his biggest opponent, but deliberately avoided looking at her. He walked to the inner side of the city wall and shouted to the soldiers in the barracks below: "Today is a decisive battle. Those who bravely kill the enemy will be rewarded by ascending to heaven." There is no need to be cowardly, Maitreya Buddha has promised the descending army a great victory."

There were still thousands of soldiers under the city. They cheered loudly when they heard this. Xu Chu ordered the doors to be opened and ordered all Ning troops to go out to fight.

The soldiers of the Ning army rushed out in large numbers. Without horses, they ran to the battlefield on two legs. Even the people who stayed on the city wall joined the team leaving the city, leaving no one behind.

Niu Tiannu couldn't hold it back, and she watched helplessly as Ning Jun's soldiers abandoned her, and she was helpless.

Xu Chu walked back to the outside of the city wall, raising his stick and dancing wildly, as if he was exerting magic power on the soldiers leaving the city.

Niu Tiannu was in a panic, and remembered that there were still some female soldiers in the camp that could be used. As soon as she walked to the stairs of the lower city, she saw that Wu General Song Xingcao had led his troops into the camp, obviously to seize the city gate.

Niu Tiannu had to stop and think of another way, but she saw a group of soldiers running from the other side of the city wall, and the leader was Gan Zhao, the king of Shu.

The news that the ancestor king came to the world to cast spells in person spread quickly, and a large number of soldiers asked for a battle. Gan Zhao had to comply and sent many soldiers, and he led the remaining hundreds of people to join the king of Wu.

Gan Zhao, like Niu Tiannu, did not believe in the nonsense of reincarnation at all, but had the opposite attitude. He walked a few steps quickly, knelt down in front of King Wu, cried bitterly, and called "King Ancestor" loudly.

Xu Chu still used the magic rod to eliminate sins.

A messenger ran from outside the city and shouted loudly: "The officers and soldiers have sent out an ambush. King Ning wants to retreat. Madam, please be ready..."

Archmage Liu Jiuzhuan received the signal, came to the wall and said downwards: "The ancestor king came to this world and cast spells for you personally. This battle will be won. Don't retreat. Those who fight bravely will ascend to heaven and become gods."

The messenger had already met the soldiers of the Ning army who were coming out of the city on the way. He got a general idea. Hearing the words in the city, he was panicked and didn't know what to do. When he saw the great mage next to him, people who looked like the king of Wu were waving sticks, but his wife Niu Tiannu didn't know. He was even more panicked when he went there, so he turned his horse's head and returned to the battlefield to find King Ning.

Xu Chu pretended to be the king of the world and could not talk nonsense. The king of Shu understood his intentions and sent people around to inquire about the news, and then reported the situation in front of the king of Wu.

The situation was extremely chaotic, and King Ning was surrounded. He had not yet shown his defeat. He should have heard the news that the "ancestral king" had captured the gate. Probably because he was afraid that the army would lose morale, he did not lead his troops to retreat, but instead fought more closely with the officers and soldiers.

Xue Jinyao in the west also fought to a stalemate with the officers and soldiers. She attacked the officers and soldiers camp several times but failed to get in. However, she refused to admit defeat and refused to retreat. Whether the "ancestral king" showed up or not did not affect her. However, the morale of the soldiers was greatly boosted by this news, and they attacked even more fiercely.

The situation in Nancheng was not very favorable to the rebels. As expected, the King of Jin opened the city gates and Yecheng sent elite cavalry into the city. However, the Liang army's street siege was not very successful and they retreated steadily. The King of Liang was reluctant to send out all his troops. Even after hearing about the "ancestral king", they only sent more than a thousand people.

King Wu's intervention was needed everywhere, but after careful consideration, Xu Chu decided to stay in Beicheng. No matter what, he had to see King Ning's defeat with his own eyes before he could leave with confidence.

King Ning sent people back again. This time he did not ask Niu Tiannu for orders, but directly hoped that the "ancestral king" would order the withdrawal of troops.

Ning Baoguan is familiar with the tactics on the battlefield. If he shows panic, the whole army will collapse, so he must wait for orders from the rear. Before that, persisting in fighting is the only way to unite the morale of the army.

Xu Chu admired Ning Baoguan's courage, but his answer was always the same: "Today's battle is protected by Maitreya Buddha. The rebels will win. The dead will ascend to heaven, and the retreating ones will fall into hell."

This was a rare opportunity and he never wanted to give it up.

Gan Zhao assigned soldiers to guard the two gates of the north city with Song Xingcai, preventing anyone from entering.

Niu Tiannu couldn't figure out how she was defeated by the King of Wu. This was obviously a clumsy scam, but almost everyone believed it. Even the soldiers around her were tricked by the "ancestral king" into leaving the city to die.

Until everything was irreparable, Niu Tiannu finally realized that she was the one who provided the opportunity to King Wu. When the news of the birth of the ancestor king came, she was the first to express her belief. The ancestor king sent someone to invite her. She claimed that Huang Tieniang asked her in a dream. This was originally her expedient measure, but in the eyes of her soldiers, it was conclusive evidence.

Niu Tiannv stood on the city wall and looked out. The war was in full swing. Although Ning's army was brave, they were gradually falling into a disadvantage.

Niu Tiannu no longer cared about her dignity, turned around and knelt down to King Wu, pleading: "Please order the withdrawal of the troops from the ancestors, so that King Liu Ning and his soldiers can establish a Buddhist kingdom in the human world."

Gan Zhao stepped forward to persuade: "Madam, sister-in-law, get up. The Buddha's decree is like this. How can ordinary people ask for it? This battle will be won. King Ning will be glorious in life and death. Madam-in-law, it is better to go out of the city to meet King Ning, and the husband will sing and the wife will follow."

Niu Tiannu glared at Gan Zhao. There were two people nearby who didn't believe that the ancestor king was real. One was Niu Tiannu and the other was Gan Zhao. He actually stood up and made sarcastic remarks.

Niu Tiannu did not dare to refute, but kowtowed to King Wu, "The ancestor king came to this world, and we need strong men to charge you into battle. Although King Ning is crude, he still has some courage. When he returns to the city, he will go to the king's house immediately. Please help the ancestor king. "The former general."

Xu Chu still ignored her and focused on dancing with his stick and casting spells.

Gan Zhao signaled to the guards and asked them to drag Niu Tiannu away, and persuaded her: "Sister-in-law, please stop making trouble. The ancestor king came to this world to uphold the Buddha's decree. We mortals only have to obey orders, how can we make random ideas?"

Niu Tiannu refused to get up and kowtowed to King Wu. Seeing the guards approaching, she stepped forward and hugged King Wu's leg, gritting her teeth and said: "If King Ancestor does not send an order to retreat, King Ning will have no choice but to surrender the officers and soldiers. Speaking of which, this is not him." First time doing this.”

Xu Chu was not afraid of surrendering his officers and soldiers at Baoguan. He was talking nonsense in his mouth, but in his heart he was trying to figure out what he wanted to do.

The King of Shu seemed to be more eager to get rid of King Ning than he was.

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