Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 206 Women’s Heart

Niu Tiannv regarded Xue Jinyao as her own daughter and was very happy to see her. She greeted her in the house and found many delicacies and piled them on the table, as if she was still a child under ten years old.

Xue Jinyao really likes snacks, especially those little things she has never seen before, tasting them all.

Niu Tiannu is usually taciturn, but she has a different attitude towards Xue Jinyao. The more she eats, the happier she smiles, "Try this, I don't know what it is. It's sweet and delicious. I want to tell you something. It’s the capital of the East, and there are all kinds of weird things. If you say that these corrupt officials are not good at fighting, they are good at plundering people’s wealth.”

Xue Jinyao nodded in agreement while eating.

"How are you these days? How is King Wu treating you? You lost your parents at such a young age. Forget it, King Jingshi, Huang Tieniang is your supporter. Alas, you only have one brother left..."

Xue Jinyao swallowed the food and said: "I can live a good life without my parents. As for King Wu, if he is good to me, we will live together, if he is not good to me, we will break up. Aunt Niu, listen Did you say that a woman divorced her husband?”

Niu Tiannu smiled and said: "I have lived so long, but I have never heard of such a strange thing."

"It is said that there is one, but it is not needed now. King Wu is... okay with me. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Poor child, listen to what Auntie says, don't trust a man too much. After all, he has a different surname. He treats you well now, but when he meets a new love, he will immediately change his attitude."

"Like Ning Bao'er?"

Influenced by his mother, Xue Jinyao spoke directly and never considered the feelings of the other party. Niu Tiannu took it for granted and nodded with a smile, "This is especially true for King Ning. They have been married for decades and have children. He changes his heart when he says he changes his mind. The King of the Incarnation is greedy for beauty. Forget it, your mother doesn't care anyway, Ning Bao'er... Well, it can only be said that men never grow up, and they might turn back into children and do crazy things. "

"Aunt Niu has met the Queen Mother?"


"How is she?"

"How should I put it... The kind of woman you can stab to death with one finger can't even stand straight. But she really looks young, and you can't tell she is a woman in her thirties."

"How is it better than Feng Juniang?"

"Haha, they are two different types of people. No matter how charming Feng Ju Niang is, she can at least stand and walk. The Queen Mother is a faceless person, just like Tian Cheng Chao, she is vulnerable."

Xue Jin shook his head, no longer thinking about the Queen Mother, and asked: "Would you rather Bao'er treat you like this, and Aunt Niu wouldn't be angry?"

"You're all waiting to see me angry, aren't you?"

Xue Jinyao did not hide it and replied: "Of course, if King Wu dares to treat me like this, I will chop off his and the bitch's heads on the same day."

"If a man doesn't grow up, there's nothing we can do about it. We have to let the woman mature. My child, you are married and have experienced great changes. You can't be childish anymore."

"Children don't know how to behead people."

"Sir, you won't cut off people's heads casually. We have other tricks to release your men and take them back."

"What's the trick? Can you be patient?"

"Hey, that's what a resentful woman did. Not only can we not tolerate it, but we also want to whip the men behind like herding cattle to make the men go faster."

Xue Jinyao smiled, "I also have a whip, but I just don't know..."

"Silly boy, I'm just using an analogy, not asking you to actually use the whip. Take Prince Ning for example. Why does he like the Queen Mother? It's just his ambition after becoming king. He thinks he has a high status and must be a top female talent. She is worthy of him. It’s hard to say that she really likes that woman.”

"Then why does Aunt Niu crack the whip?"

"Simple, King Ning thought he was superior to others, so I told him that there was a higher position waiting for him to seize. When the time comes, it would not be him asking for the Queen Mother, but the Queen Mother begging him. So he gave up the Queen Mother and returned to Come up the right way.”

"So simple?"

"It's that simple."

"But this is temporary. What if Ning Bao'er really goes one step further and becomes...emperor?"

"He has to work hard for many years if he wants to be the emperor. Even if he succeeds, his heart will naturally be bigger, and he will probably despise the Queen Mother. Besides, who said that the Queen Mother will live until that time? From the way she looks, she will use it after leaving the city. Within a few days, he would die of fright.”

"The queen mother, princess, and princess are all the same. They look delicate, but in fact they don't need to be touched."

"That's right, so what do we have to worry about? Just drive the men forward. As long as the journey is not over, they won't have time to think about it."

Xue Jinyao agreed, "My father was also determined to make progress in the beginning. He grabbed beautiful women and property and gave them all to his soldiers without keeping any for himself. At that time, my mother still quarreled with him and wanted to keep some good things. When my father called me Wang, he changed his appearance when he felt that he had nothing to pursue. He was fond of wine, sex, and money, and no one could persuade him to do so. Otherwise, he would not have ended up like this. "

"My child, you have finally figured it out. I think King Wu is also a very ambitious man. You don't need to whip him all the time. When you see that he is slacking off and looking complacent, just give him a gentle nudge."

"Well, I listen to you. King Wu's ambition is not small. Although he didn't say it, he wanted to be the emperor." Xue Jinyao looked at Niu Tiannu and asked seriously: "My man is ambitious, your man is ambitious." Not too young, they both want to be emperor, what if they fight each other? "

"It's better that way." Niu Tiannu said with a smile, and picked up another snack that looked like preserved fruit and handed it over, "The winner will continue to go up, and the loser will either be disheartened or want revenge. In short, they have no energy. We are both winners when it comes to flirting with women.”

"I don't allow Ning Bao'er to kill King Wu."

"Haha, it's only been a few days, and you only recognize your husband and not your aunt. Besides, King Wu has the upper hand now. If he doesn't kill King Ning, we will be grateful. How can we dare to try to murder King Wu?"

"Does the King of Wu have the upper hand? I can't tell. He runs around every day, begging for help everywhere, and is polite to every soldier he sees."

"Hey, there are five kings in the city. Apart from King Wu, do you think any other king dares to walk around the city? King Wu has the upper hand, and you have a share of the credit for this."

"What does it have to do with me? Except for sleeping, we hardly see each other."

"Silly boy, I'm not young anymore. Stop talking nonsense and let outsiders hear the joke."

"When I say sleep, I mean sleep, nothing else."

"That can't be said out loud."

Xue Jinyao frowned, quite unconvinced, and finally said: "Okay, what do you think I have contributed to?"

"You are the daughter of the King of the World. It is because of this that King Wu can gather the army of the World for his own use."

"Hey, the Advent Army doesn't take my daughter seriously. Will it look down upon my son-in-law?"

"You are too simple, my son. For example, some people can use swords, some can't use them, some can use them well, and some can't use them well."

"I know how to use a sword, and I use it well."

"But you don't care."


"The King of Wu knows how to use his heart, not just in general, but he is good at it. No one among the kings can match him. King Ning is a rough man who can only lead troops to fight. He can't beat the King of Wu in this kind of thing. You are He made full use of the sword in King Wu's hand, drawing all the worldly armies that belonged to you to his side. "

Xue Jinyao frowned and thought for a long time, "I don't like being used."

"No one likes it, but it's not King Wu's fault. If you don't use your own sword, others will of course use it. After all, you are husband and wife, and it's the same for both of you."

"But after he's finished using it, what will he do if he doesn't want me? What whip will I use to whip him?"

Niu Tiannu stood up, came to Xue Jinyao, and gently pressed her shoulders, "So, a woman can't just stay silently behind a man, she must leave something in her hands and grasp something."

"What did Aunt Niu keep and what did she master?"

"I will keep Prince Ning's children and have the power to select generals for Ning's army."

"But I don't have children, and I don't know how to choose a general."

"No need, everyone's situation is different. You have the identity of the Golden Saint and the stick given by the Buddha."

"The stick of birth is not in my hand, it's in King Wu... King Wu would rather hand it to a young boy who has just entered the city than give it to me." Xue Jinyao showed an angry look when talking about this matter.

"If you want to come back, cheat it, snatch it back, in short, the Advent Stick should be yours. With your status as a saint, your brother, and the treasure given by the Buddha, who will the Advent Army follow if they don't follow you? At that time, the King of Wu wants to recruit soldiers from you, and he will make endless use of you, so he will not be ungrateful. "

Xue Jinyao thought for a while, "It sounds good, but even if the World Army killed my father, they might also kill me."

"No, no, you just said that after the King of Avatar was satisfied, he changed his appearance. If you want to be the King of Avatar that you were before, and if you don't be the changed King of Avatar, the soldiers will naturally not have any dissent. Jin Yao, I watched you grow up, and I watched you accept the Buddha's decree and become a disciple of Maitreya. Your destiny is not over yet, and you will never just be the wife of King Wu."

"I want King Wu to be the husband of the Golden Saint."

Niu Tiannv smiled and said: "I said women should grow up early. Look, the Golden Saint is no longer a little girl."

Xue Jinyao said he understood, but he didn't fully understand. He sat blankly for a while, "You don't want Ning Bao'er to kill King Wu, and I won't let King Wu kill him, okay?"

"Of course. If your mother is not here, I will be just like your own mother. We will never have any enmity. Right now, it's up to you to keep an eye on King Wu and don't let him use his tricks to kill King Ning."

"What plan can King Wu have? It's just to use officers and soldiers to kill Ning Bao'er. Just ask him not to leave the city."

"King Ning established himself as a brave man and must not show any signs of cowardice. He must leave the city. If he doesn't want to, I have to drive him out."

"Then there's nothing I can do."

"You have a way."


"It's enough to hold off King Wu and prevent him from seizing the two gates of Beicheng. Whether King Ning can escape safely depends on his own ability."

"Why are you delaying? I haven't even gotten back the stick of birth."

"Well... you are husband and wife, I can't make random ideas."

"No, Aunt Niu must give me an idea, otherwise my visit today will be in vain."

"Tell me first why you came? Was it King Wu's idea?"

Xue Jinyao's eyes widened, as if he was humiliated. After a moment, he said sarcastically: "He asked me to inquire about Aunt Niu and Prince Ning's movements, but I didn't come just to listen to him. I really want to see Aunt Niu and want to know... I want to Know……"

"What did Feng Juniang say to me? Don't worry, she is a stupid woman who thinks she is smart. She has changed so many husbands and has nothing left. She only has the reputation of being a 'coward'. She is no match for you. With King Wu He is so ambitious that he would not like her."

Xue Jinyao smiled sheepishly, "Aunt Niu hasn't made up her mind yet."

"It's actually quite simple. Not only are you helping me and Prince Ning, you can also take back the World Advent Stick."

"Hurry up and tell me, I have long wanted the stick of birth back. It is the treasure of our Xue family and cannot fall into the hands of outsiders."

"You are the Saint of the Advent Army, and you have a large number of mages to support you. You can summon gods again."

"Which god? Why?"

"Of course, the King of Advent. After summoning him... you can do whatever you want." Niu Tiannv pressed Xue Jinyao's shoulder hard and sat down opposite.

Xue Jinyao suddenly realized, and a new world suddenly appeared in front of him, "Yes, my father ascended to heaven as a god, and he is more qualified than mortals to lead the entire army!"

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