Xu Chu entered the room and stayed for a while, and noticed that Xue Jinyao was different tonight. He was not playing with weapons in his hands, and he was not wearing armor. He was wearing a long skirt, and the red candles on the table illuminated him. He looked much normal - to her, it should be said It's not normal.

However, she still did not put makeup on her face, and her heroic spirit remained intact.

"Miss Jin Yao, I have something to discuss with you." Xu Chu did not dare to praise his wife casually, so he simply turned a blind eye.

"Yeah." Xue Jinyao's tone did not change.

"You must be very familiar with Prince Ning's wife Niu Tiannu."


"Can you give her a gift for me?"


"Don't get me wrong, this gift is quite special - I want to send Queen Mother Luan out of the city."

"It's better to just kill him."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "If you don't kill the surrendered general, let alone a woman who has no power to tie a chicken?"

"She doesn't have the power to tie a chicken, but she has the ability to seduce men."

"To be fair, Queen Mother Luan did nothing. It was Prince Ning who came up with the idea, and I doubt whether the idea is true or false."

"It's true. Ning Bao'er found someone to teach him etiquette. Although he didn't say why, everyone knows that it's definitely not for Niu Tiannu."

"Prince Ning learns etiquette?" Xu Chu really didn't know what to say.

Xue Jinyao suddenly became impatient, "If you want to send a message to Niu Tiannu, don't come to me. I am familiar with her, but not too familiar. There is a ready-made person around you, just look for her."

"There are indeed many soldiers of the World Army around me. I don't know who is related to..."

"Hey, who said soldiers, I mean the people in the next room." Xue Jin raised his finger, his face was not only impatient, but also a little angry, glaring at his husband, if he had another knife in his hand, he would be able to match it .

Xu Chu bowed his hands and said goodbye. When he reached the door, he suddenly realized something and turned around and said, "Miss Jin Yao, please leave the door for me. I will rest here tonight."

Xue Jin snorted, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

Xu Chu thought that the person in the next room was the wet nurse of the infant son of the King of the World, so he knocked on the door gently to avoid disturbing the child.

The lights in the room turned on, and after a while, someone asked softly: "Who is outside?"

"King Wu, I have something to tell you." Xu Chu replied.

The door opened, and both people inside and outside the threshold looked surprised. Xu Chu was especially surprised, "You...why are you here?"

The person living there is not a wet nurse, but Feng Juniang, who has "killed" many husbands.

"I have always been here. Didn't King Wu come to see me?"

Xu Chu glanced at Xue Jinyao's room and thought she had made a mistake, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

Feng Juniang quickly returned to normal and said with a smile: "Did the Golden Saint ask King Wu to come to my place? Like mother... not necessarily like daughter. Please come in, King Wu."

"Are you familiar with Mrs. Ning Wang?"

"Niu Tiannu is my godmother, of course we are familiar with her."

Xu Chu couldn't understand that Niu Tiannu, a serious and taciturn woman who was completely different from Feng Juniang, could be her adopted mother and goddaughter.

Feng Ju Niang was charming and came immediately when called. She turned around and said, "The door is open. King Wu can do what he wants."

Xu Chu had no evil thoughts in his heart and stepped into the house. He hesitated for a moment and felt that the cold wind behind him was too strong, so he closed the door.

"How could Mrs. Ning... accept you as her adopted daughter?" Xu Cude asked clearly.

Feng Juniang stood at the table, the distance from the oil lamp was just right, which made her look more beautiful. "To put it simply, my third husband is a close subordinate of Prince Ning and also his godson, so I recognized him." Niu Tiannv became the godmother. After my husband died, the next few husbands were chosen by the godmother, starting from the sixth or seventh one. The godmother was a little scared and stopped caring about this matter. , but it’s still nice to me. I often greet her.”

Feng Juniang suddenly smiled, which was different from her previous charming smile and was a little more teasing.

"I would like to ask you to pass a message for me." Xu Chu did not smile.

"Don't be weird, King Wu. I think of my previous husbands who also asked me to please my godmother. But King Wu is a bit special. You didn't seem to know I was here before you came, so you really want to send a message, not Use me to your advantage."

"To please Niu Tiannv is nothing more than to please King Ning. I am the same king as him, so there is no need to please him." Xu Chu suddenly felt that this was not a good idea. Feng Juniang was not very trustworthy, so he said: "Forget it. It’s not a big deal, let’s talk about it later.”

Xu Chu turned around to leave, but Feng Juniang moved quickly and ran to the front. She leaned against the door and said with a smile, "It's just a message. I'm willing to help."

"No need, it doesn't matter whether those words are passed on or not."

However, Feng Juniang refused to give way. She turned her head slightly and pointed to the next door, "Did the Golden Saint ask King Wu to come to me?"


"That's because the Golden Saint thinks that I can pass on the message. If King Wu doesn't believe me, he can at least trust the Golden Saint, right? She is a real woman and never plays tricks."

"Okay, please tell Mrs. Ning Wang early tomorrow morning that I will send Queen Mother Luan out of the city after nightfall tomorrow, so she doesn't have to worry about this anymore."

Feng Juniang seemed a little surprised, but she didn't care about such things. She just wanted to win the favor of King Wu. She smiled and said: "It turns out to be such a simple sentence, okay, I will go see the godmother early in the morning. The godmother must be very happy, I will be grateful to King Wu.”

Xu Chu hoped that Feng Juniang would be as knowledgeable and outspoken as when they first met, "Will Mrs. Ning only be grateful?"

King Wu asked seriously. Feng Ju Niang looked at him and confirmed that the charm was indeed ineffective. Then she stood up and left the door. After thinking for a moment, she replied: "Wang King wants to put the blame on his godmother, right?"

"How could you have such an idea?"

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "The King of Wu first sent the message and then sent it away. In the eyes of outsiders, it was the godmother who begged the King of Wu to send the Queen Mother away. With the rumors together, King Ning had to believe it even if he didn't believe it."

"Prince Ning will come and ask me."

"Haha, I understand this kind of thing. When King Ning came to ask, King Wu said, 'This matter has nothing to do with the godmother, it is all my idea. King Ning must not blame the godmother.'" King Wu said for Gan Mother’s explanation will make Prince Ning more convinced that it is true.”

Xu Chu also smiled, "I don't know how to talk like that."

"It means the same thing. Don't worry, King Wu, I won't destroy your plan, and I will help you fan the flames to make the godmother and King Ning even more dissatisfied. King Wu, don't think that I am unfilial. My godmother has many righteous daughters. Since she gave birth to After the deaths of some of the husbands I chose, she treated me less than before, and she thought I was the broom star. Now that I belong to the King of Wu, of course I will stand by the King of Wu. "

"Yeah." Xu Chu responded vaguely and said goodbye, "Thank you very much. You can rest. I won't disturb you."

"King Wu is leaving?"

"It's late at night, I need to... rest, and you need to rest too."

Feng Juniang smiled and said: "Why is such a smart person like King Wu not enlightened on this kind of thing? The Golden Saint asked you to come, not just for me to pass on a message for you."

"No, I don't think she meant anything else."

"With all due respect, I heard that the wedding night between King Wu and Golden Saint didn't go well, and Huang Tieniang had to personally supervise it..." Huang Tieniang was already dead, but Feng Juniang's face still changed slightly when she mentioned her name, "I think Jin Sheng I hope King Wu can learn something from me. She looks bold, but in fact she is very thin-skinned. She is too embarrassed to come and ask me, so I invite King Wu..."

"What are you talking about?" Xu Chu gently pushed Feng Juniang away and opened the door.

Feng Ju Niang staggered and had no time to stop King Wu, so she had to watch him leave. Feeling annoyed and confused, she stood there for a long time before closing the door and turning off the lights. She went to bed, tossed and turned, and murmured: "The ambition of King Wu is really not small, such a man - -I must catch it."

Not long after, the sound of the bed frame was heard next door. Feng Juniang was puzzled, "Is King Wu blind?"

Xu Chu returned to Xue Jin's room. She had turned off the lights and was lying down. Xu Chu went to bed in the dark and was immediately hugged by a pair of strong arms. He refused to give in and tried his best to accommodate her.

There were no sweet words, no gentle touches or tests. The two of them seemed to be fighting hand-to-hand, pushing as hard as they could.

After they finished, the two of them were so exhausted that they couldn't speak even if they wanted to. They each fell asleep, holding hands together.

Early the next morning, Feng Juniang went to see Niu Tiannu, her godmother. Xu Chu wrote a letter in his own handwriting and ordered it to be delivered to the King of Jin.

An hour later, Feng Juniang came back first and said to King Wu: "My godmother said, 'I understand.'"

"Just these three words?"

"Well, my godmother doesn't like to talk much."

Xu Chu frowned slightly. Ning Baoguan was often unpredictable, and Niu Tiannv was even more elusive.

Feng Juniang stared at King Wu for a while, then smiled and said, "Wang King doesn't think I can only pass on messages, does he?"

"What else did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. In short, when I left, the godmother was completely convinced that King Wu sent away Queen Mother Luan because of her, and all the subordinates of King Ning also saw me going to see her. The godmother is like this, face-to-face He is cold-hearted and only says three words, but in his heart he is very grateful to King Wu."

Based on Xu Chu's rough understanding of Niu Tiannu, he felt that Feng Juniang didn't need to talk much, but she still smiled and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Feng. You can go and rest."

Feng Juniang didn't want to appear too impatient, so she said goodbye and left. When she reached the door, she held the door open and said, "King Wu, be careful."

"Watch out for what?"

“Watch out for the hens crowing, it’s said to be a bad omen.”

"Are you talking about the hen Si Chen?"

"King Wu is a scholar and knows more than me." Feng Juniang left.

"This woman..." Xu Chu shook his head, thinking about finding someone to send her away. Although Feng Ju Niang had a reputation as a geek, there were always people who were greedy for her beauty and would not be afraid.

The only thing Xu Chu had to be careful about was that if Feng Juniang's new husband really died, there would definitely be rumors that he deliberately wanted to "kill" this man.

Lei Dajun hurried in, clasped his fists and said: "In power, King Jin has sent someone here."

"Please come in."

It was Liu Youzhong and Tan Wuwei who came.

Tan Wuyi nodded without saying anything. Liu Youzhong asked as soon as they met: "Are the rumors true?"

"There is no doubt about it." Xu Chu asked the two sworn brothers to sit down. "That's why Jizhou soldiers can attack the eastern capital with confidence."

Liu Youzhong said blankly: "He Rong's tribe is going south, and Jinyang is in danger... King Jin's brother-in-law Zhou Yuanbin and Mr. He Rongbu are family friends. They should be over there at the moment. Why..."

"I think coming to Yecheng will bring more benefits."

Although Zhou Yuanbin is the son-in-law of the Shen family, he is only a businessman after all, and the benefits he can provide cannot be compared with those in Yecheng.

Liu Youzhong sighed and raised his head, "The King of Jin asked me to tell the King of Wu that the Jin army needs to return to Bingzhou as soon as possible. Please help the King of Wu come up with a clever plan. No matter what, the Jin army is still a member of the rebel army and recognizes the King of Wu as its leader. Sincerely, the King of Jin will keep General Tan for a small service."

This was an unexpected surprise. Tan Wuwei's face was expressionless, neither happy nor annoyed.

After deporting the King of Jin, provoking King Ning, and winning over the King of Liang and the King of Shu, Xu Chu no longer thought about fighting for the entire rebel army. As long as it was more than 70%, he would be satisfied, and he could use this to fight the officers and soldiers.

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