Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 185 Loyal General

Every time he surrendered to a new master, Guo Shifeng would try to make merit immediately, and Xu Chu was no exception. He bowed and said, "First conquer the Eastern Capital, then surrender to Yecheng. The King of Wu is wise. The King of Wu was promoted as the military leader. He already has the title, and the only thing missing is the real thing, which is not difficult."

"The King of Liang came to the world to kill, and I failed to stop it. The whole city was in chaos, and I failed to suppress it. I only have the title of military leader, how can I seek the real thing?"

"If the King of Wu can get the real thing, there is no need to surrender to Yecheng." Guo Shifeng said with a smile.

"Brother Guo must have a good plan. I would like to hear the details."

"In my humble opinion, the name is the reality and the reality is the name. There is not much difference between the two. The so-called seeking reality is nothing more than seeking a specific name. For example, if the other party is a champion from the imperial examination, I have the courage to do anything, but it is just a false name for him. Only when the articles are passed down all over the world can it be a real name, that is, reality."

"If the other party is a general who fought on the battlefield, the name and reality will be reversed." Xu Chu smiled. The two were taught by the same group of teachers and their understanding of name and reality is almost the same.

"That's right. For example, the 'reality' that the King of Wu needs should cater to the 'reputation' that the officers and soldiers outside the city want. Of course, the army leader can't do that, but he doesn't have to subdue all the kings and all the armies of the world. There is a shortcut."

"Queen Mother?"

"Haha, it's pleasant to persuade the King of Wu."

Xu Chu smiled, not used to such flattery, "When the Grand Queen Mother and the Emperor fled, they didn't think of Queen Mother Luan, but now she has become important?"

"Reputation is not important at all." Things are so mysterious. When they are not needed, everyone will discard them like worn-out shoes. Once someone wants them, others will flock to them. Empress Dowager Luan was originally unknown. Ning Baoguan made her famous, and Xue Liujia made her more famous. If Empress Dowager Luan was ignored or committed suicide in the palace, things would be much simpler for Yecheng. However, she was still coveted by the thief king while she was alive. If Yecheng did not save her, its reputation would be ruined, which would be more shameful than the emperor who abandoned his mother. Moreover, if Yecheng could Empress Dowager Luan, if used properly, will be a constraint on the emperor who is on the run. "

"If I can hand over Empress Dowager Luan safely, it will be a great gift."

"Yes, and it is an easy gift. It does not take time or effort. You just need to seize the opportunity and take the initiative while the kings have not yet thought of the importance of Empress Dowager Luan."

Xu Chu bowed and said: "Brother Guo's words have enlightened me. This matter is serious and cannot be entrusted to others. Brother Guo must do it himself."

Guo Shifeng Of course, he would not refuse, and said generously: "Don't worry, King Wu, I will never let you down. Moreover, it is easier for King Wu to do this than others. General Cao Shenxi will guard the Queen Mother's bedroom. He only listens to King Wu's orders, which saves a lot of trouble."

Xu Chu immediately called Song Xingcai in and said to him: "Select 500 soldiers, only Wu people, follow Mr. Guo into the palace and hear the order. This matter is of great importance, you must pay more attention to it."

Song Xingcai bowed his hands and obeyed, without asking more questions, and went out to select soldiers.

Xu Chu said to Guo Shifeng: "Brother Guo, guard the Queen Mother's bedroom, and I will make plans to go out of the city after communicating with Yecheng."

"Does King Wu need a messenger? I can go out of the city first, and General Song can guard the bedroom. It happens that I have a few acquaintances in Yecheng who can talk to me." Guo Shifeng was eager to make a contribution.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Brother Guo, didn't you hear that I sent someone to Yecheng? It's easy to send a letter."

Guo Shifeng laughed and bowed to say goodbye. He came to Xu Chu, and what he valued most was not his ability, but the intricate connection between Xu Chu and Yecheng.

After seeing Guo Shifeng off, Xu Chu sat alone for a long time. The queen mother was an important chess piece, so of course he had to keep her, but he still wanted to seize the entire righteous army. Only with hundreds of thousands of people in his hands could he move freely.

The situation in Dongdu was like the sky in the afternoon of summer, with ever-changing winds and clouds, and uncertain weather. One moment he was in power, and the next moment he might be beheaded.

Although Ma Wei's actions were a bit crazy, what he said was not wrong. In Dongdu, everything was becoming more and more "simple". What he didn't say was that everything was becoming more and more dangerous.

Xu Chu walked out of the barracks and called Meng Senglun to inspect the city wall where the Wu army was stationed with him to comfort the soldiers.

Many soldiers of the Jiangshi Army stayed behind, with no intention of avenging the death of the Jiangshi King. Xu Chu was particularly concerned about these people, and settled their families properly, making promises one after another.

Meng Senglun assisted on the side, praising the King of Wu as unparalleled in the world.

Back in the barracks, Xu Chu invited Meng Senglun to drink a few glasses of wine. This was his most loyal subordinate. The more chaotic and critical the moment, the more important he became, more important than fierce generals and famous generals.

Meng Senglun also wanted to become the confidant of the King of Wu. After three cups of wine, he asked: "There are rumors in the city that the King of Jin and the King of Liang, the King of Ning and the King of Shu will soon have a fight to the death. Which side are we on?"

"We are on the side of the winner."

"Does ruling mean sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight?"

Xu Chu desperately needed a group of loyal subordinates, so he told the truth for the first time: "Things have come to this point, there is no need to hide it from General Meng. In fact, I sent General Wang Dian to lead troops to surrender to Yecheng. The Jizhou troops came so quickly, maybe it was related to this."

Meng Senglun was very surprised, "Rule... The Wu army has finally gained a foothold, and the ruler is going to surrender to the court now?"

Xu Chu shook his head, "My original plan was to maintain the East Capital unchanged, provoke distrust among the kings, and when the Jizhou troops arrived, the kings could only hand over the military power to me. When I repel the officers and soldiers, the military power will remain in my hands forever."

Meng Silun suddenly realized, "So that's it. The strategy of governing is really beyond our ability to understand, but..."

"But things went against their wishes. Although the kings handed over their military power, they did not mean it. King Liang took the lead in attacking and killed King Jingshi, which split the coalition forces and made me the military leader in name only."

Meng Senglun nodded. At present, no one in Dongdu can be called the master. Each king has his own troops and horses, each guarding one side. They may fight each other at any time. "There must be some clever plan for governing."

"Success is a brilliant plan, failure is just wishful thinking. But I do have an idea and I need General Meng's help."

Meng Nilun said sternly: "I have long been ashamed of the fact that one person in power supports the Wu army. If I can help the people in power, I will die with no regrets."

Xu Chu was really moved, "General Meng is the water, and I am the boat. Without General Meng's power, I would never dare to bear the name of 'governing'."

"Not to mention that the governor is talented and intelligent, just because he is the son of the princess of Wu, I am willing to go through fire and water for the governor."

Xu Chu became more and more moved, but he had to stop in time. Meng Nilun's loyalty was unquestionable, but he was afraid that being too loyal would lead to bad things.

"I need General Meng to leave the city and go to the military camp. This trip is very dangerous. If everything goes as I expected, Wang Dian has defected to Yecheng. General Meng will contact him to find out the truth. If I am wrong, Wang Dian is not in Jizhou. Among the soldiers, General Meng's trip is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth."

Meng Nilun stood up and said: "If there is no danger, there is no need for me to take action. Don't worry, I will leave the city immediately."

"Don't worry, it won't be too late to leave the city when it gets dark."

Meng Nilun sat down and said, "Allow me to ask one more question. The purpose of governing is to be self-reliant, not to surrender to the imperial court, right?"

"Of course, the name of the assassin will always hang over my head. Others can take refuge, but I can't. No matter how magnanimous the court says, I will not believe it."

Meng Nilun felt relieved, "The people of Wu and Tiancheng have a sworn hatred, and I have nothing to say about being in power. One more thing, if I leave, who will protect the safety of being in power?"

"General Song was sent to the palace by me. General Meng still needs to recommend someone to stay in the camp."

"There was General Lei Dajun, who was in power, remember?"

"Remember, he is a descendant of the seventh surname. Among the Wu people, he has the best riding skills."

"That's him. The Lei family has been loyal for generations, and Lei Dajun respects the ruler very much. I can rest assured that he will protect the ruler."

"Very good. I believe in those who General Meng believes in. Among the generals in Jingzhou, General Meng should also recommend one person."

Meng Silun frowned slightly. He only believed in the Wu people, and only the people with the seventh surname. "Most of the people in Jingzhou are reckless people who forget their own righteousness when they see profit. They should not be entrusted with the power of their confidants."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "The purpose of choosing a Jingzhou general is not to become a confidant, but to comfort his heart. The Eastern Capital is in chaos, and one more support is worth it."

"The governor is right, I thought too little. Well... there is no choice. People in Jingzhou respect Dai Pohu the most. The governor once used this person in the battle of Runan. He is quite grateful and can stay by his side. "

Xu Chu was also thinking of Dai Pohu, who was recommended by Meng Silun, but the meaning was different, so he said: "General Meng, please call these two generals to discuss the plan."

Meng Nilun went out and quickly called the two of them. Xu Chu did not tell the whole truth. He only said that Song Xingcai had entered the palace and Meng Nilun was out of the city. Before leaving, he strongly recommended them to take charge of the army.

Lei Dajun and Dai Pohu were flattered. They thanked the governor first and then General Meng, and made many oaths.

Having only two trusted generals was not enough. The most numerous people in the city were the Advent Army, and this was the case among all the kings' armies.

Meng Nilun was about to leave the city. Xu Chu took Lei and Dai to inspect the whole camp again. Then he summoned the generals and vowed to help each other and protect each other. From now on, we will share blessings and share hardships.

The oath was ridiculous and the form was very crude. Xu Chu didn't even remember the names of many new leaders of the Avatar Army, so he had to swear an oath with them as if they were old friends he had known for many years.

No one knows whether these leaders of the Avatar Army are trustworthy. They stayed in the Wu Army Camp, partly voluntarily, and partly because they didn't know where they were going and were just taking temporary refuge.

Xu Chu did not seek true loyalty, but only hoped to make these people feel at ease temporarily.

The kings will not always maintain a balance. Once the strong and weak are separated, the Incarnation Army will be like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, turning to the strongest side.

Around the second watch, Meng Nilun left the city alone and rushed to the officers and soldiers camp.

Xu Chu sent the generals away and stayed alone in the barracks for a while. He was restless and thought of his own weakness again. He always felt that other kings were more capable of joining forces. The longer the fight lasted, the more he would be at a disadvantage.

At nearly the third watch, Lei Dajun came in and announced, "In charge, the King of Shu wants to see you."

Xu Chu was surprised and happy, and said hurriedly: "Please come in quickly."

He came alone, without even a guard. After entering the house, he raised his hands and said with a smile: "I thought King Wu would contact me, but I didn't get any news, so I had to come and visit in person."

"Eastern Capital is in such a mess that I dare not pull the rope lightly."

Gan Zhao took off the magic stick from his belt and handed it back, "The King of Wu is worried. The King of Wu once entrusted it with a great trust. Now it's time to return the original thing. Please find another owner for it."

Xu Chu greeted him with a smile, but sighed in his heart. In this battle between the kings, he was at least weaker than Ganzhao.

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