Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 181 Good Opportunity

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Xu Chu opened his eyes and saw that Xue Jinyao was no longer on the bed, and Xing Jia had also passed away. This made him relieved and could avoid an awkward conversation. However, after walking out of the room, everyone's gazes made him even more embarrassed.

Huang Tieniang would not keep secrets. Everyone knew what King Wu and his wife did last night. Although they did not dare to joke about it, they all had a teasing smile on their faces.

Meng Nilun came from Xicheng and had been waiting for a while. When he saw King Wu, he said "congratulations" first, then took him aside and whispered: "It is best to leave the house first after taking power."

Xu Chu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was the husband and should go out earlier than his newlywed wife to reflect the meaning of "the man is outside and the woman is at home", so he smiled and said, "I understand. Why is General Meng here? You should Stay in the barracks and wait for news from me."

Meng Nilun then got down to business, "The officers and soldiers came back again. Last night the city gate was opened, and the Avatar Army swarmed in. No matter what the original plan of the ruler was, I'm afraid it will be postponed for a while."

Xu Chu was shocked and hurriedly walked out, "When did it happen? Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"Princess Jingshi left people to guard the door and not allow outsiders to come in and disturb the governor. Although we can break in, we don't think it is necessary. As soon as Prince Ning heard the news, he immediately opened the city gate and the governor could not do anything."

"Yes." Xu Chu was not angry, but his expression was serious, "Do you know where the officers and soldiers come from?"

"It must be the general. He probably turned around with his troops because there were no pursuing troops behind him and his subordinates all missed their hometown."

Xu Chu understood the character of the general, and Lou Wen liked to lead troops deep into the country, but there were conditions. First, he had to have sufficient supplies, and he did not need to worry about food and grass issues. Second, he had to be sure of victory, and the enemy was under attack. Frightened, showing signs of collapse.

Lou Wen was defeated and lost the support of the court. He would never turn around and fight again.

The horses were all ready, and Xu Chu led a group of guards straight to the north city.

The road was crowded with soldiers who had just entered the city. Meng Nilun and Song Xingcai led their troops to clear the way, barely able to ensure the passage of the governor.

Ning Baoguan took the initiative to open the city gate to admit the Advent Army. Huang Tieniang originally only wanted to allow her family members to enter the city, but the Advent Army has never been a team that strictly obeys orders. Once the city gate opened, no one could stop the soldiers who brought their families with them. , their reason is very good, "I'm sending my family to the city, what's wrong?"

Ning Baoguan not only opened the city gate, but also led the remaining hundreds of soldiers out of the city, leaving some people to maintain order. He went straight to the direction of the officers and soldiers to inquire about the enemy's situation.

"With Prince Ning here, you don't have to be afraid. We can still defeat the officers and soldiers." Everyone who entered the city said good things about Ning Baoguan.

When Xu Chu rushed to Beicheng, Ning Baoguan had not returned yet. Liu Youzhong and Guo Shifeng had already arrived. They stood on the city wall and looked out frequently. When they saw Xu Chu, they came up to him at the same time.

"Definitely not the general." Xu Chu first answered what they were most concerned about.

Liu and Guo's expressions softened slightly, and they invited Xu Chu aside. Liu Youzhong said: "The news can't be false, right? The World-born Army has entered the city, and the kings can't defeat Xue Liujia even if they join forces."

"Probably not. If Xue Liujia had planned this, he should have occupied the city gate by now. He hasn't shown up yet, has he?"

Guo Shifeng said: "Xue Liujia didn't come, only..."

Before she finished speaking, Huang Tieniang's voice came from a distance, "Don't fight, don't grab, the officers and soldiers are not chasing you!"

Guo Shifeng smiled bitterly and said: "Xue Liujia wants the princess to defend the city for him. All the kings are heroes, but they are actually controlled by such a figure."

Xu Chu signaled Guo Shifeng to silence.

Huang Tieniang strode over with her female soldiers and said to Xu Chu: "My son-in-law is here, you don't have to be anxious, let alone be afraid. When the officers and soldiers are here, we will fight back as usual."

"I'm not afraid."

"Haha, I was wrong. I have heard about my son-in-law's deeds. You are indeed not afraid of officers and soldiers."

"How many people have not entered the city?" Xu Chu asked.

"There are many. I originally wanted the people to go into the city first. You know..." Huang Tieniang smiled. She wanted the people to pay taxes, "but they were too slow and were held back. Almost all the soldiers have entered the city. . Hey, it’s at this time that you can see your sincerity the most. It’s clear at a glance who is bringing his family and who is not.”

"Where will the people entering the city be placed?"

"Let them find their own place. Who can take care of so many people?"

Xu Chu smiled and said: "You have to take care of it even if you can't. Otherwise, Dongdu will be in chaos, which will give opportunities to the officers and soldiers. My mother-in-law has worked hard, go and rest first, and I will take care of everyone."

Huang Tieniang had a good impression of her son-in-law and nodded, "Okay, you can take care of it. I am indeed tired. I didn't sleep last night just to let you two..."

"Mother-in-law, please come with me." Xu Chu interrupted hurriedly.

Xu Chu wanted to send someone to take Huang Tieniang back to the palace, but she disagreed and insisted on staying. "I will serve as your son-in-law's backing. If anyone dares to disobey your orders, come to me. I will find a way to deal with them."

"Thank you, mother-in-law. Where is Miss Jin Yao?"

Seeing her son-in-law asking about her daughter, Huang Tieniang was overjoyed, "You know the benefits. Haha, Jin Yao left the city and will be back soon."

Xu Chu sent Huang Tieniang to the military camp under the city, immediately summoned the Wu soldiers, took Liu Youzhong and Guo Shifeng, unfurled the flag, returned to the street, commanded the World Army to evacuate to a less crowded place, and at the same time looked for the leader, no matter how big or small. , all must join his team.

There are some people who are really unconvinced and shout: "I will come to you after I have settled my family down. There are so many things to do, how can I have any free time..."

Song Xingcai immediately led his troops forward and knocked the leader down. If he was still unconvinced, he tied him up and led him around with a rope.

There were a lot of disputes at the beginning. The descending army did not recognize King Wu, and Xu Chu did not explain. He did not mention that he had been accepted as a disciple by the descending king and received the magic stick, not to mention that he had Huang Tieniang as his "backing". He was always tough and demanded that the bosses, big and small, obey orders. He refused to give in even though they fought with each other several times.

The Advent Army first entered the Eastern Capital to avoid the officers and soldiers. The people were distraught. Although they were large in number, they did not have the upper hand. Xu Chu persisted for a while, and fewer and fewer people refused to obey his orders. The leaders who were unconvinced before also asked people to come over. Admit your mistake and plead for mercy, hoping to untie the ropes on your body.

Patrolling back and forth on the street, Xu Chu collected more than 300 big and small bosses, and there were more bosses who were missing. He didn't look for them anymore. He distributed flags to the bosses on the street, one for each person, and wrote their place of origin, name and nickname, and warned them: "Before dark, I will check everywhere. If the flag is lost or not brought with me, I will kill it."

The leaders firmly grasped the flags assigned to them and nodded.

Xu Chu assigned a Wu Bing to each leader to act as a guide, and then designated the destination. Most of them were in Xicheng, and Wu Bing was familiar with that area.

The leader who got the guide and position returned to the street with a flag, and called on his soldiers and their families to follow him. He only shouted in a circle and was not allowed to stay. Anyone who came after him could ask the soldiers of the King of Wu for the whereabouts of the leader.

There were fewer people on the street, and Xu Chu began to distribute the Avatar Army to the east and south directions, leaving them to Ma Wei and Shen Dan, who were more familiar with the streets of Dongdu than he was.

Liu Youzhong and Guo Shifeng did not leave, so they asked for pen and ink. One wrote on the flag, and the other recorded the leader's whereabouts in a book. If there was not enough paper, they wrote it on the door panel facing the street, then removed the door panel and carried it on the soldiers' shoulders.

Meng Nilun called in more Wu soldiers to ensure that there was always someone available for the ruler.

People outside the city were still pouring in, and there was more or less order, no longer chaos. As time went on, there were more and more poor and weak people, and Xu Chu assigned them to Cao Shenxi for resettlement.

At nearly noon, there were finally no more crowds of people near the city gate.

Many leaders came to receive the flag on their own, and when they saw King Wu, they knelt down and kowtowed, because the news had spread that the King of the Avatar had passed the throne to his son-in-law, and the King of Wu was the new leader of the Avatar Army.

Xu Chu had no need to defend himself and focused on allocating soldiers into the city. In the later stage, he intended to send more soldiers to the east and south to avoid Shen Dan and Ma Wei's wariness.

Liu Youzhong and Guo Shifeng never raised any objections and stayed with Xu Chu.

Ning Baoguan came back with his men, still with the same stern expression, and said loudly: "This small group of officers and soldiers is nothing to be afraid of. They are still outside the long perimeter and won't arrive for a while."

The people on the street cheered, firmly believing that King Ning could defeat the officers and soldiers again.

Ning Baoguan came to Xu Chu and jumped off his horse. There was frost and snow on his face. When he opened his mouth, white air came out from his mouth. "The long siege has been breached. The officers and soldiers will arrive before dark."

"Where did the officers and soldiers come from?" Xu Chu was most concerned about this matter.

"They are under the banner of Jiuzhou, but I think the direction they are coming from should be Jizhou soldiers."

"Hey, is Yecheng trying to reap the benefits?" Xu Chu had a calm expression on his face when he got the answer he wanted.

"The advantage is in the Eastern Capital, no one can just sit back and take it." Ning Baoguan looked at the street, "The world-born army arranged by King Wu?"

"Well, I don't have anyone in Beicheng. It's a bit chaotic here."

"As long as it's not sent to the palace."

"Not a single one was sent."

Ning Baoguan looked towards the imperial city, "Xue Liu'er is probably regretting it now. When the officers and soldiers arrive, he will come to beg you again."

"It is better to seek help from others than from yourself. The kings are supposed to be gathering today, so why not meet now to discuss countermeasures."

"Okay, are you still at the General's Mansion?"


"I'll go later."

Liu Youzhong and Guo Shifeng took their leave and went to invite their lord, while Meng Senglun went to invite Ganzhao, the king of Shu.

Except for King Jingshi who was hiding in the palace, all the kings were busy. King Ning went out of the city to check on the enemy and gained a reputation for being brave and fearless. King Wu arranged for those who entered the city and gained a reputation for being calm in times of danger. The two kings of Jin and Liang arranged quickly But if he did it properly, he gathered all the armies and satisfied everyone, and gained the reputation of recruiting talented people. The King of Shu personally welcomed the defectors, giving priority to the families of the soldiers, and gained the reputation of being kind-hearted.

A great opportunity for the coming king was thus passed into the hands of the kings.

During the gathering at the General's Mansion, no one mentioned Xue Liujia in the palace. They were now facing a new threat.

"The most urgent task is to choose a military leader and make the kings work together." Shen Dan first suggested.

Xu Chu said: "Prince Ning was originally the head coach and can continue to be the coach. There is no need to re-elect him."

Ning Bao was concerned and knew clearly that after what happened at the first gathering in the city, he could not get the forgiveness and support of King Jin, so he shook his head, "I can defend the city and spearhead the kings, but I can't be the coach. I barely managed it last time It’s King Wu who takes charge. I recommend King Wu. He has a list of leaders of the World Army, and it’s easier to command.”

"King Wu can do it, but the Jin army hopes that King Wu will obey him." Shen Dan also knew that he would not get the support of Ning Baoguan.

Ma Wei and Gan Zhao had nothing to say. They both had a large number of soldiers from the World Army and had no doubts about Xu Chu.

No longer polite, Xu Chu accepted the position of military leader, made an agreement with the kings, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and forgot about his newlywed wife Xue Jinyao.

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