Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 165 Admit Mistake

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The banquet lasted from morning to dusk. Most of the soldiers were drunk and unconscious. Occasionally they woke up and searched for and asked for wine. Xue Liujia did not allow anyone to leave, so he called a group of soldiers to guard the exit of the hall.

"Military orders are like mountains. Today's military order is to have a good drink. Anyone who wants to escape halfway is violating the military order! Don't blame me for being rude."

At least in this hall, Xue Liujia's advantage became more and more obvious. No one among the kings dared to make the first move. They could only wink at each other. Slowly, they even stopped making eye contact. They each had their own thoughts and did other things. Intend.

Xue Liujia was finally happy. With a tired look on his face, he stood up and said to the kings on his left and right: "I want to tell you a few words from my heart."

Although the kings tried hard to control it, they were still top-heavy from drinking. Ma Wei and Gan Zhao used the opportunity to pretend to be asleep. Xue Liujia walked behind them and reached out to wake them up.

"How can a man who is a king fall? Get up, get up, I have something to say."

Xue Liujia walked around the table, faced the five kings, looked at them one by one, and suddenly smiled, "I have to give you a toast." After saying that, he went up to pick up half a bowl of wine, drank it down in one gulp, and then looked at the kings.

Xu Chu and others had to drink.

Xue Liujia threw the wine bowl hard and it shattered on the ground. Several generals heard the sound and raised their heads in confusion, then lay down and fell asleep casually.

There was no trace of smile on Xue Liujia's face, "I know that some people want me to die, and I also know that some people have set today as the day of my death."

The five kings had different expressions, and they asked willingly: "Who has the ability to determine the death date of the ancestor king?"

"Hey, don't do this, Gan Zhao. You are usually honest, but in fact you are full of bad intentions. The first person who wants me to die is you."

Gan Zhao had a wry smile on his face, "Prince Ancestor really drank too much, why did he doubt me?"

"In the past, when we were in Qinzhou, you were an official and I was a citizen. You had no choice but to join the World Army and worship me as king. You have always been dissatisfied. Do you think I don't know? You secretly formed a gang, thinking that one day can replace me."

Gan Zhao could only continue to smile bitterly, "After hearing what the ancestor said, I am really guilty."

Xue Liujia waved his hand, "But I forgive you, why? Because you have some skills and can win over many people, and when I was surrounded by officers and soldiers, you led the troops to rescue me."

"That was a plan jointly discussed by all the kings, not mine alone." Gan Zhao said calmly.

Xue Liujia turned his eyes to Xu Chu, "You, a pretty boy, a stranger, suddenly appeared, gesticulated against the World Army, and suggested that I be crowned king. As a result, I lost many beloved generals."

Those who asked for the title were sent out by Xue Liujia to die, but at this time, Xu Chu was blamed.

"When King Ancestor was under siege, I didn't rush to rescue him. Instead, I came to seize the Eastern Capital. There's nothing wrong with me." Xu Chu tried hard to stay awake.

Xue Liujia shook his head, "Capturing Dongdu is the same as saving me, so I forgive you."

Xu Chu and Gan Zhao looked at each other, both of them confused.

"Ning Bao'er." Xue Liujia said the third king with a smile on his face, "Ning Bao'er, Ning Bao'er, why do you want to change your name? How good is the old name? When you say Ning Bao'er, it's like They are friends who have gone through life and death together and had fun together. Ning Baoguan—what the hell is this name?”

Ning Baoguan kept a cold face and said nothing, while Ma Wei, who changed his name, was a little restless.

The smile on Xue Liujia's face disappeared again, "The name Ning Baoguan sounds like a sinister villain. Gan Zhao just hopes that I will die, but you always want to take action, but you can't, so just stay away from me. You It's not a good thing to hang out with Xu Chu. This guy once assassinated the Emperor of All Things, so he's not a good person."

Ning Baoguan turned away and looked away, "Without King Wu assassinating the Emperor of All Things, we wouldn't be drinking here today."

"Yes, so I forgive him, and I also want to forgive you, because after all, you didn't do anything and gave Dongdu out. For this reason, you are still my brother."

Ning Baoguan cupped his hands hastily and said, "Thank you, King Ancestor."

"If you want to marry the Queen Mother, then marry the Queen Mother. If you want her to be your wife, then be your wife. You are a manly man. You can do whatever you want. How can you let the women in the family control you?"

"Yeah." Ning Baoguan still didn't look at Xue Liujia.

"Mawei...your name is Mawei, right?"

Ma Wei nodded immediately, "That's my name."

"Former Emperor Liang, Marquis Tiancheng, come to me and you become the King of Liang. Do you think it's enough? Isn't it a bit too small?"

Ma Wei stood up and cupped his hands and said, "I am the one who receives the title of King of Liang and the spiritual throne of my ancestors..."

Xue Liujia motioned Ma Wei to sit down, "Don't be polite to me."

Mavi sat down, "I mean I'm satisfied."

"Hey, you young master who has read a book, your face does not turn red and your heart does not beat when you lie. In fact, like Xu Chu, you look down on us mud-legged kings from the bottom of your heart and cannot understand what we do. I feel that I am more worthy of the title of King of the Coming, but I also forgive you, no matter what, you went to fight in the end and did not hide like a coward."

Ma Wei lowered his head and said nothing.

Xue Liujia finally looked at Shen Dan, looked left and right, and then said after a while: "I don't recognize you."

Shen Dan smiled and said: "I am Shen Dan, King of Jin. I come from Bingzhou. I was the first to lead my troops to join the ancestor king. Did the ancestor king remember me?"

Xue Liujia shook his head, "I know everything you said, but I still don't recognize you, especially your heart."

"It's hard to know someone's face but their heart. Has your ancestor ever really known someone's heart?"

Xue Liujia laughed twice, "Once you are familiar with it, I will recognize you in the future. You were the first to lead the troops to join me. In fact, you had no good intentions. You wanted to lure the officers and soldiers away and force me to fight. But after you set the fire, there was no He ran away and put out the fire as soon as possible. He did a lot and deserves forgiveness."

Shen Dan just laughed and didn't answer any more.

Xue Liujia raised his voice and said, "You are plotting against me and forcing me to attack others. It seems that I am not easy to talk to and a coward. I will only stand in the distance and watch you fight with the officers and soldiers. Am I that kind of person? You guys If you send someone to ask for help, will I refuse?"

Xue Liujia was exactly this kind of person, but the five kings across from him all shook their heads and said "no", saying that the ancestor king had misunderstood.

Xue Liujia waved his hand vigorously, "I have forgiven you, why are you still pretending to me? Is it so difficult to admit a mistake?"

None of the five kings said a word.

The generals who were not drunk yet put down their wine bowls, and the fallen people woke up one by one. Although they didn't know why, they all knew that the banquet was over, the ancestor was angry, and everyone was sober.

Xue Liujia looked around for his magic stick and found that it was not on him. His expression suddenly changed. Ning Baoguan picked it up from under the table and threw it to him.

Xue Liujia took it and held it in his arms, his expression returned to normal, "Almost..." Before he could finish his words, he swung the stick with both hands and smashed it randomly. The five kings got up to avoid it. In a moment, the tables were all smashed down, and the wine and meat were scattered everywhere. land.

Xue Liujia cursed while smashing, without naming anyone, as if he was scolding everyone. After a long time, he finally stopped, panting, his face became redder, but his mood was much better, and he smiled and said: "That's how I am. People must speak out what they have to say, be open-minded, cannot hide things, and do not hold grudges. I will remember a little benefit from others for a lifetime. You have more than a little benefit. I will remember it for several lifetimes. When I am thirty-three. God, I will also tell you about your merits to Maitreya Buddha, but you have to admit what you have done, otherwise, I will become a fool. I don’t want to be a fool, and you don’t want to accept a fool as the ancestor, right?”

Ma Wei did not calm down and was the first to say: "We really hope that King Ancestor can join the war as soon as possible. We have no other intention. We just want to work together to defeat the officers and soldiers."

Xue Liujia showed a magnanimous expression, "That's right. I'm not angry, nor will I take revenge. Just like what I've been saying, I forgive you."

Gan Zhao was the second to speak: "We made our own decisions, and indeed...we were wrong."

"Just correct it if you make a mistake."

Xue Liujia looked over again, and Xu Chu could only say: "It was my idea to lead troops to the World Army..."

"Frankly speaking, I like young heroes like you. I have decided on this son-in-law. Tomorrow you and Ning Bao'er will get married together. He will marry the queen mother, and you will marry my daughter."

Xu Chu shook his head gently and did not object directly.

Ning Baoguan and Shen Dan were left, and they looked at each other, neither of them willing to admit their mistake first.

Liu Youzhong poked Shen Dan gently in the back, and Shen Dan reluctantly said: "A soldier never tires of deceit, but I did make a mistake in not telling him. I..."

"Your fault doesn't stop there." Xue Liujia walked up to Shen Dan with his magic stick, his eyes cold, "Forget it about leading the officers and soldiers, I don't care, we won the battle anyway, it doesn't matter how we fought. Your The mistake was double-dealing. He was discussing with me to kill Ning Bao'er, and at the same time he was colluding with Ning Bao'er to kill me in the city. "

"Prince Ancestor really drank too much..." Liu Youzhong wanted to smooth things over.

Xue Liujia shouted angrily: "Shut up, you old man. Is there any place for you to interrupt when the two kings are talking?"

Liu Youzhong was famous all over the world for his physiognomy, and the soldiers of the World Army were in awe of him.

Shen Dan replied coldly: "The ancestor is trying to inflict a crime."

"Want to commit a crime? Did you promise me that you would help me kill Ning Bao'er today?"

Shen Dan raised his head and said nothing, while Liu Youzhong behind him winked at the Jin general.

More than ten generals of the Jin army were about to make a move when they were stopped by the generals of the Advent Army beside them. The companions who had been drinking together just now suddenly became ruthless caretakers.

Xue Liujia said to Ning Bao'er again: "And you want to kill me today too, right?"

"My wife can kill you. There is no need for me to do it, and there is no need to choose today." Ning Baoguan's tone was equally cold.

Xue Liujia laughed, "This is the truth." Then he turned to Shen Dan, "Prince Jin, you choose, who do you want to kill today?"

Shen Dan suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation and looked at the kings, "Are you going to let me bear the consequences of what everyone has agreed upon?"

The generals in the main hall occupied 40% of the worldly army. Outside the hall, there was a group of soldiers recruited by Xue Liujia on the way. The other four kings lowered their gazes and did not answer.

Xue Liujia smiled and said: "This trick of King Jin is really wonderful. He pulled everyone to his side at once and made me the mortal enemy of all the kings. Do you think I will be fooled? I have Maitreya Buddha watching over me. I have a wise eye in the middle of my forehead and am mortal. You can't see it, but it can see through the mortal body. You are all mortal bodies, especially you, King Jin. Your flesh is rotten and your womb is full of bad water. I can see it clearly."

Xu Chu finally fully understood that Ning Baoguan had just escaped, but he used the act of forcibly marrying the Queen Mother to ruin his reputation and lead all the "disaster" to Jin Wang Shen Dan.

Xu Chu also understood that Xue Liujia was trying to divide and defeat him. He would first get rid of the biggest threat in his eyes, King Jin, and then get rid of the other kings in turn.

He had to do something, so he stepped forward and said, "King Zu is wrong. The one who wants to kill you is not King Jin, but me."

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