Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 163 Welcoming the King

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As soon as Xu Chu returned to the city, he came to see Ning Baoguan. The guard told him that King Ning had gone to bed and had told King Wu to come back early the next morning.

Xu Chu was a little surprised that Ning Baoguan was so calm. He soon understood what was going on.

Cao Shenxi sent people to invite the King of Wu. After meeting, he handed over his hands and said: "You can find someone else to govern the eastern capital. I can't do it."

"What happened?"

"An hour ago, King Ning led people to break into the palace and meet the Queen Mother. Afterwards, he claimed that he would... marry the Queen Mother the day after tomorrow. Alas." Cao Shenxi felt ashamed and angry just by saying this. " He also asked the palace to summon all the maids and distribute them as rewards to every soldier who entered the city. "

"Prince Ning...what did you do to the Queen Mother?"

"Isn't that nothing to break into the Queen Mother's palace in the middle of the night?"

"I will persuade King Ning to ask General Cao to continue to govern the Eastern Capital."

Cao Shenxi shook his head, "No, what I'm doing now is enough to ruin my reputation. If Prince Ning really forcibly marries the Queen Mother, even if I can't stop it, I can't participate in it at all. Otherwise, outsiders will say I forced the Queen Mother to remarry.”

"If General Cao lets go, I will have no choice but to hand over Dongdu to the rebel soldiers, and things will become even more uncontrollable by then."

Cao Shenxi sighed, "If you make a wrong step, you will make a mistake every step of the way. I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place. Alas, Madam is also stubborn. Everyone else has fled the capital, so why doesn't she leave?"

"Madam is waiting for General Cao to come home."

"Oh, I went home, but...can you really persuade Prince Ning to change his mind?"

"Try it."

"There are still more than 3,000 palace maids in various parts of the Eastern Capital. If we include the officials and maids, there will be at least 8,000 of them. We can hand them all over, and there are many of them who are stunning. I would rather Baoguan choose at will, but I can't touch the Queen Mother, and I can't see her again. Queen Mother. If you can do this, I will continue to govern the Eastern Capital and search for money and belongings for the rebels. If not, we have lived long enough as husband and wife, and our children and grandchildren are all outside. It’s okay to die. It’s memorable.”

"Please wait for my news, General Cao."

Xu Chu went back to the camp and slept for a while, then asked the guards to wake him up early in the morning, and went to see Ning Baoguan on the tower.

Ning Baoguan didn't sleep for long, but his face was not tired, and he was still as gloomy as usual, as if he was wary of something. When he saw Xu Chu, he asked: "How is it?"

"The King of Jin and the King of Liang have no problem. The King of Shu intends to just sit back and watch."

"Hey, I guess so."

"But he won't tell the truth to the coming King."

"Of course not. Among all the kings, Gan Zhao hates King Jingshi the most, but he hides it well. Not to mention that once King Jingshi dies, many soldiers will be left without a master, and he will benefit the most. Gan Zhao loves to take advantage too much. He wants to stand by and watch. If you want to get benefits, that’s not possible... What’s your look like?”

"I originally thought Prince Ning was a true hero, but now it seems that I was mistaken."

Ning Baoguan's eyes showed anger, but he quickly controlled it, "Have you heard about it?"

"Yes. Why would Prince Ning do such a thing? It would be of no benefit to himself or anyone else."

"Everyone is exhausted these days. Each person is rewarded with a palace maid. Everyone is happy and more loyal to me. How can it be said that there is no benefit?"

"What if someone rewards two palace ladies? Or what if someone turns hundreds of thousands of people in the Eastern Capital into slaves and rewards all the troops?"

"Everything belongs to me, who can..."

"But Prince Ning acted as if Dongdu belonged to someone else. He was eager to give it away without any intention of cherishing it."

Ning Baoguan closed the door and said, "I had expected that you would tell some nonsense. Let me tell you, I just want to marry the queen mother, and I want to share the reward for the palace maids. Why? Because this is the purpose of everyone's rebellion. You can't always take a few years, You will be deceived by the benefits of decades from now. We are going through life and death, and there is no tomorrow. You have to see something in front of you before you are willing to fight for you. You don’t understand this kind of thing, but I do, because I think the same as everyone else. ”

Xu Chu cupped his hands and said: "If King Ning is just an ordinary person and there is no use for me to stay, please allow me to resign. I will take the Wu soldiers back to Jiangdong later."

"I promised you Jiangdong. If you don't do things for me, where will Jiangdong come from?" Ning Baoguan said coldly.

A smile appeared on Xu Chu's face, "It's hard to say whether King Ning can keep the eastern capital, so don't make random promises to others."

Ning Baoguan laughed angrily, "Just because I married the Queen Mother and divided the palace maids, I can't defend the Eastern Capital?"

"The reason why King Jin and King Liang and I are willing to join forces with King Ning instead of surrendering to King Jianshi is not because we admire King Ning as a person, nor because we have a deep friendship, but because we value King Ning for his great ambitions and his ability to endure what ordinary people cannot tolerate. King Ning will not forget the great righteousness in sight of small gains."

"Didn't we agree? Luo and Jingzhou will belong to me, and of course the Queen Mother will also belong to me."

"After the matter is completed, King Ning can say something like this. Now that the kings have not entered the city, no one knows whether the king has taken precautions. The life and death of the kings depend on today. King Ning does not think about the big plan, but is eager to enjoy the benefits. How? How can he gain the trust of kings? How can he not become suspicious when the news spreads?

Xu Chu didn't want to persuade him tactfully, he went straight to the point with a tone of teaching.

Ning Baoguan showed a clear angry face at first, but gradually his expression softened. After a long silence, he said: "King Wu is right, but the words have been spoken, what can I do?"

"King Ning knows his mistakes and can correct them. There is no great way to do good. As for what to do, Prince Ning has his own way. I don't need to say anything." Xu Chu also became polite.

"No, no, if it's other things, I have my own solution. If this doesn't work, I still need King Wu to give me an idea."

Xu Chu thought for a while and said, "The maids and servants are all enslaved by the Zhang family. Since King Ning has broken the rules of nature, he should do the opposite. He can give an order to let everyone out of the palace, return to their homes, or choose to do so." "Good man."

"Let them all out?"

"Let them all go. There are not many young men in the city, and not all of the palace ladies' families are in the Eastern Capital. They will choose to marry rebel soldiers, and there is no need for King Ning to share the rewards."

"Okay, that's a good idea."

"As for the Queen Mother, Prince Ning cannot marry her, not before or after."

"Why not after that?" Ning Baoguan showed an angry face again.

"Emperor Tiancheng abandoned his mother and ran away. His unfilial behavior was known to the world. Prince Ning could use this as an excuse to attack the unfaithful emperor. If the Queen Mother remarries and loses all her womanly virtues, and is blamed instead, how can Emperor Tiancheng be blamed?"

"What about when I conquer the world?"

"If Prince Ning wants long-term peace and stability, he still needs to reflect on himself and exercise self-control from time to time. If you don't care about the title of Mingjun, you can be a little more casual."

"Is marrying the former Queen Mother considered a 'slightly' willful act, or is it an 'excessive' act of wantonness?"

Xu Chu sighed, "It's 'slightly' arbitrary."

"Okay, that's enough."

Xu Chu felt strange, "Prince Ning's wife and children are still alive. No matter what the Queen Mother is, she is just a woman. Why does Prince Ning insist on marrying her?"

"You always tell me 'the world', but I have never understood, what exactly is 'the world'? What are the benefits of 'the world'? It wasn't until I saw the Queen Mother that I really saw 'the world' clearly" 's true face."

Xu Chu was stunned. He originally thought that Ning Baoguan only valued the status of the Queen Mother, so he insisted on marrying her to humiliate the Tiancheng court. Unexpectedly, he actually felt a little more sincere.

But Ning Baoguan doesn't look like this kind of person at all.

Ning Baoguan understood Xu Chu's doubts and laughed, "Don't get me wrong, King Wu, I am not greedy for the Queen Mother's beauty. Of course, she is a beauty. King Wu has seen her..."

"I haven't seen him. We were just talking through the curtain."

"In short, I am not a person who is greedy for beauty. I just want to prove that I am more worthy of the Queen Mother than the Emperor of All Things."

Xu Chu still couldn't believe it, but he didn't want to get entangled, "For Prince Ning to have such a desire, he is close to 'caring about the world', but to compete for the top spot, he relies on his soldiers and heroes from all over the world. Prince Ning cares too much about a woman, he will Disappointing everyone.”

Ning Baoguan pondered for a long time, "I will not marry the Queen Mother for the time being, and I will not give her to anyone. I will let her stay in the palace until I win the world."

The guards came in and said, "King Ning, King Wu, King Jingshi is coming soon."

Prince Ning nodded and said to Xu Chu, "Has everything been arranged?"

"It's arranged."

"Then let's go down and greet you. As for today, you know and I know..."

"The words come into my ears, but they do not come out of my mouth."

Ning Baoguan smiled and said, "The King of the World is a lecher, I am not. Don't laugh at me, King Wu. There must be a few real things in the world to be worth fighting for, right?"

"What Prince Ning said makes sense." Xu Chu had achieved his goal and was unwilling to argue anymore.

The two came outside the city gate, waiting for the arrival of the kings. The officers and soldiers lined up on both sides, all wearing new armor, very neatly, but with smiles on their faces, not as serious as the officers and soldiers.

The kings did not all arrive together. The first one to arrive was King Ning Ganzhao. He brought less than three thousand people, most of whom were from King Ning's old tribe. He only had three to five hundred people of his own. He dismounted and handed over his hands to King Ning and King Wu with a smile and said: " We parted ways a few days ago, but meeting each other in the Eastern Capital was both God's will and the two kings' bravery."

When Ning Baoguan saw his subordinates, he was quite satisfied with the King of Shu. He took him aside to talk and watched the soldiers enter the city one after another.

King Shen Dan of Jin and King Ma Wei of Liang arrived at the same time, and they also brought the subordinates of King Ning and King Wu. They exchanged with each other at the gate of the city. The soldiers entered the city, and the kings stood together chatting and laughing. No one mentioned today. plan.

King Jingshi was very arrogant. First, several leaders arrived with their troops and lined up from the city gate to the gathering place. They drove away King Ning's soldiers.

After waiting for a long time, it was past noon, and King Xue Liujia came belatedly. He originally promised that each person would only bring 3,000 people, but he openly violated it. There were 3,000 people in the van, and he brought another 3,000 people. When the kings came to him, he didn't explain. When they saluted him, he didn't dismount, and he just nodded his head and returned the salute.

"This is the Eastern Capital? Well, the city wall is quite thick and quite high. Ning Bao'er, you can do it and capture such a big city for me."

"King Wu's contribution is greater." Ning Baoguan said coldly, returning to his usual appearance.

"Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth, and the King of Wu is a great hero. The merits of the two of you are equal, and I will reward you both. So what, I can't let the meritorious ministers entertain me, I should be the one to entertain the meritorious ministers. No need. Choose a place, let’s go to the palace, I’ll bring you all the food and wine.”

As expected, King Jingshi came prepared. None of the five kings objected, and they did not even dare to look at each other. Ning Baoguan said: "King Wu is ready, but the wine and meat rewarded by King Jingshi must be more immortal."

"Haha, that's for sure." The King of Avatar leaned forward on his horse and leaned his arm on the saddle, "Ning Bao'er, congratulations, I heard that you are getting married tomorrow. Why do you have to have tomorrow? Today is a good day. , after we enter the palace, one is to celebrate, and the other is to drink your wedding wine. Call the new wife out, and let everyone take a look, there must be something special about the wife of the Emperor of All Things, right?"

Ning Baoguan entered the palace last night, and the news seemed to have grown wings and flown over the city wall. Even the King of the World, whose camp was farthest away, also knew about it.

"Okay." Ning Baoguan's expression became even colder.

The kings entered the city, Shen Danju stayed behind, grabbed Xu Chu and whispered: "I thought he was a big shot, but it turns out he is just like that."

Xu Chu laughed and felt that Ning Baoguan was disappointing, but when he saw the smug back of the King of the World, he suddenly wondered if he and the kings had been deceived?

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