Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 160 The Bottom of the Pot

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Ning Baoguan did what he said, he really summoned the soldiers and announced his decision on the city wall: "From now on, I am not the King of Wuyue, but just King Ning. If you call me the king, I will listen to you, and everyone will be happy." "

The soldiers cheered. They were indeed more accustomed to calling him "Prince Ning", which was both cordial and one less word.

Ning Baoguan pointed at Xu Chu, "This is the only king with the word 'Wu'. If anyone dares to use it, I will not let him go!"

"Hold on!" Although there were few soldiers in the Wu army, their shouts were loud, leading other soldiers to shout together.

Ning Baoguan ordered people to serve wine and meat to reward the soldiers, which also provoked bursts of cheers.

Ning Baoguan did it by giving away a piece of land he had never obtained to others to consolidate the alliance.

Xu Chu also had to make a corresponding reply. While everyone was vying for food and wine, he held his hands to Ning Baoguan and said, "I have seen many heroes, but King Ning is the only one who has the appearance of an emperor."

"Hey, you're not a fortune teller... From now on, if you stay and focus on helping me conquer the world, I won't treat you badly, and you don't have to run around anymore."

Xu Chu smiled and said: "My lifelong wish is to find someone I can persuade. Once I find someone, I will never abandon him."

Ning Baoguan nodded, "You can go out of the city."

Xu Chu resigned, quietly leaving the city with only two guards, and rushed to the military camp outside.

Not long after leaving the city, snowflakes fell from the air. When we arrived at the gate of the military camp, the snow was falling and covering the sky and the ground.

The guarding soldier recognized King Wu and was very surprised, so he immediately went to report it.

Xu Chu stood at the gate of the camp and looked back. He could no longer see Dong Du. He suddenly felt confused and hurriedly held it back. What he needed now was decisiveness, not sentimentality.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter behind him. Xu Chu turned around and saw Shen Dan, wearing single clothes and single trousers, striding towards him. He was actually barefoot. He laughed as he walked and said loudly: "King Wu is here to visit. Prophet Ruixue, please come first." I will welcome the guests in one step!”

Compared with Ning Baoguan, Shen Dan's approach to win over is more easy-going, which makes people feel good about him involuntarily.

Xu Chu also went up to greet him and said with a smile: "Although Ruixue is hospitable, she is a bit colder than King Jin."

Shen Dan came closer, holding his arms to check, as if the two of them had not seen each other for many years, "Follow me into the tent, it's really cold outside."

Shen Dan's tent was no different from that of a soldier, except that it was much warmer. There was no room for tables and chairs. Shen Dan took Xu Chu and sat on the bed. They treated each other like brothers and asked about personal matters. Then they talked about capturing the Eastern Capital. process.

Xu Chu did not mention Tan Wuwei or his own persuasion, and gave all the credit to Ning Baoguan.

Shen Dan understood what he heard and said with a smile: "Without the persuasion of the fourth brother, King Ning would never have dared to take such a risk. The rebel army's ability to capture the Eastern Capital is mostly due to the fourth brother."

"Using your words is worse than using your hands. How can I dare to compete with Prince Ning?"

A voice suddenly sounded outside, "Has the governor arrived? I want to see you, and I want to see you now!"

"Fourth brother has a group of loyal ministers, I am very happy to congratulate you." Shen Dan stood up, went to the door and lifted the curtain and said: "Several generals, please come in, the King of Wu is here."

Meng Nilun led several Wu generals into the tent and knelt down to kowtow. Xu Chu hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, "Thank you for your hard work, how many casualties did the Wu army have? Who among you was injured?"

Meng Nilun stood up, slightly excited, "Fortunately, King Jin and General Tan are both wise and brave, and everyone is also lucky. There were more than 1,300 casualties and 11 generals were lost."

Meng Nilun reported the name of the general, and Xu Chu sighed. He lent 3,000 men, and nearly half of them were injured. For this great victory, the loss was not serious, but for the newly formed Wu army, it was a serious injury. .

Xu Chu went out of the tent to comfort some Wu generals waiting outside. Meng Nilun knew that King Wu had something to do and saw that King Wu was safe, so he felt relieved and left with the generals.

Back in the tent, Shen Dan had already put on his clothes and boots and said with a smile: "General Meng is very loyal to his fourth brother. Every time he motivates the soldiers, he must do it in the name of his fourth brother. But if there is any merit, all the credit will go to his fourth brother." Shen Dan said with a smile. After a pause, "Just like the fourth brother giving credit to Prince Ning."

Being a minister and being a king are two completely different things. Shen Dan had to figure out which one Xu Chu wanted to choose.

Xu Chu said: "The east of the Yangtze River is located in a corner, and the people are accustomed to water warfare and foot warfare, so it is difficult to compete with the north. When the Wu Kingdom was the last to be destroyed by Tiancheng, it was for no other reason than that it was too weak. Tiancheng eliminated strong enemies first, and then swept away The rest will give Wu a few years of respite. If I want to revive Wu, my first priority is to contact the powerful and ascend to heaven."

To be attached to Long Ji is to become a minister. Shen Dan laughed and said, "Fourth brother's ambition should be more than this."

"What I wish for is peace in the world and the revival of the Wu Kingdom. Those who can achieve these two things are those who have achieved my wish. This is enough for my ambition." Xu Chu sighed softly, "Although the people of Wu are loyal, they are not a weapon for aspiration. Rather than force it, it’s better to obey God’s destiny.”

Shen Dan smiled and nodded, "Fourth brother is always more open-minded than others."

Liu Youzhong opened the curtain and came in, "I heard the noise outside and thought there was a mutiny. I didn't dare to come out for a long time. If someone hadn't informed me, I wouldn't have known that the fourth brother was here."

"I'm sorry, brother, please come and sit down."

There was no room on the edge of the bed. Liu Youzhong pulled a small stool and sat across from the two of them, saying, "Fourth brother is here to be a lobbyist for Prince Ning, right?"

Shen Dan said: "My fourth brother and I were having a good conversation, and my eldest brother came here to spoil the fun."

Liu Youzhong smiled and said: "It's my fault. I only thought about the suffering of the third brother but forgot the suffering of the fourth brother. I should be punished with three drinks. I don't have any wine at the moment. The fourth brother should keep accounts first."

Liu Youzhong is a minister, and he is very good at it and can liven up the atmosphere.

Xu Chu said: "Brother is right, he came at the right time, and it is indeed time to get down to business." Xu Chu coughed, "Ning Baoguan has just removed his title of King of Wuyue and changed his name to King Ning."

Liu Youzhong glanced at King Jin and said, "Ning Baoguan is a reckless person after all. He only came to hug the Buddha's feet of his fourth brother when the situation was about to happen. His heart is not sincere. This is clear."

Xu Chu nodded and said: "Ning Baoguan has great ambitions and is very suspicious. He will not easily trust others except the old Qinzhou tribe. But his suggestion at this time is worthy of consideration by the third brother and the eldest brother."

"What suggestions does Prince Ning have?" Shen Dan asked.

"He is willing to join forces with King Jin to deal with King Jingshi."

Liu Youzhong sneered, "It's not enough to hold the pass and monopolize the east, why not kill the master and seize the army?"

Shen Dan said: "Brother, don't worry, listen to what the fourth brother has to say."

Xu Chu handed over his hand and did not hide anything. He told Ning Baoguan all his suggestions, "Ning Baoguan has guessed that the third brother intends to kill him, but he still feels that the king of the world is the biggest threat. He is willing to cooperate with the third brother." Put aside all past grudges and work together on the great plan.”

Liu Youzhong sneered again, but did not speak.

"Is he really willing to give up the four states of Qin, Bing, Han, and Ji to me, and the other states to the kings, leaving only Luo and Jing for himself?" Shen Dan asked.

Xu Chu nodded, "That's what he said. Removing the title of King of Wuyue in public is a proof."

After pondering for a while, Liu You finally said: "Don't think about it anymore. Ning Baoguan's sinister intention is clearly revealed. He will first use the kings to get rid of King Jishi, then King Jin, then King Wu, King Liang... He Just like King Jingshi, he does not allow others to claim the title of king. Even the rhetoric is similar. Doesn’t King Jingshi also claim that only Qin and Luo states have been conquered? Of course everyone wants it. "

Liu Youzhong was right, but Shen Dan did not accept it completely and asked Xu Chu, "What do you think, fourth brother?"

"There is only one thing to gain in the world, and there is no reason to share it. But things have priorities. When fighting Tiancheng, the kings can still join forces. If there is a common enemy, why not fight again? It can be difficult first and easy later."

"I have reached an agreement with the King of Avatar. At the party tomorrow..."

Liu Youzhong coughed several times, and Shen Dan smiled and said: "In front of the fourth brother, the eldest brother does not need to be so careful. If you can't trust me even if you are a brother, it is better for the Jin army to disperse and go to the Ming Dynasty."

Liu Youzhong said: "I don't believe the fourth brother. It's really...the fourth brother has stayed with Prince Ning for too long. I'm afraid he will be bewitched by him and be reluctant to leave."

Xu Chu said: "My third brother and I hit it off when we met in Dongdu. We met again in Jinyang and we became sworn friends. Our love is stronger than gold. Although King Ning is a tyrant, as the eldest brother said, he is ultimately a reckless person who only comforts his subordinates with small profits. I will stay here." I only stayed with him for a few days, a year or ten years, and I was no longer of use to him."

Liu Youzhong stood up and handed over his hand, "I was wrong again. Fourth brother, please don't be upset. Remember how much wine you owe and make up for it later."

"Fourth brother is easy to talk to. It's better for me to remember it. At least six drinks." Shen Dan said.

Liu Youzhong laughed and asked Xu Chu to continue.

Xu Chu said: "What will happen to the third brother and King Jingshi tomorrow?"

"The kings each brought their soldiers into the city. After three rounds of drinking, the descendant king announced various crimes of King Ning in the name of Maitreya Buddha..."

Liu Youzhong interjected: "We made up ten of them."

Shen Dan nodded, "Then let's see what Ning Baoguan's subordinates do. If the soldiers are filled with righteous indignation, King Jingshi will publicly pardon Ning Baoguan's crime, and then reward him for his contribution to seizing the city. If Ning Baoguan is panicked, I, the King of Shu, and Liang will The king immediately marched forward with his armored men, cut off his head, and signaled to the whole army.”

"Others are okay. Luo Hanqi and others in Third Brother's army, who followed Ningbaoguan from Qinzhou to this point, will definitely not accept it."

"They are small in number, so they are easy to deal with. As long as the officers and soldiers in the city don't make a big mess. Alas, even though we only have one day in the city, it is enough for Ning Baoguan to take possession of the east capital to win over people's hearts. I, my fourth brother, and the soldiers lent to him by the King of Liang are afraid that It’s very difficult to take it back.”

What Ning Baoguan wants to win people's hearts is not only Dongdu's property, but also his winning streak in recent days.

Liu Youzhong asked: "Who did Ning Baoguan reward the palace to?"

"No one rewarded him." Xu Chu briefly described what he had done in Dongdu. When he mentioned that Cao Shenxi was in charge of Dongdu and sent people to guard the palace gate, Liu Youzhong clapped his legs and laughed.

"Fourth brother is indeed a strange person. This move of yours can be said to be a drain on the bottom of the cauldron. You would rather just ignore the general situation and go away."

"No matter who enters Dongdu, I will advise him the same thing." Xu Chu said, he kept Dongdu not to take away anyone's salary.

Liu Youzhong nodded repeatedly, "I understand that the fourth brother is kind-hearted, but Ning Baoguan really made a mistake." He said to Shen Dan: "Dongdu is Ning Baoguan's possession. If he uses it to admire the city Everyone in the army and soldiers has something to gain, so they are naturally unwilling to let others enter the city. In this case, they must defend the city to the death for Ning. But the Eastern Capital is almost complete, and whoever makes a generous promise can get both the inside and outside of the city. Soldiers’ support.”

Shen Dan had already understood Liu Youzhong's intention, "In this case, Ning Baoguan is not an urgent threat. The descendant king is. As soon as he enters the city, he will definitely use the Eastern Capital to reward the soldiers of his headquarters."

Liu Youzhong nodded again and said to Xu Chu: "Fourth brother arrived in time. We will gather tomorrow to get rid of King Jianshi first, and then reward the Eastern Capital to the armies to reduce the power of Ning Baoguan. If there is a chance, we will combine him with Shu The king will be eliminated at the same time. If the three kings are eliminated in one day, we will have no worries."

This is not the purpose of Xu Chu coming here.

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