Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 152: Lord of the Eastern Capital

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The whole city of Dongdu was recruiting soldiers, and Tian Jiang could not escape this time. Before leaving, his old mother said to him: "Go, my son, you have been stuck with your mother for too long. I am an old woman, and I can't do anything more." It's not worth your care to endure it all winter. The world is so chaotic now. You should find a way out as soon as possible and don't die with me. In that case, my mother will regret it even if she goes underground. "

Tian Jiang knelt down and kowtowed, then stood up and said, "Mother, wait until I come back."

Entering the military camp, Tian Jiang could not wear armor or touch weapons. The officer who inspected the soldiers was very angry, "Looking at you, I thought you were a good soldier... Forget it, you can become a servant. I tell you, the work is comparable." The war is too tiring, and if you can’t even do the work, you have to fill the holes—it’s not you who fills the holes, it’s you who fills the holes.”

Tianjiang is strong and would rather stay with a group of old and weak people. He can always finish the work assigned to him in advance, and then find an opportunity to go home, clean up the house, and make enough food for three to five days. He quietly returned to the camp and was never discovered.

On the day when the general led his army out of the siege, the people of Dongdu celebrated with their hands on their foreheads, thinking that the rebels would be defeated in this battle. Who would have thought that bad news came one after another. Many people said that the general did not go to fight the rebels at all, but He fled to Bingzhou with his children, grandchildren and army, where he wanted to proclaim himself king and emperor.

Dongdu was in chaos. Even many officials believed this rumor and went to Lou Jian for verification. Seeing boxes of luggage piled up in his house, they became even more convinced that the Lou family was going to run away. No matter how Lou Jian swore, no one cared - What's more, Lou Gang really wants to escape, and he can't hide it at all. He wants to take away all his wives and concubines, his wives and concubines want to take away his family, and his family wants to take away a few more relatives and friends...

The ministers of various families who were originally vying for power disappeared one after another. The civil and military officials of the whole court ran away whenever they could, but they were in panic all day long when they had no time to escape.

Fei Zhen, the Minister of Rites, stood up and summoned the ministers in the court hall to scold them for their cowardice and incompetence. Then they went into the palace together to remonstrate with the emperor and the empress dowager. They found that the imperial city was half empty and the two palaces had already left. , only the empress of the Emperor of All Things, the current empress dowager, remained in the palace. She was at a loss and cried bitterly when she saw the ministers.

When the Queen Mother finally stopped crying, she immediately gave Fei Zhen all the power.

With the Queen Mother's seal, Fei Zhen became the temporary master of the Eastern Capital, summoning all the troops and male servants to form an army overnight.

This was an almost impossible task. Fei Zhen collected nearly 5,000 people. The number was not small. They were either too old or too weak. They bowed to officials and cried when holding soldiers. The order was repeated several times but no one followed it.

Fei Zhen selected two hundred people, who were considered elites. At least these people could understand what he said.

From among the two hundred people, Fei Zhen continued to screen, descending layer by layer, and he selected Tian Jiang.

"You shouldn't stay in the city. What a good man, why don't you go to the battlefield and make achievements? Or are you someone's favorite servant?"

Tian Jiang's face was covered with dust and he continued to act stupid and confused.

Fei Zhen said: "You don't have to pretend. I've had ups and downs in my life. Who hasn't seen this? You're terrible at pretending to be stupid."

Tian Jiang had no choice but to tell the truth, "I have an old mother at home. If I am drafted into the army, I will find a way to escape. Without my care, my mother will not survive for a few days."

"Don't you have a wife, relatives or friends? The neighbors can also help."

"When I was young, I was stupid and offended everyone around me. And I didn't want to entrust my mother to others for fear that they wouldn't be able to take care of me. If you want to keep me as a slave, that's fine. I can't do anything else. Neither can I." I can’t take risks when I go out. My life only belongs to my mother and I cannot leave it to anyone else.”

Fei Zhen sighed, "The Eastern Capital is in danger, and all the well-dressed people are running wild, but there is a true filial son in the alleys. I just ask you, if the Eastern Capital is attacked by rebels, and the whole city is killed, wounded, and looted, what will happen to you mother and son?" Self-preservation?”

"My family has no wealth, so I can take away my things. A little food is enough. I am willing to surrender. If this does not satisfy the rebels, I still have a rusty knife to stop them for a while."

"If the country does not exist, how can our family be safe?"

"The country's demise did not begin today. I only want my mother to be safe and I don't want to do anything about it."

Fei Zhen finally picked out a person who could be used. He cherished it very much. After thinking for a long time, he still said: "You go, I will release you from the service and go back to take care of my mother. I guess you won't be able to take care of me for a few days."

Only one day, Fei Zhen was not ready yet, and the rebels suddenly appeared outside the city.

The people in the city did not know the truth and thought that the general had either escaped or was defeated. Dongdu was surrounded by rebels and his destruction was imminent.

The whole city collapsed. It was clear that rebels were coming from only one direction, but no one dared to open other city gates and escape. They all hid in their houses, burned incense, worshiped Buddha, and kowtowed to God.

Feizhen climbed up the city tower and saw that the rebels seemed not as strong as expected, so he still insisted on defending the city and ordered that no one be allowed to open the city gate. He deceived several rebel envoys into the city, chopped off their heads and threw them outside, hoping to use them. This move inspired the people in the city to resist.

The result was counterproductive. The people in the city were indeed inspired to have some courage, not to defend the city, but to oppose Fei Zhen.

Fei Zhen was outnumbered and locked in a room at the gate of the city.

The courage of the surrender faction only stopped here. After that, they fell into pieces. They couldn't even choose a leader. They all wanted to surrender, but they didn't want to bear the name of surrender. You pushed me and I gave in. After a long delay, the rebels outside the city didn't know about it. It was thought that some ministers still wanted to take charge of the battle, which added a lot of surprises.

On the other side, when Tian Jiang returned home, his mother was happy at first, but after asking why, she refused to eat, "Who's parents don't want their son to have a future? It doesn't matter whether he can get ahead, at least be a well-known man." The court is unjust, so forget it if you don't surrender to the army. I have heard about Mr. Fei for a long time. He is a good official. When he is so short of people, he will let you go home. It shows that he is a kind-hearted person. How can you leave him? ?”

"Mom, everyone outside is the same. Seeing that you have some skills, they will give you small favors and trick you into working for him. The child was used to seeing this kind of people when he was young..."

Tian's mother shook her head, "I won't talk about others, but Mr. Fei is definitely not the same. Over the years, I have only heard some people say that he is good, and no one said that he is bad. And Dongdu is already like this, how can Mr. Fei still have the time to deceive you? He worked hard."

"If the child goes back, it will be impossible if he does not sacrifice his life."

"Sell your life to Lord Fei, at least you will get a good reputation. Who in the world will know you if you accompany me to your death?"

"The child just returned to his mother because he was tired of asking for fame..."

"You are like those children from rich families who are tired of eating big fish and meat, so you think these things are the most unpalatable. You never thought that there are many poor people who have never tasted them. Are you tired of asking for fame? Have you ever thought about spending your life as a mother? I am unknown, I just hope that you can make a name for my mother, so that after I die, someone will talk about 'what happened to Tian Mu'."

His mother had never said such a thing before, and Tian Jiang was speechless.

Tian's mother sighed and said: "Although gold and silver are real, they are placed in one place. Although fame is false, it can spread thousands of miles and make everyone know it. My child, you are a person who seeks fame. In the past, you went too far. I I forced you to stay with me. Now you can distinguish between right and wrong. When seeking fame, you don’t forget to seek truth. It’s time to leave me. If you don’t leave, I will starve to death at home and give you a maid to die. reputation."

Tian Jiang cried bitterly, knelt down and kowtowed more than a dozen times, got up and left the house to find Mr. Fei, only to learn that Fei Zhen had been imprisoned and that Lou Jian and others were renegotiating the surrender of the city with the rebel generals.

Tian Jiang grabbed a knife and said to several old and weak soldiers: "Follow me."

He didn't give any explanation, but those people actually followed him. Tian Jiang found out where the negotiations were taking place and barged in. He originally wanted to kill the rebel envoy with a knife, but he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

Tian Jiang and Xu Chu were actually not familiar with each other. They had only met once and they only recognized each other's appearance.

"Sure enough, the Lou family has a lot of talent. There are two brothers. One is selling the city and the other is buying the city." Tian Jiang sneered.

Xu Chu didn't say anything, but Lou Jian was annoyed, "Who are you, dare to come here to make trouble? Dongdu is not yours, and whoever buys or sells it has nothing to do with you."

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the key, and release Mr. Fei. If not, look!" Tian Jiang stepped forward, slashed with his knife, and broke the long table into two pieces.

Cutting a table is not difficult, but it is as easy as cutting paper.

Tian Jiang turned around, his eyes about to split, "The world has lost its owner, let alone the Eastern Capital? I said the Eastern Capital is mine now, who dares to disobey?"

As soon as the table was broken, Lou Gang and others were so frightened that they sat down on the ground. The soldiers who followed were so frightened that they dropped their weapons and trembled.

Only Xu Chu remained calm, with a smile on his face, and said with a cupped hand: "Tian Zhuangshi is indeed a true hero. Okay, Dongdu is yours, I will talk to you, not them."

Tian Jiang raised his head and said, "Go and talk to Mr. Fei. If you want to talk to me, first ask me if I want the knife in my hand."

Xu Chu said: "I have long wanted to meet Master Fei. Army in the building, please lead the way."

"Seventeen...that King of Wu, Fei Zhen will not surrender..."

"That's why I want to persuade him and convince the people in the city."

Lou Jian couldn't stand up, so he took out the key and threw it on the ground. Tian Jiang stepped forward to pick it up and said to Xu Chu: "Just wait here. Mr. Fei wants to talk to you, so he will come naturally. I don't want to talk to you - you also have a knife. Take it out and take it easy.”

"If I use a sword, I might as well attack the city directly. Why should I enter the city to fight against the bravery of an ordinary man?"

"Hey." Tian Jiang went out with his knife.

Lou Jian still didn't understand what was going on, "Who is this person? King Wu, we don't even know him..."

"I know him."

Lou Gang didn't dare to say anything anymore and retreated to a corner with the other three officials, waiting anxiously to see how the situation would develop. No one was willing to come forward.

Tian Jiang came back and stood guard at the door, letting in an old man.

The old man was wearing an official robe without an official hat. He stared at Xu Chu for a while and said, "To lure the wolf into the house, what kind of person does Mr. Lou have to come to see the old man in Dongdu?"

"My surname is Xu."

"What your last name is is your own business, but it doesn't change your origin."

Tian Jiang stayed by Fei Zin's side, and he would take action as long as there was a disagreement. He would not hesitate between the two "benefactors". It was obvious that Fei Zin was more important than Xu Chu.

Xu Chu replied: "So you can change your surname in Dongdu without changing your 'originality'." Xu Chu bowed to Fei Zhen and said, "If Mr. Fei keeps Dongdu, Dongdu will be here and no one will change it. Mr. Fei If you protect the imperial court, where will the imperial court be? If Master Fei protects the people -" Xu Chu bowed again, "On behalf of the people, I implore Master Fei to obey the fate and not to destroy hundreds of thousands of lives in the city for his own selfish interests."

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