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The rebel cavalry set out in the early morning, and everyone saw them off and used heroic words to boost morale. However, the cavalry continued in an endless stream. After waiting for a long time, both the senders and the recipients felt bored. The heroic words were repeated many times, which was also a bit embarrassing. With the encouragement or acquiescence of some generals, Next, the familiar soldiers began to joke with each other, one more exaggerated than the other.

"Hey, Third Brother, watch your horse, it's worth more than you!"

"Kill the enemy bravely, Xiao Wu. If you chop off a hair on the officers and soldiers, you will be worthy."

"Kill the enemy and perform meritorious service. Old Seven, don't worry about your own life. Your wife will collect the reward for you, and I will collect the wife for you!"

The jokes lasted longer than the heroic words, and they were full of tricks. The cavalry who went out did not retreat, but responded with more cruel ridicule. The atmosphere became heated again, and even the chilling atmosphere was diluted. The soldiers who left the camp seemed to be hunting instead of fighting. A battle of life and death.

Xu Chu was one of the five kings and had to stay at the gate of the camp to watch the Wu cavalry. He heard countless dirty words. He was a little embarrassed at first, but slowly he discovered the benefits.

Ning Baoguan was familiar with this routine and even joked with the cavalry general of the Wu and Yue Army in person, "Arhat Qi, if you don't kill the first number of enemies, you can change your name to 'Riding Arhat'." "Kill more officers and soldiers, brothers, as The officers and soldiers killed your parents, molested your wife, stole your food, and demolished your house!"

"Hey, I've encountered all these things before!" someone shouted back, causing a burst of laughter. Ning Baoguan also rarely laughed loudly, "Those who dare not take revenge should get off their horses now and give the opportunity to others. Let's There are many heroes in Qinzhou!”

The Qinzhou infantry shouted, but no cavalry dismounted.

The northerners began to persuade the soldiers from Jing and Wu to give up their horses. "This is a four-legged horse, not a flat-bottomed boat. Are you used to riding it?"

"I have cut down more horses than you have ever ridden." Jiangdong's soldiers retorted, and the more they spoke, the more they went in an obscene direction, causing bursts of laughter.

Xu Chu also wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't get a word in. Not only him, but also Ma Wei and Gan Zhao. Ma Wei tried several times, but failed to attract laughter. He quickly gave up, and Gan Zhao only He just surrendered to his subordinates and rarely spoke.

The counselor's eloquence was of no use in this situation. Even Guo Shifeng, who claimed to be "always aloof from the world", could not get along with the soldiers. He first chatted with Ma Wei in a low voice, and after a while he came to Xu Chu's side and whispered. He said: "Brother Chu, aren't you used to this kind of thing? When officers and soldiers go on an expedition, they have their own set of rituals, which are enough to boost the morale of the army and boost morale. Generals have the majesty of generals, and soldiers have their own rules. Like this..." Guo Shifeng shook his head gently.

Xu Chu smiled and said: "The rituals are different, but they all lead to the same goal. They are all to win the battle. As long as the morale can be boosted, it doesn't matter what method is used."

"Haha, Brother Chu is right, but we are not as good as that person in this kind of thing."

Ningbaoguan was originally a poor people, no different from the rebel soldiers.

The cavalry finally left the camp. Ning Baoguan took advantage of the high mood of the people and loudly said as the commander: "The King of Jin is going to attack the officers and soldiers. Let's not be idle. Do what you have to do. Don't wait for the officers and soldiers to come. Say that the rebel army is elite." It’s all with the cavalry, and the people left in the camp are all rubbish.”

"Not trash!" The soldiers dispersed, inspecting weapons, reinforcing camp fences, and practicing advance and retreat. Some went deep into the camp to give a few more instructions to their families. After returning, they were laughed at mercilessly.

Xu Chu had a lot to do. He had nearly 7,000 infantrymen, most of whom came from the Liang and Jin armies. He had to recognize all the generals and explain his headquarters' strategy as clearly as possible.

"Wu Camp is on the right wing and is easily attacked by cavalry. You should not be careless. King Ning is guarding the front. No matter how fierce the fighting is over there, no one is allowed to go to support without my order."

The unfamiliar generals were not as awed by the ruling king as the people of Wu. Some nodded in agreement, while others complained on the spot, "The credit has been taken away by others. If the officers and soldiers did not attack by surprise, wouldn't we be watching others fight? Without credit, we will not say anything afterwards. I will be laughed at by those guys.”

Many people agreed. Only Wang Dian was left among the Wu generals. When he saw someone being disrespectful, he said angrily: "The King of Wu has his own plan. Just abide by it. There is no need to think so much."

Xu Chu nodded to Wang Dian and said, "The credit for defeating the officers and soldiers belongs to all the rebels."

The generals on the opposite side all laughed, and another said: "Is the King of Wu coming from the south?"

"No, I am from Luoyang. I have been traveling among the armies on the North Road before."

"Really? Then King Wu should understand the rules of our Northern Army. The one who kills the enemy takes the first credit, the one who seizes the flag and loots the second credit. The rest can drink from the northwest wind, even if you accidentally drop your leg, or Chasing the enemy for more than ten miles but not catching up will not count as merit, and you won’t get anything.”

Xu Chu said seriously: "Everyone who joins my camp, even if it is only for one day, must act according to the rules of the Wu army."

"What are Wu Jun's rules?"

"Those who obey orders have the first merit, and everyone will be rewarded. Then they will kill the enemy, capture the flag, and chase the enemy. But forget it if you break your leg. There is no reward for no merit, so just suffer it."

The generals laughed, and someone asked: "Is it still a meritorious service if you can't catch up with the enemy soldiers?"

"There is merit, but it must be an order given by me. If you chase the enemy without waiting for orders, you will get no credit even if you catch up. You will be punished when you come back."

"In short, everything is subject to your instructions, King Wu, and then we can share the credit, right?"

Xu Chu nodded, and Wang Dian explained in detail the rules for distributing spoils in Runan City, and also boasted about the achievements of the ruling king.

Xu Chu didn't stop him this time.

Among the generals of Liang and Jin, some only cared about their own affairs, while others liked to inquire about information. They had heard about the deeds of King Wu, so they asked and answered questions, and the more they talked, the more exaggerated they became.

"King Wu really killed the Emperor of All Things by himself?"

"Is the King of Wu really the son of a general? Has he ever received the true biography of the general's art of war?"

Wang Dian nodded repeatedly, "That's right."

Xu Chu blushed a little, and especially needed the awe of these generals, so he found an excuse to leave, leaving Wang Dian to continue to brag.

There are no distinct soldiers in the rebel army. They can follow whoever they want. Therefore, the number of troops in each group is extremely uneven. Some are nearly a thousand, while some are only one or two hundred.

In order to compete for soldiers, generals often clashed with each other. In the past two days, there were fewer such incidents.

Guo Shifeng was actually right. The rebels urgently needed to establish rules, but it was not a ceremony for setting off, but a way to get along with each other.

A group of soldiers warmed themselves around a campfire and taught each other survival skills on the battlefield.

"Don't listen to their lies. Meritorious service is not that important. Saving your life is the first priority. Think about it, if you don't die, what's the use of getting more rewards?"

"That's right, so-and-so wanted to make meritorious service so much that he had his arm cut off. What happened? He did get a lot of things, but if he wanted to make meritorious service, it would be difficult. My wife is a smart person. She just packed up her things and left, taking the children with her. Gone, I don’t know where to hide.”

"It must be in this camp, hidden by some guy with all four limbs."

The military camp is full of similar rumors, half true and half false, often without even a real name, but everyone who hears them believes them.

Someone saw Xu Chu and knew that this was the King of Wu. He poked the people around him. The soldiers immediately shut up and concentrated on warming the fire. Some people nodded to the King of Wu, which was regarded as more polite.

Tang Weitian originally wanted to be a cavalryman, but Meng Nilun asked him to stay and protect the ruling king, so he followed Xu Chu. At this time, he stepped forward and said, "You don't bow to the governor when you see him. Who is your leader?"

The soldiers surrounding the bonfire all held their hands with different gestures. Xu Chu felt like a rich man who came to the countryside to collect rent.

He also surrendered, "Save your life, hands and feet, and then make more contributions and get more rewards."

Everyone was silent, but no one responded.

Xu Chu continued to move forward and saw a group of old, weak, women and children approaching. They should have stayed behind, but at this time they went outside the camp.

Xu Chu said to Tang Weitian: "Go and ask them where they are going?"

Tang Weitian looked at the Governor in surprise, "Do you still need to ask? Of course we are going outside the camp and preparing to stop the officers and soldiers."

"Wu Jun did not bring any family members with him."

"Haha, family members who are 'carried' will not come out to block the officers and soldiers. This is because no one in the family is a soldier, so they come out and put them to use."

Tang Weitian still ran to ask, and came back soon, "It was sent by Prince Ning."

What surprised Xu Chu a little was that these people didn't seem to care much about the possible dangers, and their expressions were very calm. A woman taught her children while walking, "Follow closely, where are you going, mother? You really can't run away." , just lie down and pretend to be dead, and wait until mother comes back to find you, remember?"

The child kept nodding his head, looking like "I've already remembered this".

"The battle can't be fought like this." Xu Chu murmured.

"The war has been going on like this." Tang Wei Tiandao, who joined the World Coming Army in Qinzhou, was used to seeing this kind of scene.

Xu Chu had made up his mind and said to Tang Weitian: "Go to General Wang Dian and tell him that it is my order to let him keep these people."

"Huh? There is no cover in front of us, and the Advent Army will not come forward."

"Go quickly."

"Okay, the Governor will wait here for my return."

"I'm going to see King Ning and ask him to leave all the people behind. The rebels don't need to 'move the barracks' in this battle."

"The people are willing to do it. If you stop the officers and soldiers, you can get some rations immediately. Afterwards... okay, I'll go find General Wang. Governor, please walk more slowly. I'll chase you." Tang Weitian ran towards the military tent in Wu Camp.

Xu Chu walked straight to King Ning's camp.

Tang Weitian had fast legs and caught up halfway. "The leaders were not very happy. They heard that the governor came to see King Ning, so they relented and said that King Ning ordered the people to withdraw, so they agreed."

Xu Chu had expected this, so he came to see Ning Baoguan.

Ning Baoguan faced the front, so he requisitioned part of the troops of the kings of Shu and Jin. They had the largest number. At this time, they had not formed their formations. The camp was in chaos, and the generals were shouting to gather the crowd.

Ning Baoguan still prefers to use cavalry. Leaving a thousand men behind and galloping in formation in the camp can boost morale.

Ning Baoguan was not in the tent. He climbed up to a watchtower and was observing the situation outside.

Nothing could be seen from here, the rebel cavalry had long disappeared, but Ning Baoguan watched intently, his expression as serious as usual, somewhat similar to Tan Wuwei.

Xu Chu walked to Ning Baoguan and said directly: "We need to change our fighting style."

"Huh?" Ning Baoguan looked coldly, not joking.

"The common people are in the front, blocking the officers and soldiers, and also blocking the rebels. It will not help."

"The Advent Army has been fighting like this. There are no people in front, and the soldiers are unwilling to move forward bravely."

"Allowing the common people to stay behind can inspire soldiers to move forward."

Ning Baoguan sneered and suddenly understood, "You mean to let other common people take the back seat?"

Those family members who are "carried" by others are the most important reason why the rebel soldiers are willing to go to the battlefield and sacrifice their lives.

Xu Chu nodded.

"You still have so many evil intentions." Ning Baoguan forced out a smile.

"Is it the best way to attack the soldiers from both sides?" Xu Chu asked tentatively. Tan Wuwei gave him a difficult problem, and he had to start solving it.

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