Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 139 Enemy Commander

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Tang Weitian poked his head in, "General, come out and take a look. There's a fool standing here for a long time."

The "fool" is Tan Wuwei, holding a long sword in his hand, with his back to the tent, looking over the soldiers coming and going, looking into the distance, which is neither Luoyang nor a must-fight place, but just a rolling low mountain.

"It's been a while, and you won't let me report." Tang Weitian whispered.

Xu Chu stepped forward, "How come my second brother has time to come to me?"

Xu Chu had just appeased the generals of the Wu army, explaining the reason and moving their emotions, and assured them that the cavalry was only temporarily borrowed, and would return to the headquarters immediately after the battle, and would still be soldiers of the Wu army.

Tan Wuwei sighed softly: "The mountains and rivers are like a painting..."

"Do you want to write a poem, second brother?" Xu Chu smiled.

"Follow me." Tan Wuwei strode away, Xu Chu hesitated for a moment, and followed, Tang Weitian chased more than ten steps away, and several guards followed farther away.

Tan Wuwei walked out of the camp and climbed a nearby hill in the snow. Xu Chu followed behind him, and the guards stayed below.

"Thank you for your recommendation, fourth brother." Tan Wuwei still looked into the distance, as if there were enemy soldiers ambushing there.

"I don't feel at ease if someone else leads the cavalry."

"So I came here specially to say thank you and apologize."


"There are 3,000 knights in the Wu army, and I probably can't return many of them."

"What does second brother mean? The cavalry is only used to lead the officers and soldiers out of the wall..."

Tan Wuwei turned around and stared at Xu Chu, with some excitement in his eyes, not apology, "Yes, the cavalry will lead the officers and soldiers to the advent army, but I have a hunch that this battle will be an unprecedented tough battle. The righteous army will not be smooth sailing, and there will be countless casualties. If they win, it will be a miserable victory."

"I recommended my second brother to be the cavalry general, not for a miserable victory."

Tan Wuwei laughed, "A miserable victory is the best outcome "The situation, fourth brother, is it not enough?"

"I want to hear second brother's 'premonition'."

"Warfare is the art of deception. To guess the enemy's movements is actually to guess the enemy commander's mind, and the enemy commander's mind is all in past habits."


"Lan Xun is incompetent, but he likes to show off his achievements. He wants to wipe out the enemy, so he often divides his troops to adopt a siege and annihilation strategy. If the enemy is weak and concentrated, it may be useful. When encountering the world-destroying army, it is just right to counteract it."

The world-destroying army is large in number and scattered. When encountering a strong enemy, it usually sends civilians as "mobile fences". The leaders fight on their own and break out everywhere. Maybe they will break through an exit somewhere, and the officers and soldiers will fail to annihilate the enemy, but will be defeated instead.

Tan Wuwei did not explain much, Xu Chu already understood, "Second brother is right."

"After Lan Xun, it is Cao Shenxi, a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles. The habits he developed on the battlefield cannot be changed no matter what. Cao Shenxi has no problem with arranging troops and formations. With the strength of his officers and soldiers, if he can strictly implement it, there will be no righteous armies attacking Dongdu. Unfortunately, he is powerless and dare not compete with the powerful. He is 100% sure of the strategy in his mind, but he removes 20% when he speaks out, and removes another 20% when discussing with the generals. If there are powerful people interfering, he will remove another 20%. When sending out soldiers and generals, he will lose another 20%, and finally only 20% of the chance of winning is left."

"Second brother seems to have seen it with his own eyes." Xu Chu smiled.

Cao Shenxi's plan to break the south route first and then the north route was not wrong, but he did not carry it out to the end. He must have been influenced by others and failed to allocate enough troops. As a result, the southern righteous army was not destroyed, but the morale was greatly boosted.

"Then it's your father."

"The general's surname is Lou, and mine is Xu." Xu Chu said with a calm face.

"Lou Wen conquered half of the Tiancheng Dynasty and became famous all over the world. The defeat in Qinzhou was not enough to ruin his reputation. But to be honest, Lou Wen's strategy is not as good as Cao Shenxi's. With Cao Shenxi's rigor, even if he had fewer soldiers, he would not be defeated when he was ambushed."

"The general is strong in his determination. Even if the emperor personally conveyed the order, he could not easily change his mind."

"Yes, Cao Shenxi's strategy is 100%, and it is good to have 50% left when executing it. Lou Wen's strategy is only 70% to 80%, but he will not lose a bit when executing it, and he is invincible when encountering weak enemies."

"The descendants of the Five Kingdoms may not want to hear the judgment of my second brother." Xu Chu smiled.

"There are reasons for the demise of the Five Kingdoms." Tan Wuwei said seriously.

"What about the righteous army? Is it strong or weak?"

"Weak." Tan Wuwei was not polite at all.

"But the general cannot do whatever he wants this time."

"The chances of victory for the rebels all depend on this. After the five kings joined together, the rebels had two large camps and several small camps. The small camps were all onlookers and need not be taken care of. The two large camps were one far away from the wall of the officers and soldiers, and according to Lou Wen's usual fighting style, there was no need to lure the cavalry. He would definitely send troops to drive directly to the distant camp of the Advent Army, take them by surprise, break them in one fell swoop, turn around and counterattack, and the camp of the five kings would collapse upon hearing the news."

"This is indeed the general's fighting style."

"Fourth brother, look at the mountains in the distance. , if the general is smart, he should send troops to occupy the mountain pass in advance, guard the flanks, and then attack the main camp of the Advent Army from the other side, so that the Five Kings' army cannot attack from both sides. ”

“But there are no officers and soldiers over there.”

“Yes, so Lou Wen's strategy is two points worse than Cao Shenxi. He urgently needs a victory, both to boost morale and to consolidate his position, so he will take a defensive stance first, and after one or two days, he will come out in full force, first defeat the Jin King's cavalry, and then go straight to the Advent Army. ”

“In this case, it seems that our cavalry does not need to lure officers and soldiers.”

Tan Wuwei smiled and said: "What I just said is Lou Wen's usual style of play, but what the fourth brother said hit the point. Lou Wen is no longer the great general he was before. He has many constraints and can no longer do whatever he wants as before. "

Xu Chu understood, "The Five Kings' camp is too close to the Eastern Capital, and the imperial court is uneasy, so it must force the general to break this camp first, and then attack the World Army."

"So we still have to lure soldiers, and we have to fight for real, to arouse Lou Wen's anger and make him dare to make a desperate move."

Xu Chu felt sad. If there was a real fight, the cavalry would definitely suffer heavy casualties. Tan Wuwei apologized for this.

"Is there no other way to fight?" Xu Chu asked.

"This is already the best way to fight. If Lou Wen is not provoked, or if the court's constraints are too strong and no one obeys Lou Wen's orders, the rebels will still be defeated."

"Hey, the general is restrained, and the rebel army will be defeated instead. This is really...unexpected. If the court temporarily replaces Lan Xun, will it be easier to win?"

"Haha, that's not what you are saying. Lan Xun has been defeated in a row. The officers and soldiers have lost confidence in him and are unwilling to fight hard. Lou Wen must lead the troops and the imperial court is holding back, so that the officers and soldiers have a chance of winning."

Xu Chu walked back and forth on the hillock, looking at the mountains in the distance and then at the guards below, and after a long time he said, "Is there really no other way?"

"According to my estimation, the rebel army can only sustain food and grass for a month at most. After spring, people's mentality changes and they will inevitably collapse. It is a good thing that the imperial court is willing to send troops. If the wall cannot be defended, it will be a big problem."

"The people of the eastern capital did not know whether the rebels were real or not, so the Lan and Liang families were frightened and would definitely order troops to be sent out."

"And the Rebel Army's chances of winning all depend on whether they can lead the officers and soldiers to the Advent Army."

Xu Chu sighed, "Second brother, tell me, there's no need to beat around the bush."

"I want to use the fourth brother's former identity. The fourth brother does not have to come forward in person, just allow me to use this banner."

Xu Chu's former identity was the seventeenth son of the general, and using his banner would anger Lou Wen even more.

"Second brother, you're so polite to come and talk to me." Xu Chu said sarcastically.

"Brothers should not plot behind each other's back."

Hearing this, Xu Chu felt a sense of shame in his heart, and immediately wiped it away and said, "Okay, second brother, use it as you like, don't ask me again, and don't let me see it."

"I can't guarantee that Wu's three thousand cavalry can be returned safely."

"This is a life-or-death battle, regardless of casualties. I know that my second brother will act fairly and will not intentionally put the Wu army in danger. This is enough."

Tan Wuwei opened his eyes slightly, "This cavalry is far from enough. Of course I will not intentionally put anyone in danger."

Tan Wuwei refused to do it, but others rushed to do it.

Xu Chu smiled and said, "Once the officers and soldiers engage in battle with the World Army, the army of the Five Kings will immediately attack from behind..."

Tan Wuwei shook his head gently.

"Isn't that so?" Xu Chu was quite surprised. This was a plan jointly formulated by the five kings.

"What I said before is secondary, what follows is the most important. King Jin only knows that I came to invite the fourth brother's former identity, and does not know my real plan. As for the others, they are even less trustworthy. The whole army Among them, only the fourth brother is worthy of this important task."

Xu Chu became more and more surprised, "Second brother, please tell me."

"After the officers and soldiers engage in battle with the Incarnation Army, the army of the Five Kings should not attack from behind. They should immediately take a detour and attack Changwei, heading straight for the Eastern Capital."

Xu Chu was often told that he was brave, but at this time he felt that Tan Wuwei was really brave. He was so bold that he suspected that he had made a mistake. Maybe this man was a great and incompetent strategist who actually had no real ability.

After standing there for a long time, Xu Chu said: "If the officers and soldiers leave enough troops to defend the long siege, what if the rebels can't break through it for a while?"

"The rebels will be completely defeated, but I guess no matter how much constraints Lou Wen is subject to, he will stick to his own style of play. Once the troops are sent, they will be deployed in full force, and the defense will not be very strict. And his initial plan should be to attack the nearby areas first. There is no need to keep too many troops in the rear of the Five Kings’ camp.”

"Well, even if everything is as expected by the second brother, I can't mobilize the army of the five kings. The flanking attack is the strategy jointly agreed upon by the five kings. King Jin is not here, and King Liang and others will not change their minds. Look at my camp again Most of the officers and soldiers of the Wu army have been loaned out. Although they have received twice the infantry, they are not my confidants and will not obey my orders, let alone the subordinates of King Ning and King Shu."

"I only know that this is the only way to win. As for how to persuade the rebels, it depends on the ability of the fourth brother."

Xu Chu couldn't help but laugh and shook his head, "It's not feasible, it's not feasible at all. I don't have this ability, and no one does. Will I lose in a double attack?"

"Lou Wen is not comparable to Lan Xun and Cao Shenxi. If he is provoked, he will definitely become more courageous as he fights. No one can defeat him."

"He was defeated once in Qinzhou."

"Completely different. It was an unexpected ambush in Qinzhou. Lou Wen was completely unprepared. During the march, the soldiers failed to arrange their formation in time, and they were defeated again and again, so that it was out of control. In this battle, Lou Wen will personally lead the troops to attack, and the formation Already, even if he is led to the Incarnation Army, he must be prepared for a flanking attack. The rebels only have more people, but they are not ten times as many as the officers and soldiers. Not an opponent."

"One side was defeated and scattered on three sides. The rebel army became Lan Xun."

"That's exactly what it means."

Xu Chu shook his head, "This matter cannot be hidden from the kings. My second brother and I will go to see them..."

Tan Wuwei interrupted: "Absolutely not. The rebel army is in disarray and nothing can be kept secret. Once this plan comes out, the decoys will be uneasy and the King of Jin will not agree. It must be done after the King of Jin and I have led away the officers and soldiers." I will go and persuade King Liang and others."

"It's difficult. If the imperial court leaves some troops to guard the Eastern Capital, even if there are only 10,000 soldiers, it will be difficult for the rebels to break through. On the contrary, my second brother and the Advent Army will lose reinforcements, and even the chance of winning the pincer attack will be lost."

Tan Wuwei pointed to the sky, "My fourth brother often said that Tiancheng will perish on his own. This time it is verified."

Xu Chu still found it difficult.

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