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The weather is cold, smoke is curling up in the military camp, and meal time has not yet arrived. The purpose of lighting a fire is not to cook, but to create warm areas, small and comprehensive, which can save the lives of the family.

Xu Chu looked into the distance for a moment and said to Tang Weitian: "Where there is more smoke, there will be more chaos."

Tang Weitian stood up straight in his stirrups, "It must be the place with the World Army that has the most smoke, because there are so many people with their families."

"The people are innocent and of no use during the war. We should keep them away from this place. Bingzhou has its own city that can accommodate them."

"Haha, the Grand Governor is not like the ruling king, but also like Mr. Xu in the past. The coming king will not let the people leave. Those people are his...his..."

"Moving walls."

"That's right, the King of Avatar will use them to block the attack of the officers and soldiers."

"Why are the people willing to die but not run away?"

"Where to run? No, there are also people who run away. After three days at most, they come back. At least they can eat in the World Army. If they run outside, they will either starve to death or be killed by the officers and soldiers as rebels."

Xu Chu said no more and drove his horse forward. Tang Weitian was used to seeing life and death at a young age, and muttered: "I don't know if there are any survivors in Shunzi's family. They are probably very hostile. Shunzi said that after he died, those pairs of Leave the boots to me, oh, I'm afraid some bastard will pick them up..."

The size of the military camp recruited by the King of Shu was much smaller than that of the World Army, but there was a lot of smoke. The smoke covered the entire sky. From a distance, it looked like a lively temporary market rather than a military camp.

The six kings made an appointment to meet here, but they did not trust each other. Since last night, they had sent people to check and ensure that each side brought an equal number of guards.

Xue Liujia insisted that his guards must be twice as many as others, claiming: "I am the ancestor king, who dares to be equal to me? Moreover, the king of Jin, the king of Liang, and the king of Wu are not part of our worldly army, so I am not worried."

Song Xingcao rode up to meet Xu Chu and said, "There is no problem in the camp, but please wait a moment. We can't be the first to enter the camp."

Wu people attach great importance to the etiquette of respect and inferiority. Regardless of whether outsiders admit it or not, they always think that Wu is superior to others.

"Okay." Xu Chu didn't want to violate Song Xingcai's good intentions.

Song Xingcai turned around and ran back to King Shu's camp to continue checking the situation.

Tang Weitian misunderstood Song Xingcai's meaning and asked doubtfully: "The Governor is considered the king, why can't he be the first to enter? What's the benefit of being at the back?"

"The ministers are honored to be first, and the emperor is respected later. This means that others wait for him, but he does not wait for others." Xu Chu explained.

"Oh, that's what I meant, but it's really cold outside."

A quarter of an hour later, when Song Xingcao did not come back, another group of people came galloping in from another direction on horseback, with flags fluttering and spears standing everywhere.

The soldiers of the Wu army were frightened. They thought they were being attacked by a sneak attack. They drew their swords and raised their swords one after another. Xu Chu said loudly: "An old friend is here to visit. Please don't panic."

The visitor was Shen Dan, King of Jin. He galloped close to him and stopped. He raised his hands on his horse and said with a smile, "I have been separated for three days and we should look at each other with admiration. My fourth brother has become the king. I am very happy and congratulated."

"The territory of Bingzhou is vast and the people are abundant, and Jinyang has strong soldiers and horses. The third brother deserves the title of King of Jin."

"Haha." Shen Dan suddenly put away his smile, drove his horse forward, crossed with Xu Chu's horses, and whispered: "The eldest brother was bribed by the court and killed his father for glory. It is a great disgrace to our Shen family. Bingzhou is the last person to fight to the end. , I also want to take this big revenge. I have wronged my fourth brother a few days ago, and I hope that my fourth brother will not take it to heart."

"There is a wrongdoer and a debtor, and Shen Da is dead. How can I hold this grudge?"

Shen Dan nodded with a smile and stretched out a hand, "You and I have become kings, but the love of brothers remains unchanged. We share life and death, wealth and honor."

"For example, the limbs of one body advance and retreat together, fight together and make peace together."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the soldiers on both sides felt that they had an important friend, and their eyes were a little more friendly.

"Didn't eldest brother follow?" Xu Chu asked.

"I asked him to stay in the camp. The third brother must have treated the second brother very well. He is not willing to go back to my place."

Xu Chu kept Tan Wuwei behind and never let him go. He said with a smile: "Second brother is in a hurry to go back. I persuaded him to drink too much last night. He drank too much and is still awake. I said there is no need to worry and let him get enough sleep."

"There's no rush." ​​Shen Dan smiled, "How about we enter the camp together?"

"Advance and retreat together." Xu Chu said with a smile.

The two teams drove side by side to the King of Shu's camp, chatting all the way, laughing loudly when they talked about happy things.

Shen Dan pointed his horsewhip in the direction of Luoyang and said with emotion: "The emperor is ignorant and has lost his deer. It is a pity that the people suffer from it and are often displaced. The Eastern Capital is a famous city in the world, but it suffered from the harsh government for a long time. My fourth brother and I used to live there for a long time." Luoyang, save all people from water and fire."

“Since we call ourselves ‘Rebels’, of course we are bound to do so.”

Song Xingcao rode up to meet Xu Chu, nodded to Xu Chu, and joined the team without saying anything.

The first person to enter the camp was Wu Yue Wang Ning Baoguan. He didn't care about the rules and was an acquaintance with Gan Zhao, so he entered immediately.

At the gate of the camp, Liang Wang Mawei arrived just in time. When the three kings met, it was inevitable to exchange greetings. Mawei's attitude towards the two of them was the same, reserved and polite.

Xu Chu understood that Ma Wei would not be happy to see him and King Jin arriving side by side, but at this time, there were some things that he couldn't explain face to face or speak in private, so he had to wait for Ma Wei to figure it out for himself.

Gan Zhao came out of the tent to greet him, and they exchanged some pleasantries. Shen Dan and Gan Zhao met for the first time, and they had to say a few more words.

Among the people, only Xu Chu knew that Gan Zhao had long wanted to be king. In the eyes of others, Gan Zhao was an honest man who was pushed out by the King of the World. He was very polite to everyone he met, and he did not hesitate to demean himself and salute first, but he still couldn't get rid of it. Lose the habits of a petty official.

In the tent, Ning Baoguan had already sat down and was drinking.

It took a lot of effort to arrange the seats of the kings. After a long dispute, the weak one gave in. On the surface, there was another reason: King Jingshi had the highest status, so he naturally had to sit on the main seat. King Shu took advantage of the Lord and stayed with King Jingshi. Dare to sit side by side and give up a table, Ning Baoguan sits first on the right hand as the senior, followed by Xu Chu, Shen Dan sits first on the left as a guest, and Ma Wei, who is slightly older, sits below.

Each person brought only one attendant. Luo Hanqi stood with his head held high behind King Wu Yue, holding a knife in one hand and his eyes wide open, like a sculpture of a heavenly king in a temple, showing no anger and self-power.

"Yeah." Ning Baoguan nodded aimlessly and continued drinking, bowl after bowl, just like drinking water.

When the kings sat down, only Ganzhao stood and said a few words.

The King of Arrivals has not arrived yet, so he cannot talk about business matters, and the situation gradually becomes awkward.

Ning Baoguan drank countless bowls of wine before he finally stopped and turned to Xu Chu: "Do you want me to kill Zhang Wenbi?"

"I have no enmity with Zhang Wenbi. Why did Prince Ning say this?" Xu Chu said with a smile.

"Zhang Wenbi is a useless scholar, but you gave him several carts of money and cloth, making everyone jealous. If I don't kill him, all my men will come to you to ask for rewards."

"Zhang Wenbi followed me along the Funan Road, and I will be rewarded for my merits. We are all rebels, and we will join forces to fight against Tiancheng. We will never poach each other's corners. Unless ordered by King Ning, the Wu army will not accept any of the people under King Ning. All kings, Wu Jun is like this."

Ning Baoguan turned his eyes and looked at several people in the tent. Ma Wei lowered his head before meeting his eyes. He was a little afraid of Ning Baoguan. Before he came, he encouraged himself in his heart. When they actually met, he was still very timid.

"Hey, what a team-up of kings." Ning Baoguan's eyes fell on the King of Jin Shen Dan opposite, "Today it's six kings joining forces, and I don't know how many more kings will appear tomorrow. Just by keeping joining forces, I’ll have to be busy until next spring. I don’t know if the court has the patience to wait.”

Shen Dan was not afraid, looked back calmly, and said with a smile: "When all things sprout, they are just buds at the beginning. After a while, they will be able to distinguish themselves from high and low, whether they are a few inches of weeds or a towering tree."

"The King of Jin can talk." Ning Baoguan said coldly, "After attacking Dongdu, you will know who is the grass and who is the tree."

"That's right." Shen Dan picked up the wine bowl, "I respect King Ning."

Ning Baoguan picked up the wine bowl and drank. He still wanted to drink. He said loudly: "Everyone drinks. I have feet, you don’t need to take care of them, just sit down and drink.”

Gan Zhao smiled and sat down in his seat.

Ning Baoguan poured the wine, raised the bowl, and drank it all in one gulp. Then he looked at the other four kings and supervised their drinking. "King Liang, please be more relaxed. It's just a bowl of wine. If there's even a drop left, you can't be considered a man."

Ma Wei hurriedly poured it all into his stomach, becoming a little impatient. After finishing the drink, he coughed twice.

Ning Baoguan poured another bowl of wine, "Rebellion is not a joke. I don't know how many people will die if we attack Dongdu. What we drink now is wine, and what we will bleed in the future is blood. We are all sitting together because we are destined. Don't care who dies. I Three bowls of wine must be toasted on your grave.”

Shen Dan raised the bowl and said, "To each other."

Gan Zhao smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be nice to live even though Prince Ning says depressing words?"

Ning Baoguan glanced sideways, "Why should you rebel if you are afraid of being discouraged? The officers and soldiers are not vegetarians. I fought a battle with the officers and soldiers in the south. To be honest, I barely won the battle with five times the force, and I even used some tricks in the middle. A lot of tricks. In my opinion, after joining forces, we have to be ten times stronger to fight against the officers and soldiers."

Ning Baoguan easily dominated the scene. Xu Chu, Ma Wei, and Gan Zhao did not compete with him. Only Shen Dan refused to accept it and said with a smile: "The Jin army is not bad. They can fight one against one, but they are not afraid of the officers and soldiers."

"The King of Liang can also..." Ma Wei wanted to interject, but Ning Baoguan raised his hand to stop him from talking, staring at Shen Dan, "The King of Jin thinks that he is a big tree, which is very good. On the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, let's I opened my eyes."

"You can't stand a big tree, it's just a bush. I'm the vanguard of the rebel army. I should break through a wall first to boost morale. Prince Ning is famous for his bravery and his reputation is famous all over the world. I don't know how many barriers he needs to break and how many officers and soldiers he needs to kill?" Dandao.

"You choose, and the rest belongs to me." Ning Baoguan said.

The curtain was opened, and the King of the World finally arrived. Everyone else was an entourage, but he insisted on bringing two with him. He didn't let anyone inform him when he came. He just barged in, fully armored, and holding "Kill the Emperor and Destroy" in his arms. "Emperor Bang", without saying hello to anyone, he strode towards the main seat and suddenly turned his head and glanced halfway.

Tang Weitian stood behind Xu Chu, also holding a much simpler wooden stick, smiling and nodding to the magic stick in the arms of the King of the World.

Xue Liujia was stunned for a moment, but did not have an attack on the spot. He came to the main seat, turned around and faced the kings, with a serious look on his face. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Fuck you, whoever conquers Dongdu first will be the king who will be born side by side with you." I'm an equal."

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