Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 118 Common People

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Bao Dun called for help as he said, not giving the fake imperial envoy any chance to bargain.

Most of the strong soldiers outside the court were members of the Bao family. When they heard the shouting, they immediately responded loudly, drew their swords and rushed up to knock on the door. Song Xingcai and others inside the door tried their best to block the door, but the wooden door could not hold out for long with swords and guns coming from outside.

Xu Chu did not expect Bao Dun to be so upright, but he had seen the methods of Ning Baoguan and others, and knew that this was not the time to just talk. He snatched the waist knife from an attendant, put it on Bao Dun's neck, and said sternly: "Since the third master does not know what is good for him, don't blame me for being rude. I will kill you with a knife, and then die with your subordinates. Let the people in the city fend for themselves."

Xu Chu was unwilling to take the people in the city as "hostages", but he could not help being kind at this time.

Xu Chu looked weak and said that he was an imperial envoy, which was very convincing. If he used a knife, he would not be able to subdue someone like Bao Dun.

Bao Dun's eyes were wide open, his fists were clenched, and he looked like he was really going to fight to the death.

Xu Chu refused to give in, holding the knife in his right hand and pressing his left hand on the back of the knife, not thinking about what to do next if Bao Dun still didn't accept it.

The two of them were deadlocked, which annoyed Tang Weitian next to him. He had a knife, but he didn't know how to use it. In a rage, he even forgot about the weapon, grabbed a nearby chair, turned it over, held the two chair legs, and tore it in half, shouting: "Get out of the way, let me kill this guy, and take you out, see who dares to stop me?"

The chair is heavy, and it is easy for ordinary people to lift it. It is as easy to tear the chair as tearing paper, but it requires a little more strength. Tang Weitian is thin and small, which is especially rare.

Bao Dun looked at Tang Weitian sideways, then at Xu Chu, and finally said, "Put away the knife, we can talk again."

Xu Chu felt his blood swell for the first time. He didn't feel this way when he assassinated the Emperor of All Things. For a moment, he couldn't even retract the knife. The blood surged up, and he just wanted to press the blade down hard...

He still retracted the knife, held it in his hand, and said to the people at the door, "Let them in."

Song Xingcai and others could no longer hold on. After hearing the order, they immediately retreated and surrounded Xu Chu and Bao Dun.

The door opened with a bang, and the Bao clan soldiers rushed in.

Bao Dun shouted, "Get out."

The clan soldiers were stunned on the spot, but seeing that the situation in the hall was not right, no one stepped forward, and no one withdrew.

Bao Dun said, "The men of the imperial envoy, show your strength. We can't compare...all retreat."

Although the Bao clan soldiers still didn't believe it when they saw Tang Weitian holding two chair legs, they didn't dare to disobey his orders in person, and reluctantly withdrew.

Xu Chu also said, "You also leave. I will talk to Lord Bao alone."

Xu Chu was a weak scholar, while Bao Dun was a fat man who had practiced martial arts when he was young. The difference in strength was obvious at a glance. Song Xingcai immediately said, "Mr. Xu, don't be arrogant..."

Xu Chu returned the knife to its original owner, "Mr. Bao is an elder who values ​​the people of the city. He is definitely not a reckless person. You don't have to worry."

Bao Dun also said, "If someone respects me one foot, I will respect him ten feet. Bao will not do the mean thing of stabbing someone in the back."

Bao Dun still mocked the fake imperial envoy a little.

Song Xingcai and others withdrew, stood outside the door, and confronted the Bao family soldiers.

Tang Weitian was the last to leave. He threw down the chair leg and said to Bao Dun: "If Mr. Xu is wronged, that chair will be your fate."

Bao Dun smiled and said: "I dare not."

The door was dilapidated and could barely be closed. Xu Chu bowed and said: "I am sorry for offending you just now. Please forgive me, Mr. Bao."

"Who are you?"

"To be honest, my surname is Xu Chu, my original surname is Lou, and I am the seventeenth son of General Lou Wen..."

"The one who assassinated the emperor?"

"It was me."

Bao Dun's face changed, and he reached out to touch his neck The place where the blade had crossed, no longer doubted the intention of this weak scholar. Suddenly, he felt that he had just walked through the gates of hell. He bowed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"The courage of a common man can kill a tyrannical monarch, but it can't save the people of the world. It's not as good as Mr. Bao standing up to protect the people of one side."

Everyone likes to hear flattery, especially when the person who said it has a special status. Bao Dun's expression eased a little, "I don't deserve it. Who did Mr. Xu come to my county for?"

"For myself."

Bao Dun was stunned again.

"The chaotic world started because of me, and it will end because of me. If the world can't be peaceful, I feel uneasy. Therefore, I want to follow Mr. Bao and make a call. Mr. Bao can save the people of a city, why don't you want to save the people of the world?"

Xu Chu broke through a heavy obstacle in his heart and added glory to himself with the identity of an assassin.

Bao Dun looked at Xu Chu again and said hesitantly, "You want to rebel and proclaim yourself emperor?"

"Why not?"

Bao Dun smiled but said nothing.

Xu Chu continued, "I came from Bingzhou, and I saw heroes from the north and south along the way. Everyone claimed to be a king, and everyone had the ambition to conquer the world. However, they all regarded the world as a treasure. If they could not get it, they would rather destroy it. They regarded the people as livestock, driving them to carry heavy loads, and those who could not bear it were killed or expelled. I was not used to seeing this kind of thing, so I had this idea, to be the king myself."

"Can you protect the people?"

"The righteous armies of Wu and Jing have united, and there are tens of thousands of troops outside the city. If I don't care about the lives of the people, I will just order the attack on the city. Why should I take the risk and come to see Lord Bao in person?"

The words were too big, and Xu Chu was a little worried, but after thinking carefully, he really couldn't do such a thing as driving innocent people to be the vanguard, let alone massacre the city at will. If Bao Dun had insisted just now, he might not be able to do it. It's not that he didn't dare to kill people, but he didn't want the people in the city to be without a master.

Thinking of this, Xu Chu no longer hesitated. He really regarded himself as the savior of the people and said sincerely: "Not talking about the present, does Bao Gong think the people of Runan are living well under the rule of Tiancheng Dynasty?"

Bao Dun sighed heavily, "A harsh government drinks blood, and corrupt officials suck their marrow. Where are the people who are not hanging on to survive? That's why I gave up business farming and ordered my people to learn martial arts and literature. I know that such a court cannot last long, and sooner or later the world will be in chaos."

"The world is already in chaos, why does Mr. Bao still miss the court?"

"It's not that I'm nostalgic for the imperial court, it's just that... Mr. Xu just said that there are many heroes, but I haven't heard of anyone putting the people first."

"Instead of asking for help, it is better to ask for yourself. Dongdu is surrounded by rebels and can attack at any time. The heroes are vying to be the first. I led the troops to visit Runan. I heard about Bao Gong's reputation and felt that he was a member of the same way, so I came here to join him."

Xu Chu bowed deeply, and Bao Dun hurriedly helped him up, saying "I don't dare to do it".

After the big talk, the lie became less difficult to tell. Xu Chu said again: "The so-called king and emperor are actually a last resort for me. I am young and ignorant. In fact, I don't dare to fight with the elders. If Bao Gong can be pacified, I wish to serve Duke Bao as my master immediately and put an end to my wishful thinking."

Bao Dun was startled and waved his hands, "I don't have that kind of ambition, and my ancestors didn't have such a deep reputation. After Mr. Xu's famous family, he also has the reputation of killing tyrants. If you become king, I am willing to follow you." ”

Xu Chu bowed his head again and said, "I am very lucky to have Bao Gong help me, like a tiger with added wings. I am very lucky for Xu, and the people are very lucky."

"There is only one thing, I have to make it clear in advance."

"Mr. Bao, it's okay to say it."

"Master Xu, in the name of the people of the world, wants me to join his gang. I agree. If one day Master Xu is like the others and treats the people like livestock, I'm sorry, I cannot agree, let alone be an accomplice."

"The sun and the moon are clear lessons. If I, Xu Churu, oppress the people because of my selfish interests, I am willing to die under Bao Gong's sword."

Bao Dun said hurriedly: "Young master Xu, there is no need to swear this poisonous oath. One day, at worst, I will leave you. Since I regard you as my master, I will never commit regicide."

"If I am stupid and violent, everyone in the world will find me and kill me, let alone Mr. Bao?"

Bao Dun thought of Xu Chu's assassination and laughed and said: "I am also a person who has been through the rivers and lakes. I am confident and have some eyesight. Looking at Mr. Xu's face, I am definitely not a coward."

"Mr. Bao is willing to raise the flag of righteousness?"

Even at this time, Bao Dun still thought for a while, "After waiting and waiting, I didn't get reinforcements from the court, but I did get Mr. Xu. I guess this is God's will - Mr. Xu, please accept my worship."

Bao Dun fell to his knees, and Xu Chu immediately helped him up, "Proclaiming yourself king or emperor is something that will happen in the future. If Mr. Bao doesn't mind that I'm young, and you and I are brothers, please let me call you 'Brother Bao'."

"Brother Xu."

The two laughed at the same time and went out hand in hand.

The two groups outside were still confronting each other, and they were surprised to see two people appear in the hall with cheerful faces.

Bao Dun said to the clan soldiers: "Go and invite the twelve captains. I have something to say."

Xu Chu signaled Song Xingcai and others to put away their weapons, and said to Bao Dun: "Since you are the master, brother, please go first."

This is the biggest adventure of the trip. If Bao Dun returns to his own people at this time, Xu Chu and others will have no chance of survival if he gives the order.

Bao Dun observed for a moment and saw that Xu Chu was sincere. He walked to the middle of the clan soldiers and urged: "Why don't you go and invite people quickly?"

Xu Chu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but his face remained calm. Song Xingcao and others breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a bit of admiration for Xu Chu.

Twelve school captains were assigned to guard various sections of the city wall. They were all temporarily appointed by Bao Dun. They arrived immediately upon hearing the order, and they all brought soldiers with them. They quickly crowded the courtyard, and the latecomers could only park on the street.

Bao Dun loudly said to everyone: "The court is unjust and the officials are forcing the people to rebel. The small town of Runan has long been abandoned by the court like a waste. Bao stood up. Fortunately, with the help of everyone, he was able to protect the city and the people. However, it is difficult to support a lonely tree. Fighting against the rebel forces from all directions with just one city is not a long-term solution. Mr. Xu is a descendant of a famous family who dares to kill tyrants for the world and is willing to raise the flag of justice for the people. Bao decided to join Mr. Xu. Those who are willing to follow will stay, but those who are not willing to follow will not be able to do so. You can leave the city as you please, I won’t stop you.”

There were very few officers and soldiers guarding the city. They were all local warriors recruited by Bao Dun. They listened to his words and told everyone. Although they were surprised at his change, no one openly opposed it. They said in unison: "I would like to follow Mr. Bao and return to Mr. Xu together." ”

Xu Chu had many things to do when he conquered Runan City. The first thing was to get the rebels outside the city to retreat.

Bao Dun said privately: "I am not willing to accept the rebels. The city is really small and there is no room to accommodate them. Please ask the rebels to camp outside. All food and grass will be supplied by the city."

Xu Chu did not want the rebels to enter the city immediately. To show his trust, he rode out of the city alone and joined the Wu army.

Wang Dian, Meng Nilun and others were already impatient. When they saw Xu Chu and confirmed that Runan City had surrendered, they were all overjoyed. They were a little disappointed when they heard that they could not enter the city.

The Wu army had just set up camp and Xu Chu was about to return to the city. Another large army came from a distance and sent people to communicate. It turned out that the 10th Battalion with the surname Xiao had been following behind. Hearing that Runan City had surrendered, he sped up and ran over.

Without waiting for the announcement, several leaders with minor surnames broke into the camp. When they saw Xu Chu, they first looked at him and then came forward to pay their respects at the same time. They were very respectful but did not take him seriously.

A leader looked at the city wall and said loudly: "Since Mr. Xu has captured Runan City, the old rule is that you divide the big part and we divide the rest. When will we enter the city?"

"If we don't enter the city, the Wu army will be stationed outside the city. Since Runan has surrendered, there is no way to distribute it."

The expression of the leader named Xiao changed and he looked at Wang Dian and Meng Seng Lun.

"Master Xu has the final say on this matter." Meng Senglun said.

Several leaders sneered and turned away. Wang Dian said: "Master Xu has to think of a way. The ten battalions have a large number of people and we are no match for them if they fight now."

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