Plan to cut off the nine states

Chapter 105: Counterattack

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Although he has never regarded the Advent Army as one of his own, Ma Wei will still feel angry and heartbroken when he is obviously betrayed, "Don't he know that he is next?"

Ma Wei tried his best to organize tens of thousands of old, weak, women and children into a team, but it was useless. When the war started, the crowd scattered and fled in the wilderness.

In any case, this situation was entirely within Mavey's expectation.

Officers and soldiers like this kind of battle. They chase people everywhere. No matter whether the opponent is a man or a woman, fleeing or staying, resisting or begging, if they catch up with them, they can kill them with a single blow. This is a ready-made military achievement. In the eyes of the officers and soldiers, the chaos in the mountains and plains is just a string. The long copper coin belongs to whoever catches it first.

So the officers and soldiers were also in chaos.

Ma Wei ordered the soldiers under his command to wave flags and beat gongs to the Advent Army in the rear, telling the Advent King that the time was ripe to send out a large army to join the battle.

Several teams entered the battlefield one after another. The banners and orders of the Advent Army were not precise, so no one could lead the army. Each team had as few as three to five hundred people, and as many as two or three thousand. If there were any more, the soldiers would not be found. Commander.

Ma Wei soon discovered that although there was an endless stream of teams entering the battlefield, the number of people was not as large as he expected. This was by no means a good sign. The greatest advantage of the Advent Army was its large number of soldiers, but now they refused to swarm in. Instead, they used How can you win if you hit short but long?

Looking from a distance, the scattered officers and soldiers began to regroup to face the World Army. The latter collapsed at the first touch and only managed to stay on the battlefield due to the coercion of the follow-up teams.

Using wolves to drive away sheep seemed to be an effective strategy. Not long after, seeing the officers and soldiers approaching step by step, Ma Wei changed his mind and decided to follow his intuition instead of waiting until the situation became clear before making a decision.

He wants to escape.

"I want to go to the King of the World in person and ask him to send more soldiers. You stay and lead the troops..." Ma Wei ordered his deputy general. He had already turned his horse's head and suddenly felt reluctant to part with it. He finally got one. Although the number of the army is not large, there are two to three hundred of them who were originally from Liang and were relatively loyal to him. Without these people, he would become the bare king of Liang again.

"Pan Kai! Call a few people to protect me." Ma Wei decided to take away the Liang Guo general he admired most. As for the others, in order not to arouse suspicion, they could only stay in a dangerous place.

Most of the horses were given to Ning Baoguan, Ma Wei rode slowly alone, and Pan Kai led six or seven soldiers on foot and walked back against the World Army.

The Advent Army gathered in a large depression to hide their strength so as not to be seen by officers and soldiers in advance.

Ma Wei took a look from a high place and said to Pan Kai and others: "The King of Avatar is in the city, let's go there to find him."

The road was full of soldiers heading to the battlefield, and the Advent Army did not have a clear flag. Ma Wei said that the Advent King was not in the team, so Pan Kai and others naturally had no doubts.

The road back to the city was not smooth. I was stopped several times. A certain king held two knives and stopped in front of Mawima, shouting: "Where are you going? Do you want to escape?"

Ma Wei slowed down slightly, but continued to rush forward, saying eagerly: "Get out of the way! It's an emergency!"

Before the "King of Two Knives" could understand, Ma Wei had already rushed over. The man did not chase him. He was cursing and led his soldiers towards the battlefield.

The Advent Army failed to give orders, and Ma Wei, with less than ten people, returned to the big city of Mengjin despite being confused and frightened along the way.

Pan Kai and others had vaguely guessed King Liang's intentions, and no one raised any objections, so they followed closely behind.

There was no one in the city. Ma Wei had his last glimmer of hope. He climbed up to the tower and looked at the battlefield. He could see nothing except the smoke and dust that covered the sky. He then looked at the Advent Army. Most of the troops had not yet participated in the battle. A small team It seems that he is running towards the city, but as for Ning Baoguan, who is a special soldier, there is no trace at all.

Hopes dashed, Xue Liujia was ruthless and wanted to use this battle to get rid of the useless rebels and a group of disobedient generals.

Ma Wei suddenly realized, no wonder that most of the leaders he met along the way were those who had been asked to be crowned kings before. Xue Liujia was not sending people out to expand the territory, but to see who was too ambitious and refused to stay on his own. around.

"It's so stupid. Doesn't he know that he is next?" Ma Wei hurried downstairs, disappointed with the King of the World. On the street, he said to Pan Kai and others: "The King of the World will not lead troops to fight, he will betray him. All those who are kings, if you want to go back, I will not stop you, but I want to go and join the Jinyang army. Those who follow me will be the founders of the country from now on."

"Follow the king to the death!" Pan Kai and others said in unison. No one wanted to risk their lives anymore. As for the relatives and friends who stayed on the battlefield, they had to forget about it.

Ma Wei led the people across the big city, bridges and small towns without wanting to delay for a moment. When he arrived at the north bank and saw the camp not far away, he suddenly came up with a bold idea.

There are still many people left in the camp on the north bank, most of them are the family members of the military leaders. They do not need to take risks on the battlefield and stay in a relatively safe place, protected by thousands of soldiers.

"The Avatar Army is defeated! The officers and soldiers are about to cross the river!" Pan Kai rushed into the military camp on King Liang's horse and shouted loudly.

The camp immediately fell into chaos and there was a lot of crying. Pan Kai got the instruction and ignored his family members. He only said to the soldiers: "The King of Liang fought his way across the river and went to Yingcheng to borrow troops from the Shen family. I would like to Follow me now!"

Pan Kai made a circuit and rode out of the camp without giving anyone a chance to ask questions.

The leader of the camp could not suppress him at all, and a large number of young and strong soldiers chased him out of the camp. Many family members also ran out, crying and screaming.

Pan Kai returned the horse to King Liang, and Ma Wei praised him: "The general is the leader of the Liang Dynasty. When we restore our homeland in the future, we will rule together with the general."

The more people we bring, the slower the speed will be. Ma Wei is willing to pay this price. He can't just take a few people to join the Shen family.

Half a day later, Ma Wei counted the number of people. There were about four or five hundred soldiers who followed. The useless families had been left behind. This made him very satisfied. He reorganized the team, appointed officers, and made a promise. He publicly appointed Pan Kai as the general of the front army of Liang State - the official appointment cannot be done in one go, and there must be room for future appointments.

The team was in a hurry, without food and grass. After nightfall, Ma Wei drew his knife, slaughtered the mount himself, cooked it over a fire and shared it with everyone. There were too many people and too little meat, so he could only do it as a token to win people's hearts.

Fearing that the officers and soldiers or the Advent Army would chase them from behind, Ma Wei led his army to travel overnight, eating whatever they came across. When they arrived at Yingcheng, the whole army was starving, with only about 300 people left, and the other soldiers had all run away on the way.

Ma Wei was relieved that there were no pursuers behind him.

What disappointed him greatly was that the Shen family was not in Yingcheng, and the Jinyang soldiers were also taken away. It was said that they were going to Mengjin to participate in the war, but Ma Wei did not meet them on the way.

For Ma Wei, survival was more important than anything else at this moment. When he heard that Shen Zhi and his son were not in the city, Ma Wei immediately claimed that he came from Mengjin to meet the generals guarding the city and convey the secret order of Shen Mushou.

The Jinyang army went south to participate in the war for the first time, and their vigilance was not high enough. Ma Wei did not say the name of the general guarding the city, and they did not doubt it.

When Zhou Yuanbin, the son-in-law of the Shen family, heard that there was a secret order from his father-in-law, he immediately ordered the city gate to be opened and came out to greet them in person.

There were few soldiers guarding Yingcheng, only more than a hundred people. Ma Wei led his troops to rush in, first asking for wine and meat, and then divided his troops to take over the city gate. Then he said to Zhou Yuanbin: "Mengjin was defeated, and the Jiangshi Army and Jinyang Army are probably destroyed."

Zhou Yuanbin was shocked and vaguely felt that he was deceived. Ma Wei did not give anyone a chance to question, claiming that he was ordered by the Jiangshi King and Shen Mushou to take over Yingcheng and act at his convenience.

It took only one night and half a day for Ma Wei to recruit all the men who could hold weapons in the city and gather more than a thousand soldiers. Finally, he felt a little relieved and sent people out of the city to inquire about the news.

The news received at the beginning was consistent with Ma Wei's statement. The officers and soldiers won a great victory in the Battle of Mengjin, but did not take advantage of the victory to attack the two cities, but stopped on the south bank and challenged the Jiangshi Army.

The Jiangshi King retreated to the two cities, the whereabouts of the Wuyue King were unknown, and the Jinyang Army did not appear in Mengjin at all. It was obvious that they crossed the river from somewhere else and attacked the officers and soldiers' retreat.

Ma Wei was glad that he escaped in advance. The Jinyang Army used the Jiangshi Army as bait, and the Jiangshi Army used Liang soldiers and civilians as bait. No matter who won or lost in the end, the bait would be swallowed up and would die.

Zhou Yuanbin was sure that he had been fooled and regretted it, but he had no choice but to become a pawn in the hands of King Liang and was unable to fight back.

On the third day of occupying Yingcheng, King Jiangshi sent someone to rebuke King Liang for being ungrateful. Ma Wei listened with a smile and said to the messenger of King Jiangshi: "Please tell the ancestor king that I am not ungrateful, but I am abiding by the promise of being crowned king and come to seize the old land of the Liang Dynasty. After I succeed, I will go to the military camp in person to pay homage to the ancestor king and ask for credit."

The messengers came one after another, and their words became more and more polite, and finally even called Ma Wei the king's younger brother.

The strange troops promised by the Shen family did not appear for a long time, and King Jiangshi could not help but be nervous. Once he lost Mengjin, he would have nowhere to go, and he had to arrange a retreat for himself first.

Ma Wei was more and more glad that he escaped early. He made up his mind that he could accept the King of the World into the city in the future, but he must firmly control him, seize the military power, and then go north to occupy Jinyang. Once he had a foothold, he could fight against the officers and soldiers.

This was a reliable plan. Ma Wei hoped that the officers and soldiers of Mengjin would attack quickly and the King of the World would be defeated quickly.

The original intention of the officers and soldiers was to attack from the north and south to wipe out the rebels. After waiting for several days on the south bank, they finally saw their flags erected on the north bank, which meant that another group of officers and soldiers had crossed the river to surround the King of the World.

The officers and soldiers launched the attack and paid a heavy price, but it took only half a day to capture the big city. It was more difficult to fight for the bridge and fell into a stalemate.

The fighting spirit shown by the King of the World surprised the officers and soldiers, and also surprised Ma Wei who was far away in Yingcheng. He kept sending spies, but did not see the figures of officers and soldiers on the north bank. He only saw the King of the World defending the small city and the bridge, and did not retreat a step.

That morning, the most unexpected news finally came. After several days of strong attack, the officers and soldiers were shocked and defeated for no reason. As luck would have it, the Jinyang army that went around the south bank appeared in time, took advantage of the chaos to attack, and defeated the officers and soldiers.

Ma Wei, who occupied Yingcheng and was waiting to receive the chaotic army, was suddenly in trouble. He offended both victorious rebels.

At this time, Shen Cong and Guo Shifeng rushed back to Yingcheng from Yecheng overnight. After hearing the news, they were more surprised than Ma Wei. They should have brought back the Jizhou soldiers. Now they returned without success, which would surely anger Shen Bingzhou.

Guo Shifeng saw the opportunity the fastest. He took out the letter written by Ma Wei and said excitedly: "It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Daliang to revive. Perhaps it is at this time. If King Liang does not mind, I would like to come up with a trick to help King Liang!"

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