Although the yellow ape was unhappy that his lightspeed kick did not shake the barrier, he understood that now was not the time to think about this, and Kuzan was still struggling to resist in the endless void.

The yellow ape strode forward and quickly bypassed Dewey’s void, the endless light in his hands was constantly gathering, and a long sword composed of light was formed in his hand, and he held the long sword high and slashed down towards Dewey’s body.

“Tiancong Cloud Sword!”

The huge lightsaber emitted a brilliant light, and suddenly appeared above Dewey’s head with a blazing wind and wave.


Dewey wrapped his left hand around his armpit, raised his muzzle high and pulled the trigger on the yellow ape.

Blue beams of light gathered towards the muzzle, forming a blue ball of light in the center of the muzzle, and the blue ball of light became larger and larger, and the light emitted became brighter and brighter, and finally the blue ball of light blocked the entire muzzle, and a huge blue flash shot towards the yellow ape head-on.

“This speed combined with the dual guns that can fire countless bullets is even more amazing and difficult to deal with than the long guns used before!”

The yellow ape slashed the lightsaber in his hand against the huge virtual flash, and the huge virtual flash was neatly split in two in front of his lightsaber, and the beam of light that was cut in half flew out along the sides of the yellow ape’s body.

The hair on Dewey’s forehead continued to flutter in the face of the wind and waves, and his right hand still continued to shoot out beams of light one after another, but he took this opportunity to quickly widen the distance between him and the yellow ape, and then opened the skill of “the fastest step of primates” again, and said:

“Your lightsaber is indeed sharp, but it’s still a little worse off against me.”

“What a troublesome ability! However, when it comes to me, the weakness is still too obvious. ”

After the yellow ape cut the virtual flash in half, he saw the muzzle aimed at him again, and said complacently.

“Oh! It seems that the yellow ape general is very confident! When Dewey heard this, he showed a hint of surprise, and said puzzled:

“I don’t know what weaknesses the Yellow Ape General has discovered, but you can let me see it!”

“Then I’ll show you the Achilles heel.”

Before the words fell, the yellow ape instantly photonified, and his body turned into a flash of light, and instantly appeared next to Dewey.

“It doesn’t work at all!” Dewey faced the yellow ape’s body, pulled the trigger, and a huge blue beam shot out.

“Although your speed is very fast and the rate of fire of the laser is amazing, it takes time at the moment of the bullet ejection, and how can you stop me in this time?”

A brilliant ray of light translated out of the void, and the virtual flash was like a heavenly blue pillar of light streaked through the sky, while the yellow ape raised the huge lightsaber in his hand, and the wind and waves slashed towards Dewey’s shoulder.

“I didn’t expect to be able to find this kind of weakness, which is worthy of being a real yellow ape general.”

Dewey also sighed, to know that its muzzle moves very fast in the case of using speed skills, and it is only a moment to shoot out of the chamber, and the yellow ape can actually seize the sluggishness of that moment to attack, this admiral is really deserved.

Although he praised the yellow ape, Dewey’s hand did not stop, the musket in his left hand dissipated in the sky like light, and at the same time a blue long sword condensed by spiritual pressure appeared in Dewey’s hand, Dewey raised the wolf’s sword high and blocked the lightsaber with a trace of hot breath.


The sound of gold and iron sounded, and the wind and waves swept up, and the cloak behind Dewey was lifted by the fierce wind, and the frozen warship also shook under this collision, crushing the solid ice under the ship.

Dewey only felt a huge force coming from his left hand, and the full force of the yellow ape’s hands facing the yellow ape with one hand could not withstand it at all, and the huge force forced him to retreat backwards for 3 no, and each step stepped on the deck with a deep footprint, and next to the footprints were countless tiny cracks.

Due to Dewey’s retreat, the muzzle of the right hand naturally deflected, and countless virtual flashes shot into the sky, dyeing the entire sky blue, and Kuzan, who was covered with virtual flashes, was also liberated.

I saw Kuzan standing on the ice a little embarrassed, there were countless huge ice walls in front of him, and there were burnt marks on his naval uniform.

“What an attack like a storm! I was a little careless! ”

Kuzan said with a gloomy face.

It was just a tentative jump, and it was actually seized by the other party. Although his speed is not slow, but the two of them are on the same deck, there is no way to dodge at such a close distance, and they dare not elementalize, almost resisting several virtual flashes, until they are repelled to the distance, and after casting one ice wall after another, the situation is better.

“Even if it is a stormy attack, facing two generals at the same time is still a little weak!”

Dewey held a gun in one hand and the wolf’s knife in the other, although he was praising the two generals, his tone seemed to be victory.

“Cut! This kind of tone that seems to be a sure winner is really offensive! ”

The yellow ape pouted unpleasantly when he heard this, and did not dare to leave Dewey’s body in the slightest.

“Well! Anyway, let’s expel one first! ”

The musket in Dewey’s right hand automatically dissipated, and at the same time a white flame thunder gun appeared in Dewey’s hand, and he strode towards the yellow ape in front, and at the same time, the spear seemed to pierce the air and made a “bang” sound, stabbing at the yellow ape’s chest.

“Sure enough! Your speed beyond limits can’t be used as long as you’re moving! ”

The yellow ape did not intend to block the tip of the Thunder Spear at all, and his body was slightly sideways, and he avoided Dewey’s piercing.

At the same time, two ice spears shot quickly behind Dewey, and the ice spears pierced Dewey’s back with a cold breath.

Dewey felt the rolling cold current behind him, and did not intend to dodge at all, and the thunder gun that stabbed at the yellow ape escaped and flew forward at a very fast speed.

“What is he doing? Why not dodge? ”

The yellow ape saw Dewey take off the spear in his hand, and due to inertia, he had missed the best opportunity to dodge the spear that Kuzan flew, and he couldn’t help but pay attention to the scene in front of him at all times, wanting to know what Dewey was doing. He didn’t think Dewey would make the low-level mistake of losing his spear in battle.

The ice spear quickly touched the cloak on Dewey’s back, and Dewey could even feel the cold air carried by the sharp ice surface.

At this moment, the first glimpse of the protection was activated, as if the space behind Dewey was changing, and in an instant the spear seemed to translate with Dewey’s back, and it whistled past Dewey’s body and stabbed the yellow ape beside Dewey. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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