“Sailor, throw the rope and follow me!”

Galo erased the bits of snowflakes on the captain’s hat, and at this moment, Captain Galo was full of fighting spirit.

Recalling that at the beginning, Captain Galo went all the way from the South China Sea to the Great Voyage, stumbled and finally reached this legendary sea.

Captain Galo, who originally thought that he could show his skills, found that the new world was not so simple.

This sea is a cemetery….

Graveyard of the weak!

The rich places in the New World are basically occupied by the people of Lokes, and there are also some forces that survive in the New World.

For example, the homeland of giants – Elbaf.

Another example is the country of the samurai – the country of Wano.

No matter how bad it is, it is also a group of pirates like the Hundred Beast Pirates and Bigumum, who rely on the banner of Lokes and can basically guarantee their survival in the New World.

Over the years, Captain Galo can only take his subordinates around and float around like a ghost, maybe one day he will be killed or buried in the fickle weather.

Fortunately, everything changed two years ago.

The famous pirate group of Bigum fights Captain Gallo, led by a man named Long Bun, and a battle two years ago changes Galo’s mind.

In that battle, the Bigumum Pirates left hundreds of corpses and retreated, giving way to the island they had originally seen.

Since then though heard of Charlotte. Linlin’s reputation, but Galo looked down on the Bigumum Pirates from the eyes of his heart, thinking that it was just that, and the long bread was even more devalued by it.

“He is very short, his level of swordsmanship is terrible, his physical strength is only slightly better than ordinary people, if I see him later, I can cut his head with a knife, absolutely…”

With a determined look, Galo leaped on the side of the swaying ship.

With Galo’s bouncing power, this distance was less than twenty meters, and he easily stepped over.

“After that, use my gorgeous fencing skills and harvest the head to your heart’s content… Hahaha: Ha ha.. Huh…?”

Galo, who had just jumped into the air, noticed that something was wrong.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Three pitch-black fireworks rose from the muzzles, and the strong recoil of the fortress guns actually made the singing ships retreat half a meter away.

These three shells were prepared precisely to meet Galo who was ready to jump from the air.

Katakuri’s fighting mind is extremely clear, and Peiros sometimes has to admit that he is not even as good as Katakuri in some aspects.

“Sword Skills – Assault Trilogy!”

Galo in mid-air noticed that something was wrong, and he could barely sense the danger coming with his sight, and he hurriedly drew his sword and stabbed.

Bite! Bite!

“Oops… Actually stabbed empty: It’s good that I have armed colors..”


There were two sounds of gold and iron clashing in midair, followed by a scream.

In fact, Galo’s level is still good, such a close range of shells, Galo can use a long sword to avoid two, and the third sword failed to stab because of his lack of reaction….

“Little ones, the Bigumum Pirates are despicable, go on!!”

On Galo’s pirate ship, he climbed out of the shattered deck.

The half-hanged armed color domineering did not leave Galo unharmed.

The initially awakened armed color domineering sometimes works, and sometimes it cannot be covered.

Despite the pain in his shoulder, the shot failed to wake Galo.

He was still immersed in the weakness of Bigumam’s past.

Bang.. Bang.. Bang!

Perus listened to the sound of shelling not far away and knew that the two sides had begun to fight.

Closing his eyes and listening carefully, the sound of shelling on both sides was obviously stronger on one side, and the position should be the position of the other singing ship according to judgment.

“Owen, hit the right full rudder, the sails are half turned, let’s try to avoid the Katakuri and their attack range, go and see…”

“Understood, Pelusco”

Owen responded with a full grudder, the sails creaked, and the singing ship slowly headed for the right front of the battlefield.

At this time, in the center of the wind and snow, Katakuri and the fencing pirate group began to meet in short battles.

Thick ropes were thrown onto the singing ship, and the pirates rushed onto the ship with bloodthirsty roars.

“Pelospero, let the younger sisters retreat to the rear slightly, and the rest will kill with me!”

At the critical juncture of the short battle, Katakuri still does not forget to take care of his sisters, worthy of the title of pet sister mad demon.


A long spear was on the deck, and Katakuri swung the spear to cut off several ropes, and a series of climbing pirates fell below the surface of the sea.

Those pirates who fell into the sea did not lose their combat effectiveness, they would find a way to gouge through the enemy’s ships.

In terms of numbers, the fencing pirates did not lose to the Katakuri side.

And the captain of fencing is a pirate with a reward of more than 90 million.

You must know that this era is not the “extremely evil generation” where the straw hat is located, and the bounty is extremely precious now, and pirates with a reward of hundreds of millions can publicize themselves as sea pirates, and outsiders will also recognize hundreds of millions of rewards, which is indeed worthy of the name of sea thieves.

“Here, is that the person who brought shame to the pirate group for two years!”

Katakuri cut off two ropes again and fixed his eyes on the skinny middle-aged man who had just gotten up from the deck.

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