Pirates: Trainer on the Straw Hat Ship

Chapter 294 Nami: My hands are thirsty! (Please give me a monthly ticket)

Chapter 294 Nami: My hands are thirsty! (Seeking monthly votes~)

After saying goodbye to Rayleigh and Xia Qi, Chihong suddenly waved.

In an instant, a huge space wormhole suddenly appeared under everyone's feet, like the abyss mouth of a terrifying monster, swallowing everyone.

Before the supernovas could react, under the action of gravity, Chihong and others and a group of stunned supernovas fell directly into the extra-dimensional hole.

Then everyone's eyes blurred, and they suddenly came to an empty high sky.

And under their feet was the brightly lit and bustling Sabaody Archipelago.


A magical energy ball suddenly appeared, covering everyone and stagnating in mid-air.

Chihong chuckled: "Everyone, get ready!"

"The train is about to leave!!!"


What train?

The supernovas were stunned.

But at this moment, after doing all this, a mysterious pink light suddenly flashed in the eyes of Chihong, and he turned his sight to the top of the Red Earth Continent.

With the information provided by the Charlos Sanctuary, which has become a potted plant, they now have a far better understanding of Marijoa than ordinary people.

Not to mention being able to accurately locate the location of the holy land Marijoa, there is at least a rough direction.

As for the security of Marijoa?

Laughing to death.

From the fishman Fisher Tiger climbed up the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands 13 years ago and set fire to Marijoa; Raphael of the Blackbeard Pirates in the original timeline mysteriously descended on Pangu City and proposed new candidates for the Seven Warlords; Sabo led the three legion commanders to easily break into the forbidden area of ​​Pangu City during the World Conference with the most stringent security, etc....

Marijoa's security level is almost the same as zero.

So for Chihong, all they have to consider is how to get on the Red Earth Continent and how to evacuate safely!

"This direction should be about right, right?"

With a flash of thought, Red instantly determined the direction.

The next moment, under the shocked gazes of the supernovas, their bodies flew uncontrollably with Red towards the upper side at high speed.

A strange stream of light flashed over the sky of the Sabaody Archipelago, but suddenly disappeared, appearing in the sky far away as if crossing the void.

With the combined ability of super power + dimension hole, Red can be said to have exerted the speed of travel to a level that even Sanji with the Speed ​​Fruit could not catch up with!

In just a few breaths, the thick wall of the Red Earth Continent appeared in front of everyone.

"This... This is too outrageous, right?!"

Capone, standing in the super power shield, turned around and looked at the Sabaody Archipelago, which was so small that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Ten seconds ago, they were still in a tavern on the island.

Everything happened so suddenly!

At this moment, all the supernovas finally understood why the Straw Hat Pirates had the guts to cause trouble in the holy land, Marijoa!

With this way of traveling, they are already invincible! ! !

If the Straw Hat Pirates wanted to, they could find a few hidden places near the Red Earth Continent to hide, and then go to Marijoa to take advantage of the Celestial Dragons.

Speaking of the pirates who fought to the death, how many of them really aimed at the throne of Pirate King? Isn't it all for resources and wealth! ?

In the world, is there any faster way to make a fortune than robbing the Celestial Dragons! ?

Originally, they thought that the Straw Hat Pirates were too arrogant. Although they were strong, they aimed directly at the highest peak in the world and even forced them to take them with them.

But now, all the supernovas have an idea in their minds...

If we also have the ability of Red, I must be even more arrogant than them! ! !

In the blink of an eye, Chi Hong and the others had already flown into the clouds and arrived above the Red Earth Continent.

Under the night sky, the skyline of Mary Geoise was dotted with countless lights, as if a brilliant starry sky had landed on earth.

As the residence of the Celestial Dragon Clan leader and the building of the World Government, Pangu City looked particularly majestic in the night, like a giant towering over the sky, guarding the entire Mary Geoise.


It can't guard anything.


With a ripple in the void, the bold Chi Hong went one step further and brought everyone to the residential area of ​​ordinary Celestial Dragons.

Chi Hong and the others seemed to be standing on flat ground, suspended in the air and looking at the area below.

"This should be the residential area that Saint Charlos mentioned."

"The people living in those castles are the Celestial Dragons, and the other ordinary houses should be inhabited by the Celestial Dragons' servants and bodyguards."

"Although the Celestial Dragons' treasure house and the resource warehouses of various tribes are all inside Pangu City, there are more people in need of help in the ordinary residential areas."

Looking at Marijoa in front of him, Red took out a camera that could take pictures at night while introducing her to her companions and supernovas, and took several photos of Marijoa from a bird's-eye view.

If there is a chance to meet Luffy's second brother Sabo in the future, these photos that can take in the layout of Marijoa will definitely be a very good gift!

After doing all this, Red made arrangements directly and said:

"Then according to the previous plan, Luffy, Nami, Robin, Brook..."

"The four of you form a team and go directly to the interior of Pangu City."

"For Pangu City, the most important city in the entire Marijoa, we have very limited information and it is full of dangers."

"So we need to rely on your picking up characteristics, Nami!"

"No problem!"

The nominated Nami smiled, made an "OK" gesture to Red, and then stared at the direction of Pangu City with golden eyes.

In fact, since she saw the city of Marijoa, Nami's picking up characteristics are like a mobile phone that is bombarded with text messages but not muted, constantly sending reminders to her.

With the continuous improvement of strength, Nami's picking up characteristics should also be constantly upgraded.


Since obtaining a large amount of gold on Sky Island, many things that were originally precious to the Straw Hat Pirates have become less rare as the Straw Hat Pirates have become richer.

So that things that could originally be called treasures will not be reminded by the picking up characteristics.

Over time, Nami's picking up characteristic became quiet.

But this quietness is not a bad thing.

The picking up characteristic is like a special energy that will accumulate over time.

And every time a treasure is picked up with the help of the characteristic, the corresponding "special energy" will be deducted according to the preciousness of the treasure.

So the past precipitation is for today's explosion!

At this time, Nami's eyes have long been shrouded in greed and desire.

In layman's terms...

Her hands have long been thirsty! ! !

"Very good!"

Looking at the greed in Nami's eyes, the red corners of her mouth also rose slightly, and then she reminded Luffy and others:

"Luffy, your mission this time is to escort Nami to complete the treasure hunt adventure."

Although I don't have much hope for Luffy, and I firmly believe that he will definitely cause some trouble... But as the highest combat power of the Straw Hat Pirates, only Luffy can do this task.

Chihong continued to arrange: "Robin, Brook, you two are mainly responsible for reconnaissance work, helping Nami to choose the best treasure hunting plan."

"If you encounter an unavoidable situation, it is best to use your ability to make the other party unconscious or fall into an illusion."

"Got it!"

"Yohohoho~ Leave it to me, Chihong!"

Robin and Brook smiled and nodded, and accepted the task.

Under Chihong's training, Brook has mastered the ability of soul leaving his body at this time.

Robin, who can set eyes wherever he sees, and Brook, who can soul leave his body and pass through walls, are simply the best candidates for scouts.

And if they are lucky, Robin and the others may be able to find some historical secrets or special information in Pangu City.

After arranging the Pangu City echelon, Chihong's eyes turned and continued to speak quickly:

"Usopp, Chopper, Franky, you, Law and Bonnie form a team, led by Usopp."

"The main responsibility is to start from the east side of the ordinary Celestial Dragons' residential area, rescue the slaves and find the Celestial Dragons' treasures."

"Then, Sanji, you take the other five supernovas and start from the west side of the residential area."

"In this way, both of your teams have the ability to transfer slaves and a large amount of supplies."

"For Usopp, Law will help the slaves remove the bomb collars."

"Sanji, you need to use the Armament Color Hardening to help the slaves remove the collars."

"The consumption may be greater, but I have left a lot of props in Capone's body castle, enough for you to recover your physical strength."


After hearing Chihong's arrangement, Sanji immediately nodded and agreed.

Although there was no girl in his team, they were all a group of rough guys.

But at this time, Sanji rarely cared about these things.

Seeing that everyone knew their respective tasks, Red nodded with satisfaction, and then a mental wave suddenly emerged from his body, like a thread, connecting everyone together.

In an instant, Red's voice appeared directly in everyone's mind.

"Very good!"

"I have linked everyone's spirits together. If you encounter an emergency, you can communicate in your mind at any time."

"I will use the dimensional hole to send you directly to the best position for action in a while."

"As for the next thing, it will be left to you to deal with it."

Mental link is a new way of applying super power developed by Red, which allows people marked by mental link to communicate directly through super power like telepathy.

This ability actually does not have any advanced skills. The only difficulty is...

It consumes a lot of super power, and the consumption will increase with the number of people linked and the distance between them.

Fortunately, after the machine was updated, he was no longer afraid of the consumption of regular Pokémon props, so he used it without any scruples.

Having said everything that needed to be said, Chihong raised his hand to summon the extra-dimensional cave for everyone.

But just at this moment...

"Wait a minute, Chihong."

Zoro, who didn't hear his name at the first meeting, and still didn't hear it at this moment, suddenly raised his hand and asked Akari with a confused look:

"What about me!?"


Akaari turned his head and looked at Zoro who raised his hand, and asked in confusion:

"What's wrong, Zoro?"

"What's wrong?" Zoro winked with an unhappy look, "Why do they all have things to do, but I don't!?"

"Hey, hey, you green algae head?!"

Sanji was speechless when he heard Zoro's doubts.

"You don't want us to spend extra energy to take care of you in such a dangerous place!?"

"You are an ultimate road idiot!"

"Asshole! What are you talking about!?"


The blade came out, and a sharp cold light flashed under the moonlight.

Zoro's forehead was exposed in public, and veins bulged.

But just when he was about to argue with Sanji, Red, who knew the overall situation was important, directly interrupted him:

"Let's do this..."

"Zoro, you can be a special team on your own."

"I'll put you in a position and then you can do whatever you want!"


Although I feel discriminated against, being a special team on your own sounds pretty good.

Just like that, with Red's big hand waved, the Straw Hats and the Supernova Alliance instantly disappeared into the sky and began their journey to the Celestial Dragon Holy Land.

As for Red himself, he was still hanging in the sky, looking down, ready to help his partners at any time.




Ordinary Celestial Dragons live in the East District.

With the disappearance of the extra-dimensional hole, the figures of the five members of Usopp's team instantly appeared under a dark wall.


As soon as he appeared, Usopp immediately lowered his voice and shouted to everyone.

In an instant, the already extremely nervous people immediately pressed towards the corner of the wall, and then quickly scanned the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

However, a moment later, Chopper, who was about to hit a blue ball, showed a look of doubt and asked puzzledly:

"What's wrong, Usopp!?"

"Did you find any enemies?!"

"Enemy?" Usopp looked solemn, shook his head and said: "No."

"I just feel that if I don't shout something, I won't have the momentum to be a captain."

Law and Bonnie: "…………"

The two supernovas who were acting with the Straw Hat Pirates for the first time immediately turned their eyes to Franky.

That expression seemed to be asking: "Is your pirate group's style of doing things always like this?!"

Franky smiled awkwardly.

He avoided the gazes of Law and Bonnie, and said directly to Usopp:

"Usopp, Luffy will cause trouble at any time."

"Time is limited, let's act quickly!"

"Don't worry!"

Hearing this, Usopp smiled evilly, and slowly raised his right hand to respond to Franky's words.

"The action has begun!!!"


A low buzzing sound suddenly sounded.

Five plain wooden doors suddenly appeared at the fingertips of Usopp's five fingers.

The doors opened instantly, and five dark figures like a storm suddenly flew out from his fingertips.

Seeing this scene, Law and Bonnie's eyes suddenly widened, watching the tiny black shadow turn into a large group of silent flying mosquitoes after leaving Usopp's body.

"This is..." Law asked in surprise.

Usopp showed a proud expression:

"These are the scout bugs I specially cultivated!"

"They are extremely small, and the sound of their flight is almost zero!"

"With them as the vanguard to help us explore, I can quickly find the location of the treasures and slaves in this area!"


Listening to Usopp's explanation, Luo and Bonnie looked even more stunned.

Watching the extremely dark swarm of insects break into pieces in the air, spreading in all directions like smoke and dust...

Law couldn't help but murmur with emotion:

"So... this is the legendary swarm of insects, Usopp..."

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