Pirates’ Thor

Chapter 055

Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

“Waste, waste, you guys are such a bunch of waste!”

“If you can’t catch Roger, forget it, forget if you can’t catch Renly, now even the two midshipmen on Roger’s ship are riding on your heads, is this how you group of wine bags preach justice in the sea?”


Among the phone worms, there was an angry roar.

In the office, there was a phone worm in the air, his face full of embarrassment and shame, but he did not dare to have a trace of anger.

Because it was the five old stars who were talking to him on the phone.

Bucky and Lei Ming rescued Kulokas, robbed the ship of the world government, and stole three super gene evolution agents, which made the five old stars very angry.

For the loss of those three super gene evolution agents, the five old stars did not pay attention to it, the key is that Kulokas was robbed.

You know, since Roger was called One Piece, the whole sea has gone crazy, and Roger’s reputation has reached the top, making the world government very passive.

In order to fight Roger and strengthen the rule of the Five Old Stars over the world government, they need a member of Roger’s Pirate Group to come out and receive just punishment.

However, the entire navy plus the mysterious powerhouses in the realm government dispatched nothing.

Roger and Reilly are strong, and the five old stars can still understand, but this time they finally caught a kulokas, and they were actually rescued by two trainee crew members.

The incompetence of the five old stars against the navy is no longer tolerable.

“Please rest assured, we will send more troops to hunt down Roger and them again, in fact, Karp has already hit Rayleigh hard last time, causing him to fall into the deep sea and do not know whether he will live or die. Moreover, we have already found out that Roger is in the South China Sea, and we are preparing to send people to arrest him. Sora said respectfully into the phone worm.

“No need, we already know Roger’s whereabouts, we have already sent the strong men of the world government and the army to capture him, you can just search for Roger’s other crew members, especially Na Reilly, whether alive or dead, we will see his body.”

“And there is… We don’t want to see the news about those two midshipmen again. ”

The five old stars finally said almost with a roar.

Then, decisively, hung up the phone.

In the office, Empty face was gloomy, it was the first time he had been taught so seriously by the five old stars. You know, he will soon step down and be promoted to the general marshal of the whole army, and this kind of thing actually happened at this time, wouldn’t this be ruined.

Kong Keke knows that the field marshal is his strong contender, and it is estimated that the other party is now gloating at the good show.

“Something has to be done!” Sora groaned for a moment, his eyes suddenly shining, and then he dialed Sengoku’s phone and said with an order that could not be refused: “Let the red dog and the green pheasant go and capture Roger’s two trainee crew members, and bring Kulokas back.” ”


Blood Wolf Pirate Ship.

I don’t know how long it took, the thunder slowly woke up, and the first thing I felt was hunger.

“I’m so hungry, Brother Bucky, Kulokas, bring me something to eat.” Lei Ming sat up and covered his stomach and shouted.

“Coming, coming, it has long been prepared for you.” Bucky and Kulokas came in from outside, and brought a lot of food, including sea king meat, which seemed to have been hunted by Bucky, after all, only Bucky had this strength on this ship.

“Eat quickly, you have been in a coma for half a month, you must be hungry.” Kourokas said with a smile.

Lei Ming couldn’t wait to start, and while he gobbled up Hu Tianhai, he said in amazement: “Half a month? I was actually in a coma for so long? ”


Suddenly, Lei Ming’s face changed, he looked at the shrinking sleeves and trouser legs of his body, and suddenly exclaimed: “What’s going on?” How did my clothes become smaller? ”

“Haha, it’s not that your clothes (clothes) have become smaller, but your people have grown up.” Bucky laughed when he heard this.

When Lei Ming heard this, he couldn’t continue to eat, and quickly ran to the bathroom next to him and looked at himself in the mirror.

Sure enough, he really grew up, he was one meter and five meters tall, his physique was strong, where he was still a five or six-year-old child, this was clearly a teenager.

Is this all the effect of a super gene evolution agent?

Thunder was surprised and delighted.

As his body (body) grows up, he can finally cultivate without scruples, and his strength is more able to exert himself.

Kulokas sighed on the side: “Vegapunk is really a genius, he can actually develop such a fetish as a super gene evolution agent, so that the strength of the navy will definitely increase greatly, and the life of our pirates will be difficult in the future.” ”

Lei Ming had already returned to continue eating at this time, he heard Kulokas’s exclamation, and shook his head: “The super gene evolution agent is not so powerful, it is only useful for people below the vice admiral, at most to help the navy create a batch of rear admirals, and the impact on the entire sea is not very great.” ”

Lei Ming has read the original book and knows that in the later stage, the only thing that really affects the world pattern is the combat power of the general level.

When the era of sea pirates begins, vice admirals will only be cannon fodder, and only the combat power of the admiral level can stand at the top and have the power to change the world pattern.

“Little Lei Ming is right, the effect of the super gene evolution agent on me is not very great, but it has increased my strength a little, and it has not reached the level of vice admiral.” Bucky said from the sidelines that he had also taken the Super Gene Evolution Agent before, and he was not in a coma like Lei Ming, so he knew best.

“In short, you should be careful in the future, this time you robbed the goods of the world government, they will definitely not give up.” Kourokas reminded.

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