The two of them were killed, and the two of them were killed.

Limru told the girls why the pirates massacred the village, which aroused their strong anger.

"These pirates are damned!" Nami clenched the Tianhou stick, with angry fire flashing in her eyes.

"Let's just kill them, they don't deserve to live!" Even Makino, who is usually the most gentle, wanted to kill.

"Leave Crick to me! I will make him die the most painful death." Nojigo stepped forward, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"No, whoever meets first will be the one!" Ke Ya was not to be outdone.

Limru's gentle voice sounded,

"Let me ask one more question, is there anyone who can't kill? If so, don't force it."

The women were silent and didn't answer. After seeing that kind of purgatory on earth, they were all holding their breath.

Limru nodded approvingly. Killing in the pirate world is always better than being killed.

As long as you kill once, you won't reject it later.

"Very good, act according to the plan.

Although the Creek Pirates are not strong, they can kill randomly, but let's treat it as a large-scale war!

Just treat it as a drill, there must be some gains!"


The women started to act one after another.


Several women stepped on the moon cloth and approached the pirate ship.

Limru looked at Tashigi and asked:

"Tashigi, are you sure you want to join the battle?"

Because of his mood, Limru has not named Carmen and Tashigi yet.

Dashiki answered without hesitation:

"Of course, my justice cannot let me sit idly by."

Limru nodded and took out a water-blue boat with a slime pattern painted on it:

"This is my exclusive vehicle, the God Light Boat No. 0, it will take you there."

He quickly told Dashiki how to operate the God Light Boat and assigned permissions.

The Photon Goddess will not go over there to avoid getting it dirty.

Carmen has no fighting power, so she is responsible for watching the battle.

At this time, the women also arrived at the pirate fleet.

Xiao Lixiang jumped onto a pirate ship first, and then used the clone skill to split dozens of clones.

In an instant, dozens of clones that were exactly the same as her scattered and jumped onto different pirate ships.

Xiao Lixiang's mission is to

destroy the Den Den Mushi communication equipment, thereby cutting off the communication network of the entire fleet and making the orders from the upper level become a dead letter.

If you have time, you can also assassinate the captain of the fleet.

As for the other pirate minions, since it was just a rehearsal, the clone could only kill them casually, and the priority was to complete the task as quickly as possible.

Nokigo, Makino, Kaya and Lilixiang arrived at the four directions of the fleet respectively.


Nokigo's eyes flashed with cold light, she took a deep breath and started her own battle.

"Evil pirate! You wantonly deprive others of their lives, you deserve to die!"

She danced with her hands, controlling the water flow and ice blades, and launched a fierce long-range attack on the pirates.

The water flow wrapped around the pirate's head,


The pirate couldn't breathe, and his hands tried in vain to tear open the restraints, but he could only die in despair of suffocation.

The ice blades flew wantonly, and every time they hit the target, they were accompanied by the pirate's screams.

Occasionally, a pirate would break through the water and ice blades and rush to Nokigo's front. What greeted him was,

"Fishman Karate-Karakusa Tile Punch."

"Fishman Karate-Seven Thousand Tile Roundhouse Kick."

"Finger Gun! Storm Kick!"

"Huh!" He exhaled, and Nokigo was a little uncomfortable with killing for the first time.

But thinking of the hell scene in Muye Village, his eyes turned red,

Continue to kill!

"Let me show you my new trick!"

Nokigo condensed the water flow in his hand to form a rotating water blade,

"Water Blade!"

With a low shout, a pirate who wanted to sneak attack was instantly cut in half.


In the south,

Makino's fighting style is completely different.

She spread her hands, and high-temperature flames gushed out instantly, burning the pirates to flee in all directions, killing batches after batches.

Who said that fire can't kill people?

However, she met a strange man who could withstand high temperatures.

He wore a light bulb on his head, and was covered with shields. He was still happily beating gongs and drums even when he was burned by fire.

"Iron wall, invincible!" He laughed and was about to introduce himself.

"I am..."

"Black Flame!"

Nokiko burned him to ashes with a "Black Flame"!

"Who wants to know who you are!"


In the west,

Kaya stood quietly on the pirate ship, and there was no blood around.

She also

She has her own way of fighting, that is "poison"!

With the herbs she knew from medical books, she used the "sage" skill to analyze various herbs one by one.

She knew the ingredients of various herbs very well, and carefully prepared various mixed drugs and poisons.

Kaya didn't like blood, she preferred a more "civilized" way of fighting.

She used water manipulation skills to control the highly toxic venom and launched attacks silently.

The venom penetrated into their bodies through their nostrils and mouths.

In less than 3 seconds,

the pirate fell to the ground powerlessly, kicked his legs,

and the breath of life disappeared.


In the north,

Lilixiang's figure moved quickly.

"Finger gun, shave, storm kick..."

Her fingers were like the muzzle of a gun, and she used physical skills such as finger gun, shave, and storm kick one after another.

It can only be said that she is a very standard physical skill expert, which is very consistent with the physical skills experts in the pirate world.


Nami has the most comprehensive abilities, and she is in charge of the overall situation.

She controls the wind, causing the ships to collide with each other, leaving the pirates with nowhere to escape.

If an unexpected situation occurs, she is always available for support.

Faced with an irresistible monster,

the pirates collapsed and chose to jump into the sea to escape.

However, what awaits them is a shark with a big mouth.

Perhaps influenced by the evil dragon, Nami keeps hundreds of sharks as pets and usually starves them.

As long as they don't starve to death!

Before the battle began, Nami told them that it was time to eat, and they were very happy.

In the outermost layer,

Limru split out 12 clones, surrounding the entire fleet to ensure that no pirate could escape.

And Tashigi,

she jumped onto the dreadnought battleship Sabre.

This move made those who sensed it with their observation Haki exclaim, "WTF!"

Tashigi looked determined, holding Shigure tightly in her hand, and shouted:

"Crack, come out!" At the same time, she swung at the surrounding pirates.

Every time the sword was swung, a pirate fell.

At this moment, a man in golden armor and fluttering cloak walked out of the cabin.

However, he did not step forward immediately, but looked around.

After a while, after confirming that there was no threat, he slowly stepped forward.

When the pirates saw Crack appear, they seemed to see a savior, and they cheered loudly:

"It's Chief Crack! Hahaha, you woman killed so many of us, you're going to die!"

If they knew that Crack had already arrived, I wonder what they would think.

Crack grinned,

"Hey, woman! Where are the other navy? Is Smoker here?"

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