In the glasses store,

"How about this one?"

"Very good, very beautiful, let's buy this one!"

Limru lay on the side with despair, watching Dashiqi try on glasses again and again.

This is the Nth pair of glasses she has changed. If she had known earlier, she would not have sacrificed the glasses brother!

Dashiqi looked in the mirror and nodded gently,

"It is indeed beautiful, but a little expensive, it costs 200,000 Baileys!"

Limru has been observing Dashiqi's reaction from the side.

Seeing that she was so satisfied with this pair of glasses, he stood up straight immediately.

"Just buy this one, don't change it! Boss, take it!"

Limru took out a stack of Baileys from his pocket and handed the money to the boss.

Dashiqi frowned and said:

"But, my previous pair of glasses only cost 150,000 Baileys!"

"I'm not short of money!"

Limru smiled slightly and suggested:

"How about you accompany me to choose a good knife? The extra money will be your reward for helping me."

These days, Limru is not doing things every day, and he will practice swordsmanship when he has time.

It's just right to buy a knife in Rogue Town!

Dashiqi was a little surprised to hear this suggestion. But thinking that he did have some research on knives, he nodded and agreed to this proposal.

On the way to the weapon shop, Dashiqi suddenly remembered something.

She turned to look at Limru and asked curiously:

"What did you want from me before?"

Of course it was to pick you up!

Limru would not be stupid enough to reveal his true intentions. He had already prepared a statement.

"Oh, I want to ask you how to redeem the bounty?"

After hearing this, Dashiqi asked curiously: "Bounty? Are you a pirate hunter?"

Limru shook his head gently.

"No, I'm a traveler. I just killed a small pirate a few days ago and exchanged some money."

Dashiqi nodded in understanding and didn't ask any more questions.

"After buying weapons, I'll take you there!"

The bounty cannot be redeemed by simply bringing the head. The identity of the pirate, the source of the body, and whether the redeemer is a criminal must be confirmed.

While chatting, the two arrived at the door of the weapon shop.

The decoration inside the shop is unique, with a variety of swords and knives.

As soon as he entered the store, a man with a strange hairstyle came up to him with a warm smile on his face.

"Welcome, this is the "Ipponmatsu" weapon store."

But when his eyes fell on Tashigi, his smile disappeared immediately.

"Ah! It's you! See for yourself!"

Since Smoker took office, there have been fewer and fewer pirates in Rogue Town, causing his business to plummet, so he didn't have much good feelings towards the navy.

Tashigi noticed the change in the boss's attitude and frowned:

"You are so rude. I am here to choose a knife for this gentleman."

As she said, she turned to Limru,

"How much do you want a knife?"

Limru pondered for a moment,

"Choose first, and then talk about the price."

As soon as Limru entered the store, he found a hint of unusual smell,

so he followed this smell to the pile of waste knives priced at 50,000.

The boss glanced at Limru and saw him walking towards the pile of discarded knives. He lost interest in him.

"There are knives worth 50,000 berries each."

Limru ignored the boss' attitude and took a knife out of the pile of discarded knives and looked at it carefully.

"Hey, wait."

Seeing this, Dashiqi raised her glasses and quickly opened the notebook in her hand, which recorded the information of various famous knives.

After checking, she exclaimed:

"The sword in your hand is the Sandai Kitetsu! You should know that its predecessor is one of the twenty-one great swords, and the earlier first generation is even known as the supreme great sword!

How could such a famous sword be sold for only 50,000 Baileys?"

The boss's face kept changing when he heard this, and finally said:

"I won't sell this sword! This... this is..."

"This is a demon sword!" Limru took over the conversation. He could feel the evil spirit emanating from the sword.

"Since the first generation of Kitetsu, every one of them is a demon sword, and many swordsmen have died because of it. You want to get rid of it as soon as possible, right?"

The boss nodded, looking nervous,

"Indeed, this thing seems to be cursed. If you die because of it, wouldn't it be equivalent to me killing you?"

The boss put the Sandai Kitetsu into the pile of scrap swords for sale, and he did want to get rid of it, but at the last moment, he didn't let his conscience go.

This level.

"Curse?" Limru smiled. The demon sword devours its master because the user does not get its approval.

Limru knows how to tame this sword.

"Then let me try. Is it my luck or its curse that is strong?"

As he said, he threw the Sandai Kitetsu into the air and spun it, then closed his eyes and confidently stretched out his right hand.

Limru's action shocked the boss and Tashigi!

The Sandai Kitetsu spun in the air for a few circles before falling.


With a light sound, the demon sword cut off Limru's hand in an unconventional way, and then inserted it into the floor as easily as tofu.

The arm fell off with a sound, but no blood flowed out, and the broken end showed a blue jelly-like texture.

Failed to pretend!

It really dared to cut!

The broken hand on the ground petrified the boss and Tashigi on the spot!

Limru remained calm. He stepped lightly on the broken hand with his right leg, and the broken hand flowed into his body along his right leg.

Then, his right arm grew back!

Dashiqi stuttered:

"What...what's going on? Why can your hand grow back after it's broken?"

Limru coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"I ate the Slime Fruit and became a Slime Man!"

"So that's how it is!" The boss breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Because Smoker is the user of the Smoke Fruit, the residents of this town still have some understanding of Devil Fruits.

"Slime?" A hint of excitement flashed in Dashiqi's eyes.

"Is it the kind of slime in novels and comics?"


Limru nodded, and then his body turned into a ball of blue jelly and jumped into Dashiqi's arms.

"I'm not an evil slime!" The touch is not as good as Nami and the others!

Dashigi held it in her arms and rubbed the blue jelly curiously.

It was cold, soft and elastic!

After a while,

Limru regained his human form and pulled out the Sandai Kitetsu that was stuck in the ground.

The blade reflected Limru's cold face,

"Now you understand? You can't hurt me. You'd better be obedient in the future, otherwise I don't mind recasting you."

The blade trembled slightly, as if expressing dissatisfaction.

"Hmph! Need to be disciplined!" Limru snorted coldly, a red light flashed in his eyes, and a powerful domineering aura instantly rushed towards the demon sword.

Under the precise control of the great sage, the domineering aura did not disperse greatly, and poured all its strength into the Sandai Kitetsu.

Only three people noticed it a little.

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