After a day of rest, the Goddess of Light set sail again in the morning light.

Makino is very popular, and bandits and pirates gathered on the shore to see her off.

Even Luffy woke up miraculously at the last moment, said his last goodbye to Makino, and shouted to Nami:

"Nami, I will prove to you that the Pirate King is the freest person in the world!"

It seems that this guy is really tough!

Goddess of Light

In the living room of the captain's room,

Limru lazily leaned in Nochima's arms, tasting the citrus petals she had peeled by hand.

Next to him, Nami was explaining the common sense of the ship to Makino.

"What? You were just ordinary people a few days ago?"

"Is this ship so magical?"

"What does naming mean?"

"Can my bunny become as big as you?"


Nami told Makino about the various magical things about Limru, and said that she and Nami were ordinary villagers enslaved by the dragon before.

Especially after hearing Nami say that after being named by Limru, her figure will become bigger and fuller, Makino is full of yearning for naming.

Makino looked at Limru with hope, and said with expectation, "Dear Captain, can you name me?"

Limru raised his eyes and looked at Makino's eager eyes. He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and gently held her hand.

"Of course, you are one of my most important companions."

A warm current surged in Makino's heart, and she secretly swore in her heart that once she gained power, she would protect herself and her companions well.

"Oh, by the way, there is something I want to tell you!" Nokigo thought of the scene when she was named, "It's better to take off your clothes before naming, otherwise your body will become bigger and damage your clothes."

Makino looked down at the blue and white striped shirt and brown long skirt on her body. She liked this outfit very much.

"Then I have to take it off. This outfit has been with me for several years. I like it very much." Makino said as she began to take off her clothes.

Nami, Nokigo and Limru were all stunned. Is Makino so bold? As expected of a big sister who is nearly 30 years old, she takes off her clothes in front of a man.

Limru had not touched Makino at this time. He once again suspected that the great sage had drugged her.

"Hey, you... don't you feel shy?" Nami's surprised voice sounded. She and Nokigo were still waiting to see Makino's shy look!

"Shy? What are you shy about?" Makino unbuttoned his shirt and looked at the three people strangely.

"Why are you shy, girls?"


Nami and Nokiko couldn't help laughing, which made Makino even more confused.

What's going on?

"Ahem." Limru coughed twice, signaling the two girls not to laugh. He looked at Makino with a slightly embarrassed smile,

"Makino, although I look like a girl, I am a man, a real man."

Really, after two days of getting along, I still made such a joke. Limru decided to let her see what a man is in the future!

"Ah!" Makino was stunned, and then a blush quickly rose on her face. She hurriedly apologized to Limru,

"I'm sorry, Captain, we always thought you were a girl!"

Limru raised his eyebrows and captured the key information, "We? Is there anyone else who thinks I'm a woman?"

Makino pondered for a moment and responded, "Not only me, but other people in our village also think so. They also thought I joined a women's travel group. The village chief also praised you!"

"Praise me?" Limru asked subconsciously, "What did he praise me for?"

Makino smiled, "The village chief said you are handsome and exude a masculine spirit. He lamented that he had lived for so many years and this was the first time he saw such a handsome... well, girl like you."

Handsome girl!!!

Limru was startled and immediately took out a mirror to carefully examine his face. This is a man no matter how you look at it!

After Limru obtained the Transformer, his appearance changed drastically, and the conclusion drawn at that time was "a cute and beautiful boy".

Nami and Nokigo also confirmed this view.

In fact, Limru made a misunderstanding. Nami, Nokigo and himself all knew that Limru's gender was male, so they came to the same conclusion.

But if it was an uninformed stranger, they would come to the conclusion of "a handsome girl".

If there is a clear dividing line between male and female appearance, after Remuru obtained the Transformer, it was equivalent to just stepping over the dividing line and standing on the side of women.

"Do they all think so? No one doubts it?"

Makino thought for a while, "I didn't think you were a boy at all, and your voice is also soft."

Rimuru sighed, distressed. Should he add "man" like Luffy when introducing himself in the future?

I want to be a traveler's man!

I want to be the man of the king of the world!

Forget it, it's a bit embarrassing to think about it, let's ask others on the next island.

Thinking of the next island, Remuru recalled the conversation with Nami yesterday.

Nami said that she wanted to conquer the Grand Line first, and then travel to the other four seas, and asked Remuru's opinion.

It was because she heard that the climate change in the Grand Line was very large, and the difficulty of sailing was far from comparable to the four seas. And she had just set the dream of "One Piece", and her enthusiasm was high, so she wanted to challenge the Grand Line.

What could Limru say? Of course he agreed with both hands. He was still worrying about how to tell Nami that they were going to the Grand Line next.

And because Nami accidentally heard a piece of news when she was in the Rice Bucket Pirates that the Navy Branch in Shields Town had a chart to the Grand Line, so they went to Shields Town on the next island.

"Captain, can't you change into a bigger set of clothes? That way you won't tear your clothes!"

Makino's voice was a little embarrassed, which brought Limru's thoughts back to reality.

"Yes, if you change into bigger clothes, you won't be afraid of tearing your clothes." Nokiko felt stupid, why didn't he think of it.

Nami lowered her head, thinking.

"No." Limru's firm voice sounded.

"Why?" Makino's face flushed. Does the captain want to see my naked body so much? Is it too fast!

Limru smiled slightly and turned to look at Nami, "Nami, do you know why?"

Nami thought for a moment and tentatively answered, "Is it magic element?"

"Bingo! So smart, the correct answer is magic element." Limru gave a positive answer.

Limru recalled the naming scene of Nami and Nokigo in his mind. Their clothes turned into pieces and floated everywhere.

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