The two of them exchanged glances, and their interest was piqued.

Uta asked curiously:

"Predict the future? What specific aspects can be predicted?"

Xia Li exhaled a puff of smoke and replied calmly:

"I can't be sure of this, I only know that the picture predicted will happen at some point in the future. Are you willing to try?"

Limru raised his mouth slightly and nodded in agreement:

"Of course, Mrs. Xia Li, we are looking forward to it."

Looking at the expectant eyes of the two, Xia Li was not afraid of what the prediction would reveal. She was sure that they didn't look like bad people.

She lowered her head, stroked the crystal ball with both hands, and Limru's face appeared in her mind.

Suddenly, the crystal ball changed, and a vast expanse of white appeared.

Xia Li was shocked, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She had never encountered such a situation before, and there was not even a shadow of a person.

How could she explain this?

Limru saw Xia Li's confusion, and he chuckled:

"Maybe you can try to divine for others."

Xia Li nodded, and once again concentrated on divination for Uta, but the result remained the same.

She was unwilling to give up, and tried Kami again, and the crystal ball was still vast and white.

Xia Li was stunned and muttered to herself:

"How could this happen? My ability failed?"

Limru laughed, "Mrs. Xia Li, this shows that our future is unpredictable, isn't it?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Xia Li's eyes:

"Impossible, how could this happen?"

"Of course it's possible!" Limru's eyes revealed confidence and domineering,

"Maybe, I have surpassed your ability to foresee, or, no matter what this crystal ball shows, I have the ability to change the future and make it never happen."

Xia Li's heart was in turmoil, and she decided to find someone else to try.

Before leaving, she turned to Kami and said:

"Kami, I'll give you a day off today, take your friends out to play."

"Don't you need people in the store?" Kami was a little puzzled.

Xia Li shook her head: "Business has been slow recently, so we'll close today for a break."

After that, she left in a hurry, leaving the store with a few people looking at each other.

Mermaid Bay,

Several young mermaid girls are swimming in the water, their laughter echoing on the sea.

They are friends of Kemi, and they are playing carefree at the moment.

A mermaid girl saw Kemi and quickly waved her tail and waved to Kemi.

Her name is Ishili, with freckles on her face and black and white scales on her tail shining in the sun.

Besides her,

Melo, with long light blue hair, likes to wear a flower on her head.

Shiramela, with long pink wavy hair and a yellow tail.

Sera, wearing conch-shaped headphones and a brown ponytail.

Kaelin, with long green wavy hair, a head flower and two necklaces.

Luraz, with long orange wavy hair and a relatively thin body.

Figas, with medium-short flat pink hair and spots on her tail.

Sola, with long straight yellow hair and a lake green tail.

There are also five small mermaids, medaka quintuplets.

Several mermaid girls, each with their own characteristics, are full of youth.

After introducing each other, Melo enthusiastically took Uta's hand and suggested:

"Let's go dance in the sea!"

Uta smiled,

"Okay, I like dancing too. But this is my first time trying it in the water!"

Not far away,

Several mermaids curiously surrounded Limru and listened to his stories on land.

Ishili asked curiously:

"You invited us to your territory? Could it be that you are the king there?"

Limru chuckled and shook his head.

"It's a hair's breadth!"

Sera's eyes lit up immediately, and she guessed:

"Are you the prince?"

Limru looked at the mermaid girls beside him, and he slowly said:

"It's the king."

He paused, then laughed,

"It's just that I haven't conquered my territory yet!"

When these words came out, the mermaid girls were stunned, and a series of question marks seemed to appear above their heads.

After looking at each other, they burst into laughter.

"Haha, you're so funny!"

At this time, Kami suddenly thought of something and asked in confusion:

"The business of the cafe is quiet, what happened?" There should be many customers at ordinary times, especially human pirates, who like the mermaid cafe very much.

Ishili heard this and showed a surprised look, "Ah, don't you know? I heard that a terrifying person is coming to Fishman Island recently!"


Mulu raised his eyebrows slightly, showing some interest,

"Oh, how scary is it?"

Ishili fell into deep thought, as if recalling,

"Something big seems to have happened up there. Two days ago, a large number of panicked humans poured into Fishman Island."

"After that, another group of people came. They said something like 'the navy was defeated' and 'it's so scary', which made people confused."

"Then, the humans on the island were worried that the terrifying person would come here, so they hurriedly coated and fled Fishman Island."

After recalling, Ishili spread her hands helplessly,

"Affected by this incident, almost all the humans on the island left, and many mermaids and fishmen did not dare to go out casually. The coffee shop business was naturally deserted."

Kami's curiosity was completely ignited,

"I really don't know what that terrifying person looks like?"

Limru chuckled and pointed at His own face,

"Maybe it's like me."

The mermaids were stunned, looking at Limru's harmless face, they couldn't help laughing,

"You're here again, you're such a joker."

Suddenly, five little medaka swam over quickly,

"The kingdom's ship is coming!"

Kami raised his hand to cover his eyes and looked into the distance,

"That's the royal family's tour boat, what are they doing in such a remote place?"

Limru smiled meaningfully,

"They're here to find me."

Hearing this, Kami exclaimed,

"Oh my God, I forgot that you and Uta were smuggled in, hide quickly!"

The mermaid girls were also panicked,

"Yes, yes, hide quickly!"

Limru was about to explain, but was hurriedly pulled into the arms of a girl, and then was pulled by the mermaid girl to hide behind the coral.

Uta also quickly hid behind the coral.

Soon, the tour boat slowly sailed into the Mermaid Bay, and three mermaid princes appeared at the bow.

The Great Prince of Shark Star frowned slightly, and looked around at the young mermaids, as if looking for something,

"Have you seen a human with long blue hair?"

Mello shook his head gently,

"We didn't see it."

"Is it an important person? He actually alarmed the three princes to come here specially." Kemi asked.

The Great Prince of Shark Star said: "It's a big shot. Since he is not here, let's look for him somewhere else."

The boat slowly turned around and was about to leave.

"Ahem, I'm here!" Limru suddenly broke free from Ishili's arms.

His actions shocked the mermaid girls, and the princes were also stunned.


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