Rebecca’s pink dragon is indeed a little different from Momonosuke’s, not only is it larger, the color is more bright, and the overall look is more characteristic of a female dragon.

Especially the pair of dragon horns on the forehead, small and cute, like white jade, Luo Xing couldn’t help but think of Yamato’s dragon horns, and he couldn’t put it down for a while.

Rebecca Dragon’s body trembled slightly, and her face turned even redder.

“Can’t get back to human form.” Luo Xing said while playing with the dragon horn, “This artificial green dragon fruit is actually not much different from the naturally born devil fruit, but the power is stronger, and it is normal for you to be difficult to control for a while. ”

“But this power already belongs to you, and when you are fully in control, even if you defeat Doflamingo, it will not be a problem.”

“Rebecca, sink your heart and concentrate on understanding this power, you will definitely be able to, after all, you are a girl who has endured even the most painful times!”

Luo Xing’s words moved Rebecca, she rubbed Luo Xing’s palm with a pink dragon head, and then said firmly:

“I see, Lord Luo Xing!”

“Hehe, don’t call me an adult in the future, call me brother.”

“Ahhhh Shhhh Brother. ”

Rebecca called quietly, but anyone could hear the excitement in her tone.

Luo Xingguan smiled.

Viola next to him rolled her eyes, as if she saw her little cabbage fall into the mouth of the big bad wolf.

The big bad wolf then looked at her big cabbage.

“You and Rebecca wait here first, I’ll go back.”

When the words fell, a bolt of lightning streaked, and Luo Xing’s figure immediately disappeared in place.

The direction he went was naturally the location of Trafalgar Ro, and when he came to Punk Hassad, Luo Xing was expanded by the thunder, and like Anilu, the sound of the entire island could be heard.

It was not necessary to resort to Viola’s glaring fruit to determine the location of Trafalgar Ro.

And in the half day that he arrived.

The people of the Heart Pirates are detecting the situation of Punk Hassad, they are all wearing gas masks, plus the protection of Luo’s room, and they are not afraid of the poison gas on the island.

“There are still many people who are not dead, Captain, but it seems that they can’t ask for legs and feet!”

Bebo shouted.

It is true that Caesar’s gas did not kill everyone, but even if people did not die, they were left with lifelong disabilities.

If there is no one to help them, they will starve to death here.

Law somehow remembered the White Town where he was born, a tragic town shrouded in strange diseases, and if it weren’t for Mr. Corazon’s rescue, he would probably have died in agony.

Luo intends to save these people, of course, not because of the sympathy generated by the common experience, since he chose to be a pirate, a lot of unnecessary compassion must be abandoned.

It’s that these people are of use value to him.

It can be expected that as long as he gives these people a chance to get back on their feet, these people will inevitably be grateful to him and will be of great help to his future hidden operations on this island.

Luo thought to himself: “Save these people, and then trade with the navy to become the Seven Wuhai, I can naturally stay in Punk Hassad and destroy the SMILE raw material device on the island.” In this way, even if I can’t kill Doflamingo, without the smile fruit, the angry Kaido will definitely kill him. ”

At present, there are only six people in the Seven Wuhai, the original Klockdar and Moria have been removed, and Blackbeard Marshall D. Titch made up one place and there was one place left.

It was for him exactly.

The thoughtful Luo has planned it all, and the next step is to achieve it step by step.

“Bebo, Pekin, you two go and move the people who are still alive, and the others go to the island to find some undead animals.”

Law gave the captain’s order that his surgical fruit ability could fit the limbs of animals onto human bodies.

The people of the Heart Pirates began to get busy.

After working for a long time, I finally got the paralyzed person back on his feet.

Sure enough, as Luo expected, these guys who regained their legs and feet were each grateful to him and expressed their loyalty to death.

The corners of Luo’s mouth lifted, and he was about to say something, when suddenly there was a thunder roar in the sky.

Luo hurriedly looked up.

Beibo shouted: “It’s thunder, it’s going to rain, hurry home and collect your clothes!” ”

However, after a moment, the roar of thunder disappeared again.

A question mark popped up in the head of a furry polar bear: “Huh? Isn’t it raining anymore? ”

He didn’t notice that Luo’s expression was already solemn at this time.

“Not ordinary thunder.” Luo Shensheng spoke, “It seems that a figure flashed over.” ”

The companions around were all taken aback.

“Figure? How is that possible? ”

Luo was equally incredulous, but his feeling should not be wrong, he looked in a certain direction.

Thunder should be heading in this direction.

Luo’s pupils immediately shrank again, faintly having an extremely bad premonition.

Because this direction is precisely the source of the unexplained sense of being spied on when he first boarded Punk Hassad!

When two unusual situations combined, there must be no weirdness!

The cautious Luo said without hesitation: “Everyone pay attention, immediately, leave this island!” ”

But alas, it’s too late.

Because the thunder roar in the sky sounded again, and this time the sound became more and more obvious, clearer, and closer.

Everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky.

I saw a man with blazing thunder all around him, descending towards them from the sky.

The terrifying thunder coercion made everyone’s faces pale and their legs trembled.

“God, is it a god?”

“Only God has such power.”

The crowd trembled, and even felt the urge to crawl on the ground.

Beibo’s hairs stood up, hiding behind Luo, shivering: “Thor, Thor has arrived, Captain!” ”

Luo’s face was extremely ugly, and at the same time, his heart was full of endless doubts.

Why, why did this man come here, did he already set his sights on him?

Did the man know that he wanted Lachedo to dismount, so he came to get rid of him?

But how could it be, he had just made a plan, and he hadn’t even started to act, how could he be discovered!

Luo couldn’t figure it out, but at this time, there was no need to think too much, and the most important thing was to survive.

He took a deep breath and squeezed out a voice from between his teeth:

“This is not the God of Thor, but the Thunder Tribulation, the Thunder Calamity Luo Xing, you have all seen it on the Chambord Land!”


As soon as these words came out, the members of the Heart Pirate Group were shocked, and then they were even more frightened than just now, and shouted in fear:

“It’s that man, it’s really the man who killed Draco!”

“Draco is known as the descendant of the Creation God, but he was killed by this man like never before, he is a more terrifying existence than God!”

“Captain, what should we do?”

Luo didn’t know what to do, his mind was full of problems, and he could only take one step at a time.

The mighty light of the thunder in the sky became more and more intense, driving away all the poisonous gas around it.


The blazing thunder was absorbed by the tall figure in the air, and Luo Xing’s figure finally appeared completely, except for the purple thunder light left in his eyes, shooting towards Trafalgar Luo, faintly opening:

“Boy, you have two choices, hand over your heart, or leave your head.”

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