The Warring States have been in a hurry lately.

There are repeated major events in the New World, and the four emperors are becoming more and more restless, and they all seem to be preparing some actions.

In the first half of the Great Voyage, several super newcomers suddenly poured in, committing many major crimes.

For example, Captain Eustace Kidd, a man with the ability of the Magnetic Fruit, was cruel and easy to kill, slaughtering many people, even civilians, and the bounty is now at the top of the super newcomer.

Another example is the death surgeon Trafalgar Rowe, who turned out to be the one who offered 5 billion Bailey for the surgical fruit ability of the world government that year, and this most expensive devil fruit has appeared again.

And what makes Sengoku most troubled and annoyed is naturally Karp’s grandson Straw Hat Luffy.

That straw hat boy actually defeated the vicious sand crocodile, and the Warring States wanted to hit Karp with this before, but unexpectedly smashed his own foot.

You know, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai is one of the three major forces that balance the world, and each of them is extremely important to the world government.

As a last resort, even if Qi Wuhai secretly did many ugly things, the navy would not tear their faces with them.

Who would have thought that such an important and powerful Qiwu Sea would be defeated.

He was not defeated by the sea thief of the New World, but just a fledgling hairy boy.

This has never happened since the establishment of the Seven Wuhai System.

“Karp, it’s all because of the bloodline of your family that this happened!”

Sengoku blamed Karp’s family bloodline.

The older the Kapu people, the thicker their skins, they don’t care at all, they eat senbei without heart and lungs, and even give a thumbs up, and smile with their teeth:

“It’s worthy of being the grandson of the old man, even Qiwu Hai can be killed, wowhahahaha!”

The angry Sengoku almost had a myocardial infarction and was about to curse.

At this moment, the green pheasant pushed the door and came in, saying that Qiwu Hai was afraid that there would be more than one shortage.

Warring States held his breath in his chest, finally unclogged the air tube, frowned and looked at the green pheasant, and said:

“Pheasant, what do you mean by this, and what happened?”

The green pheasant found a chair and sat down, and lifted Erlang’s legs.

There were three people in the marshal’s office at this time, in addition to Sengoku and Karp, there was also the tyrant Barsolomi Bear.

The bear’s body is extremely tall, but he is silent and sits quietly in the corner holding a book.

The pheasant leaned back in his chair in a comfortable position and replied:

“Hmm… Well, you know I went for a walk in Alabastan and brought back that idiot Smogg by the way. On the way back, he happened to meet Luo Xing, who had recently become a big showman, and he had already entered Moria’s territory. ”

Warring States listened, and a bad feeling suddenly arose in their hearts.

It’s that Luo Xing again, it’s probably not good to have that man’s haunt, is his person going to start a war again?

Sengoku knows about the battle between Moria and Kaido in the past, and now Kaido’s subordinates have entered Moria’s territory, how can the two sides not clash.

And as a result of the conflict, the Warring States are also inclined to the judgment of the green pheasant, and Qi Wuhai is afraid that there will be another shortage of members.

“Damn, all of them are so wanton!” Sengoku slaps the table.

Karp chewed on the fairy shell and said with a smile: “This is the era of sea thieves, and ambitious guys will not be willing to do nothing.” ”

How could the Warring States not understand this truth, his face was cold, and he pondered that it was best to broadcast a killing execution to the world to curb the arrogance of the increasingly arrogant pirates.

But there is no clue in this regard for the time being, let’s deal with Moriah’s affairs first.

He looked at Xiong: “Xiong, when it comes to the Qiwu Sea, it is not convenient for our navy to participate, so I want to trouble you to take a trip.” ”

The bear, who is also a Qibu Sea, will not cause chaos when he goes to Moria’s territory.

And Xiong is the most obedient in the Qibu Sea, and for some special reason, he will become more and more obedient in the future.

Sure enough, the bear agreed, got up and set off.

He is a flesh ball fruit power, able to make tangible things like pain, air, and even human memory, while also bouncing off most attacks.

He went out the door, took off his gloves, and slapped himself on him.


The whole person flew towards the Devil’s Triangle Sea at great speed.

It is really incomprehensible that such a useful fruit ability, coupled with the bear’s own great strength, is only because of a request from Vegapunk, regardless of the cause of the revolutionary army and the feelings of his daughter Boni, and to lose all feelings and become a slave of Draco.



Luo Xing did not stop Moria from finding Oz, the latter’s strength is no longer what it used to be, too stretched, and Oz’s words can make him feel a little interested.

“Don’t worry, Lao Cai, your shadow will be fine.”

Luo Xing comforted, and then followed Moriah unhurriedly.

Moria came to the underground cave and, with the help of Hogubak, lifted Oz’s huge body to the ground, and then quickly stuffed Lao Cai’s shadow into it.

Not long after stuffing it in, Oz, the demon who had been sleeping for hundreds of years, revived and raised his head to the sky with a roar.


The rolling sound spread out in all directions, shaking people’s eardrums with pain.

Moriah was excited and smiled confidently:

“Hehee, Majin Oz is resurrected, this is the strongest zombie, Lao Tzu is going to beat those guys outside into meat mud, and then go to Kaido to take revenge!”

Oz, who the shadow just stuffed in, is still in an unstable state, but it doesn’t matter, for the sake of this strongest zombie, Moria has long been fully prepared.

He built a cockpit inside Oz, and Moriah personally controlled Oz to fight.

“Hoguguc, stay away.”

“Yes, Lord Moria.”

Hoggak moved away, while Moriah entered the cockpit inside Oz.


Oz roared again, and with Moria’s control, his condition became stable and his movements became agile.

I saw him jump, directly crashed into a building, and descended to Luo Xing.

“Die, arrogant little ghost!”

Without saying a word, Moriah manipulated Oz’s mountain-like fist to smash down, bringing up a violent wind.

The corners of Luo Xing’s mouth lifted: “This is a little more interesting.” ”

He lifted his hands up to meet Oz’s fist.

Luo Xing is also tall, but in front of Oz’s body size of more than sixty meters, he looks very small, and his hands are not as big as one of Oz’s fingers.

The body size also represents the gap in strength to some extent, and Luo Xing was smashed into the ground.

“Hey, hee-hee!” Moria laughed proudly from the cockpit, “You know the horror of Oz, this is Lao Tzu’s strongest zombie!” ”

Hogubak, who was in the distance, was relieved to see this scene.

He suddenly remembered Perona, Absalom was dead, and now the only three weirdos were left with him and Perona, but there was no Perona around.

“Isn’t that stupid girl still sleeping?”

Hogubak in the words.

In the gloomy castle on the other side of the Terror Three-Masted Ship, Perona, the ghost princess with a double ponytail, is indeed sleeping, and in Meimei’s sleep, the battle outside does not wake her.

She slept on a pink round bed, holding a sad-faced bear in her arms, two white and tender slender legs also on the bear, and talking dream words in her mouth:

“Let’s all kneel to Miss Ben and become Miss Ben’s servant, ha-ha…”

There was a loud bang, and the entire castle was shaken.

Such movements finally woke Perona up from her dream.

But she was still sleepy-eyed, unwilling to get up, turned over, lay on the bed in a large shape, and muttered in confusion:

“Kumasi, go see what’s going on.”

The bear she let go of is also a zombie.

The little bear wears a mask, is fluffy, and has many stitch marks and bandages on his body, which will definitely scare the little girl who cries like that, and only Perona, the eccentric and elvetous Princess Mononoke, will find it cute.

Kumasi walked outside, saw Oz from afar, and froze for a moment.

Then it found that Oz seemed to be fighting someone, and the battle was so loud that countless buildings were destroyed, and the bursting building splashed a sharp stone and flew right towards it.

Kumasi’s hair stood on end, and he hurriedly shouted: “Lord Perona, Lord Perona, it’s not good, it seems that there is an enemy invasion…”

But because she was wearing a mask, her voice was too small for Perona to hear clearly.

The sharp stone was getting closer and closer, and the timid Kumasi broke out in a cold sweat, pulled up his legs and ran.


The stone fell heavily, and Perona was finally completely awakened and screamed:

“What’s wrong, what’s going on, is there an earthquake?”

Then she found out that Kumasi had run away.

Perona shouted angrily: “Kumasi, my lovely little bear servant, how can you run, are you leaving me?” ”

“No, it’s not like that…”

Kumasi wanted to retort, but his voice was too small to reach Perona’s ears.

And it can’t stop as soon as it runs, because it feels more and more clearly, an amazing battle is taking place in the center of the terrifying three-masted ship, it’s so terrible, you must hide far away!

Seeing that Kumasi still didn’t stop, Perona was surprisingly angry, put on red high heels and went to chase.

“Stop for Miss Ben, Kumasi!”

“Don’t stop, Moria!”

In the center of the battlefield, Luo Xing said with a smile.

Moriah, who was in Oz’s body, no longer had the smug smile on his face just now, and became quite ugly.

Because he was not a fool, he gradually realized that Oz’s huge size seemed to be able to suppress Luo Xing, but in fact he was only superior in strength.

Even if Luo Xing stepped into the ground, the man could jump out quickly and not be seriously injured.

“Why the hell is your body so hard?”

Moriah was mad.

Oz is the strongest zombie he has all hoped for, he still has to use Oz to become One Piece and take revenge on Kaido, how can he not even win one of Kaido’s subordinates?!

Moriah couldn’t accept it!

“Isn’t it weird.”

Luo Xing stood with his hands in his hands.

“You have fought against Boss Kaido, and you should know that Boss Kaido’s body is much harder than mine. Just with your so-called zombies, you can’t even use domineering, why win me? Not to mention Boss Kaido. ”

Moria was stunned, and was deeply pierced in the heart by Luo Xing’s words.

Yes, why did he win Kaido, even if the zombie’s body is strong, it can still be stronger than the strongest creature?

Perhaps only by turning the corpses of the strongest creatures into zombies can the strongest creatures win the strongest creatures, but this is simply a paradox.

“Shut up!”

Moriah went crazy, like a mad demon.

Since being defeated by Kaido, he has wasted the cultivation of his own strength for more than twenty years, pinning all his hopes on zombies, but now he has been revealed by Luo Xing.

He couldn’t stand the blow and wasn’t willing to accept the harsh reality.

“Zombies are the strongest, there is no fear, no death, no fear of losing, do you understand, bastard!!”

Moria’s red eyes manipulated Oz to smash towards Luo Xing.

Luo Xing had no intention of wasting any more time, after all, the navy knew that he was here and did not know what action it would take.

He had to get out of here.

“Ergang Liluo!”

The muscles of Luo Xing’s arms bulged high, and they became thicker than their thighs again.

Then he teleported to the cockpit on Oz’s chest with a shaving, and under Moria’s incredulous gaze, the fists wrapped in pitch-black flames were blatantly punched.

“Devil Flame Deliberate Double Bang Fist!”

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