“Master Five Elders, I found them.”

At this time, a man closed his eyes, and he was controlling the birds in the sky to patrol the nearby seas for the existence of the Devil.

Through the perspective of a seagull flying in the sky. He successfully found the Devil hundreds of miles away from here.

At this time, a tall man was standing on the bow. After hearing the report from his men, a smile finally appeared on his face.

“Finally I found you, little bug.”

This man is one of the Five Elders.

Legal God of War – Topman Vochuli

He is an animal-type fantasy beast devil fruit, which can turn into a wild boar-like monster Fengxi in ancient Chinese legends.

At this time, Caesar didn’t know that he had been targeted by the Five Elders.

The big move of the World Government this time also proved their importance to Vegapunk, not only with five World Government warships.

And all the naval warships that are currently not on a mission were transferred from the Navy, including five Vice Admirals.

“Push harder and chase him. Don’t let Vegapunk fall into the hands of others.”

“Remember, if you can’t catch Vegapunk, kill him. Even if you let him die, don’t let him fall into the hands of others.”

“Yes, the Five Elder Stars.”

At this time, Caesar and Vegapunk were still talking about the direction of research. They didn’t know that danger was coming.

Now it has been an hour since just now. At this time, the World Government warships are only a few dozen miles away from Caesar’s pirate group.

The crew of the Devil on the watchtower finally discovered a dozen warships not far from them.

He hurriedly sounded the alarm.

“It’s not good. There are warships of the World Government and the Navy rushing towards us.”

Upon hearing the news, Caesar quickly came to the deck from the laboratory. After seeing the dozen warships with a telescope, he knew that they were being targeted.

At this time, Caesar teased Vegapunk who had just boarded the deck.

“Vegapunk, look at how valuable you are. So many warships are coming for you.”

Vegapunk touched his head helplessly.

“What can I do then?”

“Speed ​​up the voyage, boys. Where is our next stop, Jinbei?”

Jinbei is now the navigator and helmsman of the Devil, responsible for the sailing of the Devil.

At this time, Jinbei reported to Caesar with a heavy face: “Lord Caesar, our next stop should be the three initial islands of the New World. After all, we don’t have any record pointers of other places.”

“Then we will go to Thunder God Island, where I will have a big battle with the other party.”

“Ignite the gas to speed up our sailing speed and get rid of the other party.”

Under Caesar’s command, the Devil quickly ignited the gas.

In an instant, the speed of the Devil increased several times, directly leaving the warships behind far behind, and quickly rushed to the location of Thunder God Island.

At this time, Caesar was calm. He knew that this battle might be unavoidable, and the other party should also have some special means to track them down.

Those warships were not a big problem, but Caesar could feel that there was a very strong force on a warship.

The power of the opponent was very terrible, even he had no confidence to win over the opponent, but Thunder Island could increase his chances of winning.

Caesar knew that he had to make preparations for both situations, so Caesar returned to his laboratory and started to tinker.

“My lord, we are about to arrive at Thunder Island.”

After a day of rapid progress, the Caesar Pirates successfully arrived at Thunder Island.

At this time, they had left the warships behind them hundreds of miles, but still could not escape the pursuit of the opponent.

Because the devil fruit ability user on the opponent’s ship could communicate with animals and control them as eyes, the Devil could not successfully avoid the opponent’s tracking even if it was very far away from the opponent.

However, a few hundred miles, even if they were fast, it would take several hours.

So Caesar has now begun to make arrangements on Thunder Island.

The weather on Thunder Island is very bad, and almost no creatures can survive above.

So the Devil Fruit user was unable to control the animals to investigate the situation on the Thunder God Island.

“You go first, I will wait for them here alone.”

“I reject Captain Caesar. We are all your crew members. How can we abandon our captain?”

“Don’t worry, I have my own means. The opponent’s force is too strong. If you want to fight, it will cause me a lot of trouble.”

“If I defeat the opponent’s strongestStrong. If you have an accident, you won’t be. Don’t worry that I will survive. ”

After listening to Caesar’s words, all the crew members showed guilt. They didn’t expect that under such circumstances, they could only escape first to reduce Caesar’s trouble.

Caesar now knows who the existence with a strong breath is.

That is one of the legendary Five Elders. When Caesar saw the other party through the telescope, he was not sure.

But after carefully comparing his memories of his previous life, Caesar has now confirmed the identity of the other party.

And the Thunder God Island is the battlefield chosen by Caesar for himself, because the special weather on the Thunder God Island makes the general tracking method useless, which allows his Demon to leave the island quietly.

And Caesar also has a good way to escape, so there is no need to worry that he will be in danger of his life if he stays.

Caesar can actually escape, but now he just wants to see what the top existence of the World Government is.

“Captain Caesar, where should our next stop go?”

“If we can’t follow the route, then our next stop is very likely to be ambushed by the other party. ”

“After all, we are still at the forefront of the New World, and the influence of the Navy and the World Government is still relatively large, so we must go deeper into the New World.”

“Next, we need to abandon the guidance of the recording pointer and go all the way to the depths of the New World.”

“I believe that with Jinpei, we should not lack food and don’t have to worry about not finding the island.”

The crew nodded to show that they understood, and Caesar quickly set up the entire Thunder God Island after his crew left.

Now Thunder God Island is deserted, and only some tenacious plants can barely grow here.

In the sky, lightning is falling all the time, It is difficult for ordinary people to survive on this island.

This is why this island is the most dangerous of the three islands at the beginning of the new world.

However, for the top strongmen, these lightnings are not a threat. The powerful lightning only feels a little numb and even a little comfortable when it strikes Caesar.

A few hours later, the warships of the World Government and the Navy also came to Devil Island.

However, they did not rush to the island, but surrounded the entire Thunder God Island under the order of the Five Elders.

In the end, only one of the Five Elders went to the Thunder God Island, because he could feel that there was only one life on the island, and that life was one of their targets, Caesar.

Caesar looked at the bald man in front of him with a smile on his face.

“I didn’t expect the Five Elders to come and arrest us in person. Is Vegapunk so important to you?”

“Humph, kid, call Vegapunk out quickly, otherwise I will make you live a life worse than death. ”

Caesar touched his head, not quite understanding how the other party could say such a thing so arrogantly.

“Give up, my Devil has already taken Vegapunk away.”

“Now there are only you and me on this island. Let me see how powerful the existence at the top of the world government is. ”

Caesar’s exoskeleton armor emerged, and powerful armed color domineering condensed, powerful power gathered all over his body, and the gas flame in his body was burning fiercely.

He threw a fist with domineering power at the man in front of him.

And the Five Elders were not to be outdone, and their bodies began to expand rapidly. A huge warthog with four fangs and spots on its body appeared in front of Caesar.

This is a strange creature with black flames wrapped around its body.

One of the Five Elders

Legal God of War

Topman Vochuli Saint

Animal Mythical Beast Demon Fengxi Fruit.

The opponent’s fangs turned into sharp blades and stabbed at Caesar’s body.

The moment the two collided, thunderclouds surged in the sky, and the lightning became more violent.

Thunderbolts thicker than humans kept striking on Thunder God Island as if the end of the world was coming.

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