
Fisher Tiger kept repeating these two words, and these two words seemed to pierce his heart like a nail.

“Yes, after all, we are too weak. If we have the strength to protect ourselves, our Fishman Island will not be oppressed like this.”

Fisher Tiger looked at his palm and didn’t know what he was thinking. Then he exhaled deeply.

“Captain Caesar, can I ask you for a favor?”

Caesar was a little confused when he saw Fisher Tiger, who looked serious in front of him. He didn’t know what the other party wanted to ask him for.

Seeing that Caesar was a little confused about his words, Fisher Tiger said something that shocked Caesar.

“Captain Caesar, can you let Jinbei join your pirate group?”


At this time, Jinbei, who was standing aside and listening to his elder brother talking to Caesar, exclaimed in shock.

Ignoring Jinbei’s exclamation, Fisher Tiger continued.

“Fishman Island is too small, Jinbei’s talent is much stronger than mine.”

“If he can follow a real strong man, his future will definitely be stronger than mine.”

“If I ask who on Fishman Island is most likely to get the power to protect Fishman Island, the only person I can think of is you, Jinbei.”

Fisher Tiger looked at Jinbei seriously, and the strong sense of oppression made Jinbei speechless for a while.

In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, Fisher Tiger actually knelt down and kowtowed to Caesar fiercely.

“Please, Captain Caesar.”

Jinbei saw this scene and hurriedly wanted to run up and pull his elder brother up from the ground.

But he was interrupted by Fisher Tiger’s roar.

“Don’t come over.”

Caesar looked at Fisher Tiger in front of him, and couldn’t help but feel a little admiration in his heart. How could a man who could make such a sacrifice for his hometown and his younger brother not be admired?

Caesar looked at Jinbei and was very satisfied. After all, Jinbei’s talent was enough to rank high even in the vast ocean.

Except for monsters like Big Mom and Kaido who were born with strong physiques, Jinbei’s talent was not inferior to others.

Jinbei’s talent could at least support him until he became stronger to the level of the vice-captain, and it was not impossible to even rival the admiral.

Caesar would definitely not refuse such a strong crew member.

“Okay, I can accept Jinbei, but I have to get Jinbei’s consent.”

At this time, Jinbei looked at his elder brother kneeling on the ground and fell into hesitation. He did not expect that his elder brother would throw him such a difficult question.

You know, Jinbei is only an 18-year-old young man now, and it is very hesitant to make such a major decision at once.

Finally, looking at his elder brother, Jinbei exhaled deeply and said.

“Brother Tiger, I promise you that I will follow Captain Caesar.”

Fisher Tiger stopped kneeling until he heard Jinbei’s reply.

He looked up at Jinbei seriously, and his rough face revealed a gentle feeling.

He stood up and patted Jinbei on the shoulder to encourage him.

“Jinbei, I believe you will become the next hero of our Fishman Island. I hope you will not let Captain Caesar down by helping him realize his dream.”

“In the conversation just now, I have seen that Caesar is not the evil person rumored. He is a person worth following.”

“At present, Fishman Island still needs someone to protect it. Neptune can only handle some things in the open. I need to handle a lot of dirty things in the dark for him, so I can’t leave Fishman Island.”

“Jinbei, now is your freest time. Now you don’t need to be responsible for these things in Fishman Island. All of these are borne by your big brother.”

“What you have to do now is to follow Captain Caesar to become a real strong man and protect our Fishman Island when you are able to in the future.”

At this time, Fisher Tiger said to Caesar:

“I hope Captain Caesar can also agree to my selfish request. After all, Fishman Island is my hometown.”

Looking at Fisher Tiger’s appearance, Caesar’s heart was touched for a while. He remembered those silly and respectable people in his previous life.

“Okay, I understand Jinbei. You can follow me from now on. I will not let your elder brother down.”

“Okay, Captain Caesar, I will definitely become an excellent crew member.”

Getting Jinbei’s joining was an unexpected surprise for Caesar.

Now the 18-year-old Jinbei is like a rough jade, which will shine with a little polishing.

Caesar chatted with Feseltiger for a while, and both sides got to know each other better.Caesar sincerely admired the man who was working hard for the continuation of his race.

In a dozen years, the man in front of him will climb the Red Earth Continent alone, release a large number of slaves for the Fishmen, and light a dazzling candle for the revolution of the whole world.

Later, Jinbei also joined Caesar’s team. Under Jinbei’s leadership, Caesar’s pirates enjoyed a trip with the characteristics of Fishman Island on Fishman Street.

Compared with the serious atmosphere of the Dragon King Palace, although Fishman Street is a bit messy, it does have its own unique characteristics.

When Jinbei saw the orphans in the dark streets, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

But with the management of Boss Tiger, these street children can eat relief food every day and can barely survive. This is the best effort they can make.

Even the food is provided free of charge by Neptune.

To change this situation, Jinbei needs to work harder.

Because there are relatively few coating shipbuilders on Fishman Island, it takes a long time to coat the Devil of Caesar Pirates.

So in a cheerful atmosphere, Caesar Pirates spent the New Year of 1494 on Fishman Island.

This also means that Caesar is 28 years old this year.

As he is getting closer to 30 years old, Caesar can’t help but feel that he is one year older.

Now it has been half a year since he went to sea, and his pirate group has continued to grow in the past six months.

Now there are several cadres.

Duke, Toriwa, Loki, Gureva, Kerriel.

Kuhn and Kuler are also getting stronger. As for Jinbei, he has not become a cadre yet, but I believe that he will become a cadre soon.

The original 100 crew members who followed Caesar Pirates are now only more than 60, and their strength has also increased a lot. Now each of them has the power of a pirate of the tens of millions level.

However, Caesar Pirates recruited more than 20 fishmen crew members on Fishman Island.

Including medical members, cooks, shipwrights and other members, the entire Caesar Pirates now has about 150 crew members, which can be regarded as a large pirate group.

After spending the New Year on Fishman Island, with the completion of the coating, Caesar Pirates will also begin their adventure in the new world.

This also means that Caesar’s real adventure is about to begin. I wonder what will be waiting for them on this chaotic sea?

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