The remaining two precious treasures are a treasure map and a unique seal.

The treasure map is a secret treasure of the New World. It was once a treasure map of a great pirate. Its value is much greater than a devil fruit.

The other seal is something with a completely different meaning from the devil fruit.

As the last island on this route, the Kingdom of Marsiler should be strictly controlled by the navy.

So why can even pirates become kings? The reason lies in this seal.

This is a seal of a Celestial Dragon, which means that the Kingdom of Marsiler is a country saved by the Celestial Dragon.

As for the price paid by the Kingdom of Marsiler, it is not heavenly gold, which is why they did not join the member states of the World Government.

The price they have to pay is a dessert worth as much as gold – Remus.

The secret recipe at the bottom of the bottle is unique to the royal family, and the production of this dessert also costs a lot of money and manpower.

But with this, King Masil also got the seal from the Celestial Dragons, and thus survived under the face of the navy.

And this seal has another powerful feature. This seal represents the will of the Celestial Dragons, so if you have this seal, you can directly enter the periphery of Pangu City.

And this is something that many people in high positions cannot do.

Maybe this seal will play a big role in the future.

After putting these two things in his pocket, Caesar left the royal treasury directly.

As for the money inside, Caesar didn’t need it very much, so he could put it here first.

Because there was not so much storage space on his pirate ship, it seemed that he had to get a subordinate with storage capacity in the future, otherwise even if there was a lot of treasure, he couldn’t carry it.

Then, the people of Caesar’s pirate group stayed on this island for a few more days.

Because this island was protected by the Celestial Dragons, no navy was stationed here.

However, people on this island live happily. Although they have to participate in making precious desserts, they don’t need to sacrifice their lives for it.

After the preparations are completed, the next stop is the legendary Sabaody Archipelago.

The Sabaody Archipelago also represents the end of Caesar and others’ great journey.

“I hope that some of the supernovas of this year can catch my eye.”

Caesar was standing on the bow, looking at the direction of the Sabaody Archipelago in the distance and thinking in his heart.

The next step is to coat the Sabaody Archipelago, and then continue to Fishman Island. There should be no accidents on Fishman Island now, and Princess Otohime should still be alive.

“It just so happens that I only have the genes of fishmen, not the genes of mermaids. I wonder if the genes of mermaids can also bring some changes to me.”

As the Devil traveled at the fastest speed, in just a few days, Caesar’s Devil was about to arrive at the legendary Sabaody Archipelago.

At this time, the Sabaody Archipelago was also very lively.

Several supernovas this year have also gathered here. The original bounty of 97 million Triceratops Kas also has the opportunity to participate in this feast, but he is now almost dying from Caesar’s experiments.

There is also Qilu, the wave-like centaur who was just conquered by Caesar, but his goal was not to enter the new world. The reason he went to sea was just to be able to fight for his throne.

Now he has succeeded. Although he paid some price, it is insignificant compared to his gains.

At this time, there are not only several supernovas on the Sabaody Archipelago, but also a powerful navy with them on the Sabaody Archipelago.

They are Black Arm Zephyr and Borsalino.

Every year, the navy will send a general-level strongman to lead the elites to deal with the supernovas on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Among the supernovas this time, there are two people familiar to Caesar.

They are 20-year-old Moonlight Moria and 17-year-old Crocodile.

Because he has not yet obtained the Shadow-Shadow Fruit, Gekko Moriah now relies on his powerful physical skills to fight, and he is very strong and has a bounty of 110 million berries.

Moreover, Moriah is also likely to be a member of the ghost tribe, even if he is not, he should be a special race.

Crocodile has already obtained the natural sand-sand fruit, but because he is still too young, he is only offered a bounty of 70 million berries at this time.

At this time, he is already very strong, and it won’t be long before he fights with Barrett and draws with him.

He even challenged Whitebeard in the future, although he failed, lost an arm and had a huge scar on his faceBut he still survived.

He was then summoned by the Navy to become the first Shichibukai.

However, unlike the future of the two, they are still energetic supernovas, a symbol of the potential of the sea.

But they certainly didn’t expect their future to be so miserable. One of their partners died, and they were also decadent, and the other became a disabled person.

As for other supernovas, their bounties may be higher than the two.

But for Caesar, the value is not very high.

Because in the future, these people have lost their traces, and only Gekko Moriah and Crocodile have survived for decades in this dangerous era of pirates.

“I hope that more of these supernovas can survive in Zephyr’s hands.”

Caesar knew that the Navy would not take action against him, and the 16th area where he is now will become the safest place for pirates in this Sabaody Archipelago.

But Caesar did not pay attention to the supernovas who were being wanted by Zephyr and others.

Instead, he found a bubble wrap shop with the best craftsmanship. After confirming his level, he asked him to start covering the entire ship with bubble wrap.

At this time, in Area 23, a supernova had already met Zefa and his team.

This supernova is called Gulu, and he is a supernova with a bounty of more than 150 million Baileys.

In this era, a supernova with this bounty is equivalent to a supernova of 300 to 400 million in the future.

He is also one of the top bounties among several superstars, but unfortunately he encountered the future admiral of the navy, Aokiji.

At this time, Aokiji was riding a broken car on the street, and he didn’t expect to meet Gulu.

At this time, Gulu was buying supplies in the store with his men, but it seemed that he couldn’t leave at this time.

Now he has been stopped by Kuzan alone, and Kuzan exhaled a breath of cold air from his mouth, freezing the air nearby into some ripples.

Kuzan is now stronger. After the last battle, he has a better understanding of his ice fruit. Now he has a higher level of mastery over his devil fruit.

In an instant, Gulu’s entire body was wrapped in ice and turned into an ice sculpture.

Just when Kuzan thought he had dealt with the opponent, cracks began to appear in the ice that trapped the opponent, and then a giant palm directly smashed the ice that trapped him.

A monster wrapped in hard armor broke out of the ice.

Kuzan also put away his previous relaxed smile at this time, and said coldly:

“It’s worthy of the bounty. A supernova with a bounty of 150 million actually has this ability hidden.”

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