“Hey, kid, what’s your name?” Roger, who was already drunk, came to Caesar and asked happily.

Speaking of which, Roger didn’t even know Caesar’s name now.

Caesar was now lost in memories, and his past and present life seemed like a dream.

“My name is Caesar.”

“Good name, Caesar kid, I remember you, you will definitely stand on the top of this sea in the future.”

“By the way, what is your dream?”

“As a man on the sea, you don’t have your own dreams, do you?”

My dream? Caesar was awakened by Roger’s words, and his memories shattered like a mirror.

“My dream is to become a strong man who can dominate his own destiny.”

After listening to Caesar’s dream, Roger’s drunken eyes showed a few clear colors, and he said as if jokingly.

“Then your dream is very difficult to achieve. Maybe my dream of becoming the Pirate King is easier than yours.”

Although Roger said it in a joking tone, Caesar knew that Roger was right.

Perhaps Roger has realized the difficulty of the World Government at this time.

“Maybe, but isn’t the dream meant to be realized?”

Roger was also touched for a moment after hearing this.

He patted Caesar’s shoulder and said nothing more. He picked up his wine glass and joined the bonfire dinner again.

But just as he left, he left a message for Caesar.

“Go realize your dream, Caesar. The future sea belongs to you.”

For some reason, Caesar always felt that there was something hidden under Roger’s seemingly happy smile.

But at this moment, he had figured out his dreams in his past and present lives.

In his past life, he had never been able to control his own destiny. So his dream in this life was to become a strong man who could control his own destiny!

After thinking it through, the Domineering Haki in Caesar’s body seemed to completely match his consciousness.

A powerful Domineering Haki was about to emerge from Caesar’s body, but it was suppressed by Caesar in an instant.

Only a few people felt the Domineering Haki.

Roger and the others glanced at Caesar but did not say much and continued to devote themselves to the banquet.

Feeling the new Domineering Haki power in his body, Caesar also smiled a little. This battle was a great opportunity for him.

After being defeated by Roger’s sword, the ghost blood in his body was completely stimulated, and Caesar could feel that his body was getting stronger rapidly.

And after he awakened his Domineering Haki, he was surprised to find that there were two other energies in his body.

These two energies are the Armament Haki and Domineering Haki power in Roger’s God Haki.

This is the power left when Roger’s God Haki chopped Caesar’s body, and now it has been integrated into Caesar’s body by the ghost blood.

Although Caesar could not mobilize this power, he could develop his own power by imitating Roger’s power

The ready-made template is in front of you. If you don’t learn it, wouldn’t it be a shame for such a good opportunity?

So Caesar’s mood is very beautiful now. For this reason, he happily took two bottles of wine and threw one to Barrett and clinked glasses with him happily.

Although he didn’t understand why Caesar was so happy suddenly, Barrett didn’t disturb Caesar’s good mood, but clinked glasses with Caesar.

For some reason, he felt a kind of intimacy with this big guy.

Perhaps it was the loneliness that seemed to be isolated from the world on the other side.

But when he looked at Caesar again, he found that the loneliness on the other side had dissipated, and with it came a new and vigorous power.

That power was Caesar’s ambition.

The banquet lasted for a day and a night, and it didn’t end until the evening of the next day.

Caesar looked at Roger and the crew of Roger’s pirate group who were lying on the ground and sleeping soundly beside the bonfire, and he didn’t know what to say.

The only sober people in the entire pirate group are Rayleigh and Barrett.

Even Red Hair and Buggy the Clown were forced to drink some wine by their predecessors, and now they are in a daze.

After the banquet, Caesar also felt a little tired mentally. After saying hello to the sober people, Caesar and Duke returned to their room on the pirate ship to rest.

The reason why Caesar can stay sober after drinking a lot of wine is that his body is very strong. There is no need for Caesar to digest it deliberately. Substances that affect the body, such as alcohol, will be automatically excreted by the body.

So Caesar is just feeling a little tired mentally now.

After a comfortable sleep, he woke up the next dayIn the morning, when Caesar got up from his Devil, he looked at the rising sun on the sea in the distance, which seemed to represent Caesar’s current mood.

Then Caesar saw Roger’s pirate ship preparing to leave the port.

At this time, the people of Roger’s pirate group were constantly moving some equipment and books from the lighthouse of Crocus.

Seeing this, Caesar immediately went down and greeted Roger and his crew.

Roger patted Caesar’s body and said “Come on” to Caesar, and then led his crew to set off.

Only a back view was left for Caesar.

Because Roger now needs to rush to the New World quickly, he is not prepared to take a specific route on the Grand Line, but directly walks straight to the New World.

Roger’s life is limited, and they need to fulfill their captain’s dream in the shortest time.

At this time, there is no one else here in Gemini Cape, and Caesar knows that they should set off.

Because Caesar’s goal is to reach the New World quickly, he plans to go directly to the New World along the route of Future Luffy.

After all, this route is a route that Caesar is familiar with, so a lot of trouble can be avoided.

And he can rely on the information he knows about this route to get the available resources on those islands and even conquer some strong people.

For example, the two giants in the small garden, but Caesar and his team’s next stop is an island called Whiskey Peak where many pirate hunters live.

The current Whiskey Peak is different from Luffy’s era and is not controlled by the Baroque Studio.

At this time, Crocodile is only 17 years old and has not yet established Crocodile Studio.

So the current Venice Peak is ruled by a very powerful pirate hunter.

However, the other party did not appear in the future, and it is possible that he was killed by the future Crocodile.

There is a very powerful pirate hunter entrenched on Whiskey Peak. Many well-known pirates in the world have fallen in the hands of the other party and were sent to the navy in exchange for a bounty.

The name of this pirate hunter is Zhuo De.

He is a swordsman with the strength to cut iron, and he is already a strong man in the first half of the Grand Line.

At least it’s no problem to deal with most of the pirates who just came to the Grand Line from all over the world.

However, Caesar didn’t take the other party seriously, but the record pointer had to stay on this island.

The bounty hunters on Whiskey Peak are actually similar to pirates, except that they set the target of plunder on pirates.

However, according to Caesar’s intelligence, the bounty hunters on Whiskey Peak also collect protection fees from merchant ships. If you don’t pay, they will plunder and kill the merchant ships in the name of pirates.

If the pirate hunters on Whiskey Peak dare to attack them, Caesar will definitely not show mercy.

Caesar came to the sail with a pirate flag in his hand and hung it up.

This is a pirate flag with a black background. On the pirate flag is a skull with two horns on the head. Behind the skull is not a sword but a purple flame representing Caesar’s gas flame.

“Boys, from today on, our Caesar Pirates are officially established. Are you willing to fight with me under the name of the Caesar Pirates!”

The pirate sailors below responded to Caesar’s words. They also became sailors of the Devil with the dream of becoming strong.

These crew members were carefully selected by Caesar before boarding the ship.

Their potential is one in a million on Gallen Island, so these crew members are not minions, but elites with strength comparable to million-level pirates.

Although their strength is very weak in Caesar’s eyes, Caesar believes that after experiencing the trials of the Grand Line and the New World, they will become stronger.

“Okay, boys, let’s go!”

“Next stop, Venice Peak.”


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