As soon as they saw Ekano near the ship, they wanted to turn around and run.

As for why they recognized Ekano so quickly, it was because CP0 released an important message a few days ago that everyone needed to know.

Simply put, Ekano was labeled as an extremely dangerous person, and CP0 even warned all CP0s around the world who were on missions or busy with various things, and ordered everyone to recognize Ekano's wanted order clearly.

Marshal Sengoku was amazed when he heard the news, and shared it with the three admirals and a group of navy vice admirals.

Even Marshal Sengoku, who was beaten by Ekano, and the three admirals and a group of vice admirals couldn't help but admire Ekano.

Even the enemies admired Ekano's various feats. It was very obvious that this was a shadow of the World Government.

He was really a tough guy.

They had never seen an enemy that CP0 needed to warn so seriously.

Even Rocks had never been treated like this.

You have to know that the most basic quality of CP0 is to put life and death aside, and the mission is more important than their lives.

Therefore, CP0, which is not afraid of death, has never issued any special orders to warn CP0s around the world.

For them, the worst case scenario is that they will not issue any tasks that cannot be completed.

Many CP0s were killed by the Four Emperors, and CP0 has never issued any orders to warn all CP0s in the world.

And Ekano is strong and ruthless.

And he has no fixed place to live, and has no interests on the sea.

The Four Emperors have to consider their own interests on the sea. After all, they also have various things they want to do.

If the World Government intervenes, what they want to do will be obstructed and their benefits will be greatly reduced.

This is something they absolutely don't want to see.

If they have the ability to overthrow the World Government, of course they don't care about any shitty World Government.

As long as they dare to intervene, they will directly overthrow the World Government.

But there are many pirates, but there has only been one World Government for hundreds of years.

Every pirate is an ambitious character, and there are many who want to be the king of the world.

Which of the arrogant pirates doesn't think that they are the most special people in the world.

How can they allow a World Government to suppress their reputation all the time?

But why did the World Government stand still while the pirates disappeared one by one?

The strength of the World Government is always unpredictable, which is the main reason why the Four Emperors are afraid of the World Government.

Most of the Four Emperors who have figured it out will not completely tear their faces with the World Government.

Small-scale conflicts are possible, but large-scale conflicts are basically non-existent.

But Ekano is a headache for the World Government.

As an enemy, they have to deal with him, but there is no good way to deal with him. Bribing him is not effective. After Ekano threw their face to the ground and stepped on them when they invited Ekano to be the Seven Warlords of the Sea, they felt that the bribery trick was not very effective.

But bribery is also the method with the least loss, and it is no wonder that Peter proposed to continue to bribe Ekano.

The second way is to threaten Ekano.

For example, threaten with relatives and family members, or threaten with interests that cannot be given up.

But Ekano has neither of these two.

Now the World Government has given up the idea of threatening the island where Ekano once was.

They are afraid of angering Ekano at once, and then Ekano will be more cunning in revenge and bring them greater losses.

The loss brought to them by Ikano is almost unbearable.

Let's not talk about anything else.

A few more attacks like the one that blew up Mary Joa before would be enough.

It can be compared to this: as long as you hold the button that will kill everyone together. No one dares to anger you at once before you lose the ability to press the button, as long as they don't want to die.

They can only play the trick of boiling a frog in warm water and then look for opportunities.

Ikano's existence is a headache for the World Government.

There is really no way to deal with it.

It's impossible to find a handle to keep Ikano and them from offending each other.

And these CP0s have heard of Ikano's name for a long time.

These bloodthirsty CP0s now want to turn around and run a hundred meters in one second.

And they all pray that their colleagues can run slower than themselves.

Although their strength is quite good in this sea, they are weak in mentality, and bloodthirstiness is their cowardly inner protection.

They are very afraid of death, so they will hit the weak hard, but they are submissive to the strong.

They want to have a higher survival rate. The more cowardly they are, the easier it is to stimulate the opponent's will to survive to the limit, making them feel that they have a chance and fight back desperately.

If they don't want to die in the mission, it is easier to complete the mission successfully by posing a bloodthirsty, powerful and oppressive posture than a cowardly one.

Suppress the opponent's will to survive to the lowest level, and seize the opportunity to kill them with one blow when they are emotionally agitated and distracted.

In short, it is normal for them to run away.

Most pirates are more courageous than them, and they are so flexible.

All CP0s are like being chased by wild beasts, and they are running towards the warships with their moon steps almost running out of smoke.

But they are destined not to escape, because they are running too slowly.

"Why leave if you're here? Even in the air, your movement speed seems too slow to me, like an ant moving."

Icanor's eyes were calm and not panicked. He didn't look anxious at all, as if the enemy was about to run away.

He raised his battle axe and chopped it horizontally in the direction of the fleeing CP0.


A strange sound appeared.

All the CP0 who were trying to escape by moon steps suddenly stopped moving at the same time. Their eyes widened and the light in their eyes gradually disappeared.

A large amount of blood gushed out from the position close to their upper and lower bodies like a fountain.

In the shocked and stunned eyes of the CP0 on the warship, all the CP0 who were moon steps to cause trouble were uniformly broken into two halves and fell into the sea.

Icanor kept the posture of swinging the axe, and then resumed his normal standing posture.

He calmly looked at the warship not far away, while the people on the warship looked at Icanor with horror.

Seeing is believing.

Even though they were repeatedly warned by their superiors that Icanor was extremely terrifying.

But after actually seeing him, their fear broke through the original limit.


"Finished...The mission of this escort..."

The CP0s on the ship had different emotions, but Icanor ignored them.

He jumped directly, and the whole ship was shaken by his reaction force.

Icanor landed on the deck of the warship in the desperate eyes of all the CP0s.

Although he didn't have any ferocious expression, in their eyes, Icanor, who looked very calm at this time, exuded an extremely dangerous aura like a human lion.

Icanor spoke calmly and calmly.

"So, everyone, have you thought about what your last words will be?"

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