Crescent Hunter's smile stopped. She was not in a good mood to begin with.

She decided to take out Ekanor's heart.

Crescent Hunter stared at Ekanor fiercely.

The arrogance revealed in Ekanor's body and words made the navy and pirates who were watching the situation here and not making any rash moves secretly mutter in their hearts.

The title of the King of Arrogance is really not wrong.

When Crescent Hunter and the King of Evil Government couldn't help but want to take action.

San Juan Wolf looked at Ekanor blankly.

He saw how the King of Evil Government attacked Ekanor just now, and also noticed the attitudes of the two towards Ekanor.

He was not very smart and finally reacted. He looked at Ekanor and slapped him hard.

"If you are an enemy, then I will kill you."

The scene of San Juan Wolf's palm smashing towards Icanor seemed to be in his eyes as if the sky was smashing down on him.


The strong wind generated by the huge force blew towards all the navy pirates nearby.

When everyone looked at Icanor at this moment, the smoke and dust dispersed and Icanor's figure made everyone stunned.

I saw that the huge palm swung by San Juan Wolf was blocked by Icanor with one hand, and Icanor's other hand was holding the magic axe Rita that he had taken out at some point.

Icanor was hit by such a huge mass with all his strength, and not only was his whole body not injured He only had some injuries and even his clothes were not damaged.

The only evidence that San Juan Wolf did not let him win was probably Icanor's messy hair and the pitiful cracks on the ground under Icanor's feet.

San Juan Wolf was also confused, but Icanor did not stand still when he was in a daze.

Instead, he took a few steps as if taking a walk, then jumped towards San Juan Wolf and swung an axe that seemed perfunctory and powerless to outsiders. After landing, Icanor ignored San Juan Wolf behind him and walked slowly towards the King of Evil Government. Crescent Moon Hunter.

Everyone present looked at Icanor in confusion, and also wondered why San Juan Wolf behind him did not continue to attack.

Soon they knew the answer.

In their unbelievable eyes, the effect of the perfunctory axe just now appeared.

San Juan Wolf kept a dazed look, and then a wound appeared at the waist of his upper body. It was directly cut in half.

Blood gushed out like a fountain, and the upper body of San Juan Wolf gradually slid down.

The huge battleship, San Juan Wolf.

Was easily cut in half and died.

Stunned to watch The pupils of the King of Evil and the Crescent Hunter trembled as they watched San Juan the Wolf die.

San Juan the Wolf was not some random person who could be killed by just anyone.

Not to mention being killed with one strike!

The King of Evil looked at Ekano who was slowly walking towards them and began to panic.

He had just escaped from Impel Down, and there were so many things he hadn't done and his ambitions hadn't been fulfilled.

He didn't want to die!

Even the King of Evil didn't notice.

The drunkard Basque Chote, who was not far from them, was startled when he saw San Juan the Wolf being killed with one strike, and he sobered up and ran away.

"I didn't allow you to escape,】,【Exploding Arrogance】"

A huge fireball like a small sun appeared in Ekano's hand and was thrown at Basque Jot.

The fireball caught up with Basque Jot and hit him, then exploded directly.

Basque Jot was blown into pieces.

In the explosion, Basque Jot's mind had never been so clear before he lost consciousness, and he was in great pain.

There was physical pain, and he had escaped from the most difficult prison in the world to escape and saw the light of day again.

But before he had time to do anything, he died on the battlefield not long after escaping from prison!

He hated that he had not followed Blackbeard to escape just now, otherwise his life would have been saved!

With regret for his arrogance, nostalgia for life, and fear of Ekano.

Basque Jot's consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

The King of Evil and the Crescent Hunter looked at another pirate who was easily killed. Their intuition warned them frantically.

They gradually turned their heads with a trace of fear in their eyes and looked at Ekano, who was carrying a battle axe and had walked very close to them.

The sound of Ekano's shoes stepping on the ground seemed to be broadcasting the remaining time of their lives.

At this moment, Zhan Guo suddenly yelled

"All navy, stop chasing pirates! Attack the arrogant king Ekano and destroy him!"

Zhan Guo looked at Ekano in shock and anger.

Even though he was stunned for a moment just now, Ekano easily killed two pirates on the sixth floor of Impel Down in such a short time and wiped them out with one blow!

Zhan Guo, who was still hesitating whether to ignore Ekano, instantly listed Ekano as the number one threat.

Ekano is already a wanted criminal who is opposed to the navy, and he is so powerful.

After obtaining the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, if he takes it.

That big criminal who gives the navy a headache will rise up and disrupt the order of the world!

I don't know how many people will suffer from the disrupted order!

None of the criminals can be trusted, they must be killed or thrown into Impel Down!

He will never allow them to be in After destroying the Whitebeard Pirates, another threat of this magnitude has emerged!

The Navy is now more powerful than ever before!

All the Navy's elite are here!

Garp, him, Tsuru, and the three admirals are all here except for the seriously injured Borsalino.

Even the Seven Warlords of the Sea can be counted!

Yes, this huge threat can be completely destroyed!

Even if he cannot be destroyed, the Tremor-Tremor Fruit must not be left in his hands!

But the best thing is to kill the King of Pride directly!

If the King of Pride, Ekano, is allowed to obtain the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, he will only become a guy that even the Navy cannot deal with!

He directly used his fruit ability and gradually transformed into a huge golden Buddha form.


After transforming into a huge golden Buddha, Sengoku led the way and attacked Ikano angrily.

""The arrogant king Ekano! Come and die here!"

Akainu also understood what Sengoku meant, and without hesitation gave up the pirate and prepared to use the fruit ability to attack Ekano.


The huge explosion resounded throughout the battlefield.

His pupils contracted and looked at the battle situation that changed drastically at this moment.

On the battlefield, Ekano was directly hit by Sengoku's shock wave.

But he seemed to be fine, and the shock wave was still continuing to attack him.

But at this time, it was almost noon.

There was no trace of damage on his body, only the surrounding gravel and dust were constantly being crushed.

Ekano looked at the shocked and unbelievable Sengoku, and his eyes were already a little compassionate.

"I said that I have no ill will towards the navy, but it seems that you always offend me, the great man. It seems that I must make you completely afraid of me."

Icanor decided to teach the navy a lesson they will never forget.

Let them understand the consequences of attacking lions.

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