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"Sengoku Daisho!! What is that!?"

"Someone suddenly appeared on the island! He is fighting with the Ward Pirates!"

"In an instant!! In an instant... except for Bondy, there was no one on the island. ·Except for Waldo, hundreds of pirates were killed! ! "

On the sea surface several miles away from the target island, the navy soldier standing on the observation tower who had been observing the movements on the island through a telescope suddenly screamed excitedly Shouted:

"It's Colonel Darren!! He appeared on the island!!"

"He killed hundreds of Bondi Waldo's men in an instant!!"


Zhan Guo was stunned. With a cry of surprise, he quickly took the telescope handed over by the personal guard and searched quickly in his field of vision.

But at this moment, Borsalino, who was picking his nails, suddenly raised his head and said with a smile: "No need to look for them, they are here." Zhan Guo was startled when he heard this, and then subconsciously opened his sight color Domineering perception.

As if he had sensed something, his pupils suddenly shrank into pinholes, and his sight looked far into the sky above the island.

Then, all the navy officers on the warship suddenly widened their eyes and opened their mouths slightly. My mind went blank, as if I had seen something incredible.

In the sky far away, one navy ship after another broke through the clouds, flexibly changing direction in the sky as if not controlled by wind and gravity. The camps were lined up in a row.

One after another, huge black heavy cannons protruded from the hull.

After a second of silence... they suddenly opened fire!!

The firepower of the storm swept across the harbor of the deserted island like a land wash, bursting into balls of red flames one after another, and then exploded into a blazing sea of ​​fire.

The earth-shaking tremors continued to be heard from afar, and the naked eye could see The raging waves howled and rolled in the sea near the deserted island.

"The four pirate ships of the Ward Pirates... all, all destroyed..."

In the dead silence, someone on the deck finally swallowed with a gurgle. He spat and spoke in a hoarse voice.

As the silence was broken, all the navy on the warship cheered at once.

"That's our navy's warship..."

"Yes, the righteous seagull flag!!"

"But where did this navy fleet come from!?"

"A flying navy fleet!?"

"We don't have Receive any signal of reinforcement from the headquarters..."

"Wait! We are in the North Sea! !"

"Could it be..."

The navy members discussed it in a flurry, and then they all realized something and turned their eyes to Their admiral.

"Great job!!!"

At this moment, Zhan Guo suddenly punched hard, shouted excitedly, and the wide cloak of justice behind him fluttered.

His eyes were hot and greedy, staring at the word " The hearts of the North Sea Fleet were pounding wildly.

A naval fleet that can fly freely in the sky!

Darren, this brat, is hiding so deeply! !

Zhan Guo couldn't help but curl up a happy smile at the corner of his mouth .

As a navy admiral and the most "intelligent" man in the justice camp, Zhan Guo knows better than anyone how important a flying navy fleet is in war.

Apart from other things, their navy alone His old rival, Shiki the Golden Lion, used the power of the Float-Float Fruit to lift his pirate fleet into the sky.

He was elusive and could move in secret, even when facing a naval fleet several times his size. Easily escape from the battlefield.

Coupled with the extremely powerful combat power of the Golden Lion himself, he is completely invincible!

With such ability, the Golden Lion Shiki even surpassed Roger and Whitebeard in one fell swoop, becoming the most troublesome and The feared pirate.

The navy has always been unable to counter the Golden Lion's ability and can only passively adopt a defensive strategy.

But now it's different!!

If we can use the ability of Darren, this brat...

Maybe... Maybe the navy can also create an invincible "flying fleet"! !

By that time, the fleet of justice will be able to freely enter and exit the New World without hindrance, reach every corner of the world, ignore the interference and constraints of ocean currents and routes, and use the fastest speed and the most flexible strategy to...punish evil!! Thinking of this, Zhan Guo's heart became extremely angry.

The heat was rising, and the heart was surging.

He even subconsciously ignored the fact that the North Sea Fleet was equipped with powerful firepower far beyond the norm.

"General Sengoku, should we take action?"

Borsalino said with a smile.

Sengoku was stunned, and suddenly realized that this was the signal to attack!

"Everyone attack!! Go at full speed!"

He raised his hand and made a gesture, his face solemn.

The moment the voice fell, the navy on the warship immediately took action quickly, hoisted the sails, and the warship's power engine was turned to the maximum.

"And... Borsalino!! What are you doing!? Hurry up and support!!"

Sengoku suddenly turned his head and roared angrily at Borsalino who was still there slowly tidying up his suit:

"If anything happens to Darren, I will only ask you!!"

The four pirate ships were sunk in an instant, and Bondi Waldo was now in a desperate situation with nowhere to escape.

What kind of counterattack will the beast that is forced into a corner launch?

At this moment, Darren is the only one on the deserted island!

Borsalino raised his hands in surrender and muttered in a low voice:

"Yes, yes, if I hadn't reminded you, you would have been so excited that you forgot to attack..."

After that, his figure was scattered into countless golden photons, whistling and shooting towards the distant island.

Watching the golden light flying away quickly, Zhan Guo was so anxious that he was sweating all over his head. He clenched his fists and squeezed so hard that veins appeared on the back of his hands.

In any case, Darren must not get into trouble!


"Navy kid, you are looking for death!!"

The furious roar exploded the waves.

Bondi Waldo's eyes were a violent red, and dense bloodshot appeared around his pupils.

Looking at the deserted island coastline that was "blooming everywhere", how could he not have thought that he had fallen into the encirclement of the navy! ?

The four pirate ships, including thousands of men on board, were wiped out in an instant, drowned in the terrifying firepower of the North Sea Fleet.

The navy kid in front of him was just a naval colonel, and there was no way he could leave himself behind.

This also meant that... that bastard Sengoku was definitely nearby!

But his retreat was cut off!!


Bondi Waldo suddenly remembered something, and a hideous smile appeared on his lips again.

"Darren kid, do you think you have cut off my retreat?"

He took out a Den Den Mushi from his arms.

"Hahahahaha!! Didn't you expect it? I still have a ship!!"

He dialed the Den Den Mushi signal.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

No response.

Bondi Waldo was stunned.

"It seems that your Den Den Mushi signal is not very good..."

The navy colonel said with a smile.





Ask for everything, grateful.

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