The target island is several miles away.

A warship floats on the turbulent sea.

"Report to General Zhan Guo, Bondi Valdo has landed on the target island and is heading to the agreed location."

A messenger standing on the observation deck put down the telescope, turned around and saluted Zhan Guo, who was on the deck with his arms folded across his chest.

"Well, can you see how many people he brought?"

Zhan Guo also used the telescope to observe the movements on the distant island, his eyebrows were tightly knitted, as if they were filled with black pen.

The warship was quite far away from the target island. Even with the most accurate telescope of the Navy Headquarters, he could only vaguely see a line of black dots slowly moving forward in the wind and snow.

After all, Bondi Waldo was one of the top strong men in this sea. To be on the safe side, to avoid being detected by his observation Haki, Sengoku had to keep the warship at a certain safe distance.

——Although this guy's threat to the Navy and the World Government came more from his devil fruit ability than his own combat power.

"The exact number cannot be determined, but what is certain is that most of the pirates were arranged by him to be stationed on the four pirate ships docked."


Sengoku was startled when he heard this, and his eyes half-squinted under his black-framed glasses.

"According to intelligence, after this period of recruiting, the Ward Pirates have expanded to five pirate ships, right?"

The messenger replied:

"Yes, General Sengoku, but for some reason, one of the pirate ships did not dock, and we have lost sight of it."

"How cautious..." Borsalino, who was picking his nails on the side, said without raising his head.

Sengoku ignored this idiot, frowned more tightly, and murmured solemnly:

"Is it Bin Jack's work?"

As the vice captain of the Ward Pirates and the elder brother of Bondi Waldo, Bin Jack is physically weak and has no combat power, but he has wisdom and caution that ordinary pirates do not have.

As the core figure and staff of the Ward Pirates, he is the brain of the pirate group, and complements Bondi Waldo's powerful strength, posing a serious threat.

In the past many crusades, it was Bin Jack's wisdom that allowed Bondi Waldo to escape successfully, causing the navy to fail.

"General Sengoku, it has been confirmed that the target has landed on the island. When will we act?"

A personal soldier walked over quickly and asked in a low voice.

Sengoku glanced at Borsalino who was sitting there leisurely, pondered for a moment, and said in a deep voice:

"Wait a little longer..."

He took out a military Den Den Mushi from his arms and looked at the sleeping Den Den Mushi.

"... Wait for Colonel Darren's signal."


On the deserted island.

The wind and snow drifted down from the gloomy sky, and Bondi Waldo led hundreds of pirates to trek forward in the cold snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

His breath condensed into white frost in the cold air, and Bin Jack, sitting on Bondi Waldo's shoulders, subconsciously tightened his sheepskin coat.

It was dead silent all the way, and there seemed to be endless land and snow-capped mountains in front of me.

"Waldo... I have a bad feeling."

Bin Jack looked at the snow-capped mountains and wilderness in silence and shuddered.

"Hahaha, brother, you think too much. As long as we get the arms, we will leave this island immediately... By then, the world is so big, where can we not go?"

Bondi Waldo smiled and comforted Bin Jack, his eyes filled with a fiery ambition as strong as a flame.

"No, that's not what I'm talking about."

Bin Jack shook his head, and his dark sick face seemed to become even paler because of the cold weather.

"We have taken too big a step. Since we set out to sea, we have been in the midst of killing and fighting."

"For unknown reasons, the bounty has skyrocketed. Sengoku is keeping a close eye on us... More and more people are joining our Ward Pirates. The number of our subordinates has far exceeded the scope that the cadres can control."


He paused, looking at Bondi Waldo with an indescribable complexity in his eyes.

"You have changed, Waldo."

"You have become more and more bold and unscrupulous. Human lives are like ants in your eyes. You are frantically destroying everything that stands in your way.

Everything about you...if we continue like this, we will sooner or later face unpredictable consequences. "

Bondi Waldo suddenly stopped.

The members of the pirate group behind him also subconsciously stopped and looked at their captain with some doubts.

The withered snow fell from the sky, falling on Bondi Waldo's helmet, shoulders, and body like stars, and the smile on his face had disappeared.

"Brother, what do you want to say?"

Bondi Waldo's voice became low.

"Have you forgotten our dream? ... Traveling around the world, isn't this your original dream?"

"No, Waldo, I haven't forgotten."

Bin Jack shook his head, his dark eyes full of confusion.

"Even now, I still want to travel around the world, to see different styles and scenery with my own eyes on the vast and endless sea, and to find the freedom of life!"

"It is you who really forgot this dream. ”

“When was the last time we played on an island we had never been to, laughing freely and easily?”

“You don’t remember, do you?”

“What you enjoy now is not traveling, not adventure, what you enjoy… is killing and destruction.”

“As your strength grows stronger, especially after you get that devil fruit, you change, you seem to be a completely different person…”

“Your desire to destroy and ruin becomes stronger and stronger, your ambition grows stronger and stronger, you want to destroy everything that stands in your way… The official ships of the World Government, the fleets of the Navy, and even innocent civilians and towns are all devoured by your anger.”

“——They forced me to do this!!”

Bondi Waldo suddenly shouted angrily, interrupting his brother’s words directly.

The veins on his forehead bulged, his expression was ferocious, and his fists were clenched tightly.

“If I don’t do this, how can we support our dreams! ? ”

“Traveling around the world is not just a slogan. We need money and powerful strength. I can only make those who want to kill us fear and be wary by constantly destroying, plundering and destroying...!”

“I have such a powerful power as the Momo Fruit... Why can't I be the overlord of this sea! ?”

“Just stand behind me and watch, brother...”

“I will definitely destroy all the guys who try to hinder us... Whether it is the navy or the world government, they will crawl at the feet of me, Bondi Waldo!”

After saying that, he raised a wanton grin at the corner of his mouth again and strode towards the distance.

Bin Jack sat on his shoulder, staring at his profile with his eyes in a daze, sighing in his heart.





Ask for everything, thank you.

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