The more you complain, the more you will be punished.

"You complain about everything, blame your father, what have you done?"

Darren mercilessly ridiculed and mocked.

Looking at the blond kid in front of him with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth and gradually becoming hideous, the barely visible smile in the depths of his half-closed eyes became more intense.

Come on, say it out.

The greatest anger and hatred in your heart.

Doflamingo clenched his fists tightly, his teeth clenched.

What did I do...

What did I do...

He suddenly gritted his teeth and roared with red eyes:

"I killed my stupid father!!"

The moment he said this, he seemed to have found an outlet for his emotions, and an uncontrollable hideous smile gradually emerged on his face.


He laughed crazily,

"You can't imagine it? That feeling is so wonderful..."

"If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have suffered so much torture and misfortune."

"I'm not complaining... I took action..."

"I'm a natural king!!"


He stared at the navy in front of him with a strong desire to win.

"You should have seen how desperate his eyes were."

"You should have seen how wonderful his expression was when I pulled out the gun and pointed it at him!! Hehehehehehehe!!"

Doflamingo laughed crazily, but tears like blood oozed from his eyes, and he screamed madly.

"I swear to take back everything I have!!"

"I've had enough of living in hell! I was born in heaven, why do I have to live in this hell on earth!?"

"Before he died, he was still saying sorry... But what's the use of apology!? Apology can't change anything!"

"But if he dies, it's okay."

"So I shot him."

"I cut off his head, a bloody head... I carried it back to the holy land of Marijoa, I want him to see with his own eyes that I become a Celestial Dragon again and live the life that should belong to me!!"


A burst of applause suddenly sounded, which was extremely harsh in this dark hall.

Doflamingo looked at the black-haired navy clapping in front of him in astonishment,

"So that's it, it's indeed a moving and ups-and-downs story..."

Darren clapped his hands, and a mocking arc appeared on his face.

"This really makes me sympathize with him from the bottom of my heart. A stupid father, a gentle mother, and a rebellious and paranoid son... Well, let me guess, the happy ending of the story should be that the son kills his own father, proves himself, and finally regains the life he wants?"

Doflamingo was struck by lightning.

Darren smiled.

It's coming, you will collapse soon.

Feel the despair.

He half squatted down, stretched out his hand to rub the hair of the blond kid, and smiled teasingly.

"So, did you get everything you wanted, Doflamingo?"

"You killed your beloved father and even cruelly cut off his head... The World Government should be very satisfied with your actions, right?"

Doflamingo stood there blankly, his lips moved, but he couldn't say a word.

Darren smiled meaningfully and slowly approached the blond boy:

"You were holding your father's head, as if you were carrying the spoils of victory. I guess you must have been very excited and excited at the time, right?"

"Perhaps in your imagination, the World Government would pile up flowers along the way, play exciting music, and build a grand stage for you... Under the witness of the world, the arrogant natural king Don Quixote Doflamingo will ascend the throne of the Celestial Dragons again."

He made an exaggerated gesture, and his voice gradually became lower, revealing an inexplicable magnetism.

"You long for it from the bottom of your heart, you will climb the ladder of heaven step by step under the gaze of thousands of people."

"You long for it from the bottom of your heart, you will be praised and flattered, and the Five Elders will personally put on gorgeous clothes for you."

"You long for it from the bottom of your heart, you will become a Celestial Dragon again and live a good life again."

The voice of the navy colonel was like a cold nail, and like a sharp dagger, deeply inserted into the heart of the blond boy.

"This is how you can prove that your father is wrong,"

"This is how you can find a suitable reason to kill your father,"

"This is how you can let go of the guilt of killing your father in your heart

Guilt and self-blame, become a little easier..."

With every word he said, Doflamingo's face turned paler.

"But none of this happened."

"You gambled everything, killed your father, endured self-blame and guilt, but in return you were looked down upon, despised, and mocked."

"There is no glorious return ceremony, no applause and flowers, no life of superiority..."

"Ambitious you, brought the spoils of victory to the holy land of Marijoa, but in the end you were driven out like a wild dog..."

"I even heard that you humbly knelt on the stairs of heaven that day and wiped off the blood stains left on it..."


Doflamingo suddenly roared uncontrollably, his bloodshot eyes almost bulging out of his eye sockets.

"Stop talking!!! "

Dense veins bulged on his forehead.

His eyes were filled with unspeakable hatred and anger, like a blazing flame, wanting to completely burn the whole world.

"That's why I want to destroy this world!!!"

Well, the fire is enough.

It's easier than I thought, it collapsed like this... But that's right, he's only 12 years old.

Since the wolf is completely starving, give it a target to hunt.

Darren's eyes turned dim and smiled:

"No, no, no, you're going in the wrong direction."

"Think about it, is it the world's fault that you have fallen into this situation today?"

He put his mouth close to Doflamingo's ear and persuaded him:

"You are a natural king. Is the king's magnanimity limited to venting anger on lowly civilians?"

"Trampling the weak is meaningless. ”

“Doflamingo, think carefully, who is the one who brought you to this situation today…”

“Is it your father? Maybe, but he is dead.”

“Is it the civilians who tortured you? But they are also dead.”

“Think carefully, who is it… who made you kneel on the ground and wipe the blood like a stray dog, and come to the North Sea in such a remote place…”

“Think carefully, if you can take revenge, who will be the one you feel most happy to take revenge on?”

“Think carefully, if you have the opportunity at this moment, imagine boldly… let some people kneel in front of you and beg for mercy, who would you choose?”

The captain’s magnetic voice was like the devil of hell mumbling, exuding a soul-stirring temptation.

Doflamingo was stunned.

His blood-red eyes trembled violently, and his expression kept changing.

Darren simply gave him the final blow.

“Think carefully, who do you want to be the most? "

Doflamingo was shocked.

One second,

Two seconds,

Three seconds,


In Darren's satisfied eyes and smile,

He was like a hungry wolf, with red eyes, resentment, and madness, roaring out these words from between his teeth:

"World Government...Five Elder Stars!!!"





I ask for everything, and I am grateful.

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