The waves were surging.

On the deck of the warship, Zhan Guo looked solemn, with his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth restlessly.

The snowflakes falling from the sky remained on his hair and military uniform, but he didn't bother to wipe them off.


Accompanied by the sound of the waves, heads emerged from the sea, and they were the diving troops.

"Report to General Zhan Guo, the official ship was completely destroyed, and most of the wreckage was washed away by the sea. No meaningful residue can be found."

"But what is certain is that the hull of the official ship was destroyed in a very short time, and the shells and gunpowder loaded in the cabin were ignited, which caused a fire and explosion."

A member of the diving team dragged his wet body and quickly boarded the warship, saluted Zhan Guo and reported.

Is it really the case?

Zhan Guo's heart sank slightly.

Although from the traces left on the sea, he had already guessed that this would be the result, but people always have a fluke mentality.

Zhan Guo frowned and looked at the CP0 members who remained silent on the side.

"Where is the monitoring Den Den Mushi on the official ship?"

"If I remember correctly, according to normal regulations, the official ships of the World Government are equipped with monitoring Den Den Mushi to ensure the personal safety of the Celestial Dragons."

CP0 pondered for a second, did not speak, just turned around and walked towards the cabin.

Zhan Guo was stunned when he saw this, and then he understood something in an instant and quickly followed.

After they entered the cabin, closed the door, and made sure that there was no one around, the CP0 members slowly took out a video Den Den Mushi from their arms and placed it on the table.

"The official ship is indeed equipped with a surveillance Den Den Mushi."

"Under normal circumstances, as long as someone boarded the official ship, they would enter the surveillance video of the Den Den Mushi as soon as possible."

CP0 said in a low voice, and the mask with strange patterns stared at Zhan Guo blankly while speaking, making the latter feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

"This is the live video at that time."

Zhan Guo subconsciously stretched out his hand and wanted to open the video Den Den Mushi to play the video.

The CP0 suddenly stepped forward, held Zhan Guo's hand, and said coldly:

"This video involves the privacy of the world government and the world's nobles. No matter what you see in it, you must not spread it."

Zhan Guo glanced at him.

"Of course I know."

CP0 then retracted his hand wearing white gloves.

Then, along with the projection of the video Den Den Mushi, a hazy white light soon lit up in the dim cabin.

Several surveillance images from different angles appeared in front of Zhan Guo at the same time.

The first thing that came into view was

a harbor that looked like a white crescent. Because of the clearing, the originally bustling harbor seemed a little deserted.

The background sky was gray and snowing, revealing a sad atmosphere.

Zhan Guo saw from a surveillance screen that several CP1 members in black suits moved heavy boxes into the main cabin.

Next was the Celestial Dragon Shields Saint wearing a glass cover on his head. He walked up to the official ship with a proud look under the escort of several CP1s.

The sails on the mast of the official ship were hoisted and snapped, and under the encouragement of the sea breeze, it sailed out of the harbor.

In surveillance images from different angles.

Zhan Guo saw a little girl with red eyes crying, her hands and feet shackled, being dragged roughly into an independent cabin by CP members, curled up in a dark corner in despair and helplessness.

He saw the CP1 members on the deck, smoking and flirting with each other with a relaxed look.

He saw the mountains of gold and silver treasures in the main cabin.

He saw the Celestial Dragons torturing a woman with a long whip and dancing excitedly accompanied by the music of saxophone.

Just a few short pictures.

He saw the heaven and hell on earth...

Extravagance and bloody cruelty,

Bright and beautiful and desperate and cold,

Only separated by a wall.

Strongly contrasting pictures appeared in front of Zhan Guo at the same time.

What he didn't realize was that his fists had been clenched tightly without knowing when.

Suddenly the surveillance video freezes, and then turns into countless snowflakes.

Zhan Guo was stunned.

"Where's the next surveillance video?"

He finally came to his senses, took a deep breath to suppress the discomfort in his heart, and asked in a stiff tone.

A hoarse, cold voice came from under CP0's mask:

"This is the whole

"The surveillance video of the official ship was only a moment, and the signal transmitted by the surveillance Den Den Mushi on the official ship was directly interrupted, and the picture disappeared completely." Zhan Guo's heart suddenly jumped, and he blurted out: "In other words, in less than a second, the entire official ship was sunk and everyone on board was killed? "

The moment he said this, even he himself felt a little unbelievable.

With the wide distribution of surveillance Den Den Mushi on the official ships of the World Government, it is completely impossible for anyone to sneak into them.

But even if someone really dares to attack the Celestial Dragons, he will face the obstruction of the CP members on the ship.

Although CP1 is mainly responsible for intelligence collection and analysis in the CP sequence, they are elites who have received special training from the government after all. Apart from anything else, at least everyone has the combat power that is not inferior to the school-level officers of the Navy Headquarters.

Under their obstruction, no matter what, the surveillance Den Den Mushi will at least capture the appearance or figure of the attacker.

But the surveillance video in front of him was interrupted in an instant.

With the perspective of Warring States, there is only one reason that can cause this result.

——When no one was able to react, The attacker destroyed the entire ship in an instant at a distance beyond the range of the surveillance Den Den Mushi.

CP0 did not speak.

But silence is the best answer.

Zhan Guo's eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy and solemn.

"A person who can have such strength..."

He crossed his arms, frowned, and fell into deep thought.

Destroyed the entire ship in an instant... and it was a long-range attack...

There are many people who can do this in this sea, but there are definitely not many.

At least according to the navy's combat power standards, even the headquarters vice admiral cannot do it easily.

In an instant, a series of well-known names and domineering faces that make people tremble quickly flashed through Zhan Guo's mind.

"According to our CP department's analysis of the remaining wreckage of the official ship... the ability used by the attacker is not swordsmanship. "

At this time, the CP0 suddenly spoke.

Has the possibility of the great swordsman's attack been ruled out?

Zhan Guo was slightly stunned, but shook his head.

"This is not enough to explain the problem. Long-distance slashing can indeed do this, but strong people of this level generally have various different means of attack. "

"Whitebeard and Golden Lion are the best examples."

He seemed to remember something, took out the military Den Den Mushi, and dialed the headquarters' communication.

In less than three seconds, the communication was connected.

Zhan Guo said to the Den Den Mushi with a serious look:

"Hello, Xiao He, I am Zhan Guo."

"Yes... I am investigating the attack on the world nobles. Can you help me check the movements of the three guys, Whitebeard, Roger and Golden Lion, in the past three days. "

"What? You said that they have not appeared in the North Sea in the past three days?"

Zhan Guo was silent for a moment,

"Okay, I know, please trouble you, Xiao He. "

He put away the Den Den Mushi, paced back and forth in the dark cabin, and muttered to himself:

"Aren't they those guys?"

"Then... based on the situation at the scene, the possibility of attacking the Celestial Dragons, and so on... the most likely attacker... should be..."

Zhan Guo's stern expression suddenly became a little strange.

"Bondi Waldo? "

Long-range attack, instantly destroying a large official ship;

Brutal and ferocious, attacking the World Government and the Celestial Dragons without restraint;

The specific location is just in the North Sea...

If the incident had not happened when he was chasing Bondi Waldo, Sengoku could have been sure that the "World Destroyer" Bondi Waldo was the attacker.

Is the train of thought broken again?

Sengoku rubbed his temples.

At this time,

Knock knock knock...

The knock on the door sounded suddenly.

Sengoku was stunned, and through the perception of the observation Haki, he determined that it was Borsalino who knocked on the door.

He hesitated, turned off the video Den Den Mushi, and responded.

"Come in. "

Borsalino pushed the door open and walked in.

"General Sengoku, I may have guessed who attacked the Celestial Dragons' ship..."

He walked into the cabin slowly.

CP0 raised his eyebrows.

Sengoku's eyes lit up when he heard that.

"What do you think?"

Borsalino smiled, puffed out his chest, and said seriously:

"Sea King creatures."

He held his head high, with a proud look on his face.



The next second, Sengoku's furious voice came from the cabin.

, shaking the entire warship.

"Get out of here, you bastard!!"





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